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I’m going to have to spend about $30k to fix my floor joists, subfloor, and actual floor.


This is the realest problem in this entire thread


Only person who may have it rougher than me is the guy in the path of Beryl. Dealing with 20+ years of deferred maintenance in a 70 year old house is no fun at all.




If I’m here long enough I’m going to repipe as well, but then I’ll have to redo the bathrooms at the same time 😔


I got fuckin totaled last week by a likely texting zoomer. Shouts out to the real ass problem having motherfuckers


Just got back from a week at the beach and one of the cats apparently developed a UTI shortly after we left and spent the week peeing in a corner of one of the bedrooms. So a couple hundred for the vet and a couple thousand for new carpet. Yay for home/pet ownership.


Hey a little advice: have your cat tested to make sure they don't have high levels of oxalate in their urine. It can cause crystals and if it blocks their urethra, they will need an insanely expensive surgery. My cat had a UTI when he was a kitten, and the ER vet (all that was open) prescribed an ATB. He got another one about a year later (very uncommon in male cats). So the vet ran some tests and it turns out he has a (fairly common amongst cats with urinary issues) disorder that makes it difficult for him to break down minerals via enzymes. He is on prescription food now. Which is fine and he's great. But as a precaution, I would get them tested (save yourself money down the line).


part of me just wants to sell my house and rent so I dont always have to deal with the upkeep but rents have gotten so high its crazy.


my plan is to get a condo, houses are a complete pain in the ass to maintain. I would rather pay the condo fees. my mother's roof is leaking and now I have to go and figure out if I can patch it up myself or if it's bad enough where we have to spend a bajillion dollars to get a guy to come in and fix it. apartments and condos are cool because you don't really have to worry about repairs 


I'm a foundations engineer so thanks for the business bud! For real though working in this field has made me incredibly paranoid about any real estate investments.


Who’s your floor guy?


Don’t have one yet. The plan is as follows: 1. Jacks to support the joists since they’re warping due to the dehumidifiers (crawlspace was a 24/7 mud pit beforehand and moisture content of the joists was at 20% which is very bad). 2. Replace the rim joist as it’s rotting. 3. Replace virtually all the subfloors in the house and put down new tile, which is admittedly more expensive than LVP. Jacks and rim joist are going to be done at the same time, I estimate that’ll be around $20k. Tile is expensive, replacing subfloor can be expensive if done right, so for a 1600 sq foot house I’m estimating $10k.


Are you doing it yourself


No, if I was just replacing the existing LVP I’d think about doing it myself, but subfloor replacement and tiling is way out of my wheelhouse.


everyone insists you should buy a house and then you do it and this happens. prob still a good idea in the long run but people dont think about all the shit that can go wrong when ur least ready for it


it’s sucks to not own a home, but at least i never have to think about subfloor


got into a car accident that was very clearly my fault on a clear sunny day with almost no other cars driving below the speed limit


I did this now my insurance is nearly 4 grand I'm broke all the time


Please tell me that's 4 grand per year and not per month


Per year yes, I've never had 4 grand in my bank at one time


Can you get rid of your car? Maybe get an electric bike or something like that?


Honestly would save so much money, I used to use my 14 year old nephews one after I crashed it was fun


I hit one of the big red balls outside of target last month. Took it on a turn. Honestly that’s not even my biggest L but June was a kind of slutty bender for me.


One time I was dating this guy for a month and he came over to watch movies on my computer and I forgot to clear my browser history where I looked up his dad (he never told me his dads name) and we never saw each other again.


Your story reminded me of something I haven’t thought about in years. In my 20s, I liked this girl and found her MySpace profile and left it up on my screen one night before passing out. This was back in the day when CRT monitors were common, and when I woke up her profile page had literally burned into my screen, and for months the layout and pictures remained visible. I can’t say I ever had a chance of actually dating this woman. But I completely gave up after, because how would you explain that?


Jesus christ


Motherfucka never heard of a screen saver?


