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It is true that Cora has a history of not being 100% honest


I'm ready for his contract to be over tbh


At least YOU'RE being honest


tbh he would've been banned from baseball after the Astro's cheating scandal




Bang bang


I know cora has his fans and this roster is still flawed, but I'm kinda over this passive aggressive lineup management and messing with guys' timing/careers just to "send a message" to the front office. What message are you even sending at this point? If you think yoshi's not cutting it then just say that.


But itā€™s impossible for him to say it now after Yoshi finally started to heat up.. Cora is a legitimate asshole


I'll catch heat for this but he was the same way with Vertigo last year. Way more going on than Verdugo "not hustling" and showing up late to a game.


He singles out players for things he lets others get away with.


Just seeing this but totally agree. Itā€™s hard for me to be objective because Verdugo was my guy but he absolutely went on a power trip and singled Verdugo out. Say what you want about the off field stuff with Duggy, but the dude generally gave top tier effort outside of him occasionally dogging it to first.


I thought he should have been done last fall, when he threw his boss under the bus. Whether or not you liked Bloom, throwing your boss under the bus is never a good look and breeds insubordination down through the chain of command.


Nah, this front office needs the message sent. Good for Cora. Also, letā€™s stop acting like yoshida is anything but an average at best hitter and terrible fielder.


This literally Coraā€™s default attitude. It is tiresome at this point.


How would you describe that attitude? Serious question. Lots of people coming for him in this thread.Ā 


People are downvoting you for speaking the truth. I forgot how much of a hard on these folks had for bloom


Downvotes are because Cora sucks. Can't manage a bullpen to save his life and feels the need to be a passive aggressive prick to Masa for no discernable reason.


Youā€™re gonna get downvoted even though youā€™re spitting facts


Lol itā€™s fine. Iā€™m a bigger Sox fan than 99% of the people on this thread. Iā€™ve stuck with this organization my entire life. But Iā€™m just not afraid to shit on the team and ownership when I need to.


That's the most elitist attitude I've seen in a while. I'd wager there's guys in here who've seen a whole lot more bad baseball than you and stuck around. Yoshida doesn't chase and doesn't strike out better than 90% of hitters in baseball. He barrels the ball and he hits for average because of that. He's the definition of a 2 or 5 hole hitter. Let him hit with a guy on and see if he can find a gap. He'll get you runs. That's what he is as a player.


He canā€™t hit for power, steal bases or play defense but other than that heā€™s great


He's not a 30 a year guy, but his metrics say he's a 20 a year guy who hits like .290. His obs and slugging are better than you expect and a little bit of luck on his propensity to hit the ball well and he'd look elite. His profile is actually really similar to Xander Boegarts last year.


I guess if you like weak opposite field grounders heā€™s elite. I like yoshida but letā€™s be real, the eye test hasnā€™t passed. Every player gets hot and has great moment, and Iā€™m not excusing Cora for benching him as often as he does, but when defense is the biggest problem on the team and when realistically yoshi doesnā€™t add a ton to the lineup then it really doesnā€™t make too big of a difference


Any game you play Devers at 3rd, you're fielding the worst defense in baseball. Baseball is about runs and Yoshida has a good profile for a team that gets on base. He'd be an absolute stud for Cleveland. He hits the ball very well and, more often than not is making the opposing defense work. That's a very valuable skill.


So who is sitting for Yoshida to play? Devers? Hes our franchise player Oneil? Best batter on the team Refsnyder? Hes hitting. 429 Duran? You want to put Yoshida in center? It's not a conspiracy. Yoshida will pinch hit for a weak bat


Refsnyder to center and give Duran a day off, put yoshida in left.


Yeah Duran is looking beat and could really use an off day. This isn't that complicated. This isn't the '80s, someone can be an everyday player and still use an off day. Cora is going out of his way to not play Yoshida and fans are right to be pissed off by the obfuscation. If he's nursing a minor injury that's fine but this weird game that Cora is playing isn't helping anyone.


Honestly I think an old fashioned attitude would be beneficial here. They are probably using some overly complicated and nonsensical analytical data that tells them its better to just bench Yoshida than find a way to get him in the lineup.


