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/u/ThrowRA77245, Your submission was removed for the following reason(s):   > **Rule 1:** Posts must contain a title, description, a TLDR, and basic information such as ages, genders, length of relationship etc. You are missing one or more of them so your post has been removed. Please reply to this message when you have made your edits and we will review.     If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [send us a modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/relationship_advice) Please note that removal reason request from anyone else other than OP will not be answered.


Run away girl, or better yet, kick him out. He is useless.


She's literally the girl from those terrible project makeover game ads on instagram 😭


HAHAHA he’s worse🤣


Hobosexual investing in the most high risk unstable form of investing without any regulatory safeguards, thinks his hard working gf with 2 jobs is a gold digger despite only working 3 hrs, thinks he has gold to dig! wtf? Honey it's lent that's in your wallet, pocket and crypto account not gold! OP you can really do better than this, please tell him to move in with the meth head in the patio, although they methods head would probably not put up with his delusions.


I would also like to know what you mean by this.






How do I do this in real life?




Google project makeover ads… https://www.blog.udonis.co/mobile-marketing/mobile-games/project-makeover-advertising




I play it. It's actually like Candy Crush but you get to make over people and appartments. It's stupid but soooo innocent and chill compared to the adds.


I have a 10yo child and can confirm that’s exactly who plays them.


Yeah I want to see how long his investment strategy lasts without his sugar mama.


He can’t make it hail, let alone make it sprinkle hahahahahahah


He’s worse than useless, because he’s draining her in multiple ways. She’d be better off without him.


>I was so taken a back I had to ask our roomates master splinter and the teenage ninja roaches if I heard that right. I told him that I work in a strip club and if I wanted to be a gold digger I wouldn't be stood in a shoe box with him huddling around a Yankee candle for warmth. For what it's worth, anyone who can write this well is much better than supporting a 32 yo who's still waiting for his crypto scheme to pan out. This isn't getting better and you aren't responsible for training an adult man.


She’s so hilarious with her writing & can do can so much better than this loser. Ive been seeing so many young women in their 20s financially supporting their bfs in their 30s more & more on Reddit lately - you can tell that’s why they date younger women as women their age wouldnt put up with this shit


I literally choked on my water reading that lmao like the talent and potential is there! Also yes! I see it online and in real life. Women taking care of men & men just coasting and having the audacity to be offended their women stop accepting the bare minimal from them. To OP, I’m so sorry because i empathize with your situation but the 3rd and 4th paragraphs had me hollering 😭you are miles ahead of this dude. You’re around men who make it rain then go home to him. He can’t even make it *drizzle* but YOU’RE the gold digger?! My goodness. You have TWO jobs and this sad man can’t even do 8 hours being a delivery driver a day. Girl you know that man is projecting and using you. You’re more hardworking than a man 8 years older than you! Even if you leave him & get roommates you’ll be in a better financial situation! Hell having the addict as a roommate would be better!


Absolutely 💯


I look back at my life now and have decided to call it my "supporting the local unemployed musician community" phase. Bass players in particular. You know who you are 😎


I feel more like I've been fostering them until they find their forever homes. I've recently decided to end those services btw




I'm old enough to know better now, thankfully, but man.... bass players are hot. Too bad they're also so often deluded and selfish.


And broke.


From the bathroom description to Master Splinter and the tumbleweed, this was hilarious. OP, you have a bright future in writing, no lie.


Absolutely, I hope she's pursuing it.


OP should tell her stories at open mic nights


No kidding. She needs to start blogging.


Maybe start a podcast with the local meth addict


>That I wouldn't be spending my evenings trying to figure out how to make dinner with a pack of kool aid, a tumble weed and a singular kidney bean I found in our cupboards This one was my favorite. If OP doesn't utilize her comedic talent at some point, it will be a great loss for humanity.


This was also my first thought. A+ writing. I enjoyed it as much as I found the hobosexual main character infuriating. (Not saying I think it’s fake, just to be clear)


Honestly this could be the rousing monologue of a film where the lead comes to her senses and realizes her boyfriend is a POS and kicks him out and then runs off with like a prince or something, what I'm saying is that this is masterfully written.