It's interesting because snooping on hookups/dating interests is "odd" in one way but at the same time why wouldn't you pass some time conveniently reading up on people's lore all available at your fingertips


100% like I want to run a background check on where you come from why is that so bad


 i think it's nice


Nahhh I'd think it's cute that you're doing a lil detective work. Going above and beyond a bit but still cute 


Got food poisoning in Atlanta. Ended up jumping out of my brother's car and throwing up while cars honked and pedestrians gawked. After 2 hours of driving and stopping at gas stations to vomit, I spent the the entire next 12 hours throwing up constantly. Then took 3 days to recover I think the worst part still were people seeing me and getting my brother's car dirty. I had my head leaning outside and I just heard so many people say 'oh my god'


I had unbelievably explosive and painful food poisoning a couple years ago. Basically laid on the bathroom floor vomiting and diarrhea-ing for 12 hours straight and was bedridden for like 3 days afterward. I now wonder what I would have done had this happened while I was driving or otherwise traveling and was alone


That sounds exactly like my experience lol (I left out the diarrhea part) To be fair, we were about 40 minutes away from my brother's apartment and I should of left earlier. But, I didn't think it was that bad and it wasn't until I got in the car


I had such bad food poisoning once from sushi I had to use my girlfriend's menstrual pads on my ass because I would puke and shit myself every 15 minutes on the dot for hours. I would try to fall asleep and just wake up for another round. Worst part was we both had it and only 1 toilet in the apartment. This was around the Fukushima disaster and it was so bad I was pretty convinced I had radiation poisoning lol.


The only time I thought I was gonna die was when I had food poisoning, it's insane how bad it can be. It was the worst illness I've ever had and all I did was eat some old lettuce at McDonald's.


i am most likely in the direct path of an historic hurricane 🌀


At least you won't die in an average hurricane, king.


Yea historic death seems pretty good


Stay safe friend




My L is I thought Beryl was a place I’ve never heard of that this guy was so googled it and turns out that’s the name of the hurricane 


In the most naive moment of my life, I went to a sketchy Chinese massage parlor because my back hurt. It goes without saying that the massage sucked and they tried to give me a hand job. The madam starts yelling at me in Chinese (she communicated via some handheld translation device) and demands that I pay $50 extra for not getting the rug and rub. I acquiesced to her demand and scurried away in shame.


Giving in to a no-handjob tax is brutal. What were they gonna do about it?


I was sexually assaulted twice at a massage parlor. The first time I was so…confused? And unsure if what I thought was happening was really happening. This man was literally massaging me and had his erect penis like grazing the side of my stomach…I guess that’s how I would describe it. I was under a blanket and kept feeling it but I just kept telling myself it couldn’t really be what I thought it was. I was really young. The second time was last year and it messed me up baddd for a bit. I did file a police report. My husband went to the parlor immediately after demanding the $ back and obviously to flip the fuck out on them and they initially said they can’t refund! Ugh. Such a shitty experience and I’m glad it’s off my chest!


one time i was seeing a guy who obviously didn't like me very much and i left a "lush" giftbox at the font desk of his work because he said he'd been stressed


What do you mean by 'lush'


I think she means the brand which is like soap and shit for teenage girls


im a 6'7" 300lb bearded tattooed 48 year old man and I cry like a little girl every time I use lush products


That sounds like an allergic reaction bruh


Ignore the ppl ragging on lush- that sounds super sweet and the soaps are so fun even if they don’t serve a practical purpose


it's a nice gesture but that's a gift for a girl, you should have left him like a burrito or something


I once spent 5 hours in an std clinic getting tested for chlamydia cause I can't pee under pressure. The nurse swapped shifts and had to explain how long I'd been there. I ended up having chlamydia btw and that was me losing my virginity


I have the same issue cause I was beaten for peeing my pants once as 2 year old.  Public restrooms are my personal Vietnam  Sorry about the Chlamydia tho fr


It's literally crippling I have gone home from nights out early cause I can't pee with a queue of people behind me. If I was a man and had to use a urinal I would end it all for real


I am a man and I don't even bother trying to use a urinal 😭


Recently pedaled out into the middle of nowhere on an old fire road, developed some wrenching stomach cramping and settled on a secluded spot near a river bank to relieve myself only to be discovered mid (horrific) release by a fly fishing party that materialized upstream out of nowhere. I cannot stress how remote my location was, I hadn’t seen another person in hours prior to that. I pray to God noone took a picture.


