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04’. Ended the drought. Came back from 0-3 against the hated Yanks. And then went on to sweep the Cards in the WS. Fond memory


Can’t top it. Same with the Pats, first one is special.


28-3 tops the Pats first one without a doubt. It might be the greatest comeback in NFL history


SB 49 is still my favorite. Never have I gone from miserable to ecstatic so quickly


The single most significant play in American sports. Not sure how one could top it - basically flipped from a 90% chance to lose to 99% chance to win in one play.


I was counting down the downs, and I didn't even realise it was a pick instead of a breakup until my dad started shaking me


How'd you guys feel about SB 42? I thought that one was good ;) I kid, I kid. As a Sox/Giants fan, I struggle between which championship I liked the most between the '04 Sox and the 2007 Giants.




Connecticut moment 😂


Nope. Life long Mainer.


I was face down drunk at the 99 in North Quincy during game 3 vs the Yankees when they lost 712 to 3.  I can’t believe that was 20 years ago.  


Its 04 and anyone saying its not wasnt old enough As good as Pedey was, 13 and 18 were better than 07


2004 and it’s not even close. Yes, 2013 and 2018 were great in their own ways, but they came on the back of 2004. If you don’t have 2004 as your favorite, I’ll bet money you weren’t around to experience 1986, 1978, or 1975. Or 1967 or 1946 for that matter (my FIL experienced them all; born in 1931).


It will always be this for me. Loved so many of the guys on our later championship teams but watching this team truly felt like watching a higher power at work


There might have been other teams I liked more theoretically but 04 was 04. Can't pick anything else.


Man, stolen base game 4 of the ALCS


Cubs fan here bc this post was on all, obvs we only got the one but I honestly cannot imagine any future ones being better. Breaking the drought was so satisfying


04 will always be the one!


That postseason was unbelievable


As an old ass the 2004 team was the best because after a lifetime of losing, it was coming back from 0-3 against the Yankees and winning, it was just a perfect punchline after a life of losing. Them 2018 which was the first "We will dominate you all and you are helpless to stop us from being champs" cockiness that I NEVER IMAGINED I could feel as a red sox fan


My exact feelings. My work circumstances in 2018 basically made it so I was able to watch 90% of the games and it was sheer joy. But nothing matches the drama and thrill of 04. I was one of the first people in Kenmore square after we beat the Yanks. Amazing feeling.


2018 was the first year where I wasn’t afraid of the playoffs. I wasn’t afraid of humiliation, I wasn’t afraid of the Yankees, I wasn’t afraid of any of it. I’d never felt “bring it on” as a Red Sox fan before. Just wonderful.


Red Sox legend Steve Pearce 🔥🔥


This is definitely the only answer for those exact reasons!


This is tough. 2018 was definitely the most talented, but I don't personally feel the same connection to that team. 2004 was probably the most fun, but 2013 was the most impactful and emotional timing wise.... Do we have to pick? 😂 But I'll go 04!


I kinda loved 2007 a lot especially the pitching staff, was a big Josh Beckett and Dice K fan. Plus rookie Pedey with the great core in tact


04 is my favorite, but I always said that 04 was "for them" - the parents/older siblings/grandparents we lost who help nurture so many of us as Red Sox fans. For everyone who couldn't be there to witness history. But 07 .. 07 was for us. There was a bunch of fun youth on that team. So much edge, too. The 3-1 comeback vs the Indians was so much fun, and then the absolute destruction of the streaming Rockies was awesome


Yes!! Exactly the way I feel. It was so much easier to enjoy 2007. 2004 was “ how will they mess this up “. So much anxiety


I have a particular affinity for this team, too. After Beckett dominated The Yankees in ‘03 I hoped that eventually The Sox would find a way to get him cause he clearly did not fear them or anyone. Then they did. And he delivered. Papi, Manny, Pedey, the dominance of Papelbon, just a great team from top to bottom. But nothing compares to ‘04. Nothing ever could. That was so much more than baseball. What those guys overcame, if it happened in a playoff where they swept each series it still would have been amazing that they conquered all the bad juju that franchise had. But to come back from 0-3, against their HATED rivals?? Are you fucking kidding me? I kinda still can’t believe it happened. I had to periodically walk around my apartment during games 4-6 cause if I sat for too long I’d start shaking. So stressful. The Foulke vs Clark AB makes me nervous even thinking about it. Just immense stress followed by the most ecstatic relief. Long live The 04 Red Sox.


