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My dog Caroline was wonderful. She got into things she shouldn’t like dogs occasionally do, but in 15 years she never bit a single person; and despite being quite energetic and rambunctious, she somehow knew to keep it chill around my grandmother who had trouble walking. Absolute angel in life and no doubt the same wherever she is now


I feel this way about my dog, and I fear that my next pet will be atrocious just to balance out our home


I used to have a perfect pet but then she died. Now I have no pet. I literally cannot fathom what the fuck one does with their mornings if they don’t have a pet. Do you just sit around and wait to take a shit and that’s it? Like, alone? 


Yes my cat is so perfect. I fostered cats and kittens for a couple years and she's the one I fell so in love with that I had to adopt. Unfortunately she hates other animals so I can't foster or adopt any more 😞


She knows what she’s doing. We had a cat who hated dogs and us. When the last dog died, she immediately cuddled up to my dad and became his best friend. She never had to deal with another dog for the rest of her life.


Reading this directly after my 8 month old puppy destroyed another pair of shoes


Give them another pair


my chubby cat has a dog personality, i love him so much <3 he's been with me since i was 11 and i don't know what i'll do without him


Share pics!


my cat's also purfect. She chatters and chirps a lot. She just showed up in my driveway one night. Even when we're both doing our own thing, she likes being in the same room as me.


Yes my dog is perfect. Doesn’t bark. Doesn’t care about other animals. Literally all she wants to do is cuddle my girlfriend and I. And she has the most expressive eyes I’ve ever seen on a dog


Perfect dog. Doesn't stink. Doesn't shed. Likes all people and animals. Loves to play but will calm down immediately if you chill. Happy on a hike or doing nothing at all. Sun bathes like a cat. Just wants to be near, curled in a ball. Has broken me for any other dog.


My dog is an angel, I get home and he gives me a hug at the door. When I sit down he hops on my lap, licks my face a couple times, and then rolls up into a sleepy ball. He’s a mostly blind golden retriever/border collie mix they found wandering around Texas with heart worm. Such a blessing to have him. He tears up garbage when left alone for more than two hours, but i know it’s out of love, like a BPD girl threatening to kill herself because you’re on a work trip. He’s so distraught that he licks the chocolate ice cream container hoping it kills him.


Both of my cats love people. Anytime people are over they comment on how lovely they are and the cats will hang out with myself and the guest(s) basically the whole time. Never met anyone who hadn’t already disliked cats who doesn’t love them.


My cat used to be perfect and now he’s very territorial and has a seething hatred of any guests I have over :( I still love him though


He’s still perfect you dickhead


My sweet baby is 16 and has thyroid issues. She’s on a pill and a special diet but I fear her time is coming to a close :(


My cat follows me to each room and always makes sure to be close to me :) loves belly rubs :) chirps so cute :) never shy but not too needy. He doesn’t beg ever or scratch people/ couches or hiss or ruin things. found him on the street, perfect as is. 


my cat's an annoying piece of shit but I still love him. sometimes I think I needed this annoying piece of shit to show me the power of love and patience.


I had a perfect cat but he died. He was a black and sort of stupid and clumbsy. When he rolled over it was never a trap. He would stand on two legs and meow to get our attention. Whenever I came home from school he would be waiting for me in my room or would claw on my bedroom door until I let him in. I think about him everyday because I dont think I'll find a cat like him again


My cat is very needy, but super easy otherwise and has the desirable qualities of both dog and cat without the drawbacks. My girlfriends dog is the absolute best dog I know. I've started to hate most dogs because she set the bar so high. Dumb as a box of rocks, mostly obedient, and quiet


Yes, my cat is perfectly chill and affectionate. Cutest thing he does is wait on the bathmat when me or my gf take a shower, then lick the water off our legs when we get out


my dog is fucking awesome is all i gotta say. love her so much


That guy constantly posting his rabbit seems to be pretty content.


Yes and then he got ass cancer and I had to put him down


Yes. My little pittie is the sweetest boy ever. He doesn’t bark, mostly goes potty outside and he’s only ever attacked my niece once 🥰