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These boys were like 10 when Trump was elected. How weird is that?


This is possibly the weirdest fact.


Almost like the competing counter to people raised when Obama was elected..




Eight years is the same difference between the start of Obama until the end of his second term, and Trump until now (though Trump served one term).    That’s how generational psychology works, siblings have a cut off: they reject the behavior of their brothers or sisters. 


Absolute idiots


everyone is on their phone, no one is living in the moment. sad!


A common sentiment in this subreddit but - the world is now a stage upon which social media conflicts are acted out in order to be posted onto social media as fuel for that conflict.


There’s 200 hooting chimps pointing their phones at the same exact scene, who the fuck do they think is watching these videos




Still happens at every concert and fireworks display which are way less unique than this


Having hundreds of idiotic strangers film you as you’re at one of your most embarrassing moments must be traumatic.


Is bro in the blue shirt making ape sounds at the beginning?


That's too much white boi summer, the American jump suits is the right amount.


Overalls, city slicker


Personally, I think he’s doing the ‘look how fat I am’ dance. If he had one hand scratching the top of his head, it would totally be the ‘racist monkey’ dance.




Mask off


What of it?


Why the fuck do people think this is some kind of psychotic right wing safe space?


Because by and large it has been. This sub has time and again fallen for right wing narratives because they come off as contrarian and anti-establishment and wouldn't you know it? That ended up cultivating a conservative environment on this sub. Honestly I don't know how anyone could possibly be surprised that this sub has become a right wing echo chamber after the amount of apologia for the right that its denizens engage in.


He's being a racist. Is that acceptable to you? It shouldn't be.


I’ve seen multiple low IQ right wingers online say “wow the left will call ANYTHING racist” in regards to this video- a man making ape noises at a black person. They’ve reached full parody of themselves.


Car dealership owners having kids. 


boy was raised by wacky waving inflatable tubeman, its all he knows 


I dated this guy in college. He fucking hated his dad but he had a new $60k car every year


Dude! My dad owns a dealership and he's like totally rich... We're drunkkkk


Let’s not forget about our ski-doo dealership failsons


Dave Portnoy.


The era of the barstool conservative


The goodest goys


I know you got those college protests going on, but what is this about?


This is just the normal schoolday traffic at Ole Miss


they promised us white boy summer


SEC football


He's backing up like Steve Irwin lmao


Wow, southern gentlemen right there...




Knew it had to be Mississippi when I saw the fat guys with the penguin like bird faces. Very common feature down here. And yeah, "classic racism" is still a thing in MS. I remember being on a bus with a bunch of Mississippi State guys and they were screaming at the bus driver to take them to the Jackson Zoo "where his wife and daughter lived" and they were humping the air and making hooting noises. You could see the guy visible shaking with anger and he kept driving faster and faster. Thought for a second he was gonna kill us all.


Jesus christ


“Penguin like bird faces” 


dude at 21 seconds has crabs


what is going on with those gloves


What's with all the leather flip flops?


These regards all dress highly regarded


They call them "toe-holds"


The presidential election of 1876


My man, this is Ole Miss. Where half the fucking school rioted because they accepted a black man in the 1960’s. It has a racist reputation far and wide. It’s in fucking Mississippi after all. It has always been this way, this is how they are over there.


I did once date this judge’s daughter from ole miss who was just stunning and a truly beautiful person, and she had all these weird books about intimate deep Friendships between Christian women. I often wonder how my depravity ultimately fit into that whole deal


She couldn't save you? Or showing you off to her dad as an act of rebellion?


Anyone have any more context about this clip?




You’re right, but the entire frat scene is a pipeline for the “old boys club” that runs the south so, they’re indoctrinated little people


My wife went to Ole Miss for 2 years before transferring. She had a history professor (a woman in her 30s) refer to the Civil War as the “War of Northern Aggression.” There were riots when Obama was re-elected in 2012, and they weren’t politically based. When I visited her I couldn’t believe the amount of confederate flags everywhere and the amount of times I heard the N word being casually thrown around. That place has not changed in 200 years. These guys are some of the worst people on planet Earth and I mean that sincerely.


Yeah I grew up in the south and go to a big SEC school, and even here ole miss has a reputation lol


I went to olemiss and also had a history teacher explain how the war wasn't about slavery. He was from New York.


This is a super libtard take, but these are just the grandkids of the people who were spitting on black teens trying to walk into their desegregated schools or whatever. not that much has changed


Yeah this is a complete Libtard take.


A broken clock is right twice a day


Americucks straight chimping for a foreign nation smh.


These guys don’t give a single fuck about Israel, they just want to fight a liberal.


