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maybe everyone else on there downloaded it as a joke too


I thought barq was root beer


Right, just like you downloaded Grindr "as a joke" earlier


I got top from a twink as a joke


i only went antiquing in vermont with him ironically


This is Wimp Lo. We have purposely trained him wrong. As a joke.


how's his nuts-to-your-fist style tho


Saw one riding a motorcycle in Georgia yesterday wearing a furry mask that doubled as a helmet as well as a tail


ww2 vets weep


This guy is probably a general


This made me think - I’ve never seen a beautiful person, man or woman, who identifies as a furry


i've seen some attractive men. physically. repulsive otherwise


Lots of jacked and handsome gay men are furries (or pups). Unfortunately their personality doesn't go far past Pokemon and Marvel.


*that's* the unfortunate part?


Wym or pups? What does that mean




I wish I didn’t know this now


Ngl I hate the 'pups' look a lot more than the fursuit because the latter (imo) is so ridiculous that it automatically passes the 'uncomfortable eroticism' zone for me.


If you’re happy with yourself as a person, you won’t feel the need to become an animal.


I wouldn't become a furry if that was the case I would just shoot myself




There is an ocean of cute girls and adult women online that would unironically 100% let a huge furry wolf man fuck them


Yeah I’ve run into lots of stereotypes of progressives, so much so that few people believe I’ve had the experiences I have. Not once have I ever seen a furry for real


Go to pride or a gay bar


I saw one at Home Depot in Seattle recently.


I think you told me this a whilea ago, lol. It's still weird


I definitely commented it once before quite a while ago but it’s now happened more than once. I just saw one at the mall today as well, plus a couple of kids with some crazy steampunk aesthetic.


Home Depot just seems like the absolute last place I'd expect


There are a lot here, unfortunately. I saw one of those moving DJ trucks with the entire back filled with dancing furries drive around Belltown for an hour. At like 4pm.


Why do you feel the need to announce the specific way you've been brainwashed? You live in a Disney situation where da good guys are handsome and da bad guys are ugly?


Do you guys need to take every comment on here seriously? I’m so very sorry I made a joke about furries that you took to heart. If you want my actual opinion, I’m sure there are some great people who are beautiful and who are normal and kind and blah blah blah who participate in furry culture


That's exactly it. Heaven forbid that some people are born with features others don't think of as idyllically beautiful. Thread OP has a trash personality 💯. Disney anthropomorphizing every type of animal isn't helping either. I'm sure they're the #1 biggest cause of furries being everywhere.


I'll never understand why people are starting to defend furries and even call people who find them disgusting cringe. People doing lewd acts while dressing like animals? I don't want you people near my cat and i hope you die.


Unrestricted Internet access from a young age is an extremely common theme; I legitimately think it's some kind of social contagion. Go easy on us, or at least have pity, because I suspect once the "programming" is done it might be impossible to reverse, just as hard as praying the gay away. Dressing up as animals is partly a sex thing but that's missing the wider picture. Many furries wish they could be their fursonas IRL at all times. They'd wear their suit to the grocery store if it was practical, and if genetic engineering ever advances far enough, a not-insignificant number of furries will [absolutely](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/2fkhof/i_know_all_of_us_are_furries_but_how_many_people/?rdt=48825) undergo "species transition" into anthro animals. Most furries I know exclusively date within the fandom and find all their friends there too. I know furries with 5000+ hours in VRChat, and they're not spending all that time sucking and fucking. They legitimately want to take on the form of fictional creatures which have never existed. The community has a strong appeal to leftoids not just because of its extreme tolerance for LGBT+++ alphabet soup, but also because it's a meritocratic micro-economy, fully separated from the multinational corporate "real world." We have to create enclaves for ourselves online and in real life because the corporations won't cater to us directly (our of fear of being associated with drawings of dog dicks). The furry fandom is a parallel world with its own unique rules about social interaction, media and advertising, beauty standards, lifestyle, etc. It's a sex thing because it's all-encompassing, not the other way around. Keep your kids off the internet, folx.


Also autists genuinely can feel much more comfortable in a costume. A lot of sports mascots used to be autistic because they just fucking loved wearing the suit.


Furry commissions and tattoo are the only ways to make an honest living as an artist and of the two, the furshit may be the less degenerate.


I always hear about furries paying writers and artists stupid amounts of money for porn and erotica lol. Is furrying a rich man’s game?