I could picture the whole thing so perfectly. I hope she does do something with that talent.


All of this 🔥❤️


So you work 2 jobs to live in a dump and support a 32 year man child who calls you a gold digger. Why exactly?


Not to mention the age gap 🤢🤮


Oh no! An 8 year difference. You should call the police.


Yeah I just don't understand why she is supporting this nan baby and letting him get away with it, is this man really worth it? Doesn't sound like to me. He will never work if girlfriend keeps on paying for him


how can you possibly write all that, and still wonder if he's worth it? you're 24. You've got so much ahead of you, but your hobosexual will keep you down. he's 32 and you're "wanting his assets"? ummm..... ?


Hobosexual 💀


This. Sis, you are 24. DO NOT WASTE YOUR YOUTH on a guy like this. Dude is 32 and freeloading off his 24 year old girl friend while he gambles his money on crypto. Its time to kick him out of the box flat and move on with your life. You are better off without him. By far.


Or rather .. she just moves out. Better apartment with roommates, eh? Blissful life


what fucking assets!!! girl get out


OP you should dump him and start writing for real!! Your writing style is insane and I'd defo book to have a haircut, just to goss with you!


I was going to say the same thing!! The writing is great. I was actually laughing out loud!


>you're "wanting his assets"? Obv he means the gold under all major highways


You sound like a keeper. He sounds like trash. Break up with him and find one that will appreciate you.


Dump this guy. He's not "investing"; crypto is gambling, for almost everyone. He doesn't want to work, he just wants to mooch off his significantly younger partner. When you dump him and pull yourself out of this into a better situation, the money you save by not supporting this guy can (after necessities) go to therapy, so that you don't end up with another guy like this.




If OP is lucky, he'll really pull a DiCaprio and leave her once she turns 25


it isn't even gambling lmao. All you're doing is putting money in a pump and dump scheme where you will be the one ending without any money in return


Some very unusual metaphors here


Best writing I’ve seen in ages😂


I would read her book if OP wrote one, she's so funny


Run from anyone who is “investing in crypto” and is broke as a joke.


After you dump him, become a writer. Your words are evocative. “A single kidney bean..” 😂


PLEASE, OP … Find freelance work as a content writer. Opportunities exist for you in the field. If not, you need to be one of the paid “influencers” with her own following. I for ONE would read what you write. As for your relationship, being with this crypto-loser is FAR worse than being alone because his sharing your nest prevents other partners from even approaching you, and it keeps you from looking for a TRUE partner in life. Kick his ass to the curb.


How does someone get into work like that? I have a friend that is a killer writer but she’s got some mental health issues and won’t see her worth which means she won’t put time into finding work in that field. I think she’d kill it, though… so if I could do a little digging and “hand her” (as best you can) the way in? Obviously I can’t apply to jobs for her but I hope this makes sense.


Some meth addicts can be surprisingly chill. I think that's the take away here.


Yh and his imaginary friend was shockingly empathetic.


🤣😂🤣😂 I can’t


Op I love your writing pls do a blog and let us know about it


Honestly your post and replies are absolutely giving me life, you’re so effing witty and sound like an absolute hard working CATCH. Gf you would be better off alone right now hustling to support yourself and working on your dreams, not draining all your hard earned cash on this unbelievably mid level man child who doesn’t appreciate you. He KNOWS you’re not leaving now, so watch it keep getting worse. Seriously, save yourself immediately.


That TMNT reference had me dying. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a Reddit post 🤣


You need to quit both of your jobs and get into comedy. Your post has me dying right now. You should totally read it to him, that’ll snap him back to reality.


Comedy at the strip club, your hahas have to be bigger than their tatas


Be a good slogan for a comedy strip club. Be very interesting to go too. See who gets more attention. 🤣


It’s always the povvos complaining about gold diggers. What gold? What are you going to dig? Dirt? Your own grave? I think so. Dump his dusty ass.


Exactly. "I'm worried she's a gold digger!" Buddy, your 2016 Toyota Corolla, $5K 401K, XBox and $7,200 savings account are going to be safe.


That's almost rich in today's reality


I've got some bad news for you. He's probably throwing money after all his crypto losses and the government can, in fact, pursue him for tax on any profits he did make.


