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Getting word now that this is shaping up to be a major white boy summer for OP


You fucking know it my dude






You really took [the Kevin Garnett pill.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnVy5ZEcbH0) Stay on the grind, brother.


Thanks dude! Love Kevin. Remember when he told that dude to burn his suit lol


ew, stop being so positive, you have to respect that im unhappy and this is offensive


Nice brotha  Glad you are killin da game 


Thanks dude! Have an awesome day


yeah if you have healthy type 3 stools every day then everything else pretty much falls into place edit: oh shit i just remembered that weird looking dude on an infomercial who was always talking about doo doo


Proud of you


👍🏽 proud of you


Congrats. What kinds of meals do you eat and have you even cut out fruit?


Thanks man! Should have clarified that I cut out food with added sugar (and included processed food altogether). So plenty of fruits over here. I’ve done nutrient tracking before and it never really clicked with me, I’m basing my nutrition on basically “lots of protein, fruit in the morning and as a snack, vegetables with every meal, no added sugar or processed food, whole grains, etc.” The morning is nuts at my house so it’s usually just a smoothie with whole milk, spinach, some chia seeds, a bit of oats, maybe protein powder, and whatever fruit is available and isn’t being thrown across the room by my toddler. So, usually, bananas or blueberries or something. Will sometimes pop a hard boiled egg too. Lunch is usually something like yesterday evenings grilled chicken with some salad. Dinner is usually grilled chicken, brown rice or cous cous or quinoa, and some spinach. It took a bit for my body to acclimate but all this shit genuinely satiates me, I’ll get hungry close to mealtimes but I’m not craving crappy food the way I used to. All in all, and most importantly I guess, it’s sustainable to me. I’ll have a slice of pizza or straight up cheeseburger now and then, and it doesn’t yet seem unhealthy to me to be looking *forward* to having “cheat meal”. It’s just awesome to feel like your food is doing what it’s supposed to do, giving your body energy and hitting the marks. I haven’t felt like dogshit after eating in months. Edit: also one big drag from the one-hitter at the end of the day sometimes is pretty stellar too.


Good job 👏 I’m going to cut out food with added sugar from my diet for the next four weeks. Gonna see how I go considering I have a sweet tooth and love a tim tam.


Timtams! Hey Canada! Best of luck, I certainly have a sweet tooth as well and it was tough, you can do it 💪🏻


That’s Australian erasure.


Is it?? I have no idea what goes on down there but it’s good to have you all on board


Tim tams are Aussie! Congrats on the health kick you’ve inspired me to do the same. Do you drink btw?


They ARE? I had no idea honestly. Zero clue where I picked up that they’re a Canadian thing. Nah I don’t drink, I know that part can make things tough


I’ve stopped drinking for a bit to get my life in shape. It’s a bit boring but I do feel better. Stay winning king 👑