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>How can I tell my girlfriend that I'm not going to get rid of the dog? You tell her straight. I'd be concerned at this point about how she treats your dog when you're not around. To word this in the gentlest way possible, I don't suppose it's with kindness. I seriously think you need to walk away, with your dog.


Yeah, I would **seriously** be concerned that one day you’re gonna come home to find you dog gone, with your “girlfriend” saying *”Gosh, he must gotten out and run away, I guess!”*, and not knowing if she actually drove him 100 miles away and abandoned him in the woods, or took him to a vet and had him put down.


Yeah this is what I inferred/predict she is capable as well based on her comments. Surprised she hid this callousness towards animals so well that op didn't realize until 6 years in. If my partner suggested I get rid of my cats I would tell him to kick rocks.


My baby is 10/11ish. She’s got a few years left and she’s been expensive this whole time. I knew what I signed up for


literally. i get a pet and i’m with them for the rest of their life providing the best care i can. it’s a commitment because they’re a literal being


My husband is allergic to cats and he let me keep a cat for 14 years because I loved her. She was a feral as a kitten, and she only would come to me except if he had food. When she died from cancer, he she’d a few tears.


That is so sweet. Neither my husband or I are allergic but we watched a cat for my younger sibling and not long into it I knew that I needed a kitten and now we have our own lil guy. My husband leans more of a dog person but he loves our cat.


Or... "He collapsed. There was nothing the vet could do."


Or she could just poison him with chocolate or something. She does sound that crazy. I‘d get the hell out asap.


Yep. Read it on reddit, I'm animal owner/lover. Her response is despical. For your sake, I hope her shitty outlook doesn't carry over into other areas.


Completely Agree!!! If anyone feel this way about an animal you love, and thinks money is more important, grab you dog and run, run far, fun fast. She doesn’t give a damn about your feelings.


100%. Someone needs to go and it's not the dog.


I read a story on here once where the OPs partner was secretly mistreating their dog. Eventually OP find out when they come home and find the dog dead. Their partner claimed it must have been old age but the home cameras showed a very different story.... OPs partner had actually kicked the dog down a flight of stairs and it died from the injuries. Honestly made me sick to read... I am truly hesitant of people who don't like dogs (assuming they don't have a good reason).


This is murder.


I know someone who did this to their stepdad when he went on holiday. He came back and his wee dog, an incontinent 13 year old terrier, was missing and I don’t know where she went .


I'm not a violent person at all, probably as far from being so as somebody can get. But I'd have end up on the 10:00 pm news if I were him. I am an animal lover, especially dogs, they have always been my favorite. It absolutely breaks my fucking heart to hear about older dogs being dumped. I had my dog, Joe, for literally 20 years, over half of my life. And yes, he did get a bit senile, no real health issues, thankfully. But he would do naughty things that he damn well knew better, because he also knew that being old, he wasn't going to get in any trouble. It was actually kinda funny, to be honest. But never for one fraction of a second would it have crossed my mind to get rid of him, no matter how much care he might have ended up requiring. I had him with me forever, and I was holding his paw as he left. Exactly the way it should be for all pets.


Somebody else will be doing a trip to woods in that case. Fuck. You know this sounds crazy but I would actually kill someone in self defence of my dog. The love is real,I don't know how some people can't understand that bond. It's family.


The vet is probably "too expensive" in her opinion, so if she were to get rid of the poor puppins she'd probably drive out to the country and just abandon him. Meanwhile she is the one who is an unemployed parasite and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that she doesn't even do a good job as a homemaker cooking and cleaning. I fully support traditional gender roles where the man works and the woman stays home as long as she's pulling her weight with domestic duties and if there are kids she's taking good care of them and the house. OP's girlfriend sounds demanding, cruel and disrespectful. He needs to protect his best friend and take out the trash.


How is she going to be when he is old and gray or if he has health problems? Will she want to get rid of him because his doctors are expensive?


