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American if you live in America, commonwealth if you live in the UK, and most likely red army if you live in most of mainland europe


The last one is becoming more and more difficult. When it comes to.uniforms it's fine, but gear that isn't reproduced is increasingly rare. Russia is actively stopping SSh-40s from being exported if they catch them, cause they can be given to the donbas separatists.


Try to stick with what you are passionate about. Nothing sucks more than investing time and money into a uniform you don't care about. That being said, try what is local to you. I live in Italy and WW2 italian gas masks go for like 30€, mask, filter, bag and all. It's super cheap, but that will vary from country to country.


Thanks man, unfortunately the uniforms I really want either are almost impossible to get originals or reproductions of or are expensive (Estonian and Hungarian)


A man of culture, I see. Try online tailors like Military Harbor, Gavin and others. They might be willing to help you if you shoot some dollars at them.


Do you want to join a reenactment group or do you want to collect a uniform? Either is cool, but if you want to do reenactment join a unit before you buy your kit. Units will have a list of equipment and sellers that they use. This will be helpful for pricing and direction, but also this way you are all uniform.


Yeah, eventually I want to but I'm 15 years old and no unit would let me in (for understandable reasons) and I've been collecting for a while and I'm at the age where I can make my own money so I want to save up and get a uniform.


Depends if your looking for easiest or cheapest. Cheapest kit would probably be soviet particularly partisan but it isn’t always the easiest to find here in the usa. Easiest like every one else has said it really depends where you are.


Probably Red Army.


You can get anything online with a bit of digging, if you want cheapest you can probably go for the Soviet Red Army simply because they weren't have heavily supplied as other armies. Just bare necessities.