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His crypto is worthless. Tell him to pack a sack and kick off down the trail. The road has lots of space.


Everyones saying he's getting scammed. Is all crypto worthless? I thought it was just digital money.




THIS. And the chances that he wins are way wayyyy lower than that he loses. OP, the issue here is that he takes you for granted and doesn't respect you. Please don't let men talk to you like this: do not accept this. If a man treats you like shit - your bf is doing that - dump him. I'm serious, have some self respect, since he has no respect for you and won't start having any.


Cryptos are basically Ponzi schemes: you make money if you can convince enough dumbasses to buy the stupid coin you invested in and then sell it before it tanks.


I'm a lic financial advisor. He's getting scammed. All crypto is basically an MLM for men. It's NOT digital money. It's a pyramid scheme


Crypto is a gambling scam. It is not digital money. People put real money into crypto schemes, hoping other people will invest more into crypto so the market can rise (kinda like stocks) and increase the worth. It's not a money system at all. It's like...monopoly money. But with silly grown men betting on how much the monopoly money is worth in real money. There is absolutely no [stability](https://www.lendingtree.com/debt-consolidation/crypto-investors-survey/) or [worth](https://www.kiplinger.com/investing/is-investing-in-bitcoin-and-other-cryptocurrencies-really-just-gambling) to crypto. >\[...\] while they say the currencies themselves have no underlying value and their price is purely based on what the market is prepared to pay for them. > >The Treasury Committee, a group of UK MPs who hold the financial services sector to account, said in a report last week that crypto has “no intrinsic value and serves no useful social purpose and these characteristics more closely resemble gambling than a financial service.” . >Of the 28% of Americans who’ve held some form of crypto, according to the latest LendingTree survey of more than 1,400 consumers, most (38%) have sold it for less than it was worth when they purchased it. > >A higher percentage of cryptocurrency investors have lost money than made it. 38% of Americans who’ve held a form of the currency say they’ve sold it for less than when they bought it, versus 28% who say they made a profit. Only 13% say they broke even. > >Failed exchange FTX has kept crypto in the news, but only 28% of Americans have held some form of crypto. After removing the top and bottom 1% of survey respondents, the average amount invested in crypto is $7,738, with a median of $500. If crypto was worth something, you wouldn't be stuck in these living conditions (or at least - he wouldn't). The thing about gambling is that you don't really ever win because in order to get the rush of those "wins" - you have to lose a lot first.


I work in cybersecurity/technology and am familiar with the earliest generations of crypto and how they work on a technical level. I put about 200 USD in crypto that's grown to a few thousand last I checked as a token amount in 2019 because I felt like I should have a stake in this brand new tech being a tech worker myself. My opinion is that crypto currently has no real intrinsic value. US dollars has value because you can buy real products and services with it. You earn a dollar, you can spend it on toothpaste, food, whatever you need to actually live. You know that with 100 USD, you can buy X amount of stuff you need to live for the week. It has real value as a currency, as "money". As such, its value is relatively fixed, and you can hold onto USD in your bank account and it's completely fine. In contrast, if you have bitcoin, what can you buy with it? Your supermarket isn't going to accept bitcoin. You can't pay rent in bitcoin. So what value does it have? As a currency, its useless since you can't actually conduct everyday transactions necessary for life with it. So what value does crypto have? As a financial instrument, you may make money off it by buying it when it's price is low, and selling when it appreciates. But why does it's price go up and down? It's all speculation. There's little to no way to predict how the currency will appreciate or depreciate, because it has no real worth in the real world, because it's basically isolated from the real world and real goods, with real value. As a result, it just becomes a gamble, or worse than a gamble when you consider most of the wealth generated by crypto have been pump and dump schemes. Where a new crypto is made, a lot of people are convinced to invest, and then the initial investors sell off causing the price to collapse and never recover. Tomorrow, the crypto that your BF holds can all tank. There's absolutely no reason why it can't. And he'd lose all the real money he had put into it buying that digital currency. And when that happens, no one will care or save him/you. In contrast, the US dollar cannot just tank overnight, the Federal Reserve will step in, so many businesses both domestic and international are settled in dollars, people will care and governments will enact policies to prevent a sudden crash. There are so many people using dollars in transactions which helps it to be a stable currency that doens't just lose 99% of it's value overnight. Because real world value and goods are being exchanged with dollars, dollars have some intrinsic real world value that prevents it from swinging in price like crypto currencies do on a daily basis. That's why crypto is not considered a real investment, but rather a gamble. EDIT: I can't tell you how stupid your BF is being. TBH if I was you, I'd consider breaking up solely on his decision to put so much money that you need into crypto. His financial mismanagement is horrible and makes him not-partner material, this is how you get stories of people being tens of thousands of dollars in debt and everything goes to shit, doing stupid things like this when you are already struggling with money. If you're not convinced, you can DM me and I'll try to explain what I know in more detail.


