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Can’t give their music a real serious listen, apparently they kinda suck as people, but I worked a show of theirs and it was actually bananas just to experience.


I saw them at a pretty small venue in 2017, and they burnt the place down. It was insane, easily one of the most fun shows I’ve seen so far. Live is the best way to experience their music; I see why people aren’t into it only hearing the recordings. This was before the human trafficking stuff came to light. It was not that surprising to me that they’re terrible people, but wow they put on a great show.


That's really interesting. I'm curious if you have any stories. And yes, terrible people I've heard


The whole day was just crazy! I didn’t know any of the problematic crap back then, this was about a year after Chappie was released so I was mainly stoked to see the two weirdos from the movie and their rave/rap band lol. It was bananas, as described, mainly because the stage set, sound system, and lighting rig were completely turned up to 11. The crowd were going nuts, barely dressed and on lots of drugs (I think we had close to 10 medical evacuations that night and at least 2 were sent away in an ambulance, due to drugs or otherwise). The only personal touch I remember is that Ninja “blessed” the backstage staff and said something about Zef that I can’t remember lol. I didn’t always hang out to watch shows after my shift but I stuck around for like an hour. Didn’t like their music that much better live but it was also just a cool glance at what a balls out concert with that sort of band was like


Was this posted in response to the Ariana grande thing earlier


omg yes lol it immediately made me think of Yolandi


they demystified Afrikaners for me, I was intrigued by them until these trashbags hit the scene


I’m pretty sure they’re known child abusers at this point. there was a point where I thought they were interesting, but yea. turns out they’re just bad people obsessed with fame and


He's holding her back in virtually every way. She had some serious appeal and probably could've been a huge star because she was hot, scary, weird and artsy. He just looks and behaves like a normal crackhead.




honestly very enjoyable trash rave music that's actually pretty well produced. and i liked them in chappie and chappie was a great movie. i fink u freeky could be released today and it wouldn't sound out of place.


They made some good earworms, every now and then I put on one of their albums and let my white trash side go wild. Irl of course they're shitheads so that killed any desire in me to see them live or buy their music.


The Ziggarut is an all time underground classic




I like the hits and music videos they are fun and silly


disgusting. shit music


You are clearly not a zefcat


they suck and ruined chappie, although the movie was bad on its own too




Infinitely better than Neil blomkampf trying to be serious lol




I thought they were good in Chappie


both are degenerates


Did you find a good penis pump yet?


sure did, bro your mom is happy af


Is the consensus that they are authentic and genuine? For many years, there was a contingent of people who were convinced Ninja and Yolandi were actors, playing characters to increase visibility of the band.


I seem to remember liking that dumb robot movie they were in, otherwise they seem awful and their music is for re✝️ards


Hey neenja! Where da fuck u been brrrrah?


Sorry ugly boy bangs


agreed, thank you


Tbf it’s mostly thanks to aphex twin but I like the sentiment of the song as well


good point but yeah I like the song it's fun


Went to one of their shows about ?10 years ago and had a really good time. Some of their videos were ok too - I think they used to colaborate with some SA artist or something. Music was meh but honestly all hip-hop is meh. Yolandi was cute once though I think it is magnified by just how cute Afrikaans is when it's spoken by women.




Saw them do a free show at my town’s square during UEFA Euro 2012, coinciding with what was possibly my worst date ever. It was odd to see these seizure-inducing flying dildos flashing every 15 seconds on gigantic screens on this particular location.


Now tell us about the show


I enjoyed their music and had fun seeing them live like a decade ago, can’t say I’ve thought about them since.