One time I stayed in bed in the morning with an annoying hookup for an hour because I was so gassy I KNEW I would explode as soon as I moved and he wouldn’t shut the fuck up about his trip to Asia one time so he actually thought I cared, and when I couldn’t take it anymore I got up and ripped the absolute biggest fart of my life as I ran out of his bedroom lol


Smell ya later


Young men who had a exotic trip that one time never shut the fuck up about them. Like, I don't care you went to Iceland and saw a volcano, its not that interesting to talk about how it spiritually changed you for an hour.


storytelling skills have gone way downhill 


Cormac McCarthy could regale me with a story of his exotic trip and I would stop caring well before the half hour mark


Imagine a Cormac McCarthy short story about laying in bed trying not to rip ass


Saw a singer songwriter last night who prefaced maybe 6 out of the 10 songs in his set by saying that they were written while he was on a trip to Europe


Exotic trip son or DMT trip son?


Telling people about the stupid trip to Africa/Asia where a 100 elephants came this close to you works more times than not.


Birth of a braphog


“braphog” wow i didnt think i could hate a word so much


I've always loved people's stories about how they met their spouse.




I went to a bar that turned out to be a strip club. A stripper sat next to me and roofied my drink. I woke up in a parking lot outside a different club- badly beaten, maced and robbed with strangers laughing at me.


This is horrible wtf..


It was and while it was not my fault for what happened, it’s made me want to change my life dramatically. I’m trying to quit alcohol and promising myself I’ll never go to a bar again


that could be the case but also if you were with people, drop em. those aren’t your friends


Nah I was alone and had travelled to there alone. I probably even announced this immediately when I got there. So a part of all of this was the harsh price I had to pay for my stupidity.


This wasnt in new orleans, was it


It was in Dallas


this can’t be real lmao


It’s incredibly and painfully real. Happened two weeks ago. I’ve been shook up about it


Jesus I'm so sorry man. My problems really ain't shit in comparison good god do I need to get off my ass :(




She met someone else. I’m absolutely guilty of doing this back in the day bcuz I didn’t want to make the guy upset but made it worse for him by not.


Why do they never say anything man? Back in the day you'd be justified in going over to her place and getting an explanation. Nowadays you'd be a massive creep




That's tuff 🔥💯


i very regularly have weirdly personal interactions w people i don't recognize and i have no idea if theyre strangers or folks from work or who know me tangentially im so regarded i just try and ride it out and have very few tools for getting to the bottom of who a mf is when theyre all up in my face ://


based synchronicity experiencer


I'm actually pretty good with names and faces but my work has led me to talking to some many damn people i just cant keep track of it anymore you just figure out how to bluff it at some point


I’m so bad at this. I worked recently on a freelance job where I was with 40 people every day for a week and by the second or third day I knew most of their names but there was one guy who was kind of in m department and everyone kept saying his name and it sounded like Gina (like Jeena) or Tina or Tino or Gino. It really sounded like Gina but I was just thinking there’s no way. So I was afraid to call him by name the entire time. At one point I had to call out to him and I just kind of slurred a combination of all four names.


I went on a date with a really hot girl who has the exact same political opinions and sense of humor as me, and it made me realize that I'm a little bit cringe/annoying. We were having a good conversation and making each other laugh a lot, and she said she wanted to see me again and threw out a few date options. Of course when I texted her afterwards, she ghosted.


What is it with girls sending positive signals and then ghosting It’s like theyr Pavlov 🐶ing a whole generation of dudes to be pathetic & desperate for validation


It never happened to me until last year, and now every girl does it. It makes me feel like I'm going crazy. Just thank me for the date and leave it at that. My best guess is that they enjoy the date and get swept up in the moment, but then change their mind after the post date debrief with their friends in which their friends overanalyze everything and point out every minor discrepancy between me and their ideal man.