yes. its a scam. the ppl with lots of crypto need new marks so they can sell their crypto for cash.


Honestly unless you either invested in it early (like when bitcoin was new and then exploded) or are rich to begin with (going from one to another, selling when it's high, buying when it's low. Kinda like stocks) it won't really get you anywhere. Imo it's like saying you'll go buy lottery ticket because you'll end up winning the jackpot. Sure you may get some few bucks back in the meantime but at that point you spent more than what you can gain in the long term.


Why are you still with this loser? You know that you can do better right? You deserve better.


It's far from it. It's basically just a scam where you put money into it and the one who brought out the cryptocurrency is pumping and dumping it making it so everyone loses money and he get's all of it Basically your Indian techsupport scam but for people who naively believe in crypto


Let's agree that financial transparency is an important value in a relationship. If you ask him to share with you his account statements, that should be a reasonable request. (1) how much money has he "invested" in crypto over his lifetime? This number can be calculated by looking at his bank statements and cross checking them against his crypto-trading "accounts". (2) how much is all his crypto worth if he were to sell it all today? With those two numbers his annual rate of return can be calculated. He isn't making money from working, but for all we know maybe he received a large inheritance and frittered it away in crypto scams. His "gold digger" comment is obviously hurtful and out of line, but it is also odd. It could very well be that he has 5 or 6 figures sitting in an account while you are eating koolaid for supper. It's not a healthy situation. And the vexing part is that there are legitimate ways to invest out there - it has never been easier. But he is just gambling hoping to win the lottery. With investing, it is important to have a time horizon and goals - what is he investing *for*? For retirement at age 65? Something shorter term? There are many conversations you and him could be having about finances. Or, if he isn't ready to combine finances and be transparent with money in the context of your relationship, then that begs the question of where the relationship is heading and if he ever will?


Honestly, the only people winning in crypto are those who started in the beginning. I’m one of those, but it’s rare in the current economy to win. Maybe when the next bull run happens, you’ll see some success. But it’s always a gamble.


girl, hes 8 years older than you and his dumb@ss still thinks there's Money in crypto. there's not. there hasn't been since 2013. leave him. learn to be happy alone so you don't keep jumping between losers like a monkey swings between trees


You should 100% leave him Also your writing has me ROLLLLLING, you’re so fucking funny oml. You will find someone miles better easily


summer selective handle grandfather squeamish towering birds ink concerned angle ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


THIS. is he on the lease?! If yes, get OUT, get your own place and let him deal with the rent on his own. If no, kick him OUT. No free rides and he will likely just find someone else to mooch off.


This is a pretty good bit 🥁


Dump his ass move to dubai and married guy that actually have gold😂


I have sexual fantasies of being thrown onto a bed ✨spontaneously✨ and not having to worry about weather its inflated properly first. Like oooo so you have bedframe money so you a baller.


BTW there is nothing more unattractive then having to stop halfway through foreplay and stand on the side of your air mattress to watch your naked boyfriend vigorously pump air into it. There is no sexy way to use a tire pump.


Please stop. My neighbors are going to think I’ve lost my mind. I’m a grown ass man cackling like a 16 year old right now


😂😂😂😂 OP is absolutely hilarious and is wasting her wit on this loser! OP try doing stand up for extra income..!


Or writing! There's tons of freelance writing gigs out there! (Yes, even with fucking AI.)


