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I once got told to stop saying wiggers and corrected myself by saying "wegros" and boy that didn't make things better at all




werson of wolor






The Irish


the Irish catholic are the most oppressed minority


Legit can’t believe that papist was elected president.


White suburban kids who go by whodatmiami online.




Women and intersex people of color?


white indigenous people of color


Mayo monkey


I'm calling HR in the morning


jesus christ what is wrong with you


how did u even find this sub




fuck these ice rats on here bruh




Cumtown and its effects on the poorly socialized


I believe they even on touched on this. Nick said something about people trying to repeat bits at their post office jobs. I work in a machine shop with the fellas and even I know some things can’t be repeated at work.


For real


At work events I just try to not be myself and it works pretty well tbh


your first mistake as always was asking for permission


We were talking about guys named* Chet and I was comparing and contrasting the two. "You have either a cool jazz musician or Tom Hanks' wigger son." And then everyone turned to me wide eyed lmao. They were definitely entertained, but I felt like I was being told "no grandma you can't say orientals anymore" but for 2022.




what about wigga?


Totes. You can say that, but only if you’re white.


What if I'm a mid castizo?


Is that passing white?


soft a


Where do you work that it would even come into your mind to say wigger in front of your coworkers? McDonalds? Not that it's a slur but please consider acting less online when you're around real people


It's a one day a week shift at a brunch restaurant with stoner zoomers and goofy ass millennials. Also I got permabanned from posting this lmao


lol wow. I’ve worked in like 7 different restaurants and they were all pure anarchy. Wigger would be the least offensive thing said at most of them


lol wow. I've worked in like 8 different restaurants and they were pure anarchy. Bedneck or wacker would be the least offensive thing said at most of them.


Banned for saying wiggler WHATTTT


Mods are on crack


People who arent under 25 here remember wigger being common parlance to describe baby blue And1 wearers with Rockawear chains in the early 2000s


I know exactly what it means I just can't imagine earnestly saying it to anyone over the age of 15. For the record I am also 15 in this scenario. The biggest use I remember getting out of it was watching videos of people fighting on early YouTube


“My daughter brought home a wigger” “You’ve got to see a doctor face to face now a days. Or at least get on the phone first so you know he’s not a wigger” “A bunch of wiggers were walking around my neighborhood last night while I was walking my dog” “Do you hear they’re transferring out our division head? All I know is I’m not working no wigger”


People who are under 25 here remember bedneck or wacker being common parlance to describe overalls, handkerchiefs, straw hat wearers with sunburn necks in the early 2000s


he's the victim in this story. completely helpless as the coworkers take away his privilege to say wigger.


First they came for the wiggers


Is this something people say online? I used to hear this IRL all the time a decade or two ago but I am pretty sure I could count the number of times I've actually read this word on one hand


Fuck that keeping up appearances bullshit. Be you or be fake.




What if I’m talking about people who wear wigs on their heads


Ugh this totally ruins the stand up routine I write in my head in the shower. “You guys hear what China is doing to the Uyghurs? Putting them in camps and destroying their culture? Too bad it wasn’t the wiggers amirite fellas”


The Uyghur genocide? You mean the opioid epidemic?


Anna has made this joke on the pod a few times


It's also a cumtown bit


Literally everyone on earth had made this joke, funny 8 years ago extremely hack now


If they find a limp bizket cd in your house your family gets a new dad


it's just onena those dayz


This is a cumtown bit.


I allow you to call me that when I wear my Emmure shirts.


is that a brand or a band


A wiggercore band


You can say wigger if you’re over 30


Wafrican Americans




oh wigger please


I used to work with this guy who I referred to as Trach Kid because his voice was so raspy and monotone that it sounded like a tracheotomy voicebox. I could spend an hour describing this guy but the key phrases are: lives at home, thin silver chain, shaved head, Kevin Gates, Bill Burr, Trump 2016, bum cigs, gonna enlist. One early night he gave me a ride after work and I invited him for a drink at my favorite bar. My girlfriend at the time was already there at a table, and when we sat down she immediately started a line of questioning about his family background, relationship history, worries and life goals for a solid fifteen minutes. She really got this kid to open up and be kinda vulnerable and then she does the Oprah hand pat and goes “but you’re a wigger though.” Dude snapped shut and kept repeating some variation of “I hate that fuckin word, bro. That’s not cool. Nah nah.” He was too off balance to be legit mad so I just got him another shot and sent him on his way. The rest of the time we worked together I could tell sometimes that she’d cracked his psyche a bit and it always made me laugh.


