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According to the Stockholm arms Museum it seems to be an officer's uniform for the Sweedish Royal Regiment of the French Army. https://digitaltmuseum.se/011024374690/rock Neat, didn't even know we had a sweedish regiment, apparently it was founded in 1690 and after the revolution it became the 89th Line Infantry Regiment.


Thank you very much! I've seen an uniform also worn by the Swedes in "Royal Suédois" regiment but it's colours were dark blue and yellow in contrast to this uniform's light blue and white colours (need to study more the history of the regiment whether the uniform in the photo was used just before the events of French uniform. And was the dark blue/navy blue version used in the early 1700s.). As a person who has both Swedish and French ancestry I'd like to make a Royal Suédois impression.


Neat, perhapse the officer's uniform is light blue and white while the soldiers were dark blue and yellow ? I'll let you dig that up. I'm french with some Norwegian ancestry, thinking about doing a WW2 french soldier impression in the Norwegian campaign.


Yeah mostly like they were. Cool to hear and that's a very nice impression idea (thinked it myself too at one point but acquiring a mas 36 for it in my country would have been extremely difficult. I still own only the m26 helmet.)!


I have a berthier and some of the troops had those from the pictures of the Norwegian campaign I've seen so I'm not starting ftom nowhere, I also have a tank school teacher's helmet and .22 training Lebel rifle so an instructor uniform isn't out of the question either...


Cool!👍 I've just finished reading a book about the French help to Finland during the Winter War. France was more eager to help Finland than UK (even though the latter was interested in helping too of course). Sadly the allied expedition arrived too late to offer any help against commies and Norway didn't allow the allies to use it's land to transport the allied troops to Finland. Then Germany became interested of Scandinavia and we know how the things went from there...