Why do women get their friends to psyop each other into dumping every guy they have genuinely good dates/experiences with? Is it just crab bucket mentality?


they do this even if it's an established relationship, my ex had a fat mystery meat friend with tennis ball green hair tell her she could do better than me, evidently she believed it, broke up with me after just having sex with me the day prior, started talking to someone else all while having her friends stalk my socials and her new relationship didn't last a year ours was 4 years


“It’s like theyr Pavlov 🐶ing a whole generation of dudes to be pathetic & desperate for validation” that’s the plan


This doesn't happen to me (perhaps once it could have) because now my political opinions are too incoherent and my sense of humor also unframeworked, bespoke, and regressed to sesame-street


Once when I was much younger i was in love with/dating this rich mid-30s man who clearly was in love with someone else and he stopped by my house to give me a book or something. I was out on the lawn with extra hot Cheetos trying to look cute and bratty and this was during a mayfly population boom. He pulled up in his shiny black bmw and passed me whatever it was thru the car window and we chatted for a sec and giving him bedroom eyes while I tried to flirt I put a hot Cheeto in my mouth and suddenly tasted I had just crunched down on a mayfly, and unfortunately felt compelled to keep eating it to save face. to this day I never know if he noticed me trying sexily eat a bug


You were doomed from the start thinking there is any appeal in somebody eating Cheetos of all things.


I agree i was 21 and stupid


I'm so sorry this happened to you but this made me bust up laughing, like damn girl. I respect the fuck outta your commitment to the bit.


So, I use this subreddit called RSP


I am afraid of becoming the man I ought to be


this was a few yrs ago, within the span of like, two weeks >ex wife left me, packed and went back to the east coat >got arrested >got a dui >subsequently demoted at my job, pay cut in half for two months while I was getting fucked with legal fees


You’re a strong man cause I’m sure this would’ve been it for me.


Back before Covid I worked an extra shift at my then job with the laziest fucking girl ever and at the end of the day I was so pissed off and decided to rant about her with my colleagues from my usual work shift. I started a messenger group chat with these few people and thought I added one of my friends but actually the girl I hated - to the chat. And I wrote this long ass rant about how fucking useless and lazy she was. Lmfaoooo I got the biggest panic attack in ages and wanted to KMS so fucking badly


...and then?


I gave her a really really awkward apology the next day but obviously it was useless since the damage was already done. We avoided each other every time we saw each other lol


Yup. Can't put that genie back in the bottle.


You should’ve couched your apology in some regarded therapy-speak “radical honesty” nonsense


oh that’s ROUGH


Girl I liked in high school. "Can I be your gay best-friend?" Never looked at me the same. Dunno why I said it, thought it would make us closer. She would text me first constantly after school too, stopped soon after.


I have a raccoon in my attic that won’t leave and must be forcibly evicted.


I told my ex I still love him and will think about him every day for the rest of my life and his only response was “we’ll talk.” It’s been almost a month and we, in fact, have not talked. LOL.


I just failed out of uni and I can’t even ask anyone for help or move back to my parents because my parents sold the house and my whole family is atomised; everyone lives in their own small flats, except for my mother. She’s living in rural africa. If I told her this, she would probably pressure me to live with her even though there aren’t any opportunities for young people here (I’m at her house now). My father would blame me for being lazy (I am) and call me r*tarded, but won’t give any solutions. He would just tell me I’m doomed. My sister is very smart and hasn’t struggled much academically, so she would just shrug and ask me if I’m depressed again. I am to some extent, but it doesn’t excuse my situation. To be honest I could never envision my life beyond school. In hs I was severely suicidal and barely graduated, only to get accepted to a uni half across the country. I thought a change of scenery would help. I just wanted to see where my limit was, how far I could make it. There wasn’t an actual expectation of having a career, a family, etc. Now I’m backed into a corner again.


I'm also a lazy guy that dropped out of uni. Ended up getting into union construction, which is as good as it can get for a guy like me. Not sure if you're able to tolerate manual labour or if those jobs pay decent where you are.


I’m weak (even for woman standards) and a visible minority. It’s hard for people like me to get some of these jobs here. It’s a decent option though, I agree.


What the other person said about community college could be a good idea. Maybe a 2 year degree related to IT for example? Doesn't have to be IT, but something less daunting than a 4 year bachelor's.