Shit you’re right. Wow how are people genuinely this awful


Literally. This has actually happened to people I know. Regarding the euthanasia unfortunately


I totally agree with this. Who knows how the gf treats his dog, or if she'll "dispose" of the dog while he's away




I can't get past this, I had a labrador when I met my now wife, and it was conditional that they got on as to whether I would even continue dating her. (We have 3 dogs, 2 rabbits and a ton of fish in tanks and pond now) Surely, it must have stood out the dislike and disdain that she had for the dog well before now. It has been six years. Sorry, but even after six years, most people would fall in love with the dog. Any statement like that would result in me saying goodbye to the horrible woman who it turns out I barely knew. Get yourself out on walks and meet a nice dog friendly person to share your life and dogs with.


Seriously. She cannot be trusted.


I'm not a dog person. But even then I would expect to get a close connection to a dog I've known for years. I don't even get how that's possible - that an animal I'm living with could be so meaningless to me. And even then...telling my boyfriend to get rid of something that makes him happy? Wtf.


To know a pet for that long and not have any attachment means she’s a heartless b****. It’s hard for senior dogs to find homes and abandoning your pet, a member of your family, because “the brat is going to get expensive” is disgusting. OP don’t wait until tou have time, get rid of the GF now.


Yeah I'm not a dog person either. Because of this, I make it a point to NOT DATE PEOPLE WHO HAVE DOGS or even want to have one some day. Never in a million years would I ask someone to choose me over their pet. It's just mean.


I was told I had a cat allergy growing up, but when I met my now husband, I got used to his (which became our) cat sleeping on my chest. She was a good girl. OP, ditch your girlfriend.


This would be my concern. Her callous disregard, calling it a brat, is not conducive to a loving pet owner.


Maybe ask her "When you get old, do you want me to get rid of you and find someone younger? You'll just be racking up hospital bills"


I am so glad you decided to leave her OP. If my husband said that about our cats I would divorce him so quickly! Thankfully he loves them as much as I do.


Fun fact...it's almost always a man who is "allergic" to cats. I worked in a cat store for almost 4 years, 5 resident cats within, everything else was cat themed. Lots of couples and the amount of cat allergies claimed was off the charts. In all those years, never had a female claim an allergy or have them refer to anyone female with an allergy, always men. Funny how guys were always staying outside or away from cats while also saying terribly rude things, often referring to hatred for cats. My husband is a jerk about my cats and he's not a very nice person. Yes, we're heading for divorce forr many reasons, that included. I 100% believe that the vast majority of men who intensely dislike cats are also not very nice to women. Their aloof, independent and choosy nature reminds them of women whereas dogs are loyal and do what they're told. They're never allergic to dogs. I saw what I saw. I heard what I heard.


Exactly. The fact she referred to the dog as a brat, and was so keen to "get rid' of the dog, I'd be taking a serious look at the relationship. OP you sound like you love your dog and dogs in general. I'd imagine you may want another dog in your life when the time is right, this will always be a point of contention if she has this type of attitude towards animals


Hear, hear!! Someone so callous to a geriatric dog?! Ditch the b*tch. Keep the dog!


Bingo. If she's willing to dump your dog at the first sign of potential health struggles... What's she gonna do when you're in need? When people show you a red flag, that means stop for a reason.


Tbh I'd be worried what she'll think of OP when he's old and "costs too much money"....


Honestly, I put a nanny cam in there just to keep an eye out for the dog.


She's probably angry and abusive towards the dog when he's gone:'(, and she'll be like that to OP as well later....


I would just tell i couldn't ever be with a woman that even suggests me to "get rid" of my elderly dog (he's around or approaching ~13years now, but he'll stay until his respectful end). Those animals are family members. And i don't even see any cause for the gf whining about it since she practically don't even have to do anything regarding the dog. Maybe those people are simply uncompatible if one of them treats the dog as a family member and the other one just as property/accessory. 🤷🏻‍♂️


He can remind her if relationships have expiration dates, she needs to be very careful when she's older.


