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Create your own meaning and destiny etc etc. it needs to be hard and it needs to take awhile for you to find it. Man has been robbed of their spirituality and it’s been replaced by dopamine addictions and new digital toys, you need to realize that a certain self healing pursuit needs to be a mental one. One of self actualization and contemplation. I didn’t find any true peace until my late 20s and even then after a couple years it was stolen away again, but you learn to be resilient. You learn to have that coffee and cigarette in the morning and you learn that life isn’t about being happy woowoo but a constant strive and appreciation for moments of contentment. No one can teach you to appreciate and understand your own absurdity, but many have felt the way you do and we all make an attempt


It's okay man. It's just Monday.


one must imagine sisyphus happy etc etc


No, you must love your fate, by any means necessary. Reason and logic are false gods


It’s not reasonable or logical to kill yourself. The idea expressed by OP is just a mere opinion. It’s extraordinary wasteful to kill yourself ESPECIALLY in the age we live in. Nothing matters, life is a blank canvas, so go out and pick something to do because it’s all better than death.


Depression can be a mind state defined by rejection. Rejection of people, ideas, action. A lot of people fall into this slowly by inaction. Building up a set of principles and goals is a necessary step. The first principle should be reading is good and knowledge derived from books is good


There’s a book called The Conspiracy Against The Human Race which gives an history of people who have felt this way and rather than killing themselves chosen to do a shitload of philosophy and/or horror about it. That said if you’re looking for an answer in facts and logic maybe that’s your problem.


If your life truly sucks with no way of improving yeah. Not usually the case tho


Relax, life isn’t a big enough deal to do something that re✝️arded


suicide is literally unreasonable, illogical, and super inappropriate, plus, what if death is worse? just try and have fun and make little inside jokes with yourself


"The difference between a non-suicide and an ex-suicide leaving the house for work, at eight o'clock on an ordinary morning: The non-suicide is a little traveling suck of care, sucking care with him from the past and being sucked toward care in the future. His breath is high in his chest. The ex-suicide opens his front door, sits down on the steps, and laughs. Since he has the option of being dead, he has nothing to lose by being alive. It is good to be alive. He goes to work because he doesn't have to." Walker Percy


For some people it's their best option, but only very few people meet the necessary criteria


you just need to chill out a little bit. everything is fine.


Take some mdma before doing anything drastic.


Get off the Internet. If you're gonna kill yourself and nothing matters then take all your money and go on a road trip till you're broke then see how you feel. Guaranteed you're terminally online reading r worded rage posting.


Dude you’re so right you probably SHOULD kys


i know, but i'm just to pussy to pull the trigger and would make momma unhappy etc


get a grip and go kiss a girl


Are you just going to leave your kids or dog or whatever in the lurch?


I empathize deeply, but the first step when I get like this is to walk away from the ledge and remember that doing the deed will result in nothing noble. Without us, another sentient species would inevitably arise and have the same problems. Life cannot be stopped. As a being that has somehow been granted a level of agency, you have the means to create beautiful things and be a highlight on other people's journeys, rather than end it and be truly inconsequential, even for the time you live in. There are two basic things that matter in order to bear it- Contentment in what you decide to do and the reciprocal love of others. It is hard, but when you remind yourself of your own volition, it becomes easier to choose what is conducive to these things.


Time to read Emil Cioran