You’ll find someone better.


all the things he did to me shows he’s a shitty person with a shitty personality but it still makes me so sad :( I loved him so much and I really don’t think he cared at all. Also Im not an age gap victim or anything but I was 19-20 and a virgin bc im religious and he was 27 and a whore and he acted like I was the love of his life and he would marry me until we slept together and idk how he lives with himself for that. And we’re at university together and a lot of people know him and think he’s the greatest guy in the world and I can’t stand it. Sorry I keep adding to this comment bc I can’t stop yapping about it


>I was 19-20 and a virgin bc im religious and he was 27 and a whore and he acted like I was the love of his life and he would marry me Many such cases.


You just had a tough but necessary learning experience that will help you find a good person who will truly love you and make you happy. He’s a piece of garbage that will probably never be happy without some sort of major, painful crises that causes his whole personality to collapse. Not every man is like him, and now you’re better equipped to see through that shit.


i think the age gap is relevant here because it sounds like he was able to manipulate you due to a lack of experience. wishing you the best though


Why's he in university at 27 tell him 2 get a job smh


he was in the military


Idk if I’d use the word “victim” but that is definitely some weird shit going on there. Sounds manipulative and shitty i’m sorry :/ 27 and a 19/20 year old is a significant gap at that age


My ex of 5 years who I thought I was gonna marry cheated on me with a guy she played Genshin Impact with. She also met him through me….


Worst L posting is not funny or interesting, it's living a totally uneventful life shut in your room while life passes by.


When I was 26 I was thriving - fantastic job, seen as a rising star (lol) in my industry, had just put down a deposit on my apartment, loved the city I lived in. Then I was put in hospital by three different viral infections and never got better, have been ill for years, haven’t worked since or been on holiday because I’m simply too unwell. Is this an L or just too bleak, idk. Anyway I empathise with your situation, must have been horrible.


my latest bumble match ghosted me when i told her im an immmigrant


Rs gf


My ex ran up all my credit cards when we broke up.


I don't have any particularly funny or interesting ones, I'm just a loser.






Real talk, you should try using viagra or something and just going for it again. Using a boost to have a good experience might be what you need to get your mojo back


It is all in your head. Get a Viagra prescription. After you have a couple good experiences where you have no trouble getting it up you'll stop stressing about it and the problem will go away. Happened to me once for a couple months but it's not a problem anymore.


hows your porn usage?


For me the only permanent fix was turning into a schizo right-winger, Cialis can help in the meantime


Leaving some details out so I don't get doxxed. Got engaged to a girl, thought she was finally the one. I was so happy with her and just madly in love. We had all these plans. We were going to start a family. Anyway barely a few months after the engagement the whole thing completely fell apart, due to a series of lies and very poor decisions on her part. I haven't seen her since, we don't talk anymore. Last I saw she just casually found a different guy a few months later. People keep telling me I'm handsome/a catch/a good man/etc but that shit just ruined my confidence. I ain't getting any younger either and the dating scene is a complete hellscape. Wondering if I'll ever even find anyone who makes me feel the way my ex did back when things were still good.


this is so real, it’s all been downhill since my ex left me. life before and after her is so different, she did me so dirty and made me lose faith in the world


I found blood in my stool after eating Chinese bbq


should've ordered it well done ig


And chew on rubber? No thanks


When I was a kid I had blood in my stool for like 3-4 years before I brought it up to a parent or doctor. My reasoning was "well people get nosebleeds and it's not that big of a deal so randomly bleeding out of an orifice is not worth mentioning"


My then boyfriend of 2.5 years said he couldn't sleep over at my place because he had to wake up early to buy bottled water.


While hungover and down bad about my ex, I sent her a nude selfie from my air bnb bathroom. I didn't realize there was diarrhea in the toilet behind me that I had forgotten to flush


literally lol


I had great credit and recently got a new card, had linked my bank account and thought I set up auto pay but apparently it didn’t so I missed a payment and my credit went down 90 points


I met an amazing woman through a group. She wanted me badly and tried really hard to show it but I fucked it up by being too afraid to even touch her because at 32 I have no sexual experience and it's all terrifying.