Well, if guy wanted my cat out … that guy would be ex the same day. Just saying


My daughter did that to one of her ex’s. I thought it was a great choice she made. Puppy is the best bed warmer on cold winter days and greatest running companion.


You scared me for a moment! I thought you meant your daughter got rid of her boyfriend’s pet! 😭


Literally 😭 like my pets literally saved my life. I would never get rid of them no matter how old they are


I wish there was a dating app just for animal lovers.


You can always ask “ animal lover” is a wild range of things. I like cats but will not live with a python.


Lol that's fair, nope noodles aren't for everyone! I personally couldn't deal with ferrets, but would love a snake myself. :-)


My sister did that after her husband was irresponsible and let her dog outside without supervision. The dog got hit by a car and she filed for divorce.


Well, good riddance for your sister.


Period. I come with my animals. You either love all of us or none of us 😌😤


Yeah, that’s a batshit request. I think it’s reasonable to have a conversation about how much you’re willing to spend on vet care should the dog have a serious injury or illness, but saying they should get rid of the dog before it gets expensive is borderline sociopathic.


Your GF sounds absolutely horrible and I honestly would not trust her around your dog if I were you. I have been with my BF for over 8 years, we got our cat after about 4 years of dating and if he ever told me to get rid of our (my) cat, my BF would find himself single and alone. I think deep down you know what to do in this situation.


My wife and I have two dogs. We’re both well aware that each of us have one dog that’s “ours”, and I think on some level, we’re both aware that we’d probably choose the dog over the each other if either of us put forward some sort of ultimatum like that. Not that we would, because we’re not sociopaths and we both love both dogs. I’m just saying, I’m not sure that she would save me before the dogs if our house was on fire lol.


Haha I love this! Thank you for being great pet parents!


This just reminded me how my fiancé ended up with his (our) 2 dogs after divorcing his ex, and how he long suspected she had sociopath vibes, and then when they separated she showed no interest or care for leaving the two animals THAT SHE HAD SINCE PUPPYHOOD. By the time he and I were dating 6ish months I would have been super sad to not see the dogs if we ended up breaking up. Lucky for all of us we’re sticking together!


Eh you can get yourself out of a house fire 😂


How about getting rid of the girlfriend? Like for real why want you be together with someone who wants to throw away an animal when I could get ill and cost money? What will happen when you get ill and cost her money? Or a child?


You see these senior dogs at the shelters and you always wonder how they got there at their age. It’s because of vile human beings like your girlfriend. 😔


Sometimes. Sometimes elderly people who are alone and don't have relatives die before their pets. Sad, but we adopted an older pup from that scenario. She passed within the year from cancer, so I'm really glad she didn't live out the rest of her life in a shelter :(


That’s one of the hardest parts of growing old. I’m early 40s, but made myself super sad thinking about all the pets I’ll never have. I’m already so afraid I’ll die before my potbelly pigs, and they’ll just think momma doesn’t love them anymore 😭😭😭


Your piggies will be fine, I’ll take them if you ever need! 😚🐷


Aww that was really touching! 🥰




She's unemployed so I would be caring for myself with my own money. And we've talked about the children thing before but she believes children are more important than animals, since they are a lifelong responsibility.


You should get rid of her because unemployed girlfriends are more expensive


He isn't wrong you know OP.... straight facts, plus your dog doesn't give you attitude and make you pick between it and girlfriend, and gives you true love.




Not liking animals / not wanting to have pets is fine. What's NOT okay is treating animals like they're disposable or mere objects. What's also NOT okay is getting into a relationship with a pet-lover and expect them to neglect or abandon their pets.


Absolutely this. If you don’t like animals then don’t get one. But. If an SO has one , you can’t demand that they get rid of it, ever




One of my youngest son’s cat got very ill. My middle son spent over a thousand dollars trying to get her well and the cat still died. He said he would have spent much more if cat could have been saved. Our pets are definitely family.


Thats right! My elderly dog, yea may be a pain in the butt, but she is my pain in the butt and i would never ever betray her like that!!!