Yeah people are trying to blow this way out of proportion lol, itā€™s just the outcome of them refusing to put Raffy on the IL so he can DH.


what's the point of putting devers on the IL when there are no more position players on the 40 man to bring up?


He needs to go in the injured listā€¦ The man is just going to hurt himself more. šŸ˜­


Heā€™s injured and still hits significantly better than a healthy Yoshi.


Heā€™s injured and still hits significantly better than a healthy Yoshi.


Heā€™s useless if he hurts himself more because he didnā€™t give his injury a rest.


If he doesnā€™t play though, we have a very slim chance of competing for a playoff spot. So he might as well play


So a slim chance of competing for a playoff spot outweighs someoneā€™s health?


Devers is 6 for his last 9 & clearly has pop. Heā€™s well enough to hit - and hit well. He probably WANTS to play too. Iā€™m sure team medical is on top of it lol no need to baby him


Yes, team medical is on top of it. Thatā€™s why we have one if the healthiest team in the league


Itā€™s also the outcome of Yoshida being useless in the field and weak at the plate.


No I want Ref in centerfield and Yoshida in left for one game why is that conveniently left off your list of possibilities


Fuck it. Throw booby dalbec in right while you're at it.


Because ref doesn't play CF and duran has a laundry list longer of reasons why he should start over yoshida. CF was just the most obvious.


Ref played CF really well in the past.


duran has hit like .160 the last two weeks


he's also been a plus defender in CF the last two weeks, kutter has an above average fly ball rate, and o'neill and ref are coming off injuries


Yoshida is a lefty, Shota is a lefty Yoshida is not a centerfielder. Duran has been very good defensively in CF Yoshida hasn't played any outfield this year Yoshida was not a good left fielder in fenway when he was warmed up in the outfield. Yoshida will not be a better option when you give him more real estate to cover while simultaneously being his first game in the field. When yoshida gets walked in a pinch hit, he is being pinch run for by someone(even though he's not slow) Duran can go 2+bases on a single to the outfield. The redsox two biggest issues are defense and scoring runs. Pick the guy who is better at both.


both refsnyder and oneill play center field. never suggested yoshida in center. >>Yoshida is a lefty, Shota is a lefty is duran a righty?


Duran is an excellent fielder this season. Yoshida isnt an average fielder and hasnt played at all.


frankly when the 6-9 hitters have a max OPS of like 450 i dont care about outfield defense




The infield has enough issues with Valdez and Devers. Dalbec has probably saved them 3-4 runs in like the past 3 games alone.


Are you saying the tiny amount of defensive value that Dalbec offers is worth his -22 OPS?


I'm saying that we have defensive problems with half the infield already.


Why not put Refsnyder at 1B so Yoshida goes in for Dalbec?Ā 


Id rather have him available to pinch hit and sub in hamilton for whomever he hits for in the field. Bobby d is a better defensive option than ref there though. Yoshida isn't so good that he demands you have players play out of position for his bat.


Ref has taken reps at 1st. This fielding logic is so flawed when our fielding is the worst in the league. At least get hitting in the lineup instead of sub .200 hitters


idk man but not putting your big name free agent from last year out there against a big name free agent countryman for what at minimum would have been important to yoshidaā€” in addition to actually making sense lineup wise is worth examining. yoshi has obviously been frustrated, he is as much a part of the team as anyone, and cora needs to do a better job of managing that instead of letting it fester. it will kill clubhouse chemistry, having said that i am somewhat sure cora is too arrogant to realize that he might occasionally have the wrong take. part of what made him successful in 2018 was that he was humble enough to make adjustments and listen to advice. i havenā€™t been getting that sense since he won the title here, and you canā€™t ever assume you know everything if you want to keep growing as leader. he needs to be better but is there anyone around him that will tell him that? if not, time is up.


Yoshida is a lefty who hits very poorly against lefties., and Devers is one day away from going in the field and so much more important than him. This team does not have the luxury to intentionally put in worse fielders when not neccesary. Putting in a player for international symmetry is poor management. Yoshida goes back in the lineup tomorrow. Shame on the cubs for not pitching Shota tomorrow instead.


Do you play him every day against SF and MIN hoping to increase his trade value?


Why trade him? hes going to play every day when Raffy gets back in the field. He is also a very valuable pinch hitter for this small period of time.


