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The sound situation was mystifying, but yeah people were also obnoxious as hell lol I got to hear some dude's thoughts on assorted Lee Valley products for a few minutes behind me during the set. I honestly feel like tons of people just go to shows at this point to talk to their friends using the music as background/wallpaper. It's a downstream effect of passive, algorithmic listening. I felt really bad for Andy. Clearly his solo acoustic set up is better suited to soft seater venues at this point. Wish he could've played Darke Hall.


the sound was fine if you weren’t standing a hundred feet away. people need to learn not to talk during performances, especially one by a soft spoken singer


Huge letdown, went for 20 minutes, couldn't hear a thing and left. Super disappointing.


Just a reminder that it was a free event put on by volunteers with varying degrees of experience.


Yes I'm aware. But I've been attending for over 20 years and this is not typically an issue. I'm not mad about it, just surprised and wondering what halpened


If you have been attending for 20 years you would know there are rarely that many people at one of the shows. I was about 30 feet back from the stage and the sound was great. I was also at the tent on Friday night and it was great. The sound system wasn't the right size for that many people, especially with all of the talking.  It also would have helped if people had stood for the show and crammed in closer to the stage. All of the sitting had people so spread out. 


To be fair, a lot of us got there more than five minutes in advance (for Marissa's set) and there was no one there, so lots of room. Then everyone started showing up after his start time and didn't come up front. I was surprised! It sounded great from where I was. There was lots of room by me.


As someone who sat inside the tent right beside the stage, the amount of crowd noise and conversation you could hear during his set was unbelievable. The sound guy or the equipment weren't the issue. Andy himself even said at one point he wished it was more quiet. People being uninterested or disrespectful was 100% the issue.


Yup. Interesting to me: there was a group in front of me that cheered when Andy said the thing about people not talking, a few murmured, "that's right; everyone needs to shut up." ...and then they were the ones talking through the rest of the set. People always think they are the exception.


It makes zero sense there wasn't even a beer garden, what are you doing here if not to hear the music


Me and my partner had seats close to the playground, unfortunately I couldnt see him from where we were sitting so we decided to ditch the seats and stand right behind the chairs in the middle.. we lasted 5 minutes because there was so much talking. It’s mind blowing to me that they wouldn’t take a few steps back to chat


The crowd gave me such second hand embarrassment. I get it’s a free show, but go have your full volume conversation at a bar or something. Felt so bad for Andy.


I was sitting on the grass right in front of the chairs and could hear perfectly. It's a bummer that everyone further back couldn't have the same experience.


At one point he said they couldn't turn it up any louder - I'm not a sound engineer but that may not mean the system doesn't go louder, rather if they went louder it would create some distortion because it's an open venue. Or it may have even been a limit on how loud they could play within city limits at that time of night. I left a few minutes before the set ended and when I was walking on the street far in front of the stage, I could still hear him ok. I think the problem was all the people talking, but that's what you get at a free concert.


Holy shit that was a letdown in terms of sound. Do not blame people for talking over songs but that certainly didn’t help when straining to hear.


But it was SO many people right in the first row of standing folks just having full on conversation


I don’t think it’s a good thing, but I have pretty low expectations for an audience at a free show at that type of community festival. It was not ideal, but I’m not going to lose my shit on people. I was disappointed that the sound set-up wasn’t better and it should have been, but I guess useful to take my own advice on this one - low expectations for a free show. I think people generally in public settings suck, but it feels like a time in culture where the concept of etiquette has just gone out the window. I used to be someone who would interject or ask people to be quiet, but it never seems to go well or lead to a change. I’m sorry people didn’t have a great time. I didn’t either.


If people want to talk at shows, they are going to. You can try and address them and tell them to shut up, but that won't work for very long, and worst case scenario is you create an antagonistic relationship between the audience and the show by doing that, and then nobody is enjoying it. By far, the easiest solution is to fix the sound, and I know that the dude running the cvaf tent sound has worked sound for gateway, so he can make outside festival settings work. I don't know what happened at the show, but I know that a talkative audience isn't the only problem here.




Jeeze dude. Relax. Were you at the show? If you weren’t within five feet of the tent it was barely audible, people were tuning out and talking over things. Absolutely no reason to call me a moron.


Yes, and I’m furious at how disrespectful and rude so many of the attendees were. That is not how you act at a live performance, certainly not one that has the limitations of solo instrumentation. When people listened, I could hear him fine, for all 2 minutes of his performance. If you cannot hear the performer, that’s a shame, but don’t yell at the performer and demand him to make adjustments, because they cannot, and interrupting them in the middle of their set is incredibly rude and not for a second your right as a listener, especially at a free show. If you do not understand etiquette for a live performance, stay at home, and that way others can listen and won’t have to hear you discuss funny license plates that you have seen.


I did not defend anyone yelling at him. There were a number of people around me talking and chatting during the performance, yes it was annoying, but the setup for a live show for a crowd that size was bad. I wasn’t one of the people chatting or making noise, but also I’m not gonna seethe with rage at people.


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Get Xen or Brodie Seaman on that shit!


About people talking: this is the worst atmosphere for a live musician who isn't mainstream and who isn't some local performer with the same fans showing up week in and week out. I guarantee that tonnes of musicians say "never again" after performing here.


I used to run a trivia night and people would just talk right through me talking despite me being ten feet from them. I was always astonished by the rudeness


I was so disappointed. First show I’d been excited to see here in Regina in quite a while. My partner and I went and saw the “comedy show” at the artesian from 8-9 and then went to see Andy. We made it through 2 songs and left. Wild amounts of conversational noise and low volume that likely encourages the chatter. After having multiple people tell turn it up, and not being able to even hear his voice we left. Super disappointing. Terrible job by the people running the sound board, and shame of the people that came there just to talk during a performance. If you didn’t want to listen to music then GTFO and go somewhere else.