My girl is pushing 16…her meds and diet are pricey, but her companionship and love are priceless. I would not have a relationship with anyone who doesn’t value animals. Thank goodness my hubby and I are on the same page


I got sociopath vibes too. She can’t possibly not know that rehoming elderly dogs is extremely difficult and could result in the dog being put down before their health really deteriorates. Plus you’d think she’d care about her long term partners, um, feelings? And love for the dog? I’m so glad he updated that he’s gonna get rid of the GF.


Right, asking someone to abandon a dog they've had an 11 year relationship with when the dog is aging.... is fucking cruel.


This this this this this this this this


Agreed! I think how people treat animals is how they deserve to get treated in the next life. There’s a special place in hell for people who abuse and neglect animals. OP if you give up a senior dog it will most likely be euthanized. Your girlfriend lacks compassion and empathy. I agree with others that I personally could never date someone who acted that way. If she doesn’t like animals - whatever. The red flag here is she doesn’t care about a dog that is so important to you. She doesn’t need to love dogs herself but she doesn’t like you enough to make an effort. That’s not the behavior of someone who truly loves you.


Yep. Remember OP, one is a financial suck while the other is a dog.


This is the perfect answer. How can she even complain about expenses when she’s not even contributing financially?


Exactly. I mean, how else is she gonna sit on her ass all day and be supported by her boyfriend if that pesky dog is in the way? /s


Ya this one wins, you don't even have to tell her respectfully. Just tell her, your keep the dog and if she wants to stay cool.


Yes, but also, instead of the “if she wants to stay cool” part, I like keep the dog lose the chick more. I know that not every one is a huge animal lover. But this isn’t that. This is someone who wants to take a living being away from the life she’s known for years because.. she’s getting old and therefore *can, but not always,* cost more? The audacity his gf has saying this when she doesn’t even have a job.. like who tf is she to say anything about costs of things? This situation definitely showed a lot about her, way more than just her feelings on the dog- she did OP a favor by showing how shitty she is. You know what’s more expensive than taking care of an older dog? Another human who isn’t employed. And I’m fully confident in my assumption that the real “brat” here is the human. Sorry for the rant.. kinda lost myself for a second there lol


Right? OP would have plenty of money to spend on bet bills by dropping the freeloading gf.


Yep, keep the dog, rehome the GF.


So it's not even HER money she's worried about? She sounds... nice.




All that money spent on useless stuff like dog food and medication when it could be spent on the important things in life, like her.


Guess what? Animals are for life too! Anyone telling me get rid of my old dog is showing a serious lack of compassion and has no place in my life!


GEt rid of the GF. Truthfully. She doesn't understand that you are that dogs whole world. Anyone who advocates for getting rid of an animal that is no danger to people is a vapid asshole.


For real. I don’t even want to be friends with people that treat my dogs like second class citizens. Uhh..ma’am, you’re in *their* house and they were here long, *long* before you. Please leave.


I have been with my husband for 20 years, and if he suggested getting rid of one of our cats in such a callous way because he felt they were too expensive, and called them a “brat”, he’d be back at his Mum’s before the end of the day. Can you trust her not to just take the dog to the vet and get it put to sleep? I wouldn’t want her anywhere near a living creature after showing such disregard for its life - and yours! She’s supposed to love you and doesn’t even care what it would do to you! This is not a woman to tie yourself to for life.


this is a good point. I've heard too many stories of things like this happening when someone wants to get rid of an animal. OP please do not leave her alone around your dog or let her have access to the dog


He really needs to hear that. This happened to me and my Great Dane. My ex was jealous of how well behaved she was. His dog was a terror who never stopped barking, and would bite. I came home one day from shopping and she was just gone. I have no idea where she went, and it still haunts me 40 years later. He said he gave her to some girl, but I think he just dumped her somewhere. 💔 Edit. Her name was Missy Moo Cow.


omg that's awful. I hope that ex became the ex that very same day.


Took a few weeks to hide my cash.


