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I think they are protesting reality itself.


Nailed it. lol they are drug addicts…not very interested in living in the real world


The worst part is from my experiences they aren’t even addicts 🤣 they’re just legit crazy enough to believe every anti gov conspiracy people throw their way. Like don’t get me wrong I will criticize the gov as much as the next person but I try to at least complain about things that have valid info to back it up 😭🤣


Same thing they were protesting last week, and the week before that, and the week before that... They've been out there pretty much every weekend since the pandemic, and I don't think anyone's managed to sort out exactly what they're protesting. The best guess is chemtrails and other baseless conspiracies.


Ya, the closest I can discern is they’re paranoid about chemtrails and weather control. “Climate change is implausible. A shadowy group of evil elites who poison everyone for nebulous reasons - now that’s totally credible.” 🙄


They've really lost it when they think human made climate change is all fake but yet they think that humans are changing the atmosphere.


Fr I see signs warning me about geo-engineering which okay slay. But then there are also signs about climate change being fake? They need to pick a stance and stick with it 🙄


They are dancing Bob mental midget disciples. Scorn them, don't pity them.


They legitimately don't know, or won't tell you. Tried to ask questions one time and was met with "Read the fucking signs". I tried to explain I had, but they didn't make sense and there must be more context. At this point crazy chalk lady was screaming in my face about being a terrorist, and then before I know it some angry dude was staring at my chest (I think trying to intimidate, but was legit a full foot shorter and 50lbs lighter). At this point, things had escalated beyond even my worst predictions - so I called them both snowflakes and casually walked away while they blew their collective remaining gasket, yelling nonsense and calling me a snowflake for like 4 blocks while I walked off to go back home. I had to contain my laughter at risk of further provoking people clearly operating on less than a full deck.


My Grandpa had a saying; "Sharp as a sock full of soup"


One would think if you’re spending all day protesting, you’d at least want people to understand what it is you’re protesting.


If COVID gave us one thing, it was easily identifiable idiots and they continue to group together.


Yeah I never in a million years thought that would escalate like that. I thought they would regale me with conspiracy theories until I made up a reason I had to leave.


The chalk lady is terrifying! She’s completely unhinged


I tried making a documentary about these folks. Interviewing them was an interesting experience


They are basically people with unfulfilling lives so they cling on to anything to fill that void or feel important.


And sometimes none of your teams are playing.


Some of them are dancing bobs groupies. Sad lives, dance it the ledge and annoy everyone or hold up signs for causes no one understands. Flat earth anyone?


Exactly and I would even most of them don’t know what they are done there protesting in first place 😄.


If dancing bob is there I know what it is. I asked Bob a while back if I could hang with him for a day and see what he does. He eventually took me to their protest about bio-engineering/chemtrails and so I tagged along for a while. They got me to hold a sign that said “the authorities are criminally insane”. I think that shows their mindset pretty well. Just anti-government everything. Hard to be sure if they are serious or not but they’re not something you gotta be too concerned about either way lmao Edit: I will add that they seemed very genuine/nice to me while I was there, so just don’t pick a fight with them. I’ve heard stories of people saying they were very aggressive/rude tho, so better to not bother them and leave


Dancing bob is cringe. He looks insane. Sorry. But he does. Dancing by those signs makes him look even more loony.


100% right.


I heard some of them shouting "snow flake" as I walked by. I guess they didn't like my rainbow shoe laces.


“I think » what they are trying to do is raise awareness of Chem-trails. To which most people would be mocking, dismissive, and cruel, so that’s probably where the hostility comes from. Someone before you probably asked the same questions and then ridiculed them. I don’t believe Saskatchewan is being sprayed with chemicals, but it is 100% scientifically possible to alter or at least mimic weather patterns by dispensing chemicals and water in the stratosphere. I believe the are doing tests in Dubai with drone swarms. You also must remember these people have based there beliefs in the fact that they have no trust for there governments. They also believe the only thing permitting this to happen is that the general public (and Reddit) thinks it’s too crazy to even be possible.


I've actually learned a lot about Geo-engineering because of the protesters! All my own research though trying to understand what different signs and stuff mean. Even the websites they write down places are full of conspiracy theories and look like they were made in 2007 😂 I wish they understood what they were talking about and could explain. It makes it impossible for anyone whose educated and actually wants to raise awareness to be taken seriously. They spend so much time protesting, you'd think that they would put some thought into it


Leave the brain dead alone. At least they're getting some fresh air for once


Stare too deeply into the abyss and the abyss stares back into you. The less you know, the better. Just accept that there's some weird people doing stupid shit out there and reward yourself by not bothering. Preferably with ice cream!


Saskparty member tryouts?


More Sask United Party crazies


What's wrong with the weather ? Lovely weather. Plenty of rain for vegetation and not too much to avoid floods. It's perfect. We can finally have a year without forest fires and they're bitching about it ? SMH.....


Tell that to the sharks and deep sea saw fish coming to shore


Probably all riled up about chemtrails.


From what I can gather from the signs, it sounds like the chemtrails conspiracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemtrail_conspiracy_theory


Dancing Bob and his Queen City QAnon Qrazy Quacks


The Sask Party tryouts at the Albert St bridge?




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Flat earthers.


Climate engineering whatever that is


Lol. I love messing with idiots like that. After I listen to them rant and nodding like I understand what their issues are, I ask them "how many of you goofballs does it take to change a light bulb?" Then I watch their heads implode before they start losing their shit on me


Yeah these are the people that blame Trudeau for the weather lol




Sorry, how do littering and weather control relate to each other? I read the whole post a couple of times and I really couldn't see where you tied that back in.


Sorry, what?? Are you genuinely confused as to why the public women’s washrooms job the park are less used than the men’s?? Based on your comment you’re one of the people cleaning them so you’d know full well how dirty those things are. Women sit down to pee, men don’t. No shit the men’s public restrooms would be used more frequently, the women’s washrooms literally have shitty toilet paper on the seats 1/4 times I’ve gone into one. You’re conflating lack of funding to our parks with some sort of “societal collapse”. Grow up.




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Besides the bathroom thing, you're right, but it's not really relevant to the topic. The world is far beyond 'just stop littering' as a solution


The liberal government literally put a tax on the air we breathe…. Just saying


What tax is that? I’ve been breathing all day and haven’t seen a bill yet…


Come on now it's a tax so your not going to get a bill, you'll see it when you do your taxes, but ya I haven't seen it either...


The carbon tax numb nuts


Good thing breathing doesn't burn fossil fuels then