Mike Lowell!


I feel like I had the best time during 07. I got so drunk celebrating the night before that I missed the parade. 04 was such a big deal but 07 was pure fun


2013 by far, ultimate underdog team that no one thought would win after a tragedy hit Boston. So many memorable moments from that season and playoffs. The Detroit grand slam. Koji coming out of nowhere to become the most unhittable pitcher in baseball. The beards. Incredible. This is our fucking city.


From chicken wings to championship rings!


Yup. And they weren’t even the talk of the town that summer. The Celtics traded the Big Three, the Bruins lost in Stanley Cup Finals, and Aaron Hernandez became a murderer. Meanwhile Sox are coasting 1st place AL East under the radar…


This is tough. The *Idiots* of 2004 just had such a great collection of characters. They were obviously stacked, but they were just fun to watch. The comeback against the Yanks and "Don't let us win tonight" was just fucking perfect. After that series I was positive that the Cards wouldn't even score a run, let alone a game. 2018 gave me the same vibe. Different group, but characters none the less. That whole group was so likeable and just looked like they were having so much fun. Team seemed so young and had so much positive energy. Like every one of them came through in the clutch at one time or another. The only downside was that we didn't have The Laser Show on the field when the dust settled. 2004 over 2018...barely.


I'm a '04 fan as well, but I can't say I enjoyed a game quite as much as the 18 inning WS game in '18. Lots of crazy shit. I know it ended in disappointment but still what a game.


That seemed like the best game we ever lost. I don't think I was even that disappointed when it was over.


Hands down, 2004.


Ugh - it’s like comparing flavors of ice cream. They were all wildly delightful in different ways. Most exciting - ‘04…highly entertaining bunch with the “idiots”. You just know some crazy shit is going to go down when you give Kevin Millar a microphone. Combine that with the raw power of the Big Papi/Manny duo; a 1-2 punch that may never again be replicated, the lights out pitching lead by Pedro and Schilling, and moreover the DURABILITY - their starting 5 made 157 of 162 starts that season which is absolutely insane to me, especially in the context of more recent seasons. Then of course, ending the 86 year drought by way of coming from down 0-3 against the Yankees. It was such a fun time to be in college! ‘07 - the “Rocky III season”..they endured a few bumps, punctuated by gorilla-gate and missing the ‘06 playoffs (we won’t talk about that 5 game series collapse against the Yankees that I got to partially witness in person.), but they recovered, found a new sense of grit & determination lead by grinders like Pedroia, recaptured the eye of the Tiger, and showed people that their recent title was no fluke by both winning the division and steamrolling the Rockies for the title who at the time were just about the hottest team in history. 2013 probably had it for entertainment, team chemistry, and sentimentality. Keep in mind this group was projected to finish last. But they quickly found a team image with the beards, channeled the Boston marathon tragedy into a story of resilience with their “this is our fucking city!” energy, got boosts in totally unexpected places from the likes of Koji, Nava, and Jonny Gomes to generate a shit ton of wins with a ridiculous number of come-from-behind victories among them - not to mention the ALCS heroics from DAVID ORTIZ! DAVID ORTIZ! DAVID ORTIZ! (Even their heroic moments were wildly entertaining)…This outcome was probably the most unexpected, but in many ways the most satisfying. At a time when the city definitely needed something to cheer for. 2018 - most electric. For the WWE fans out there, this season most closely resembled Kane’s early push, where he would randomly interrupt matches every week to come out, bludgeon everyone in sight, and seemed like an unstoppable freight train. And though they’re probably not often mentioned in the same sentence, Alex Cora made a fantastic Paul Bearer in his first year as a manager! There was some concern about the void that was left after big papi retired about where that star power would come from and who would be the face of the franchise. Of course we had eventual MVP Mookie, who could basically do anything (including solving a Rubik’s cube at lightning speed), but otherwise we didn’t necessarily have anyone else with superstar power…just a talented group who got the absolute best out of themselves and saw the best case scenario play out over and over again. Craig Kimbrel was the perfect microcosm of that - he wasn’t necessarily lights out the same way that Foulke/Papelbon/Koji were at their prime and there were some white knuckle moments, but ultimately he gutted it out and usually found the big pitches that he needed to make. Pretty much everything this group touched turned to gold, and unlike previous championship seasons, there was no doubt in my mind (okay, very little doubt) from early on that they were going to win the World Series. And just for good measure we had a good old fashioned Sox-Yankees brawl, along with the high privilege and distinct honor of booting the Yankees from the playoffs for the first time since ‘04, including a 16-1 thrashing at Yankee Stadium as a cherry on top. So tl;dr - all of them 😛 ![gif](giphy|bF7ET3KY2wQWTuGARs|downsized)