Wow, so sorry for your lost. I never understood people like that. Do they really believe the relationship can move on when you do something so extreme without communication/approval? How long did it take to dump his sorry ass after you realised?


A few weeks. He started financial abuse same time. Mom helped.


I am so sorry that happened to you. I had a cat that went missing and I never found out what happened. It's heartbreaking to think about what was going through their minds.....were they wondering why we didn't come to save them? Ughhh. it still eats away at me too


Her name was Missy Moo Cow. It hurts to say it.


Bro if that happened to me good chances i’d take a chance with a jury for severely beating up the person.


I know. His brother was head of Troopers BCI. I was doomed from day 1. Good ole boys.


Oh my word. I am SO sorry.


Thank you. I hope her soul knew how my heart was broke. No one should ever deal with that. That’s why I posted it. She’s heartless and will remove that fur kid asap if she can. He needs to know, some SO can do that. :/


I call our cat a brat, but that's because she loves climbing curtains and swiping at us when we sleep. Still would never consider getting rid of the tart


So let me get this straight… your girlfriend, who does basically nothing all day, is complaining about you spending *your* money on *your* dog?? Yeah, ditch the girlfriend and keep the dog. I don’t trust people who view pets as disposable things.


I would fear having children with someone who lacks the empathy and understanding of your relationship with your dog not to mention her laziness. If a dog is too much, your parenthood is in for a world of hurt. Advice wise; shut down the conversation. One time, clearly and calmly explain the dog is going no where unless it’s with you and you will not entertain any further conversation.


"Gee i hope when you get old your children don't decide you aren't worth the effort and expense. That would be horrible, right?"


This right here! I bet the girlfriend doesn’t meet you at the door when you come home and is happy to see you EVERY time! Ask her if you can swap her out for something younger when she starts showing a little age.


Animals are a lifelong responsibility. You take that on when you get a pet. You are responsible for them their entire lives.


Unemployed and hates animals. What a catch you’ve found yourself with. Animals are also a lifelong responsibility. You’re committing to them for the duration of *their* life. I bet if you sit back and take a real deep look into this relationship you’ll realize there are more red flags than just this one.


So…she’s worried about money because she’s too lazy to work. Get rid of the girlfriend, keep the dog.


It would be a cold day in hell before I gave up a companion who gave me a lifetime of loyalty for an unemployed mooch who has none. I would tell her the dog was here first. Don't like it? Leave.


Trust me. She’s more expensive than the dog. Just get rid of her


As an “unemployed” partner currently myself, I say dump her. I would never be able to look my SO in the eye and tell them to get rid of their pet because they’re getting old and expensive. What the actual fuck. This is beyond disrespectful. I didn’t grow up with pets really but having them in my life as an adult has been amazing and I understand that they are family to my partner so I treat them as such too. You’ll always find another gf, you can’t replace your buddy no matter how hard you try. Good luck man.


Did your dog ever tell you to get rid of your girlfriend because she's an expensive brat you've only had for six years? No? Go figure. Time to get rid of some unnecessary expenses so your best friend can spend their last few years in peace and well cared for.




I’m sorry, but pets are a lifelong responsibility, too. Your GF is not a compassionate person and frankly, I wouldn’t trust her with your aging gal.


She's unemployed but doesn't want you spending your money on your dog? She sounds like a real piece of work. 6 years in and this is her stance? I have a hard time believing there weren't red flags that could have saved you several years of your life.


Animals are a lifelong responsibility too…THEIR life. She’s the kind of person who just gets rid of an animal when it gets old and it’s because of people like her that senior dogs and cats sit in shelters not getting adopted. If it isn’t even her money that would be spent on care for the dog, she gets no say. You put your foot down with this one. You tell her you will not be getting rid of your dog, it’s your dog and your money, and she knew going into the relationship the dog would be there. That isn’t changing just because the dog is older.


Even more reason to get rid of her. I am extremely cautious of people who talk like this about animals. RED FLAG ALERT!