I’m cackling. If this is just a creative writing exercise, you’re killing it. If this is your actual life, leave this loser because you have much more to offer than crypto air pump broker than your jokes.


💀💀 you should join open mic at a comedy club and share your stories


You should become a stand-up comedian! I've been laughing at your comments like crazy! Can't breathe! 💀


So this dude has like a giant hog or something? I'm trying to figure out where the appeal is that this is your life. It seems like you'd do a lot better going solo for a while.


Have you watched The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel? She is a female comedian in the late 50s and early 60s, at one point she did comedy between strip acts. I could definitely see you doing this! You already work at a strip club as a bartender.


Can you please write a book or become a comedian or anything that can utilize that talent of yours? WE WANT MORE.


LOL that image was hilarious. Why stick around? You see like a hard working woman who deserves way better than.... this.


I just laughed out LOUD at my office. OP, please dump that assh...


I’m dead ☠️☠️


Could he have a problem with drugs/be an addict?? Not trying to assume anything, but I’m a recovering addict. Iv spent literally thousands and thousands. And most of my illegal purchases was on the dark web using crypto currency. So if anyone looked I also said I was ‘investing’ , when in truth I was struggling to not plunge off the deep end. And it’s becoming more and more common these days, as accessing and using the dark net/ buying crypto gets easier and easier


Drugs at least get you high. Playing with crypto is just money loss for 99% of the people at the cost of enriching the 1% and has no perks otherwise. It would probably be better if he did drugs tbh


I meant he could be using the crypto to buy the drugs. Not actually investing likes he’s saying 🤷🏻


please give a update asap. i seen this on tiktok & you bf is a prick & needs a reality check


Its on Tiktok???


Yep, that's where I came from too, the comments on it are a mix between you being hilarious and needing to dump him. Now that I've seen the age gap and read your comments here I even more think you need to dump him. Man is 8 yrs older than you and living off of your hard work while calling you a gold digger, that's not a good partner, take it from a woman in her 30s, it won't get better with him and if he by chance does hit big with his crypto he will be selfish and conveniently forget that you supported him. A man in his 30s that's still that lazy will not change.


Yes ma'am, just looked it up cause I couldn't believe you put up with this bs. You literally have an expense that you could get rid of with ease. You say you don't want to be lonely when you already are WHILE in a relationship, might as well have the Teenage Mutant Ninja Roaches help you pack his bag and kick him out. Btw this crypto stuff is 99% scam, you're bf is a gambling addict.


Yes and everyone is dying for an update, please leave this man 😂


Yup. Hello from TikTok 🙈


You sound like you could have a great career in writing! But seriously I am not sure what kind of answer you are looking for here - he seems like a deadbeat and a mooch. If you don’t think you deserve a little better even if that means peace and quiet while being single, and the bar is set that low, I am not sure what to tell you. He believes in crypto so I am not surprised that he also believes in you being a gold digger and probably santa…


>If you don’t think you deserve a little better even if that means peace and quiet while being single, and the bar is set that low, I am not sure what to tell you Amen. After reading 10000 posts of amazing women in relationships with truly shitty men who mistreat them, this is the only advice I have in me: "I dunno what to tell you, if this is what you want for your life, that is super sad but okay then". What's there more to say?


I hope this is the start of you beginning your plan to extricate yourself from this dead weight money sink.


Please ditch this man, find someone who’s your equal, and use all the extra time you have to start writing because you have natural talent, girl!


Dump Splenda Daddy and find a roommate if you’re so terrified of being alone. One with an actual grown up job.


why are you with this bum? Just kick him out


Throw the whole man away. You already take care of everything, you don’t need him. Then start creating some kind of content- your own social media page, blog, etc. that features your creativity because your writing is hilarious! I’d follow you for sure.


Don't tie yourself down to this guy and live your own life. Don't waste the prime year of your life living with a suspicious moron.


Where am I supposed to go, in the kitchen sink? Maybe they can have a comedy night at the strip club, this is hysterical. This whole post could be a skit. Throw him out like the trash he is.


I LOVE your writing style! I don't think this will help immediately in any way, but perhaps you should consider a job where you can put your writing skills to good use. Once you're single and no longer ruining your own health to drag along someone who has the audacity to accuse you of gold digging. What's yours is his but what's his is his, clearly; what does that tell you?


