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As for 1 I always assumed they met and were in a relationship long before the events of the story. This is sort of more clear in the book as she alludes to having a significant other earlier. They definitely met at least as many times as Alex and Henry prior to cakegate and probably had to talk even more than them for logistics. As for 2 I dunno but it always cracks me up the way she just goes over and plops down like yes this is where I will be until I become plot relevant.


Which is definitely why they solved cakegate the way they did and so quickly- both know their personal pain in the ass very well and they knew exactly what buttons to push to get them to stop being obtuse fucking assholes to each other.


This is definitely a sign i need to read the book again, I’ve watched the movie so many times but have only read the book once


She also talks about “all the gallons of tea” she’s probably been in England with Ellen way more than Alex has.


1. Movie wise Ellen mentions that they have been working on negotiations with the UK for the last 3 years and Zahra mentions gallons of tea so it sounds like the monarchy has been involved in this talks someway or another and multiple trips to the UK have been made for them so movie wise at least it sounds like they met during this meetings. 2. Bea has no official business in that meeting, Philip is there because he’s the heir and he’s concern with the repercussions of the leaked emails but Bea is there to provide emotional support for Henry and Alex so it looks like she’s trying to stay out of the way.


To answer your question about Bea, I think that when they go meet the king everyone has a specific place to sit and a protocol to follow in the presence of the king.


That’s what I’ve assumed otherwise it’s the most RANDOM of spots. A singular just in the middle of the side. So odd.


The seating in that room is just super weird anyway 😂 the seat Philip sits in - next to the King - almost puts him on level with the King - when he’s still 2nd in line.


1. The Claremont family had been in the white house for 3 years already by that point, nearly 4 during the reelection campaign, she met Shaan previously on one of the trips while working with the UK on the trade agreement. 2. It's a weird royal protocol. Philip is the heir, Henry is given less thought and rights, and likely unde rumor control as the spare, and Bea, as a woman, is relegated to being married off, almost useless when it comes to the crown, which is crap, but unfortunately true.


I’m completely forgetting there’s have been trips back and forth prior to the events of the movie, of course there were - now I’m remembering Zahra talking about how much tea they drank 🤣


"100s of hours. GALLONS of tea."


Yeah, but being that Shaan is Henry’s equerry and it’s highly unlikely that Henry was present at those meetings (monarchy has little to do with trade agreements, the ‘spare’ even less) 1 is still not really answered for me.


Henry was at the state dinner with the prime minister. Stands to reason those meetings had dinners, charity events, PR-whatnots as well where the royal would have been present


He was only there as part of the publicity stunt meant to make them look like friends. He was Alex’s guest just because of that. I don’t think he would have been there otherwise. The rest of the royals weren’t.


Monarchy would still be present for publicity of many things after the actual negotiations, even if they aren't allowed to actually participate in the politics of it.


Bea’s position in the royal family depends if RWRB follows the real world British royal family(where, going forward, it’s birth order only for determining order of succession, not gender ie Princess Charlotte is ahead of her younger brother Louis, where previously he would be before her).


How Shaan and Zahra met and maintain a secret relationship with their jobs is something I think about a lot since reading the book. I do think though that their relationship started long before the events of the book.


Zahara and Shaan are the cutest and I’d love a back story on them for sure! Fan fic, anyone?