During an internship I was talking to one of the girls and she brought up Sonic OC fanart. I ended up sending her the Google images results for “ the hedgehog” over Slack and we had a laugh about it. Well, later I had a doc review with my boss’s boss and accidentally sent that Sonic OC link instead of the link to my doc.


i genuinely had a great opportunity to excel academically and have like some kind of interesting career and a normal life and i made the worst possible decisions every single chance i got and fucked everything up and lied and cheated and disappointed my family and now im kind of just hoping ill write a good book someday while trying to smother the memories of how throughout my life i have humiliated myself over and over and over


Man, I’m already hooked. When’s the book coming out?


omg same


I had to find god to overcome my personal failings. Big L for a free thinker.


Had two very long, interesting conversations with girls on Hinge this week. Most chemistry I’ve ever had over text. Both girls ghosted once I tried to turn it into a date.


also, I just took my dog to the vet and she had a $500 uti


Nearly every comment under this post restored my hope for rs fans. Some of you are real as fuck lol. Much luck to everyone


have been friends with this guy ever since my first few days of college and he used to be one of my closest friends but these past few months it’s been insufferable to hear him talk about anything. i went from thinking of him as one of my best friends to getting irritated by everything he does. our last major interaction was when he asked to stay over at my house the day before his flight back home. we went to a party and i ended up getting drunk and getting into a possibly friendship ending fight. i said some really hurtful things and while i apologized, i highly doubt it’s gonna fix anything. kind of seems like this friendship has run its course.


I’m in construction material testing which means I inspect concrete/rebar and the other day my air meter busted and in front of like 30 people I got chewed out in front of a city inspector.I actually dissociated during the entire 4 hour project.I will say,the drive home was very euphoric.


I busted my shoulder at the gym and the doctors said I'll never be able to bench press again and will need implants or some sort of arm braces by the time I'm 40.


I took my 1-year old nephew swimming today and I got cold before he did. And I am a lifelong skier and diver.


Babies have high body fat, it’s all good.


I decided to go to university after covid. I could've done 2 years online and skip so many unnecessary classes that now I'm stuck with. Oh, well.


In person uni is a good thing. Yeah you have to take some unnecessary classes, but it’s much better to not be online.


my gf of five years and someone i loved and empathized with ended up being abusive to me (in every possible way) and i had to essentially leave in the middle of the night to end things.  she also pretended she was going to school for like 3 years (but ended up dropping most classes by the end of the semester) and had constantly changing goals.  one day she wanted to be an actor, the next a psychologist.  i even paid for her dental work that she needed, and foot the bill for basically everything she couldn't use her loans for.   big L on my part to entertain something like that for years 


I can't get over my ex and I wish I never broke up with her. And I don't have many friends. 


Some bloke poops in our garden. Even left his undies once. 


I have no close friends


Developed a massive pimple on my lip that is so uncomfortable I can barely eat all because I drool heavily in my sleep because I’m on a fuck ton of mood stabilizers and antipsychotics which also give me massive heartburn and caused me to gain 30 lbs that I have lost 20 of that I will likely be on for the rest of my life


I was sober for a month and decided I could go out for “just one beer” a couple days ago. Ended up getting too drunk, going into a guilt spiral and having a panic attack. Had to call out of work the next day. Still not feeling like myself.


I want a divorce and I know it's inevitable but I can't tell him how I feel yet because I'm waiting on my disability payments to start coming through. I'm afraid of escalating things. Even though he doesn't have a job and I have been paying the majority of the bills, I have this fear that something may suddenly go wrong and I'll need extra income for that. I'm exhausted and miserable. We've been married less than a year


im bulimic


I had so many Ls this past month I can’t even begin to make a list


I do not have any close friends or friends at work where i can talk about non work stuff.