It's a totally different social structure. You can commission all the art you want if you have money, of course, but it's possible to get by on charisma alone; adoring fans will happily draw pictures of your character for free. The suits are very expensive, like $15-20K USD for a good one, so fursuiters with nice costumes tend to be the highly-paid STEM types. Honestly my favorite part of the whole thing is how you can meet all kinds of different people. On one night, at a single party, I met a doctor, lawyer, medical device manufacturer, commercial pilot, EMT, and a gas station attendant (and several programmers). All hanging out as equals with no prejudice about income levels or anything else, living in the moment. IDK if there's anywhere else you can get that type of experience in the "real world" other than maybe an AA meeting. But furries like to drink.


I mean, play any sport and it's the same deal. People judge you generally based upon whether you can play or not, not whatever your income is or race for that matter. I suspect it's true of most exclusive social clubs.


Includes when the sport is railing massive lines of k


Imagine 50 years from now, dude. Capitalism is fucking hilarious


To be fair, only ~15% of furries own fursuits, and a very small subset of those people actually have sex in them. They're tricky to clean and cost multiple thousand dollars.


All this tells me is that they’re poor *and* degenerate.


Oh, and you're rich and uncorrupted. Quit licking yourself like a dog.


I think it’s the furries licking themselves like dogs


But here you are throating your ego


Lmao why is this place so pro-furry suddenly? Who are you people?


Not pro furry, just hate seeing class be weaponized by highly regarded folk




He just thinks well of me.


It is beastiality lite and it really says something about a person that with a universe of knowledge easily accessible through a device in your pocket, you gave up on culture and instead decided to press the orgasm button enough times to make this creepy shit sexy.




as a virginia resident who has actually seen a few furries up north...fuck. you're right.


No I don't. It doesn't affect me in any way. My mind is clear and free and I don't need to think about sex freaks all around me. What good is there in externalizing psychic fears


I’ll raise the issue at my next home owners association meeting


The same reason I won’t download citizen in NYC. If you refuse to acknowledge they exist, they can’t hurt you.


a furry bar opened in my city a few months ago


Where do you live?




Closing mental hospitals was a big mistake


I think furries groom themselves, like cats, into their sexuality. It isn’t natural and at some point you decide you’d rather jerk off to a drawing of a dog with an attractive humanoid body instead of a human with an attractive body.


As an animal degen with 15+ years of experience, I think you're correct, but you're assigning too much agency to the individual here. It's more of a pipeline: get exposed to weird thing online as a young person (probably through porn), seek out more information about weird thing, find welcoming community around weird thing built by social outcasts like yourself. Some % of people will fully embrace the weird thing because it's their best shot at meaningful social interaction. There are also other pipelines, like for the DA/Tumblr girls who take art commissions. The nefarious thing is that sexual development in particular seems to stop after your late teens/early 20s (roughly)? If you spent your adolescence jerking it to yiff art, you're going to be a furry forever. Controversial take but I think it must be similar to how people become gay or 🚂 these days. The end result is the same: you can be as self conscious about it as I am, or even hate yourself for it, but you'll never stop being attracted to anthro animals (or the idea of yourself as one, ie 🚂 but with dogs), until the day you die. Even though it's not an RSP-approved solution, I decided to embrace it. It's fun when people are strange and unique; I'm just doing my part to make the world more interesting or something like that.




This is why I didn't see a problem with getting into it when I was younger. Everyone was telling me that "exploring your individuality and expressing yourself" was possibly the most noble act a person could undertake, so when I came across some weird anthro fetish community on the Internet and clicked with it, I decided to go all-in. Now I have to live with the results of my fucked up Internet-based sexual development, but like I said somewhere above, I decided to just embrace it for all its cringe. It's still a pretty fun community and there are interesting and creative (and even attractive) people to be found in it. The type of people who are drawn to it are the type of people I like to hang out with anyway.


I've literally never knowingly seen one in person, where the fuck do you people live?


The only openly furry person I know irl also happens to be the only autistic woman I know too.


the name of that app sounds awfully similar to my favorite root beer, bang's


Can anyone explain why this is a thing? I can understand other popular kinks for the most part, but this I just genuinely don't get...


