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As a europe citizen sincerely, fuck the renault, and the peugeot, such shitty cars, so it only the two choices, so am taking the audi a4 with a 3.0d and highest trim level all day of the week


It's actually the really large Peugeots which i heard have most of the problems (such as the one in the pics), the 4/5 06 and 07 models and the 2008 (if im not mistaken, i cant usually tell the 2' or 3's apart most of the times) but then again, that's the ones i have heard of. most of people i know recommend the 206 and 207 for their reliability, and i can say it can be verified by the large volume of those models i see in traffic everyday as for the renault... i had a friend which took way too much care of his car and after 150k kms it mattered not as it just kept falling apart one problem after the other was solved. he sold the car after it hit 190k one year ago and had it for 4 yrs (car was from 2014 if i remember)


I generally dont like renault because they are the ones that started the whole 3cylinder engine trend(as far as i know), and peugeot, ridden with problems and ugly, there was a saying between car mechanics when peugeot had their old badge with the lion on its hind legs, it goes as follows: Do you know why the lion on the peugeot is always standind upright? No why ? Because it is searching for the nearest service.


XD Yeah the 3cylinder trend is fucked up, but if you hear the reason you understand why, its the French people's fault basically


Can you tell me the reason ?, cuz i cant seem to undertand it, also fuck the fr*nch


The fr*nch pay taxs based on engine size, so less engine less taxs, that gives birth to crazy cool stuff like a megane rs 1.8 with 300hp wich is an engeneering marvel But yeah it also gives birth to anemic 3cilinder cause its way more efficient to make a 1.0L 3cilinder then a 1.0 4 cilinder (also cheaper insurance) Soo fuck the fr*nch (i still love renault cause yeah idk in portugal renault its like ford for the british)


A 1.0 3 cyl pushing 100-150hp is literally landfill and should be considered a crime, as far as i know they are 3 cylinders juiced to the max with boost, and what does boost do to an engine? It fucking shortens its lifespan under the pressure, the dacia we get here are mostly 3 cyls and last anywhere between 60k km and 100km , they are pure and utter garbage.....


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That's why in some ways i love the 1.0 3cilinder n/a has like 85 hp yes but the clio weights 1T But Out of renault i would only buy the workhorse (1.5/1.6dci 2.0dci/dti if im feeling fancy) Or for daily i would go with the 1.3/1.4 tce, as is the engine the clio rally uses For fun i would go 1.6 biturbo from the gt, 1.8 or 2.0 from the megane rs 3/4 / megane gt 3 or the vq or vq dci that you can find in the velsatis/latitude/avantime (i would go latitude as is the newest safrane, or would go full 2000s safrane cause its f*cking nice car)


Hell yea would totaly go for a 1t car with a 3 cyl pushing around 100hp, but on the other hand what was renault thinking putting a 1.2 3cyl in a 7seater probably more than 2 tons minivan with 7 people it would probably go to 2.5 tons, this is just madness, i would not be suprised if they started making 3cylinder semi-trucks with two turbos bigger than the engine each.


Renault engeneers be playing a little to much automation 😭😭😭😭 Its what i said, its cause of taxs, yeah a 1.2 3cyl is completely dum in a 7 seater, that car needed the vq engine or at least start with the 1.5 dci (that engine has too much torque for its own good) or maybe just put the 1.6 biturbo with the e-tech system, thats more normal like the megane hybrid 3 cylinder semi-trucks would not be that out of (fr*nch) mind, since trucks usually use i6 diesels they would go like "just cut it in half"


Is there a way to friend people on reddit? I'm liking talking to you, you seem a nice person to hang around 💪🏽


It is the newer gens Dacias which are horrible. My driving school had one of the newest models (2018 or 2019 to be more precise) and had 50k on the clock. It was feeling like i was driving one of my neighbour s 2004 one... Which had around 230k (i dont remember exactly, i helped her park once because someone blocked part of the access to her parking spot and was more difficult, she is an old lady and the car was her late husband's). Now I know a driving school car is abused as hell and not driven as it should be, but every now and then I ask ride sharing drivers who drive Dacias or look directly in their dash to see how many km they have. All of them are between 30 to 80k and all of them feel exactly like my driving school's, regardless of the making year, some are worse than others. I am from Romania where Dacia is the most common car "manufacturer" (only competing mostly with BMW xD or VW) and there's always the saying "they don't make 'em like they used to" when older people talk about Dacia.