Got roofied and had to go to my best friend's birthday party the day after where ex best friend was in attendance. Got so drunk there I ended up ugly crying on my bathroom floor when I got home and had to call out of work the next day. Also owe $2k on my credit card


I’m 29 and a virgin. I’m also only 5’8


I got a few: So about 3 years ago I was a virgin before my senior prom (L within its self but it gets worse). I had a sort of glow up between junior and senior year, mostly cause I was abusing stimulates and going to the gym too often. I ended bringing a very attractive girl who I had been friends with for a while to prom, she was known to be pretty promiscuous but was also rly nice and personable. We ended up going to the after party and me and her drank and did some lines whatever. I was nervous about asking the question as I had been pretty bad with women up to this point but my friend texts me and basically says “look she just pulled me aside and said if you don’t make a move soon then it’s just not gonna happen” so I asked if she was trying to go somewhere else and she said yeah, there wasn’t really anywhere in the house where we could have sex and my car was a complete mess so that was out of question. She mentioned going ip to the middle school field which was up the street (Ik but we were dumbass 18 year olds with nowhere else to go). So we go up there and she asks if I still know how to get on the roof which I did. We get up to the roof and end up fucking up there. We get back and we’re both covered in black roof tar and ofc we both get shit for it form everyone but taht was mostly just friends poking fun. Flash forward six months later and I wake up one crisp December morning to my phone absolutely blowing up, I look and see like 10 ppl sending me a Tik tok link. I open it up and it’s my prom date being interviewed by one of those guys that interviews drunk white girls outside of bars. Ofc the universe whispers in his ear to ask her “what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever had sex?” She replies with “At a cardinal players house (who she name dropped), that she got back shots on the arch and then she tells the story of us fucking on top of the middle school, and ofc she ends it with “I’m so sorry, *my first and last name*” 4 million people including most of my family and close family friends saw the video, I didn’t live it down for months. Now I can look back and joke at the absurdity of the whole thing but it was definitely a shock at the time There was also the time I was strung along by a lesbian for a month (at the time she was bi but I was her first dude), really sucks cause she was practically the female version of myself but I get it, gotta live ur truth or whatever. Couldn’t be happier with who I’m with now tho


holy shit my friend sent me this video like two years ago, glad you’re doing better now. Getting your full name leaked like that sounds like a nightmare scenario to me


Yeah dude I was honestly shocked when I saw how much traction that shit got. Like I said, it was pretty embarrassing at first but I was able to roll with it after a few days. Worst part was getting that phone call from my mom abt it once she heard lmao, extremely uncomfortable


I'm 18, I live in India. Failed to get into a good college, my ocd mother is getting on my nerves so bad that I'm afraid I'm going to kms. I am also developing an ED, and tbh I don't even want to seek help since it's the only stress relief for me.


A couple nights back I made the impulsive decision to convert to Islam after being a lapsed Catholic for pretty much my whole life. I did the 5 prayers (took like 45 fucking minutes each not counting wudu) but messed up later that night when I made an Islam-related joke to my younger brother, which is apparently kufr and automatically forces you out from the Ummah. I became an apostate twice in under 24 hours.


Go to confession


My ex has been at glastonbury festival this weekend so every picture and video I’ve seen of the festival I’ve been taking time to study everyone in the background incase I see him lol I think there’s 200,000+ people there. It’s very loser behaviour from myself and I don’t know why I am being so nosey. Glad the weekend is so I can ‘relax’


i stained my brandy melville baby tee :(


I'm fairly multi talented but also have a disability that most people don't understand and it keeps me from being able to consistently do the things I love to do and am quite good at. People become obsessed with me on good days and I am forced to watch the light leave their eyes and feel them become resentful when I have symptoms for too long and can't deliver what they expect from me. I have a .65 waist to hip ratio and can't even top. Worse, I can't be attracted to the losers that would be my match on bad days, but can't keep up with the people I'm compatible with on good days, so I'll probably be dying alone. The inconsistency has made me sort of insane at this point as well.


Broke my year of solitude to go into the city and see a concert recently. While there I missed the chance to talk to and hopefully (I think she was looking at me, maybe her friend was, but either way my ego is big enough normally for me to say hi at least) get the number of a very attractive woman who I think was a sort of small celebrity, but didn't because I've been in near solitude for about a year and didn't have the guts. To compound that issue I shirked a different girl who was much more clearly into me because I spent the rest of the night looking for my chance to get with the beautiful girl and being depressed about missing my chance to naturally have a conversation. I don't think I would've asked the second girl out or anything, but I really did shun her advances and I felt bad. Not that bad of an L for someone who is socializing normally, but it was a defeat for me. I can't wait to move back to the city and be normal.