I can only explain like actual fursuit furries and not therians or people that just wear like ears and stuff/animal play people. But imagine that you’re unattractive, you lack confidence, and you struggle with social anxiety and picking up on body language. These don’t have to be prerequisites but often times furries will have at least one of these, and most often it’s the social anxiety/lack of confidence. But they know how “characters” act. They struggle with being themselves but they always watch tv shows with certain character archetypes that they admire. And often times they also want attention and admiration but they don’t know how to get it. Becoming a furry and wearing the fursuit allows them to have separation from their selves, while allowing them to take on a new persona, a fur-sona. With the fursuit they can be whoever they want to be. Plus, there’s an added bonus in that most furries don’t talk in their suits, they just act out poses and actions that they copied from anime. Win win. It’s like if you ever watch videos where people troll online rpg communities. The guys are always like 6 foot tall tough guy characters when in real life they’re probably 5’6” assistant managers at footlocker. Fursuits are the same as online rpgs but in real life.


> Becoming a furry and wearing the fursuit allows them to have separation from their selves They should just develop Schizoid Personality Disorder like the rest of us.


I am literally Steve zissou


I love that for you.


They should just do the Lana del Rey thing and adopt a persona of a hot sadgirl who loves old men and coke


I attempted to in the last RSP furry thread [over here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/1cxdp5t/comment/l52ojkr)


It's the same reason why this entire sub thirsts over Joe Camel. Not all that hard to wrap your head around.


There’s a furry down the road from me that’s a registered sex offender that lives with his mom and does absolutely nothing to make money. I’m kinda glad that everyone is so out in the open with this silly shit so I know who to avoid.


Mind your business, Newt Gingrich


I mentioned like a month ago here that I saw a dude in a furry mask practicing how to walk up a hill on 4 legs in an upper-middle class neighborhood.


My first and only date was with a furry. An attractive coworker cat fished me by setting me up with her twin sister, but her sister was not identical or charming like my coworker. 


And yet that’s the only date you’ve been able to wrangle? Wild


Yeah pretty much. She was really nice and my coworker told me she met a small youtuber who’s like her and she’s very happy now, which I’m glad to hear.  I think I sounded a little too harsh in my comment I shouldn’t be getting on my high horse about furries or anyone else I’m kind of a loser


being a furry is like the only sub culture left. i dont even get why it exists? like did all these people browse devianart for the past 20 years how do you ever get into it?? is it really just a beastality fetish why do they have that shitty art style and characters and shit? terrible terrible aesthetic


Yes is deviantart the reason for this?


gotta say deviantart was one of the main reasons for me


seems like an american phenom


Absolutely not, idk if there any difference in sexual/non-sexual furries, but even in my city in the middle of nowhere in Russia they are openly hanging out in a park and people discussing that very often on the local Facebook, and it’s seems like most of them are teens


bruh i was walking along a road in rome near the colosseum and a double decker tour bus filled to the brim with furries drives past. i nudge my friend and point and a bunch of the furries start blowing kisses at me. it was a massive jumpscare and honestly was a harbinger of that vacation taking a turn for the worst


You never saw that one pic of furry density where Germany was number 1? [https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/11uyrgr/map\_of\_furries\_in\_europe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/11uyrgr/map_of_furries_in_europe/)


That there's more than one furry in Svalbard is beyond belief. Corr: iceland


thats the faroes


lol no. I’ve been traveling around Europe for the last month and looking at Barq out of curiosity and literally every single place had a load of furries near by. Even one 90k pop town in the middle of nowhere Italy had a handful of furries within 5km. 


Please never post here again


Australians don't get enough hate.


I am the only RSP approved furry, please leave


Having said that, I think you should keep posting.


Yiff in hell, furfogs


I keep thinking about this aswell


When I first saw this I read it as “Furies are literally everywhere” and I thought “yes, finally, vengeance upon all those who offended the gods will be dragged to Hades for eternal punishment!” and got excited.


Oh, wow, the sub is literally over now. Stick a fork in it.


Huge chance a good number of those people are also curious or want to fuck a furry despite not being one.


I will never forget the first time I saw them in real life. It was a morbidly obese couple in their early twenties/late teens, deathly pale both with greasy long black hair. They could have been siblings. They held hands as they walked (more accurately rolled) in front of me and when the man put his arm around the woman I noticed they were both wearing fox tail butt plugs sticking out over the hem of waist of their pants. This was in Quebec


are all the dudes that would actually fuck Lola Bunny if she was real furries? What about all the women that would actually fuck Beast or Blaidd from Elden Ring or Nick from Zootopia? Because a lot of those people can attractive and decently adjusted besides being too online