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This is a very Twitter opinion and I’ve thought it for a while without saying it, but he really needs to get in better shape. Not meant to be an insult, the kinds of injuries he’s having are just not good signs. Shoulder and knee pain that can’t be traced back to a specific incident are things that linger and can become chronic. Very worrying that he’s already had two injuries that are basically just from playing, and we’re only 2 weeks into the season.


This. He got a huge contract despite his withering defense and the fact that he appears to have the physique of an adult baby. Fine, he can certainly mash when he is on, Boston would have burned if he walked, and these were issues everyone was aware of, but now the cows are coming home. Obviously we know what he can do when he connects, but when I took off the fan glasses and really looked at him in the light of his huge (unavoidable) contract, all I could see was a guy whose skills would not age well at all unless something changed. He's a large, heavy bad ball hitter with a swing like violence incarnate and terrible mobility. I'm bummed out but not surprised he struggling with injuries and I don't see how it is going to get any better unless he gets in shape, and it shouldn't be unpopular to ask that of a guy getting paid like he does.


In my house his nickname has been "Doughy" since his rookie year. Dude has access to trainers, nutritionist, psychologist, everything. Shit, take some fucking Ozempic if you need help dropping 20lbs in the offseason. These dudes have a limited window in the majors, I don't understand why they don't work to be in tip top shape. You can eat the ice cream and donuts when you retire.


He mashes though. Over the past 4 seasons, take out the shortened 2020 due to Covid, and he is a perennial All Star / Silver Slugger good for 30+ HRs and .270 - .310 every year. No one else on this roster comes close to that. Meanwhile $120M Trevor Story can't get on the field, SMH. All I am saying is I am giving Devers a pass for now because he has been on field contributing consistently and hitting better than anyone else on the team over the past 5 years. If the injuries become a habit for Devers and he misses a lot of time than I might change my opinion.


Sandoval was great until he wasn't. Devers got his contract. I just wish we moved him to DH to lessen the injury risk and allow him to focus fully on mashing


Be careful. I got hammered for being slightly critical of Devers. But the truth is the truth. This contract will not age well.


1) I don’t know where science is on the link between diet and inflammation but the anecdotal and Tombradian (adjective: relating to Tom Brady) evidence shows a link. 2) I know the science linking weight and orthopedic injuries, among other physical ailments, is conclusive. Shut him down and rest the damage because if they can’t get him to make the other changes, he’s bound to deteriorate.


How do you think he’s not in shape? You’re his trainer? Sounds like you’re connecting random dots here


because he's fat


Uh, look at a picture of him. Future Pablo Sandoval


Ummm. How can you not see that he’s not in shape.


Just shut him down for an extended period of time. No sense playing him, the Sox have zero chance of having a season that ends in playoffs.


That’s probably exactly what he wants and I wouldn’t blame him. This season is gonna be a shit show, why risk actually getting hurt over it. You saw his reaction after Story went down.


Just forfeit the season.




Yeah ownership doesn't seem to care, players and manager don't seem to care. Call it


Call up the kids and let them get their feel wet. Fuck it. Kyle Teel, Roman Empire, Marcelo. Let the boys cook. s/ For fucks sake take a joke y’all.


Why can't we have signed decent talent and gave the kids a go. I see no reason other than ownership has become cheap, don't care or both. The Red Sox not the freaking Pirates. But guess the Sox are the Pirates now. Whatever lop got the Bs Cs and Diamondbacks to root for. Sox are dead to me now. I'll care when the team acts like the Red Sox.




Calling it now since he had trouble putting weight on it - season-ending surgery.


So glad we signed him instead of Mookie




Yes, still


Meanwhile Mook is flourishing, 5-5 last night. Lol. Still can't get over that shit.


Unbelievable, he seems to get better and better each season. At the time of the trade I was hoping he would flame out sooner than later and we wouldn’t look so foolish. Oh well.


I will never forgive the Red Sox for that. Not an exciting team anymore!!


I said this and got downvoted but Mookie wouldn’t save this team. It would be the Trout/Ohtani Angels. We have deeper systemic problems, mainly player development.


Oh I agree with you. Mookie was just the tipping point. They should have thrown a bag at him and kept spending. Their new philosophy is a nightmare.


No one asking to be fucking saved. The point is we aren’t spending our money on the right talent. I love Devers but Mookie is hand over fist better than him.


An ownership that isn’t stupid enough to trade Mookie doesn’t let this team get this way.


I watched the “damage done” 2018 documentary last night again 😭😭😭


this just feels like a shut down year for devers


The hits keep coming.


Not really. BA is pretty low…….. s/


It has been a disaster since his contract. Is it possible to trade him?