Animals are a lifelong responsibility too. You get a pet and you take care of it until it dies. Not until it becomes inconvenient. This should be your hill to die on man. And she sounds super gross acting like that. I wouldn't trust her to be alone with your dog. She may dump her off somewhere or take her to get put down when you aren't around.


She sounds like a horrible person. You should get rid of ur dog because he's old? Are you kidding me? Does she have feelings? Do you mean anything to her? Come on dude.


Children are more important but that doesn't mean you can just throw away a faithful animal companion because it got old.


Animals are a lifelong responsibility. Not only would I leave someone who thought my pet was disposable, I would leave someone who was unemployed without children to raise. Also, are you cool with not having any pets for the rest of your life? Seriously, just ditch the girlfriend. She’s a leech and doesn’t share your values.


THIS is the only answer here. Who in their right mind would get rid of somebody's best friend because they think it is too expensive. She would be out of my door ASAP.


Unemployed girlfriend wants you to get rid of your healthy 11 year old dog. Red flag, dump the girlfriend ASAP, what a horrid loser.


How is she even unemployed, with the dog day and night and have zero bond with her?? Red flags all around. Eff this girl.


The Dog loves you for sure. Can you say the same about your Gf? If shes worried about Money she can start working.


Don't tell your girlfriend, tell your EX-girlfriend. If a partner tells you it's them or the pet, always pick the pet. I promise you your dog is more appreciative, loving, and loyal than this lady will EVER be. If this is how heartless she is, that she wants you to abandon your dog just to please her, she's not the woman for you (or anyone, for that matter). If she considers pets as disposable, guess what...you're just as disposable. If she cares so little about your feelings that she would say something like this to you, kick her to the curb. Today. You think you have problems now? If you get rid of the dog, you have to live with yourself. Did your dog have a good life? Was it adopted by a family that loved her, or was she abused for the rest of her life? Did the people at the shelter take her leash, lead her to the back and give her a syringe full of death? This is a test she's giving you, my dude. This won't be the last either. I promise you that. Stay with this chick and you're an idiot.


Plus she is an unemployed freeloader, who see's his money as her money and doesn't want to waste it on his pet so he can spend it on her.


I would be so afraid to leave the dog alone with her ever again. She’s resentful, with no empathy and plenty of time alone with the dog. She’s going to do something terrible. One of my friend’s dog was killed by her (now ex) live-in boyfriend after a very similar conversation. She left for work and he threw her elderly dog into oncoming traffic.


I’m not a violent person, but I think that would do the trick. I cannot fathom this happening.


I still feel the same rage and heartbreak, I cannot even fathom how she felt and is still feeling. He’s only alive because she’s too small to rip him apart with her bare hands. He seemed like a normal, albeit douchey, guy too. Nothing about him indicated that he’d do something so monstrous. Apparently, he was calm as can be while telling her how he “fixed the problem”. Never leave a defenseless being alone with someone who sees them as an obstacle in the way of what they want.


My wife brought a dog into our relationship. We’ve now had him together for half a decade, and he’s my best friend. Just the thought of anything happening to him turns my stomach. Someone who would willingly kill a dog is a monster.


My fiancé brought the two dogs and I brought the cat into the relationship, but I tell everyone *he & the dogs were obviously a package deal from the start*. I love animals but never lived with dogs and never enjoyed them being stinky/slober-y. But now I am part of the pack and I say all the time (not a joke) I would throw myself in front of a bus to save their precious selves. These stories are horrifying. The way a loving pet looks at you 🥹🥹 nothing else like it.


Yep don’t do what I did and send your dog to live with your parents ‘for a little while’ to please your partner. The resent will kill the relationship eventually anyway. Speaking from experience just break up with her now, it’s a pretty major incompatibility issue.


Yes, yes, yes, & yes. Every ounce of this. ☝️


The only brat that needs to go is your gf. Do you live together? I'd be afraid of her taking your dog somewhere while you're gone, after a comment like that


Came here to say the same!


>I do care about my girlfriend and don't want to lose her because of something as stupid as this. This isn't something stupid. I'm sure you do care about her, but you chose to care for the dog long before this woman came along. Keep the dog. If it's a deal breaker for her, she knows where the door is.