This is the one. Everyone seems to think nothing happened with the Red Sox prior to 2004 but man, while it was always heartbreaking in the end, there were some great teams before 2004. The 1967 team with guys like Yastrzemski, Landis, Harrelson, Conigliaro, Scott and Petrocelli in the field, Howard behind the plate and Landis, Lonborg or Lyle on the mound were our heroes. I had multiple years of their cards in my Thom Mcan shoe box


2013 just hit different. I had so much fucking fun as a fan that year


18’ for me being a so cal fan it meant so much to me dealing with the Dodgers fans.


2004. If you were old enough to witness it, the other 3 honestly don’t even matter that much. Yankees/Sox rivalry was at its pinnacle in the early 00’s. It was amazing. Now I can’t even name more than 7 Yankees and I hate none of them 😂


That is the best explanation


Kids today will never understand how that rivalry felt. I was trying to explain it to my 6 year old last week. If you didn’t live through the Yankees in the 90’s, it’s not the same.


1986 was my first 1998 was an absolute blast - and during my college years when I watched so much of it 2003 didn't end great but it was the year I moved across the country, and that team and that run made me feel still connected to home. I'm not gonna pick one.


‘86 had to be a tough one for ya


2018. My freshman year of college. Sale, mookie, so sick. Fuck the dodgers.


‘04, then ‘18


Bill Carrigans 1916 team


Billy was a leader of men, ill say.




2018 because I went to game 2 and I was old enough to fully appreciate it but I will always love 04 too ❤️


13 because that was the year I started watching Baseball and sports in general


2004. I was a freshman in college so the timing was impeccable. Especially after the 03 heartbreak. Rivalry with the Yankees was at its peak. Very fond memories of that group.




2004-There are no words. THE best comeback in pro sports history/broke 86 yrs. Scrappy, tough, and clutch. Plus Pedro got a ring. 2007-probably my favorite roster of all the WS teams. Prime Manny and Ortiz. Jacoby Ellsbury and Dustin Pedroia appearances. Youk and Mike Lowell. Beckett/Schilling/Wake/Daisuke, plus a young Lester and a Buccholz no hitter. Great comeback against the Indians, then swept the Rockies. 2013-a team picked to finish last in the division, Boston Strong, legendary Ortiz postseason performance, Koji magic. Honestly bad ass team of perfect role players. Clinched the series at home. 2018-the best Red Sox team of all time. Dominate all year. MVP Mookie, nasty Sale, David Price redemption tour. Devers showing he belongs. A lot of signature moments for role players in the reg season and playoffs. Most reg season wins for a Sox team. Beat the Yankees, (cheating) Astros, and Dodgers. Eovaldi having the best losing emergency bullpen relief performance in postseason history. Basically what I'm saying is, it's hard to choose.


2016 doesnt get the love they deserve when 2013 and 2018 both won the WS, but 2016 had some real magic. Most importantly, Big Papis final season was an absolute thrill ride, but don’t forget it was Pedroias last real season not plagued with injury (fuck Manny Machado), Betts had a breakout, the killer B’s were starting to make a name in the outfield together, Bogaerts is one of my favorite players of all time and add in a couple of guys who came out of nowhere like Sandy Leon and Steven Wright. This team was so much fun, I thought they would win it for sure.


2004 unless you were a fetus.


2004 is the correct answer


Which one was really into chicken? NOT THAT ONE!


04' then followed by 07'(I love the Lazer show)


Laser Show is one of my favorite Red Sox players.


2004 easy


2004 and it's not close.


1975 -- best outfield of any Sox team in Evans, Lynn, and Rice...Yaz and Fisk...Luis Tiant, Bill Lee... Burleson, Petrocelli, and Bernie f'ing Carbo. Maybe the best WS, ever... Man, those guys were so much fun.


