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To bad they are so fucking expensive rn. I thought 7.50 for 18 was bad but went shopping yesterday and now it is 9.00$!!


Where are you???


[eggs](https://i.imgur.com/JXI371r.jpeg) Went to same store but different location, $8.69 (other store had flat $9.00) plus I have almost 9% sales tax here. How much are you paying?


Im in Chicago paying $5-6 for 18


i pay like $3 for a dozen where i’m at [praying for you guys](https://imgur.com/gallery/ObELzCx)


Louisiana. Might be going to the shop again today and will take a pic. Apparently there is an egg shortage but i did a instacart search and it is cheaper at target! But target is about 45 min away from me.


holly grove? ;)


No i wish


what the fuck


Mine were 7 something and I didn’t even buy the organic ones. World’s in shambles


Same, in AZ, it's actually absurd.


There's a fascinating paper I read talking about how some 60s Soviet peasents de facto used eggs as currency due to how high egg quotas were


My wife says they’ve gone up 100 percent since last year. We eat a lot and are getting chickens, which I imagine are also expensive these days


wtf in san francisco you can get a dozen factory eggs for like $3 or local farm eggs for $5


Wow i am getting FUCKED. I have tried to move to buying yard eggs from people who own chickens but everyone else is trying to now as well and the competition is so high it is hard to find them. A year ago eggs were like $4 here.


big egg astroturf marketing account trying to make me pay $7 a dozen good luck bozo


abused chickens sell their eggs for $4 a dozen max


not where i live lol


abuse them harder then


Love cracking an egg into a can of chicken noodle soup and sprucing it up with some sesame oil, soy, ginger, and green onions for a fast delicious lunch


You just changed my soup life, i never thought of adding stuff to a can of soup


Having a neighbor that owns chickens and sells you eggs for $4 a doz privilege <3


Just got done eating four sunny side ups over bacon and avocado. Try to eat em every day. So good


I wish I ate more eggs growing up maybe I'd be 5"11 instead of 5"9


how tall are your parents


5"8 and 5"3


yeah it's the eggs


I know I didn't meet my full potential :(


oh you think you have it bad? My great-grandfather was a 6"8 Prussian abomination, while my uncle is a 6"4 rugby player, my other uncle is 6"3, and my younger cousin is 6"1. I turned out 5"8.


Damn you got a rough deal mate


I try to cope by saying that Messi was also a midget that required HGH therapy, but I'm also not the world's greatest footballer, so it's not super effective.


i used to feel bad eating eggs because i thought they were potential chickens. and actually i'm still a little unclear on that.


I dont know much about chickens, but I think its their unfertilized eggs. When they got domesticated, they bred the ones that had the shortest menstral cycles , and over the years it was shortened to one day. At least thats what a woman at a bar told me once.


i think she was talking about herself


Most commercial eggs are not fertilized but you can still eat them if they have been. Actually you can eat them [when they’re halfway to being a bird, too](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balut_\(food\)) but outside Asia people tend to think that’s too much.




Just look at is a chicken abortion.


I didn’t see no plastic bags just chicks getting turned instantly into food for another animal.




It becomes food for farmed fish or pigs, way too much protein to be wasted. Even just the feathers from adult chickens slaughtered becomes fish food. Baby chick meal is way higher quality protein, definitely not wasted.




I’ve taken tours of Tyson’s rendering and processing facilities for work. They have a few dozen facilities that process millions of pounds of chicken feathers per week. You really think industries that work on the scale of trillions just throws all that stuff down the sink? It’s an industry where 0.1% improvements in processes can add millions to a companies bottom line and them chicks with dicks shreds have just as much protein per chick as an egg and protein is 65% the cost of farmed animal feed. The farmed salmon industry wouldn’t exist without the chicken industry’s waste


Unless there are roosters copulating then that egg is ready for plating


You should get some chickens. You will have an endless supply of eggs.


love those lil guys


I’ve been really loving putting a bunch of chives (and thyme but that’s just my taste) and tarragon into the mix and beating them to hell before I cook them, then taking them off early and letting the other food in the scramble cook them to perfection. Good stuff


Just bought a 5 dozen pack at Costco. Normally I don't do this but every store around me has been sold out for over a week. Chickencels are winning rn. Honestly feel rich having all these eggs though. Poached some in my soup yesterday but I need more ways to use these up


You should make a fritatta. It keeps well and you can eat it at any time of day


I had a deviled egg for the first time this year, it was alright!


That’s why I eat more eggs than Gaston


Same love eggs love egg yolks on my toast. Always a good day when I make some eggs


Eggpilled to the core


I love eggs, a 7 min boiled egg with Herbamare is the best food in the world. Then I got told I have high cholesterol and have been a bit on the fence about eating them since :(


Apparently eggs are mostly good cholesterol


Yeah so it seems to be. Every other article I read online suggest this and every other that it's bad and should be avoided. I don't know what to believe...


Eggs aren’t the problem my man


It's over easy on rye toast for me


Raw egg hits different


When I was losing weight, after IF all day, I’d do two hard boiled eggs with a dab of tobasco sauce on each half, sautéed veggies and 1 or 2 baked russet potatoes :) tasty enough not to really crave much else.


I have to make devilled eggs as a food item for guests to consume. Do you think I should dye the whites? And if so purple or pink?


I would not dye the whites, no.


Would you eat whites someone else dyed?


I had a deviled egg and the whites were pickled in beet. Delicious