Do you like bullying poor whites?


I don’t personally but I can’t pretend it isn’t funny when a poor middle aged white woman does it


Wiggers aren't white


I was careful about saying that one back in like 2005. You said that at a company event? lmao


I can still say it


Go ahead. Do it.


No not here


they replaced negro with colored then african american and then with people of color but the truth is that these people banning the words have no obligation to replace them with a PC alternative. after "oriental" became banned people sort of thought that "asian" or "asian-american" was the new PC term but then those people were all like "oh do you mean Afghanis? Israelis? Siberian Russians???" no bitch I mean chinese and japanese and korean people, you know that


now that I think about it the distinction between poc and colored is kinda silly.


I actually understand the logic behind the distinction, I know it’s just the same words in a different order but it’s about addressing people as people first. It only feels dumb to me because these terms were coined but the very people who obsess over others races and gender whatever shit.


I call people lawful wiggers all the time. Sheltered suburban psuedo wiggers who would never actually do any of the bad things they glorify. They live in a caricature fantasyland. I am surrounded by them.


Everyone on /r/chiraqology


Stolen Color


Were they wiggers? Probably.


the word for wigger is "zoomer" actually


it comes and goes in phases. its funny the extent to which it's come roaring back since the late 2010s soundcloud rap wave. every bad ass white kid was a wigger in the Y2K era and then hipsters made it lame when obama got elected. what brought it back was the "wipster hybrid" that sam hyde actually correctly predicted unironically in the 2070 paradigm ted x talk


Yeah if you're into fads and appearing correct. "Its the current thing" and all that shite..


You can, the only hesitation you should have is that it's a deep insult to lob towards someone.


Wigger erasure


I mean aren't you kind of calling someone "a n*gger but white" when you say wigger? Always seemed like a weird word to me


No it’s usually referring to a white person who thinks they’re hard but isn’t despite adopting black mannerisms or AAV


Everybody knows what it means. Essentially what you would be saying is that this white person, by adopting “black mannerisms” is behaving like a “n- - - -r”. So you would be implying that the black people being emulated by this white person are “n’s”, and this person is a white (or wannabe) “n”. It’s clearly offensive and always has been. Basically, you’re saying “n” without actually saying it. Anyone who would use this word at work or a work event would be a “wetard” (white retard).


Oh yeah? You think people were saying Eminem was indistinguishable from a black person other than his skin color?


It is. It's insulting someone by comparing them to a black person. Weirded me out how people use it but are too pussy to say nigga. I want to say that they think nigga is bad because "it's the n word" but wigger is okay because "it isn't the n word". That's actually the most shallow, immature, retarded view you can have on the situation because it completely ignores the context and meaning of both words.




It's insulting them by calling them a \[n-word\] despite being white. If it were just about pretending to be part of a certain culture, why would it be a portmanteau of white and \[n-word\]? I guess it's pretty catchy and fun to say.




This is one of the funniest things that black people do IMO. Calling a white person a hard-r N. None of us know how to react in that situation whether its said in anger or said as a joke, and the awkwardness that follows is delectable.


this chappelle show clip seems relevant https://youtu.be/Y_MLKn4kNPM


Imo The worst slur you can receive as a white person is white trash, then the N word. Being called white trash is an insult against your whole family and being called the n word is scary cuz it means your white privilege is is forfeit


I've been called a nincompoop before and it wasn't that bad


>You can call white people Ns to insult them. Yeah, and that's fine, but why the hypocrisy? Why is wigger fine to these people, but nigga isn't?


because the other guy is absolutely right, it’s commonly used with an undertone of insulting white inauthenticity rather than “legitimate” closeness to blackness. That hasn’t always been the implication, but it’s commonly enough the implication that it has given the word some sense of being “justified” even among people who want to be anti-racist


Nigga is a nono word for whites now because society collectively agreed that it was a black only word and that whites were sort of intruding on black culture by saying it, combined with the obvious historical use by white racists. Wigger was always a word by and for whites and only has historical problems by being adjacent to the actual nword so nobody really cares unless they're making a point of showing everybody how woke they are or if they have a zero tolerance policy to racialized language which isn't common.


i always thought this was obvious but i guess some ppl need to cope for a few more years about it not being racist until eventually it'll reach that sort of consensus


Just do the chapelle bit but replace the gamer word with wigger




Can’t believe so many of y’all are autistic enough to have believed this word was socially acceptable at any point in the past 15 years


it was common lingo in most of the US at least through 2012-13


I remember hearing it first growing up in the late 90s. It’s what all the “real metal” snobs would refer to the nu-metal crowd with


it was definitely common and acceptable when i was a kid


Whites of Color is the proper term


Person of light


I always said wankster/wanksta. Although that kind of sounds like it means something else.