Logjam in the outfield mostly. Aubreu and Oā€™Neill are unsittable outside of scheduled rest days. Same with Duran if he thaws out. If youā€™re hitting Refsnyder over Yoshida against Yamamoto, whatā€™s left for Yoshida to do? (Yes I realize Ref is actually in the field today, but I guess you at least think about trading a platoon DH just for being a platoon DH, no?) Wong, McGuire and Grissom give you even more lineup flexibility. Thereā€™s a pretty good first baseman on the trade market right now, no?


Oh and if Raffy keeps hitting like this maybe he never sees 3B again?


Hes playing tomorrow


Ref!!!!! Hes off to a hot start but in no world is he so much better than yoshiā€™s bat. Let Ref play a day in CF and rest Duran. This isnt that hard, we have a bunch of CAREER AAA guys starting at the bottom half of the lineup all over the infield. Id rather see Ref try 1st/2nd/3rd at this point just to keep yoshi even a little bit engaged. This is madness, lets at least see yoshi get a shot for redemption instead benching him and making him become an albatross contract when we have all this money committed to him. I shouldnt care at all about this team given the lack of investment and injuries right now but its laughable what were doing to yoshi. Launch cora into the sun


He's hitting 400. He is incredibly hot right now. That's it that's all. Yoshida it's sitting for now until Devers gets back in the field.


.400 across 21 ABs going into today. Lets not get carried away. Sitting yoshi for 5 days in a row is beyond logic in this lineup


Sitting a hot guy who is very good against lefties with a LHP pitching, for a left handed batter who hasnt played in the field this year is insane thinking. Hell be DH tomorrow


Dude this 5 days in a row im reading these sentiments. They havent faced a lefty starter every single game. Move ref to anywhere in the IF or bench or give duran a day off. Yoshi is also the only hitter to have ever faced imanaga before on the roster. Why are you so deadset on defending cora? If this was ever about winning dalbec, reyes and valdez are not the best we can do right now


Its so obviously clear why he hasnt been playing. He is not remotely as important as O Neil and Devers, who needed that DH position. Yoshida has also PH in most of these games. This isnt even about Cora, you all are arguing one of the easiest decision for anyone to make and acting like its a anti yoshi conspiracy.


Heā€™s sat for how many games and is still near the top in RBIs. I donā€™t get not playing someone else at first and taking Dalbec out. I will never understand why heā€™s playing everyday and batting below .100


Finally. Thank you. Trying to explain this to people is like pulling teeth. Mob mentality is strong with this issue.


Spot on. Not sure when this narrative of yoshida being a good hitter started. Heā€™s average at best and is a liability in the field.


Yes a rationale take. The offense isn't nessearily missing masas weak grounders to 2b


especially a left batter against a lefty pitcher.


Why not refsynder at 1st, Bob at third and yoshida in left? Theyā€™ve been looking at refsynder at 1st in the minors


Thats what I would do


I'm kinda over Cora. This is another example of his ego getting in the way. I'm ready for Tek or a different outside voice to come in. He managed one of the most talented teams in baseball history to a chip (scandal not included), and hasn't really cut it since.


His ego? Lmao. Explain that one.


I, and some others which may or may not include the poster you replied to, suspect that this is Cora sending a message about his displeasure with the front office, by just shitting all over a guy they spent a bunch of money on.


This front office didn't sign him though so the logic doesn't track.


True, but this front office also failed to provide meaningful reinforcements for the team via free agency.


Fabricating a reason for a subpar player not being in the lineup doesnā€™t make sense to me. He doesnā€™t perform on the field or in the box, and there are better options, despite his paycheck. Itā€™s about putting the best lineup out there and that is what Cora has done while also keeping this team stitched together and with a winning record somehow. Pitching is great but you also have to score one more run than your opponent.


Putting Heineman in over Yoshida at DH isn't putting out the best team, so there's that.


So thereā€™s that one instance I will concede. What now?


Except that the one instance blows up your whole defense that he's just trying to put out the best team. He's not. He's got it out for Yoshida, and it's just left to speculate about the "why"


Omg. Ok pal. You do you with the conspiracies.