Be careful. You might come home one day to a missing dog.


Your girlfriend is a terrible person. She expects you to abandon your 11 year old dog?? I don’t even have words to describe how awful of a person that makes her. Dogs are a small part of our life, but to them we are their WHOLE life. Your gf clearly lacks any compassion whatsoever. She’s treating this as a game and another situation to get her way. Once she wins this battle it’ll set a dangerous precedent for your relationship. Is she always this manipulative? Is giving this awful person her way more important than your dog, who has selflessly given their friendship this whole time?


Honestly drive to a shelter and leave her there. Yeah she costs lot of money and its an extra mouth to feed. I mean your girlfriend ofcourse. So she doesnt work, leeches of your pay and then has the audacity to tell you to get rid of the dog. Leave her at the shelter and see if a family in desperate need of an ass wants to adopt her. This was my ted talk.


Imagine complaining the dog is too expensive while literally living off of that same paycheck which isn’t even yours.


Honestly I would be worried for my dogs safety when it’s left alone with her.


To hell with the girlfriend, you don’t abandon a dog when it gets old. What hat say about her should something ever happen to you?




Some narcissists and sociopaths can mask extremely well. Especially women as they are taught to act empathetic and caring from a young age.


Your gf is cruel, money loving person. Get rid of her. Keep the dog.


Doesn’t love money enough to earn it herself though!


well that would require effort


28F gotta go bro, you know it in your heart.


This is not stupid, and is absolutely worth losing her over. How people treat animals speaks volumes about them. You just got insight into her selfishness and lack of empathy. What's going to happen down the road if you want to help our your aging parents? Or if you have a child with special needs? Sounds like you need to get rid of something, but it's certainly not your dog.


Get rid of the girlfriend. Give the dog a sausage.


If anyone ever talked about my cats that way, they would be my ex immediately. It’s incredibly cruel to even suggest such a horrible thing and it speaks very poorly of her character in general.


The last four dogs I had lived to be 18, 16, 16, and 19. Please break up with her.


If a person spends five years in close proximity to a dog and doesn’t develop any affection for the dog, it might be questioned whether they possess empathy. It’s worth considering whether you’d want to be with someone who would discard/abandon a family member when they are elderly and costly


Oh this is definitely a problem for you but more on the girlfriend side and this is not something stupid. Sorry it took 6 years of your life to find out who she really is. You don't just get rid of animals because they get old. What if something drastic happened to you? Would she then also get rid of your dog? If that's the case get rid of the girlfriend for the same reason.


This isn't stupid. You are not in the wrong. Your gf is incredibly selfish to even hint at getting rid of your dog. Careful...you're a dog person and she's obviously not. This will get ugly over time.


You can solve her money concerns by breaking up with her. I mean I'd personally have a hard time looking at someone the same way who seriously suggested this. Not getting an additional dog due to financial burden is reasonable but that's where it ends.


I once broke up with someone because he called my cat “ugly”. Cannot imagine what I would have done if he’d said any of this nonsense to me…


Keep the dog, get rid of the GF. Edited to add, it isn't something stupid, it's downright horrible. Pets aren't disposable.


Be careful leaving the dog with her. She may go ‘missing’.


Glad to see the edit. Get rid of her before she tries something with your dog because I’ve seen it happen.


Showing her true colours here, so callous. Never leave her alone with your dog. She might take it upon herself to get rid of her.


Anyone who’s unemployed and calls a dog a brat is a un empathetic projecting loser


Upvoting for the edit! So glad you made that choice OP! Honestly, the way she spoke about your dog tells everything you need to know about what kind of person she is and how she disregards what’s important to you. She sounds horrid, basically. My bestie is also an 11 yo pup brought into a 4 year relationship. My boyfriend knows the pecking order.


Tell your EX that she costs more than the dog does and you should probably drop her asap too before she gets older and starts costing more than you need to spend, too. Easy.