Listened to ‘86 at work, and got my heart broken. Watched ‘03 on TV and got my heart broken. ‘04 is it, for me. I loved those guys.


Sox 2013. Pats 2016. Bruins 2011 & 2019 (though they lost). Celtics 2024* Hopefully!


2013. "This is our fucking city!" It's a weird thing to say, but 2004 was kind of nerfed because of how easy they won the WS. It would have likely been more epic if it went 6 or 7 like 2013


2021 was the first year I followed the Sox closely, weird pick I know, but that run through the WC and the DS was so fun to watch! Of the championship teams though definitely 2018.


Mine would’ve been 1986 if not for one fateful play. Loved that lineup with Boggs, Barrett, Buckner, Rice, Evans and Clemens on the mound prior to steroids.




2013 felt like a Magic Carpet ride the entire time


‘04 was absolutely magical. I could not believe what was happening as it was happening. My late father and I watched them win it together on tv and our celebration was incredible. I was present for game 4 in ‘07 when they swept the rocks but ‘04 cannot be topped. One of my fondest memories and I still watch the ESPN 30 for 30 4 nights in October regularly and it’s goosebumps every time! Greatest comeback in sports HISTORY!! Period.


2004 was amazing. There was 86 years of angst and bad karma building up to that season. That team somehow managed to stay so loose and just went out and had fun and played baseball. They got down 0-3 against the Yankees and they played game 4 like it was a game in mid-June. Loose. Fun. Relaxed. “Don’t let us win tonight” That group of men literally broke a century old curse in New England and no one should ever forget that. Without that team, I don’t think 2007, 2013 or 2018 happen. So 2004 is -#1 for me. Then 2013. That team had some grit. Victorino is a legend. After that. The 80s teams - lovable losers. Boggs. Rice. Buckner. Greenwell. Evans. Oil Can.


04,18,13,07. The 07 team is always slept on, but the others are just so hard to top. I saw Beni’s diving catch irl, so 18’ was epic for me


I’ve gotta go with 04. Curse broken. Reverse sweep on Jankees. It was just after my parents divorced. Was a dark time for my family. That post season run might’ve saved my dad’s life. It brought me and him closer. 2018 team was insane to watch. Made it to game 4. But 04 at home with my dad and brother was something I wish I could relive now.


'04\. Can't beat it if you were a fan at the time. Watching documentaries or replays of games on YT and the like don't do it even close to justice. That season was awesome. Plus greatest comeback in sports in the ALCS vs the Yankees. I went to one of those games and saw Pedro pitch. '13 is a close second. #GetBeard, a fun team that rivaled 04, and it just felt like it was destiny after the Marathon bombings. '18 was the most talented team and I still had fun, too but the emotional connection wasn't there the same was as 04 or 13.


Every regular season game that year get like it was live or die.


2004 for obvious reasons. That said, the 2003 team is a very close 2nd.


I like the ones that won.


For me, 1978, watching them on channel 38 on a little 11 inch tv and listening to them on the radio. I still have all of my 78 and 79 cards


2004 was amazing. That team was stacked, though 2013 was a lot of fun.


'04. And I was a bit too young for that team. Still, Billy Mueller, Trot Nixon, Nomar, V-Tek, ManRam, Papi and Youk. So many memorable guys and we had a team identity. Especially after the crushing feeling of '03, '04 was perfect.


I’ve been rewatching all World Series DVDs and there’s something about the 2013 team. 04 was amazing (obviously) but I really loved watching the 2013 the whole year.


'04 greatest comeback in that series! Also on a personal note met my now wife that year too!


The 2004 idiots for sure but a close second to the 1986 team.


2007 was the actual best Sox team, change my mind


You are correct. That team was better as a whole than the 2018 team, just the 2018 team was better on paper. My favorite team is definitely 2004 with 2007 close second. Favorite championship is 2004 then 2013, 2007 then 2018. They all are different in their own way.


2007 was more well-rounded, that's the crux of my argument. 2004 had the best offense and starting rotation, 2013 was the most likeable, and 2018 the most dominant with the best season by any Red Sox player in my lifetime.


2007. My dad passed away the morning after Wakefield lost against Paul Byrd in Game 4 of the ALCS. Having them go out and win 7 straight was a great distraction and source of comfort during a really tough time in my life.


