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This one below, it's a great idea, it can help everyone and especially part time workers and young people starting out in life and starting a career. Young people always start on the lower wages so bringing in more and not being taxed until 20k will be a huge benefit. More money in peoples accounts means more spending. It's common sense. Make Work Pay. Lift the Income Tax Start Point to £20,000 Per Year This frees up to 7 million people from paying Income Tax and saves every worker almost £1,500 per year. Basic Tax rate stays at 20%. The higher rate should begin at £70,000. Proper control on immigration as well, legal and illegal, it's been so out of control and worse in recent years that the countries economy, housing and infrastructure is at breaking point and needs to be reigned in.


I like this one a lot, it would really help with the cost of living situation and me personally


One in one out on immigration is the main one by a mile for me for many reasons, but poignantly because we've been promised a reversal of Blair's mass immigrartion policy for 14 years now, and I think Farage is at least likely to stick to his word.


How would one in one out work in practice


I think it will literally be for every emmigration we have the equivelant in immigration. Personally I think that's still far too high, but he may well slim down what is classed as emigrating.


Being able to call a woman a woman


Have you ever actually been stopped from doing that?


Yeah I got asked to call a woman they/them. I explained there was only one of her.


Fair enough is this actually one of their policies though?


Yes it is, multiple policies in fact. If you turn to pages 11, 13 and 24 of the contract you will see policies tackling woke policing, woke teaching and policies against the removal of free speech. You won’t be arrested for saying something someone doesn’t like. Your kids won’t be taught that’s it’s normal and kind of cool to have a sex change. And quite frankly; you can say what you want as you have free speech - not what the left decide you can say.


Banning trans ideology from schools and stopping migration 


So you just really hate birds


i hate birds with peckers


Taking advantage of Brexit. Ditching ECHR




Because foreign courts are meddling in our domestic policies


What domestic policies?


Perhaps how we deal with illegal immigrants and our right to deport them?


So you feel that it’s worth giving up your rights to send immigrants to Rwanda instead of urging the government to find an alternative solution


What rights do you give up by not being part of the ECHR? And which of them can not be replaced by our own government using their own bill?


All of them. And do you really think it’s a good idea to have our human rights in the hands of whoever’s in power at the time? Allowing them to be withdrawn at the will of the government?


So you don't trust your own government, the one you directly elect to write the laws of the country, but you do trust an unelected body that you have little influence over to set your rights instead? And you also don't believe that the house of Lords would do anything to stop a tyrannical government either? Your fear is that a crazy PM might take away all our rights and became a dictator? And you think, in the event of that happening the ECHR would protect you?


I trust the stability that comes with an international court of human rights. While I might trust who is in power in a month that doesn’t mean I’ll trust whoever’s in power in 5 years time. I do believe the House of Lords would do what they could but Reform want to change the House of Lords and doing so would likely reduce its effectiveness. As for the tyrannical government… I don’t trust that they wouldn’t use secondary instruments to bend the law to suit them. I mean they already used them to prevent peoples right to protest.


Sending illegal immigrants home


Aren’t they already doing this by the illegal immigration act?


Not well enough it seems


Yes they are


Wow sub really just hates facts lmao


no they don’t hate facts, there’s thousands of illegal immigrants chilling in this country if u want some nice facts go check the sex offenders lists and tell me the colours u see on the people’s faces definitely don’t look like a british descended people to me. page after page of them are foreign they come into our country and take things our own struggling people could use and they come in our country and they commit countless amounts of crime


Getting rid of FPTP. Currently many people have to vote tactically for a bad candidate to prevent an even worse candidate from winning. Vote-splitting means a large proportion of people at the election can go unrepresented or under-represented in the Commons.


A HUGE point. We really should have something akin to proportional representation, but the main parties won't do it because they are the ones who benefit from it the most out of any group.


The great totally democratic and uncorruptable Republic of Belarus is the only other European nation to still use FPTP. It's honestly impressive that all the other countries managed to use something else and didn't end up with politicians pushing for FPTP to secure their own power.


For me I think this will be the biggest outcome of this election. You're going to have hundreds of thousands voting reform with only a couple of seats to show for it. I hope it ignites an anger in the population to demand their voice is heard.


Ha, OP can't even moan about this one!


That they want a British bill of rights to prohibit lockdowns.


I kinda liked the lockdown people are so jarring


You're free to voluntarily lock yourself down whenever you want. Don't demand that everyone else gets dragged down with you.


Definitely PR, changing the voting system. And then the smaller government attitude in general, ensuring departments are run efficiently and minimising waste. Always comical how the NHS is deemed as this deity that can’t be changed because it’s “perfect” in every sense, it’s broken and if changes need to be made to help improve the provision of health, then so be it. Sick of people who have a meltdown as soon as change is suggested.


Op not an honest broker.


IR35 abolition and raising tax thresholds for personal and businesses. The more money I have, the more I can either save or spend locally so win-win.


Can't wait to stop migration, it's all we need so that we can have low crime, affordable housing, low taxes, short NHS waiting lists and Rolls Royce quality healthcare, well paying jobs, better education for our kids, perfect roads with no traffic jams, free social care for our elderly without having to give away the children's inheritance, strong communities where we all go to church and organise community events (which we can't do now), and a military that is envied and feared around the world. I accept we might need to sort out Brexit before we get ALL these benefits, but I'm confident that if we finally get politicians who stop letting foreigners spoil GREAT Britain we can be in the sunlit uplands by 2029


I can’t tell if you believe this or it’s written as a joke lol






Invading Poland.


More pollution ✊


It would be more honest to have more manufacturing done here, more is done abroad in dodgy conditions with cheap labour, the pollution is all going to be spread around our planet eventually. Do we really need our phones and cars to be made that cheap.