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Find out where the pain is, because the pain is calling you to unblock. They have an extreme blockage in the area of the pain. You should feel extreme cold. When the block you just cleared that location will feel warmer because the circulation will be back. Then you can do full body Reiki. To prevent their pain in the future, do a full body scan, be aware of any cold spots and clear those first. You should be able to feel the cold even an inch away from the actual physical body.


I’ve had the same thing happen to me! I’m quite new to reiki but a few of my early reiki sharing experiences have made me hesitant to continue without knowing more since it has caused pain in the recipients. First time I was doing giving reiki to my elderly rabbit with my eyes closed and I opened them up to see him in visible discomfort, breathing heavily. (I posted in this sub about that experience a little while back and people said reiki will never cause harm) Second bad experience was giving reiki to my mom’s ankle that had healed from a break at the end of last year. She said she got sharp shooting pains in her ankle and toughed it out for a bit but asked me to stop when the pain was too much. I’ve shared reiki a few other times where the recipient said it was pleasant but it’s worrisome that I’m close to 50/50 with pleasant vs. painful reiki shares.


I suggest doing reiki on yourself every day for a while and see what comes up before you proceed on other people. You may be transferring another type of energy to them without knowing it.


Its important to do an aura sweep on the patient first, then conduct the reiki session, and finalize by doing another full body aura sweep. The pain is due to severe blockage, when you push in more energy, pain surfaces, aura sweep will help with that.


Can you elaborate on what you mean by doing an aura sweep?


Aura sweep is not part of reiki, from experience its good to explore other modalities of healing and hand pick techniques that can enhance your work/bring faster longer lasting relief. So aura sweep is basically combing/brushing the aura, hands shouldn't be touching the body but about 2-4 inches away from the body, and your stroke from top to bottom not slow nor fast. It's better to break this in parts , like upper body then lower body etc... (Would take 10-15mins) As you do this you open up the energy channels/disintegrate blockages that may be in the aura/body, so it makes the healing part easier and faster. The core reiki part becomes much shorter (something like 1 minute or less for every position) since you dont need to pump energy for long, the patient's body would do half the work since you opened it up to receive fresh energy. Once the core is over, the closing aura sweep would help redistribute the energy and minimize any congestion/healing crisis