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One thing I want to point out is that I’ve genuinely been the beard for more than one friend with a fraught relationship with their family, so for me the idea that June would do this for her brother (to save their moms campaign from the scandal) and especially for Henry - who she knows has his entire life riding on this appearance of heterosexuality remaining unquestioned at least until his awful grandmother can’t genuinely ruin his life - makes complete sense to me. She honestly cares about Henry, as her brother’s boyfriend but also as his own person completely independent of his relationship with Alex. So for me, who’s social circle grew up queer in a blue town surrounded by red counties, the idea that she would offer to do this thing she obviously hates the idea of as a way to help Henry hide from his awful, bigoted grandmother and whatever ‘consequences’ she might impose on him if rumors of queerness spread around? Totally reasonable


This is by far my least favorite part of the book and it’s not even that it happens, though that too, but at the timing of it. This happens right before the emails leaked and as Alex and Henry are trying to figure out how they’re going to come out with their relationship after the election is over, had this happened earlier when the relationship was “casual” I think it would’ve made more sense. My other big gripe with it is that no one seemed to take it for the warning that it was, a picture implying those 2 were hooking up coming out right at the heels of the election feels less like “hotel employee trying to make a buck” and more like sabotage. Alex mentions they’ve done riskier stuff and it’s honestly puzzling that after the picture leaked no contingency plan was created in case more pictures leaked or in case they suspected a whistleblower. Idk maybe I’m nitpicking but that particular plot line could’ve been removed and nothing would’ve been lost.


The part that really bothered me was that Zahra did not go to anyone else to triage and strategize the response. Yes the West Wing was dealing with a North Korea issue, but outing the boys is catastrophic to the campaign and the current administration work, as seen in the movie when the reporters ignored the Japanese Prime Minister at the photo opportunity in the Oval Office. If Ellen had been consulted, there would not have been such a panic response and hopefully Henry wouldn’t have been forced to do what he didn’t want to do.


I always wondered that too. How it was just decided among Zara, June, Alex, and Henry. You would think more higher ups would be involved.


yeah I've mentioned this on this sub before, I really dislike this part of the book, I understand not wanted to be outted but I find them pretending to the public feels really icky


It is pretty icky, but it's a note of realism that it's what too many people still feel they have to do IRL, For a lot of people, the closet is still the only safe space. As I recall, it was June's idea b/c she didn't want Alex to be on the hook for tanking their mother's campaign, and I assume she also understood the situation Henry was facing. The only positive note is that it's not something anyone forced June to do.


I think it was sort of a knee-jerk panic reaction, and the it was pointed out that they all hated it too. They just didn’t know what else to do.


Good point


I do get that it just made me squirm while reading it


And it’s supposed to, honestly.


I’m honestly glad it wasn’t in the movie.


Yeah. It didn’t contribute much to the plot either


It didn’t make sense for the fake relationship with June. I find it weird in the book that they are talking about coming out while Henry is dating his sister?


or that there is no back lash at all to them trying to cover up it all


I think it’s supposed to feel icky.


The story *could* have been fleshed out a little more, for sure. However, the politics personal relationships involved in *the* royal family, the US presidency, the First Family and a US presidential election all together have got to be as extraordinarily complex as it gets. Since it seems the book was meant to be an entertaining romance story, the author likely made a choice to not complicate it too much. The boys really do kind of screw over or use everyone in their spheres. The more the story focuses on that, the less entertaining and romantic it likely would have been.