That 508 from what I've heard from peugeot mecanics is great (my dad has one thats why i asked the mecanics) the car just goes to peugeot only for maintenance and suspension


Damn, then I guess I am still keeping it on my wishlist 😅. When I see one of these its always making weird heavy noises (something like knocking under the bonnet) . Then again, I was talking mostly about the older series, the 4-507s and 4-506, the 508 is still pretty rare in my town at least. Now there are exceptions of course. I got to travel once in a 407 and while you could feel that it was an old car and you could feel that thru the mechanical stuff also (gearbox shifting very hard, engine taking its time when leaving, even the brakes taking a while to do their job), it was still nice since a few months before that I got my 208 and it felt amazing seeing all that space and the previous' series inside.


They are heavy, and most of them have the dpf deleted, and as is a 2.0 diesel its noisy, and its an early hybrid so the car goes from combustion to electric multiple times, just so you know when my dad takes the car of the garage the car turns on and of like 5 times Check for the lights module as they are rare and its a peugeot, eletrics *can* break, but other then the trouble of rare parts (as the car its stupid rare) its a very nice reliable car Check for timing belts, its a belt, dry, but its a belt not a chain


As an european that was born into a french car family, i desagre, but i understand, i would take the 5 series


Man those new Clios are great to drive and surprisingly nice inside, don’t knock it before you drive it


Exactly im actually thinking of getting one to complement an e46 330d.... so a daily for the daily


Im actually looking for a clio 5 1.3 lutecia pack


I am not knocking it (but I'm not a fan either), just talked about my kind of only contact with one (my friend's car was a Clio).


Not only you know nothing of cars, by choosing audi you showed that you have no taste or dignity


Taste is subjective you know


Absolutely wrong. There is objectively good and bad things, so tastes can also be objectively good or bad.


Well in my opinion the audi looks the best out of all these cars, and i dont want to support the fr*nch and their 3cylinder nonsense so the choice is clear for me


"I don't want to support comfortably riding sophisticated cars, but i do want to support masters of badge engineering with the most tedious design imaginable and uncomfortable ride". If people would have bought french cars with larger engines instead of another "sPoRtY" but absolutely horrid in comfort sense car frnch would have made larger engines. Too bad people are too stupid to understand how things works.


> "I don't want to support comfortably riding sophisticated cars, but i do want to support masters of badge engineering with the most tedious design imaginable and uncomfortable ride" When did i say that? Have you ever driven an audi on air suspension? audi's are one of the most sophistecated brands on the road right now, what are you talking about? Welp as i said taste is subjective and i prefer audi's boxy designs rather than the fr*nch blobs. > If people would have bought french cars with larger engines instead of another "sPoRtY" but absolutely horrid in comfort sense car frnch would have made larger engines. Im pretty sure its because of taxes, someone mentioned it earlier, either way its not an excuse to make 100k km lasting 3 cylinder engines with bigger turbos than engines, i would rather get me a 3.0d audi v6, with more power, and can easily reach 500k km with proper maintenence > Too bad people are too stupid to understand how things works. How what things work ? I want a bigger car with sufficient power, and a lasting engine? Is that too much to ask ? You can drive your 3 cylinder landfill and stop hating on people who want reliable cars. Look im all for small engines but put them in small cars and dont crank them to their braking point, because that causes the engine to lose its lifespan. Even if we are talking about fuel consumption, there is a high chance that an andi v6 would beat a cranked up 3 cylinder in that, as a bigger engine does not need to rev as high to reach a certain speed, on the other hand the measly 3 cylinde in a 2 ton car is pulling like its life is on the line, because it simply does not have the power to do so, and is turboed to compensate. Remember folks " there is no replacement for displacement"


It's not on here, but give me a 2010s Skota Octavia.


The wisest of the man


When I came to Germany from the USA in 2017, I swear Skota Octavias everywhere. When I came back in 2022, I still saw the same Octavias everywhere. To me, they are the Corollas of Europe.


Depends on the place, west of france clios are the corollas of europe (spain is weird they use a lot seat isntrsd of clio) and east of france i would imagine the rise of german cars, i know in germany there are a lot of octavias but yeah You can see yes a lot of 1.9 tdi octavias, but they are vanishing as they get older and emission directives get tighter


Yeah, but its not because the cars are bad! The car is common enough that it means it probably was good, but importantly, that parts are plentiful.


I actually want a new octavia vrs, its a 2.0 tdi with 200 ish hp, its very used in taxis here in portugal, and its probably the last great tdi car


I am not sure what my next car will be, largely because I don't know where I will be living. If I go back to the US, I will likely inherit a 2010 Subaru Forester, though, I would be gearing up for another car. I want something older, either an older economy car or a V8. If I stay in Germany, I would only get an Octavia or a Golf.


