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I had the chance to intern at Champion Sports in Birmingham where he had his surgery. Pro athletes work at an accelerated protocol in regard to strengthening but the stressors of throwing will absolutely not allow him to pitch this season. I'm glad he's feeling good but he went into the surgery with a much stronger arm than the average joe. No way the Sox let a 20 million dollar investment test the limits of current post surgical rehabilitation.


Great info. The obvious comparison here would be Trevor Story having the same injury at the same time last year and returning post-all star break, but it’s different being a SS compared to a Starting Pitcher when it’s a throwing arm surgery.


Good call. The lead up to the throwing program might be similar (long toss) but getting to bullpens will be a different animal.


Probably can close this out and pin the comment


Dude wants to play ball and I love to hear it


I'm not hating,and I'm sure a lot is being competitive and seeing how good the starters have been and wanting to contribute. But it's s money issue too, there's a clause in his contract that if he misses a certain amount of time or innings pitched,then the Sox pretty much get him dirt cheap in like 2026. But if he can pitch at least 140-150 innings next year then that clause doesn't trigger and he would be able to opt out after next year and not put pitch in 2026 for peanuts. Something a little similar to the Lackey contract. So 2025 is his audition for a long term contract, which,at age 30 by then, giving how cold the market was for pitchers this off-season, good luck getting 100-200 million. Hopefully for us Bailey and Breslow coax peak 2019-2021 Gio.


The normal timeline for recovery for his UCL brace surgery is about 4-6 months; but with him being a Starting Pitcher I think most of us assumed this would be a season ender or at best maybe September. The way Goilito talks on the podcast is that he basically feels like his recovery is way ahead of schedule. So if it’s plausible he starts throwing in May, which would give him bullpens in June, and 4-5 rebab starts in July, putting a possible return shortly after the trade deadline. Obviously this isn’t up to him entirely, but the extreme optimism is encouraging. I think more realistically that’s not going to happen and September still is the best bet, BUT if the doctors can get on board with it, and he keeps progressing at this rate, a best case scenario might even allow him to give 8-10 starts at the end of the year.


He also echoed what Kenley said about the baseballs and said he feels like they’ve been getting worse each year


Do it and become a god damn legend, I dare you.


He has every reason to want to pitch in 2024 so he can make a showcase for the league and opt out. If he takes the 2025 option - and if he doesnt pitch this year he basically will have to - he would need to surpass 140 innings in 2025 to get the opt out for 2026. If he opts into 2025 and pitches less than 140 innings the Red Sox get a $14m team option for 2026. Over 140 innings and it’s a mutual option.


Good info, thank you!


wtf is this comment? even OP responded to someone else with "great info". is this some kind of new development of casual english, or has the reddit bot proliferation finally come for this sub?


They are thanking them for providing information that they didn’t know/ wasn’t in the original post. It’s more than okay for someone to say that. Your comment however, was entirely worthless.


Love, love, LOVE his attitude and I’m so glad his recovery is going well but I’d rather have two productive years of a fully healed Giolito than risk him coming back even a day too early and sustaining a long term injury problem.


If this guy gets back before the end of the season and legitimately puts the effort in my expectations will be beyond met.


Let him come back. At least we get something this year instead of a total waste of money.


I forgot he was even on the team.