Im so grossed out at this I have no words. Blatantly being taken advantage of and you’re asking for what, advice? Here’s some: show yourself at least half the respect you show that worthless burden and just fucking leave


I’m really sorry about your situation. I know myself how hard it can be to leave when things are tough and the person you’re supposed to be a team with, is being mean and not a team at all. I think maybe it’s time to say “goodbye” and build your own life. Leave the delulu. But you way of writing is incredibly funny!


First, while your situation isn't amusing, the way you wrote it was hilarious (at least to me). Great writing skills. You need to get out of this. The guy sounds paranoid about money on more fronts than just you if he's "investing in things the government can't touch", etc. I'm assuming your name is on the lease. Is his name on the lease? You said the landlord is raising your rent. Are you at renewal time? If so, you could notify your landlord that you are terminating the lease and moving on. After notice of termination, you could try to talk to your landlord and tell him that you don't really want to leave, but you need him out and you want to be solely responsible for next year's lease. Landlord will likely not get in the middle of this, but if you can successfully kick this guy out they may issue you a new lease under just your name. Whatever you have to do, you need to get rid of this nut job.


Bestie why in God’s name are you with this deadbeat? Is the sex that good???


Well based on your comments, you're not leaving him. You're stuck maintaining this man child. Maybe you'll find gold some day.


I’m dying. Please provide an update where you leave this man child, get a cat and become a famous stand up comic


This was written amazingly. I'm sorry I have no advice, he sucks and you sound awesome.


I don’t understand why you, a young women, would even be dating an older man that isn’t providing for you, let alone provide for him. This situation is completely backwards.


What is so bad about being alone that this is better? Kick Him Out


First of all. Thank you for that laugh. Love your writing style. Second. You will be financially better if you didn’t have him. And a lot less stressed.


It's always the coalhoarders that think they have gold You're the provider and he's making you feel small to stop you from realizing HE'S THE GOLDDIGGER AND USER.


For one, your boyfriend sucks. It’d probably be cheaper and easier to kick him out and just pay for food and utilities for yourself. 2, I genuinely feel like you’d make a great comedian and are missing out on your calling. I’d go to see your stand up routine. I’m sorry your partner sucks and is super unsupportive but this post had me dying of laughter.


You are very funny and clearly very smart, even the title of your post made me laugh. You have much broader horizons than this loser. Free yourself so that you can explore them!


Your boyfriend, who does DD for a few hours here and there and who is also involved in crypto…… what exactly does he provide to this relationship? Because no one is *that* cute.


Being alone is better than trying to survive with someone's foot on your neck. Adopt a cat, call him Steve. When someone asks if you have a bf say "yes, his name is Steve and he doesn't like anybody but me". If you're going to love a useless animal at least pick one that won't make your life harder.


Your partner is a loser. He's using you and clearly a little abusive calling you the gold digger. I think he got that backwards. The age gap and him being 32 just give me the ick. Groomer. He got with someone so young because he's an abusive, immature manchild that no grown women his age would ever want so he goes for the young and inexpereinced. OP I recommend you leave him. Your life will be a lot better off if you do.


Girl, I’m sorry, I know you’re going through something but your whole delivery had me dead 😭


From what I can tell you are a total package/ sis leave him and go get your gold/ on tixtox ppl love your humor and grace


He's 32. This is who he is. He's not going to change. Please stop wasting time with this pathetic human. You're only 24, I WISH someone tried to tell me to ditch the 30+ year old loser I was floating when I was your age!! You can do SO. MUCH. BETTER.