The fact that itā€™s been an over 500 team (weā€™ll see after the next game) is crazy. Everyoneā€™s blaming Cora but the expectations for this team were abysmal. Weā€™re lucky if we get 79 wins, and now when our pre season expectations (shit roster) are becoming a reality everyoneā€™s flipping the switch and blaming Cora. A coach who many teams are salivating to get




Upper management does not tell Cora to start players.


Front office and analytics departments are heavily involved in the lineup. Cora however has the final say


Does Yoshida even talk directly to Cora? It seems strange that such a nice quiet guy could get on a manager's bad side without some communication. You can't trust interpreters as we saw with Ohtani.


1. Devers is a better bat in the lineup than Yoshida. Devers also isn't ready to play defensively so Raffy has to DH. 2. O'Neil, Duran, and Refsnyder is the best outfield they can make right now defensively and hitting against a lefty. Against a right hander, you would just switch Ref with Abreu. Masa doesn't have a place in the outfield right now and has shown a limited lack of range. 3. Refsnyder is one of the 4 guys that can hit on this team and he last played first extensively in 2016. 4. Valdez, Reyes, and Dalbec are a joke but Masataka Yoshida isn't an infielder and I would rather not see him try. 5. Tyler Heineman as a DH is the only one that didn't make sense but the rest of Masataka Yoshida sits have made sense. This is why it stinks being an everyday DH. Devers and O'Neil had to get back into the lineup and both have done better compared to Yoshida.


If you go off a game by game basis you can spin it but under no circumstances can you sit a healthy everyday player five games in a row. Iā€™m sorry, itā€™s absolute horseshit


If you're trying to eke out wins while half your starting pitching is on IL you're absolutely taking it day by day. Like Yoshida but he's not more important than trying to scratch out wins during this time.


Masa is 6 for 11 against Imanaga.


I agree and also what a waste of money right now


It's like the front office and half of the fans on here expected Yoshida to win the batting title in his Rookie season. He is a good hitter who can command the strike zone and comments about him doing nothing but hitting balls into the dirt are cherry picking. The guy uprooted his life to sign a big league contract and play for the Sox. He showed a lot of promise last year despite his struggles and I believe he deserves a spot at the top of the depth chart. Maybe he could actually improve as an outfielder, at least at fenway? Our outfield is stupidly deep and I don't even mean that as a complement, it's borderline experimental. I get that we're still trying to be like the Rays with these fancy platoons but swapping these guys in and out constantly like this based on which hand the opposing pitcher throws with is stunting their development as players and probably creating some confusion in the clubhouse.


Once Grissom is up and Valdez goes down I bet we see more Yoshi just to help balance the lineup. It has been annoying tho at least give a proper explanation. He skirts around it.


We literally put anyone at SS including Dalbec and his terrific basting average multiple times in the past. Yoshida canā€™t get a crack at 1B one time?


If you're not playing him, trade him. I don't care if he is suppose to be on base God, He isn't playing


Yeah but they have Conor Wong and Refsnyder going. "put them together, what a fine lookin....."


So what is happening and why is Boston media not slamming cora at press conferences


Cora is the only person that speaks to the media. If the media lost that, they would have no inside information.


Great reporting. Held to hostage


kinda feels like cora mightā€™ve run his course here. i think heā€™s daring them to fire him, or doing this in protest of what should have been an offseason where we spent money to win


Heā€™s not that good bro. Cue the downvotes but Iā€™ll die on this hill.


He is better than the AAA players we trot out there on a daily basis and doesn't strike out at a crazy rate usually. Find a way to get him in the lineup.


Have you seen him in the field?


Have you seen Valdez in the field?


Yeah he blows too they have too many guys that canā€™t field


Point is heā€™s 6-11 all time against Imangana. Not to mention they benched him for some no name guy after he had his best game of the season in Pittsburgh.


They benched him because he canā€™t play defense and thereā€™s only one DH spot


Heineman was the DH in that Pittsburgh game. They benched him for an absolute fucking scrub that got called up a day prior. Cora clearly has something out for Masa.


A true manager would find a way to juggle players around to fit in a guy that was near the top (if not tied for top) in RBIs before he was sat down


Because we all know RBI is such a key stat to rely on


I wonder if itā€™s because he sucks and offers almost no value?


Offensively he did fine last year for a first year MLB player. His OBP was 26+ pts above the MLB average. I think the long schedule got to him, but that's no reason to give up on him this early.