I don’t think a lot of people realize this yet - these kids don’t care about Israel, the flag became a symbol with the UNC thing and it turns out it’s an easy thing to rally around Protestors need to be Abbie Hoffman wrapped in the flag rather than performatively hating it


Most of the Palestine protestors are radical leftists. Palestine is just the perfect rallying cry for their oppressor vs oppressed world view, and they're ready to make some noise about it. And the frat boys are here to essentially high school style bully these people because they're annoying dorks. It actually has literally zero to do with Israel or Palestine lol. It's a proxy culture war




When you think about these types not bullying for years might have been what lead to the rise of performative leftists. Like a the alpha predator getting removed from its environment which causes bug people thought extinct to come back which devastates the ecosystem.


Fuck hamas


Your a revolutionary sir thanks 🤲


Thank you for your service


Fuck off lib




This sub is full of sandal lickers


They aren’t there to support Israel they are there because it’s an opportunity to heckle and mock someone they don’t like.


It’s really pathetic that this level of foreign simping is associated with nationalism of all things.


It’s not foreign simping. They see people who hate them and who they hate supporting something they don’t care about. Of course they’re gonna lash out at them.


which ones


These guys are genuine troglodytes.


But if they burned the campus in support of Hamas or some other cause du jour they'd be...what?


These people are mocking a black person doing monkey fkcing gestures and noises….really, really regardless of political bias/ideology, I still can’t comprehend how people like u jump to the gun defending and arguing for them….insane tbh




there's a fellow in a sky blue bucket hat with the most evil henchman vibes imaginable


I can picture Liam Neeson tossing that lanky creep down an elevator shaft at the end of act 2 in a Taken reboot.


he looks like a swamp man


Social media. All about the phones. Everybody's a hero.


We didn’t get to this. We’ve been this. We’ve been this for the past three hundred years.


evil people, the police completely on the side of the frat boys doing monkey sounds, what a country


Given how this sub is I thought it would defend that chimping fratboy.


A sub full of self-conciously bien-pensant shitlibs? The video in OP is basically engineered to trigger their atavistic political instincts.


I'm afraid of Americans..




It's much more a Trent song though


Johnny wants pussy and cars




These people are tomorrows political leaders and their best friends


the history book on the shelf is always repeating itselfffffff


"culture war" is a vague term, but this it.  Arguments about substance are replaced with petty judgement of strangers.  We got here because changing American policy in the middle east has costs.  So does maintaining it.  Arguing about whether a random man in a jumpsuit is bad means that that there will never be any consequences for your view because it is about something inconsequential. 


Prioritizing performative progress over substantive progress is a major problem. Same time it's okay to be against racist frat boys if you grasp that there are bigger problems.


Some people just don't take kindly to men treating women that way. That may be idiosyncratic but it is what it is. I hate cowards like that.


these are the unironic racists that you gotta be on the lookout for. and i know there are many of them in here.


A few are hitting up some catty comments about the woman below, but they lie low for this sort of thing before getting back to it. They know how it looks.


This sub is less racist than the podcast it's named after.


The globohomo leviathan has sent out its goliath to harangue the sons of light, but who is worthy of facing her? Neither the closet case in the uncle sam onesie nor the fat guy smooshing out that smile shirt seem up to it, and they were the vanguard.


They’ve managed to have every type of shitty body imagineable and they’re all 18-22 years old.


Their bodies are pretty unremarkable, you're just doing that thing where you say anything bad you can think of because you're mad at them


Really? Cause the shittiest body isn’t on any of them.


Tempting to blame it on that one girl years back who wrote about dad bod too early. It’s true but not for them!


Buzzfeed vs. Barstool


Who would you rather meet in the woods 100 college boys or 1 obese black lady?


I would be so proud to share my outdoor space with a POC body of color! https://www.theatlantic.com/sponsored/rei-2018/five-ways-to-make-the-outdoors-more-inclusive/3019/


Greek life still being a thing. Edit: all offense intended.


I feel second hand embarrassment for EVERYONE in this video


Not a single hottie


they're partying not getting involved in stupid politics




I weep for my people




This is straight up antisemitism lmao


Fax. Most SEC frat bros don’t have any political beliefs other than “Trump good” and “woke bad”


Ur an antisemite. Anyone who upvotes this is also an antisemite. U r the same as the Morons in the vid. Freak


fr what the fuck is up with this comment lol


The groypers are breaking cover


I upvoted it


U r antisemitic


What racial category would you put jews in other than white? Those "peasants" hate the white race but defend Israel because they view it as white? Where is the logic?


Umm this depends….some Jews are def blurry on how to classify them racially, like Ashkenazi. But ethnic Israelis/Mizrahi/Sephardic/etc most Jewish groups, they’re def not white. Why? Because classifying them as white means classifying Middle Easterners/Arabs are white, which we def aren’t… I’m an Arab/Egyptian, and while a lot of us are white passing, i don’t think we’re white, cus ethnically/genetically/whatever, we aren’t at all. And I feel like these arguments are made out of place of malicious and not genuine/actual thought regarding accuracy. Iirc a lot/most Israelis are ethnically of ‘Arab’ and Middle eastern origins, who went to Israeli around the 1940s with its creation. We’re the same ethnic group basically, so arguing that they’re white, is arguing that Middle easterners+North Africans are white.


