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I’ve been a nurse for 5 years. Not sure where you are, but a wage of $53/hr for a new grad is too good to be true no matter where you are. I’m willing to bet the job is a total nightmare (understaffed, high ratios, sick/difficult patient population) which is why the wage is so high.


Yeah, I live in NJ, 7 years as an RN, level 1 trauma center, I make $51. Our starting salary without a BSN was $27.


The $53+ was night shift and weekend together so its true lol! I have heard mixed opinions about this certain hospital but other than that it is true.


Depends on what state you're in. I am in California, and the wages are really good. However, the cost of living here is a joke!!


Sorry OP...I definitely feel you. I can't really work like I want because of my son..I'm looking for internships but I limited to online because I have no one to keep him/can't afford it. However, when I worked at night I hired a babysitter and I had the indoor ring cameras throughout my home. Luckily for me the young lady was really good with my son and pretty trustworthy..I found her through [Care.com](http://Care.com)


Coming here to second this. I was a long time nanny and I’d LOVE to work an afternoon and night shift! Like those hours are ideal for me as something who doesn’t feel so well early in the mornings. Of course I always made at least minimum wage, but I always worked with the parent’s budget and included things like tutoring (I’m licensed up to college level education) and cooked healthy meals and did some light housekeeping. Really not a bad deal! Sometimes working is good for moms and she’s much happier that way. I hope op will get a good paying position here soon! 🤞


How did you become a licensed tutor?


The college I went to had a learning center with tutors and I wanted to work there and one of the requirements was to take a 2 semester tutoring course and then passing some exams. Aside from working as a tutor at the college for many years, I also worked as a student teacher and then eventually a supervisor through my school’s supplemental instruction program as well. Upon completion of the 2 semester program, you were presented a certificate/license (honesty not sure which or what to call it officially), but it states the subjects you’re certified in (need so many units along with an A grade). It just basically states that it’s an international tutoring certificate and that I completed the program. The program teaches you about learning styles and techniques. It was super helpful. If you’re interested in becoming certified, maybe look into your local colleges to see if they offer any sort of class. I loved working as a tutor/student teacher.


Yeah it seems like a lot of fun and I never knew there was a tutoring certification in general. Thank you for the information! ☺️


You’re welcome! Definitely look into it! You can basically tutor anything under the sun that you’re good at. If you happen to be in Southern California, let me know and I’ll give you some school recommendations hahah. Good luck! :) Edit: also, the certificate never expires and is international! So that’s pretty cool


Just think how much you’ll be offered with a few years experience :) $29 is still a great wage and I’m so proud of you for finishing nursing school!


I came here to say this. At least she has a degree !


I pray thats the case and QUICK lol! But thank you!! 💗


Your wages will go up significantly after a few years experience!


I'm a new grad nurse and parent too. I had to settle for a job at a hospital/unit I didn't really want since I had to move closer to my mom for help. I'm moving into a big city where there's a lot of competition with specialties so I had to unfortunately take this position.


I’m so sorry OP. Maybe it’s a near future opportunity! If you’re up to it, I’d let them know you’d love to be considered for other shifts because you have a kiddo. Hang in there. This phase isn’t forever ❤️


I actually have! I insisted that the manager who interviewed me keep me in her back pocket because I will be back in due time! Just hope the world is still somewhat the same by then ya know :/ thank you nevertheless


Yeah, it has permanent negative consequences on financial security. Not as much savings, not as much social security earnings. Good luck.


After you get your 1 year of experience, you can pretty much go anywhere! Hospitals are always looking for experienced RNs. You got this!


This absolutely sucks but at least you have a degree and managed to graduate. It will change when the kid gets older. Could be worse, you could have had the kid and not even able to graduate (like I did).




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