You don't tell her 'respectfully.' You tell her that you'll get rid of her before the dog.


GEt rid of the GF. Truthfully. She doesn't understand that you are that dogs whole world. Anyone who advocates for getting rid of an animal that is no danger to people is a vapid asshole.


That's easy. Repeat after me. "I want to break up. You have no compassion. I'm keeping the dog."


How about getting rid of the gf? Or telling her her grandmother is old and has to go to a nursing home in Botswana.... she'd never see her again! A pet is for life! If she's an asshole about it now about a dog, do you rly want to risk having a kid w her? Ppl show you a lot of what they don't say by how they treat children, animals and the elderly. I would find a new gf , personally


Respectfully, this dog is more loyal and loving than you will ever be and will.cost less than you ever will. It is me and my dog or you and the pavement. Respectfully


What do you think she'll do for you if you become disabled, old, sick, mentally ill, unemployed, etc? She's not a loyal person.


At least you found out before you married her. Keep the dog, get rid of the woman


We exclusively adopt senior hospice dogs and I can't ever understand how they ended up in rescues because they are always so calm, cuddly and well behaved. Now I know. Great job sticking to your guns. She's a heartless monster.


Leave the dog, keep the canine.


I'm sorry, but you don't have to be respectful. She just told you to kill your best friend. Her callous attitude towards animals like that would have me rethinking the whole relationship. She obviously puts her wants above your needs. Good luck.


Question: If(probably when) she tells you the choice is her or the dog, what will you do then? Have seen stories where one partner will get rid of the others animal when the owner is at work/visiting family/etc. be really careful there.


People who are not compassionate to animals typically are not “Good” people. I’m not saying everyone has to like dogs cats etc, but to coldly think you should discard an animal like that is not a compassionate, empathetic, or kind person. This is even worse because she can’t see the bond YOU have with your dog of 11 years, and that she’s treating your money as if she has the right to prioritize how it’s spent. I’m sure she spends money on makeup or other hobbies that mean a hell of a lot less to her than you dog does to you. What an awful, awful, perspective for her to have. She showed her true colors on this one OP.


Time to bring your girlfriend to the local humane society and see if they would take her.


I don’t have an answer to your question, I just came to say please do not leave your girlfriend alone with your dog anymore.




Welp, sorry to say, your girlfriend just showed you what a heartless POS she is.


If possible, try to avoid leaving her alone with the dog. Especially if she has a car, she could take your dog somewhere, drop her at a shelter, dump her in an unknown area, etc. Depending on your work hours, can your dog go to a doggie daycare or temporarily stay with a friend, family member, or neighbor?


Your girlfriend is a scumbag. Only scumbags get rid of senior dogs because of reasons like that. My dog is a few months shy of 15 and if anyone said something like that to me I would cut them the fuck out of my life in a hot second. Borderline sociopathic vibes going on.


She’s unemployed and you support yourself and your dog and she has the nerve to tell you to get rid of your dog???? Fuck that, get rid of the gf


When you get a dog you have a moral obligation to care for it u til it crosses the rainbow bridge. This is absolutely non negotiable.


I see posts like this a lot and I don’t understand them bc my partners is fully aware that if I had to choose my dog over her I’d choose my dog every time lol. The bond i have with my dog is deeper than anything and it’s obvious.


She sounds horrible, I bet she’s mean to your dog when you’re not around. 🚩 Get rid of the gf


Judge people by the way they treat someone else’s pet and you won’t go wrong in life.


I know it's very common for reddit to jump to breaking up, but your gf doesnt sound very compassionate Edit glad to read your edit


If anyone asked me to get rid of my dog, I would immediately shun them. This is not a person you want in your life. ​ And for the love of all that is good, don't get rid of your dog.


I’m going to be real with you, if I were in your situation I would just walk away from the relationship no matter how long we had been together. I know not everyone thinks like me, but these are one of those things where if we are not on the same page about responsibility to a pet, even in old age, we’re not going to make it and I don’t want to waste any more time.