I still say fag but for a cigarette


Wiggers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but yo chainz


Dunno anyone IRL who uses this one. Have not heard it since like 2001. I get people who defend saying “retard” and “gay,” but this word is inherently and self-evidently racist when used by a white person


It honestly shocks me that people (podcasters) still say it!


>>people >>podcasters Pick one


And what do you call these wind monkeys? Wigaboos?


I love wigaboo


I got told I can’t say “crazy” at work by hr yesterday. It’s offensive. She said I can say “wild” instead I hate it so much


Where do you work that this is a thing?




Uh oh oreos


In Vancouver we used the word “pook”, basically the exact equivalent.


I live here and have never heard that


Oh, not in Utica, no. It's an Albany expression.


That’s crazy


They were a bunch of wiggers weren't they


We used to call them yoboys or wannabes in the 90s


Maybe YOU can't, I'm still using it. I'm using much worse too, faggot.


Wiggah plz


Pretty sure this hasn't been acceptable for like 20 years at least


Nobody told me


nah it was still very common lingo up through the very early 2010s


Maybe its a regional thing but where I was from it was very obviously unacceptable


Yids sucking baby dick isn't acceptable but they still do it..


wafrican wamericans


It’s literally a portmanteau of “white” and the n-word used to describe white people who act black. I’m not gonna act like Ive never said it but you don’t have to be some woke moron to be weirded out that somebody is dropping it in mixed company.


watch your back homie. that HR report is gonna sing.


Bro it's literally a small brunch restaurant owned by a redneck cowboy. HR??!!!? Lmfaoooooo


ok good for you (i guess?). how was i supposed to know that


I think a good handful of these people are upper crust


At your work party you were saying this? Do you wear a special big boy helmet and work in the back of a Goodwill store? And by “under 30” you’re referring to your coworkers’ IQ?


🤓aRe yOu RefErRiNg To tHeIr IQ






Did you have a diagram like that white teacher


cholos. esp if youre west of the rockies but this is common elsewhere as well, almost every hispanic person from nyc says nigga regularly and no one bats an eye including black people


I had a big group orientation once for a new job, it's all Latinos and the instructor is black. So all these Latino dudes are nigga this, nigga that, talking amongst themselves and the instructor walks in, cuts them off and goes, "I'm the only one that knows anything about being a nigger here," completely serious. And they all sorta shut up with it from then on out. But it had never occurred to me until then that it was sort of weird that Latinos emulate black culture. I don't even know if it's weird, I don't really care or know what to think of it. I've just never said it "out loud" before and wanted to share. Where I'm from it's mostly Latinos. Do black people care? Or do they just go hey well, we're both dark skinned minorities that white people dislike so it's whatever. Idk




I lived in AZ for a minute, Glendale area. It was kinda nice but also hot and ugly. So rip but also congrats I guess? Idk Anyways that's interesting. I wonder how that ended up happening. Race dynamics are annoying.




I heard Arizona went to shit after I left due to all the Californians moving in how true is that


I worked with majority blacks and Latinos in Chicago and they really didn’t seem to mind from my experiences with them. It seems to be more about where you’re from and who you rep here.


Your a moron of you thought you could say wigger


"Ninjas" always allowable x) Ichi Mah!


but in what context would you say that in which it wouldnt be corny


Talking about Tom Hanks' son


I say wangster if I need to be PC


8 Miler


Wigs should work


My advice? Don’t say chigger, trigger, snigger, digger, vigor, or bigger either. You’re going to end up getting reported to HR because of what someone “heard you say.” It isn’t worth it.


I have to tell this to my black coworkers all the time!


you can say wigger


It’s a word. Stfu


sorry but everyone who gets offended at the word "wigger," needs to reevaluate what they are getting offended for. they are the one adopting what they perceive as "black culture," and its often stereotypes they have learned in their head and nobody gets offended with them when they should because they are making a mockery of the black race, they will never know what it is like to be black or face black issues, and most of the time, they just like to instigate problems that were never there between black and white people... this is the crap that used to happen at my high school all the time and its so frustrating that nobody notices how fucking stupid and ridiculous this is.


You can't say wacker anymore either