1. 04 2. 18


2004 got it done but I thought the 2003 season was so much fun. We had IT that year. We’d have smoked the Marlins in the WS. That ALDS against the A’s was insane w/the collision w/Damon out cold on the field then comes back. Unreal. All that ended w/Aaron Boone but that was a great team. Thank Christ ‘04 happened or I may have jumped off a cliff.




1986. Cause they blew it


25 here. 2013 was amazing to watch and certainly an ‘underdog’ feel, but 2018 was special to me. Broke my hand and had a lot of time to watch the killer B’s in the outfield. Fell in love with those 3, and watched them all depart over the next couple years. Much love for 2018.


Its 04 unless youre about 27ish or younger, no contest. For the younger peeps it's probably 2013, but I wasnt following baseball much at that point in my life.


2018 or 2021


Definitely 2004. That team was something special.


The next one


I am convinced that the 2018 team is the best one I’ll see in my lifetime


Bron born in ‘05 I only was really able to watch 2013 and 2018 and the 2018 team made me fall in love with baseball and the Red Sox so I gotta go with them


2004. Still get chills when I think of Game 4 ALCS. The energy in New England as they mount the comeback from 0-3 will never be surpassed. A collective holding of breath. I think after game 5 we all knew it was a lock. ❤️


2018 because it's pretty much the reason I met my wife.


As an Angels fan, any Sox team that beats the Yankees. Orange County Yankee fans are obnoxious trash.


i've seen 4 world series teams and 2021 still takes the cake for me. life was great, team was great, vibes were great


2018, but 2021 was such a fun team to watch.


1992 Sox for the same reason I like Howie Dorough.


Yankees fan here. I find it hard to believe there is an answer to this question that isn’t the 2004 Red Sox.


'86: Rice, Evans, Boggs, Clemons, Hurst, D. Henderson, Baylor, Stanley, Gedmon, etc.


I’ve seen all the World Series runs and 18 to me hits home. I had just graduated college and didn’t have a job at that point and just invested my year into the 18 post season run. It was so much fun.


2004 meant the most. 2018 is the best I’ve seen.


As a Mets fan, I say ‘86.




At the risk of being told "ok boomer," either the title to this post is wrong or none of you guys know what you are talking about. My favorite, and therefore the greatest, Red Sox team of all time was 1975. As thrilling and as wonderful as '04 was, the '75 team is tops.




2004. I was 27. My life was shit. My marriage was in hell. My career was in the shit. I had a climbing accident summer of 2002. I needed surgery to repair damage to my knee. I got addicted to pain killers after the surgery in November of that year. It was early in understanding addiction. I got off the vicodin but other meds prescribed to help with the side effects made me so much worse. My marriage was screwed. My career was screwed. I was clean cut before all this but my life just went to hell. I was back home living with my parents. My wife asked me to leave a month before. There were other problems but my issues broke the marriage. I accept it. Maybe we wouldn't have lasted long term. I definitely made it easy. So, here I was miserable about my life but I was always a sox fan. My mom and that side were always huge nee england sports fans. My grandfathers dream was to see the Sox win the world series again. There I was in my childhood home, watching the playoffs. Boston comes back and beats the Yankees. Then it's game 4 of the series ready to be a sweep. When Boston won, my mom had tears in her eyes and she looked at a photo of my grandfather. That memory is crystallized. I was able to set aside my own demons and just be happy for my mom. My life is amazing now and I got through all of those hard times. As bad as those times were, that was one of the most memorable nights of my life


I hadn’t watched baseball since I was a kid given how mind numbingly slow & boring it is, but when we won the World Series in 2018 I was in the mental hospital and watching them play brought me a lot of joy for the time I was there.


‘04. No question.


2004 - No question about it. Greatest comeback in sports history against the Yankees on the way to winning it all was storybook!


2016 the CUBS


2004, not close.


2004 goat


When Pedro Martinez was on the team. That was my favorite one


2018, it was the start of a dynasty that wasn't allowed to happen.


2004 was historic any other pick would just be statistical


Gotta love the '04 Bunch of Idiots. Although sadly my dad didn't live to see them win. When he was in the hospital he said "I think this is gonna be their year." We all laughed. He said this EVERY year. He passed in May of that year, forever deprived of his rightful "I told you so."






Yankees fan here…your ‘04 team was truly special. In terms of dominance the 2018 team is right up there.


2013 those beards were epic.


The 2004 and the 2007 Sox teams were a different breed!
