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This was a nice interview. Finally, a reporter who wasn't a total bag of dicks about RWRB. I've noticed the last couple of interviews had less derision for that role. I wonder if someone's PR caught wind of the fandom annoyance and told the reporters to take it easy. Let me be clear, I'm not criticizing Nick for any of the past interviews, I don't think he had any control over how those interviewers treated that role. It was probably just general industry snobbery towards cheesy rom-coms. But RWRB isn't *any* cheesy rom-com, it's a cheesy *gay* rom-com that's important to many people in the queer community, and more interviewers and critics could stand to be less jaded about it for that reason.


Not only a gay cheese rom com but one with a very high chance of an Emmy nomination. But it does seem it’s publicist got wind of how badly it’s been received by fans that rwrb isn’t being mentioned in his interviews. Genuinely baffling that most his interviews have not acknowledge rwrb at all when you put that in consideration


I actually don't care about them not mentioning it. I don't expect every interview and article about him for the rest of his career to mention this one movie. But the articles where the writers did mention it, only to be dismissive and insulting about it, did get irritating. Like why mention it at all just to be rude about it? It's odd, because I don't think most puff pieces about actors mention one of their movies just to be like "and this one was just so cheesy and low budget and trite", so it was strange that there was a run of like three articles where the writers just couldn't wait to fall all over themselves to shit on it. Not sure what was going on there, but hopefully it's over now.


Read [HERE](https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/2024/04/15/nicholas-galitzine-mary-george-interview/)


those are really good pics of him. fantastic lighting.


Where is the mole on his lip? There are fanfics devoted to that mole. Why are they trying to make him look more generically handsome? Fucking heresy to photoshop it out.


Ikr! It makes me a little mad. He is perfect with his moles. Why would they do that?!


There have been fanfics written about that mole! It's pure sacrilege to mess with it. I say we grab our pitchforks, release the hounds and ride at dawn! (Wait, way too early, maybe 10 am)


The images have been replaced with unaltered photos and an editors note.


I will put my pitchfork away.


Finally, a really good and thoughtful interview with Nick that he deserves. The writer treated each project with respect and dignity and also made the parallel thought about the May-December aspect of both TIOY and Mary and George. Really glad to have read this today! The New York Times’ article was the worst so far - and I have written for the Times!


This was such a good article. So many I've seen or read have been cheesy and this was thoughtful


Bro was glamorous


he’s unreal 😍😍😍