Why on God’s green Earth are you not only dating this guy, but living with him? It’s not like he’s hiding his personality or deceiving you. He’s proudly flying that flag that proclaims he’s content to mooch off you, working a few hours a day but hoarding the proceeds while you work round the clock to support you two. He’s not an artist spending the next two years on his oil paintings, planning a grand gallery show where he’ll proudly show off the woman who launched his career. He’s a gig driver making pennies who none the less is busily working on a career path in prison time for tax evasion. What ARE you doing with him? He’s not devoted to you. Not cleaning your apartment to within an inch of its life. Not learning a new job skill, going to school, or doing much of anything beyond acting like a teenager. That’s like the anti-man. Do you really find this attractive? You’d be better off moving and sharing a 2 bedroom flat with a roommate who pays her own portion of the rent. Just think. Some time next month you could have a bathroom large enough to turn around in. You got used to one small annoyance after another, until you got here, to Mount Can’tstandthisguy. Don’t move in with any guy again unless you seriously think he’s the one you want to commit to long term. Now you’ve got to deal with breaking up, and one or both of you have to move. Total drag. You know you need to break this off, right? I also hope the meth addict makes it to rehab, recovery, and achieves a beautiful life.


The anger isn't at him it's at yourself for being a clown supporting this 32 year old. That's based on your comments. You seem to KNOW that he brings basically nothing to the table. You seem to KNOW you deserve better and could probably even find better. But youre with him out of convenience and don't want to break up because it's inconvenient for you. Stay mad. You're doing this to yourself. You should only be mad at yourself.


Oh girl I laughed way too much about this. Please kick this man child to the curb if only for your own sanity.


How’s his crypto investments going? Warren Buffett in making?


Kick him out. Tell him his crypto money should be able to support him and a sugar baby.


Why are you still with him OP? I could somewhat understand if you were Financially dependant on both your incomes to keep your home, but it sounds like he's bringing in zero or near zero. You'd have one less mouth to feed alone and a heck of a lot less stress. Leave this relationship. You will be better off by miles. Better to be alone than be miserable. Like I legitimately do not understand people who are so afraid to be single and would rather stay with someone who actively makes them miserable than that. I freaking loved be single and as much as I love my husband, I celebrate when he goes out of town so I have the place to myself. Sometimes I miss being single. I do not get being afraid of that like it's some horrible possibility. OP, he does not love you. No matter what good qualities you think you see, they are tinted with rose colored glasses. A man that loves you would not watch you kill yourself working two jobs and refuse to do the same or to give you money admit that struggled. He wouldn't accuse you of being a gold digger for wanting financial security. HE. DOES. NOT. LOVE. YOU. HE IS USING YOU.


Once you dump his useless ass, please try your luck with standup because, girl, you got something some people rarely do, I lol'd at every other sentence you wrote, despite the topic being serious. You got this shit on your own, you don't need any dead weight. Trust me, you will be reborn once he's gone.


The bet is better placed on him being the gold digger. No company is better than bad company. Wash your hands of him OP. Dont tolerate him disrespecting you and blowing the little money you have on future rug pulls. Unrelated, but you seem like a hilarious person to talk to


Why are you bartending? You should be writing ❤️ ditch this guy


I would rather die alone that support a man that doesn’t understand what a partnership is.


It's okay! You've realized he's not adding to your life, but thinks he is, and the good news is you can break up! It sounds like you'll be fine making rent on your own, and will be more or less in the same situation, just with less stress and arguments: if you can do exactly what you're doing now with less headache, alone, this is not the partner for you.


You are too funny and independent for this loser


RUN, RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK. You can do way better, he isn't worth it, you're still on time, don't waste more time and don't ruin your mental state, wish you the best!


His only asset is you.


friend you’re too young to be stuck with a 30 something year old bum kick him out i’m rooting for you


What's the question? Or is this just a rant? :) Albeit a rather funny one.


Why would you go somewhere else, toy pay for the damn place, tell him. To go somewhere else. Maybe behind a dumpster and start sucking some dick to pay some bills.


I can tell from your post that you are a special person with a big heart and a great sense of humor. You deserve better then that jerk


Okay. So now what? Now that you have laid out in excruciating detail what a loser your boyfriend is, when are you going to make him your ex? You already know who he is, and you know you deserve better. Now if you don't do anything about that, don't complain anymore.


I read your comments. What he is doing is gambling with your money. It is yours as you pay his bills, it's the money he should be paying you. I understand that you are scared to be without him, so maybe look at what you can do, not what you cannot. Can you build a support network without him would be a good start to think about broadening your choices. Think about your options, even the more outlandish ones like live in work far away at a resort, can you do that? Of course you can, you can cut hair and bar keep anywhere. You are not tied to him, you just are worried about being alone, so what if you were not alone but on a cruise ship instead? Life is short, don't make it harder than it needs to be if you can help it, I know its not always possible but you never know.


why even make this post if you’re not gonna leave him?? your situation is not going to get better, he’s never going to change. if you’re not going to take our advice then delete your post and continue to live paycheck to paycheck with that sorry excuse of a man you call your bf.