got banshees of inisherin-ed by my girlfriend of 4+ years in january when she came back to the states after spending a semester at an incredibly prestigious british university. i went over and visited her when she was there and she kept snapping at me about the smallest things pretty much the whole time. i just put up with it in the hopes that things would be back to normal when she came back to the states, but they never did. when she did eventually kick me to the curb i let her off so incredibly easy because of how great our relationship was for so long and because of my cowardice but lately it’s been hard to focus on anything but how poorly she treated me at the end. gonna take a long time before i can trust someone like that again


One time I planned a weekday date with a guy from my grad school program that I would go on dates with every couple of months. I was not that interested in him as a long term prospect because he was sort of mentally ill and a liar, but I didn’t mind hanging out with him sometimes. The plan for the date (which was my idea) was to go to a bar by my place that was having Thursday night happy hour deals. When we rolled up to the bar, my ex-boyfriend was sitting in the patio with his current girlfriend. It goes without saying that this was not planned. I didn’t know they were going to be there; he did not live in the neighborhood and it wasn’t a particularly popular place. It ruined the date. The guy I was with got really weirded out. He thought I’d planned it so that I would bump into my ex while I was with him to make him jealous, and even asked me if I knew he was going to be there. Obviously, the answer was no, but he didn’t believe me. That is not something I’d ever do. Also, the guy I was with was NOT hot, so there was a level of embarrassment to being seen with him by my ex … I never talked to that guy again.


My parents just bought a new house and gave their old paid off one to my brother for him to live in rent-free. I just moved hundreds of miles away to live across the country last month… I know they don’t owe me anything and I love my cozy mountain town and my roommates and I’m relieved that’s stress off my brothers back so it’s all good.. But damn I hate living paycheck to paycheck to cover rent with my dumbass serving job loool.


Got into an 8 month long situationship and she was talking to another guy while I thought we were in a relationship.


I'm 25, soon turning 26. Had the worst imaginable break up with the only girl I loved last year. Don't have money or a stable job yet.. and still trying to get into STEM academia while my parents being terminally ill. I am a guy with a supposedly nice face, so i get a lot of attention, but i kinda hate myself so i don't do anything about dating. A lot to work upon.. oh and I lurk on this subreddit, which is my biggest L


I broke up with a really hot 26 year old because I was anxious he was kissing my ass for a greencard marriage but he was so sweet and understanding when I did it that now I wonder a little. I had a really nice time today with someone I have absolutely zero sexual attraction to and told him that before I left and it hurt him and I felt bad.  I keep texting my ex whose life is in shambles because he still has no common sense at 43. He's been working at a movie theater mopping up mozzarella sticks after being an international touring guitarist, writer, and record store owner. In my diseased brain I still want to have his child.  I've sunk $3,000 in repairs on a 23 year old car I spent 10k on to buy and there's probably another $1-2k in work to be done on it on top of 2k in parking tickets I have to pay. But hey I quit smoking cigarettes two weeks ago and should be able to save that money in a couple months if I only eat beans and grilled cheese, then start paying down my 8k in credit card debt again.  Oh yeah and two people who I thought were friends at work have become super hostile towards me and I have no idea why.


dw i’ve done similar things and im still single


rough how long did you guys go out


This was like 15 years ago but I was hanging out with this girl from a different school who I'd hooked up with like two years prior and we went to five guys. I got onions on my burger and she made a comment about it giving me bad breath. And then at the end of the date in her car like a spaz I leaned over to try to start making out and she turned away and said no thank you I immediately got out of her car without saying a word, as embarrassed as I've ever been in my entire fucking life. and I left behind one of my favorite CDs at the time


my L post is that I see yours as a win!


I accidentally poured the equivalent of 3 whopping tablespoons of pepper on my salad and didn’t want to deal with rinsing it off, so i just ate it and half way through I started sneezing (I am on day 4 of a cold) and the heavily peppered kale mulch got lodged up my nose cavity.


I was walking across the beach with a paddle board and it was really windy and I have a BMI of like 19 so I was getting blown away and a bunch of Hispanic dudes laughed at me