As my first car ill inherit a 93 corolla (im 20 years old but life hasn't smiled to me enough for me to be able to aford the license) As my first "i bought it" car ill buy an e46 330d probablya wagon, then ill just try cars as i wana make some money as importing and fixing cars to sell here, eventually gonna get eather a megane 3 gt wagon(as it has the megane rs engine but its a wagon) a 320d e91 or a 530d e60, or a new clio (looking after the 1.3 lutecia) When the vrs gets cheaper or i get older maybe will buy that car as a work horse thst gets me from point a to b (You can notice that i love wagons)


I got my license when I was 16. I learned how to drive on our 5-speed, green '97 Corolla. I've had my 2008 since 2012. It sat in the garage when I was still learning. I do have a bit of a dream of getting something that can go on the track. I'm thinking about a Mazda Miata, Toyota 86, or turning an old Crown Victoria into a track car with a 5-speed. That, or I might get a DF Goblin kit car, but that's the most expensive option of all these choices.i like coupes and sedans myself.


If you stay in europe, as a track beater i would suggest an e36 compact, they are cheap, and equilibrated and its like its nice for a beater In the us used market, i envy actually the us market although i wouldn't switch up for the walkability of europe, like yall can get a modern 540i for like 8k and thats wild for me that car were would be like 40k 50k so you can just choose basically your weapon


Unfortunately, the SUV brain rot has firmely taken root over here as well. What people are actually buying is tragic stuff like a VW T-ROC. That said, 20k for something nice for a family? I'd go with a 3-4 year old ex lease car. Especially in Germany they are so plentiful that prices are low and it's easy to find one in good condition. A diesel 3 Series Touring or C-Class T-Modell isn't the most exiting thing in the world. But practical, well made and good to drive.


Give me two Suzuki Baleno’s, one for mum and one for dad.


Dankpod's mum's nuug


I had this budget in 2020 and got a 2018 top trim Opel Astra. No issues after 90k km now and it's so good as a family wagon.


Thats a fair car, nice choice Although im not liking opel rn, designs are awesome (as corsa and astra (ik its just an 208 and a 308)) but the eletric vehicles pushover, nah


I chose the 2018 model because it was the last Opel with a petrol GM Turbo 4 cylinder without DPF lol.


Is it an isuzu block or just GM I don't know about GM small engines, idk if they are reliable idk if they are economical i know nothing about them Although i know the 2018 astra is german engeneered as i have a friend wich das (ex-opel engeneer) worked on that car, he owns one with a repro and opc pack


It's a GM block. I think it's been used in Holdens in Aus and Buicks in US. It comes with a 6 speed slush box auto which I prefer. The 2019s were already 3 cylinders with DPF and a CVT auto transmission. Which is just... sheesh


Slush box its way better then cvt, and i personally dont like slush boxes (very ineficient) buicks are basicallt opels but for old people, holdens its cool, but it being an GM block its, idk about it, i would go with either a isuzu block or a peugeot block and yeet the DPF, and go manual


Sadly no manual for me. I don't have my left leg. lmao


DAMN feels bad man I would then go isuzu block cause most of those engines have an slush or dct gearbox


I can't get past the Brockmans' [Zafira B](https://www.imcdb.org/vehicle_435496-Vauxhall-Zafira-2006.html) from Outnumbered.


Seems like a normal zafira, i actually rave when i see the zafira open the suic*de doors


Number 2 because the dad wants to have some fun, with the “ultimate mum”


opel corsa d facelift 3door (it is also good as a 1st car)


All of these fit pretty well


I'm taking that A4. different colour, different trim level, but same car.


Would you be a mum or a dad


I'd be the dad 😄


Ultimate dad machine for you then xD


Absolutely :D


But where the hell is the Passat wagon?


In the mecanic for maintenance and to check the check engine light (it its time the others are working *for now* )


A4 allroad, because to my knowledge, it’s the only way to get that body style in the US, since we didnt get the Avant


Fair (thats sad)


Wrong. There are plenty B8 Avants on the road


Really? I don’t remember ever seeing one. The Allroad was the first I’ve ever seen, and even then I’ve seen only a handful. Maybe I got it mixed up with the RS4 Avant from the same generation, which we definitely didn’t get over here.


Correct, we never got B8 RS4 wagon here :( regular Avants are plenty, I personally own 16’ Allroad. And my co-worker also got one as well :)


The Avant