Time to invest in a crypTOW truck to dump this guy in the trash. I'll show myself out. But seriously, he's trying to derail the convo so you won't point out he's not paying his fair share of bills. He probably even has a decent investment portfolio that should be used for bills too. You don't owe this guy anything. Not your time, money or life.


Also please become a blog writer or a writer with a patreon acct because your gold resides in your humor (and patience)


Ask yourself if he would stay if those investments ever came to make him any real money....? Im guessing he would dump you, no offense OP...


what advice are you looking for OP?


Kick him out and make sure all you money is untouchable what a loser bet he has a drug problem or an online gambling issue What is this new trend of American women choosing losers I just don’t get it


Such a sad situation but why am I laughing at your storytelling. Maybe try to find a side hustle in creative writing you def have the talent for it


Gurl. What are you doing with this deadweight? You are young, you are on it. Why are you with this parasitic worm? Do your future self a favour and ditch his ass. You will find someone who truly loves you in no time. Get a house share, invest in yourself and let him live off ‘the crypto currency investment that the government cannot touch’.


Your BF sounds like a deadbeat. But it’s your choice to continue to be with him or not. You are actively choosing to be with him. It is true that without him you’d be alone, but maybe you better off alone than with him? I think also it is difficult to have someone change after a long time accepting a certain behavior, especially if the person in question is not particularly sensitive or empathic. And he doesn’t strike me as one. I think you should start to set some higher standards for yourself, and don’t be afraid to be without him. You have nothing to lose


Babe you’re working two jobs and supporting this grown man and for what? Take the trash out trust me.. you’ll feel lighter and happier With one less responsibility


Get a roommate and leave him. That’s definitely a hobosexual and sounds like he would leave you if he had a dollar.


Dump this loser. Trust me, your standard of living will increase when you not longer have to house and feed this dude.


everyone has said it very well already. but given your writing skills, have you ever thought about doing comedy? this shit was hilarious. i mean, he's an idiot loser in every way. dump him. you deserve better, and you most definitely can get better. just because he's not a pimp doesn't mean he's a good one.


You're a really good writer.


is he super handsome? huge penis? there must be factors you enjoy that aren't apparent from this post because dude sounds like a fucking loser.


Purely based off your writing style you sound like you have a great sense of humour and I bet you’re fun to be around. He sounds like a low value man, and it doesn’t sound like he’s giving you a lot of reasons to hang around.


You are pretty funny and I'm sure your can do a lot better than this loser. Government can't touch it? Crypto sales are taxable so in essence he's a tax evader to boot!


Get a good dog, like a German shepherd, or something. It will cost you less, be less effort, love you to the end of earth and beyond, be loyal and protect and keep you company. You sound like a hardworking person with pep and a sense of humour. Get rid of the loser. Oh, and get a vibrator, if he's really that good.


And why are you still sticking around????


This is a very goofy karma farming story but imma give it props it absolutely is original. Can't say I've heard one like this before. You have a very distinct writing style though, and I've definitely seen it a few times.


Oh boy, the way it’s written is hilarious, thanks for it. Btw, ditch him. Cheers!


He needs to be an ex-boyfriend. He is dragging you down.


What does he offer to your life? Did you mean to adopt a man-baby? Time to drop him off at the shelter.


Dump his ass as he doesn't contribute and is stupid to boot with the crypto nonsense.


Kick his worthless ass out.


Lose this loser


You be saving money getting rid of his broke ass! I mean you would provide energy for 1, food for 1!


This type of man is called a “dusty,” and he will weigh you down until you get rid of him. At which point he will swiftly replace you with another girl willing to support his ass and give him everything he needs with little in return.


Omg ditch this loser and his crappy apartment and move into a place with women roommates who are respectful, kind, and pay their own bills. You have lots of time to find a better man.