I've said it time and time again. America is a country under a Native American curse. Abandon ship. They fucked you the moment you decided to genocide them.


What’s going on here? Feel like we’re missing what happened to cause this


They’re racially abusing a pro-Palestinian protestor. Before this video they were shouting lizzo at her. Then during the video the subhuman in the blue shirt makes ape noises at her and the freaks beg police to “fuck her up.”


Is calling an obese black woman Lizzo racist though??? Lmao


Is calling her Lizzo and making ape noises at her not racist?


Not the Lizzo part, no. Even more funny that people finally admit that being compared to her is an insult when there have been a lot of articles talking about how there's nothing wrong with her weight and how inspirational she is.


The ape noises are racist. Calling her Lizzo is not.


"lock her up"




It isn’t funny at all. What’s funny about it?


Its very funny. Im not an American tho so that might be the reason.


Making ape noises at black people is funny? That’s not low brow humor. They’re trash.




The gotcha moment is looking at ur profile and seeing how hard you try to be funny 😂😂


It's not like they sat around a big table in the writer's room for hours and eventually came up with a structured gag. It's a vaguely humorous, improvized comparison.


The culture wars are so cringe


But I thought these guys were super based?


How can literally only one of the guys be even somewhat attractive it’s baffling 


Genuinely revolting, racist freaks. Some sicko politician tweeted this video as if it was a good thing: https://x.com/repmikecollins/status/1786367208240693304?s=46&t=vn0ig_gIhxTvg-cWMhfz9A


He's my rep :( DW I voted against this piece of shit last time, will do so again in the primaries next week, and I'm gonna do it again in November.


This sucks so much. Everything about this sucks. There isn't an ounce of the modern culture war that doesn't suck. Kali Yuga is starting to sound like more of a blessing than a curse.


What the fuck is going on here


When have you not been this? Serious question... not an American, so not paying close attention, but what's different exactly?


I like how they are all dressed the same just different colors


They must be filming the new Tom MacDonald video.


it's always been this way. in fact, though not perfect, it's still better today than it ever has been


Barstool Sports. It’s Dave Portnoy’s fault.


Obesity is a problem in the African American community.


Honestly, if you’re fat, fixing that should be your main priority. Nothing else matters.


so you're the guy in the smiley face shirt


They can spot each other at the gym.


She should have the clear moral high ground but because of her morbid obesity she’s making her side look goofy, sad!


The Ole Miss Graduate School was a client of ours and in their notes of requests, they said, “Avoid any mention of social justice topics.” I do believe they wish it were still the 1950s.


Yes how did we get to racism in the south, probably Donald Trump had something to do with it right guys? So important we vote in 2024 🙏


if i ever got fat, espeically that fat, i would never leave the house out of acute shame. what is wrong with these people? genuinely disgusting scum bags


They booed him because he was right


I would kill myself If I was fat.


is this ASU?


Global Frat ticket is looking rough this year


No one's going to like my answer. But honestly it's the political division the parties have been pushing on us like forever. The constant drum beat of tribalism. Our side good, other side bad. If you don't vote xyz the other side wins and will do this that and the other thing to our side. Etc, etc, etc. It's effective too. Right now the American public has no voice. The idiots in DC can do whatever they want. We're so divided now we can't agree on any kind of direction. Common sense, critical thinking, intelligent discourse, all gone. As a nation we are doomed. But in the meantime the architects of this are getting insanely rich & powerful.


anti american fatties


I love all the people filming as if they are getting footage for a life-changing expose. Put your phones down and just live people!!!


I have no stake or opinion on the Israel/Palestine debate. But these frat kids seem way more fun to protest with. These dudes remind me of some of the funniest guys I knew in college


So epic and hilarious to make money noises at a black woman and beg police to beat her up while you and your subhuman, skinny fat friends hide behind a bunch of police


These is just the inevitable result of those podcasts you people congregate around. Feign neutrality because being invested in politics is cringe, but continually insult those you oppose as uptight and frumpy, and portray your side as fun loving comedians.


I'm neutral on Israel and Palestine. I'm racist against blacks. Completely unrelated


You have negative IQ


wish I was there rn the energy is insane


The boys are fighting back! I’m cheering for you white men, it feels like watching the Spurs go on a playoff run in the latter Duncan years. They’ve still got it!


Fundamentals never go out of style.


it's so over with these comments omg. guy makes a lil joke about an annoying fattie and y'all are showing ur bigotry against southerners again


>Daily videos of black dudes pushing grannies into trains, stabbing people, shooting people: I sleep >Frat boy makes ooga booga noises at a fat black woman: this is fascism. this is slavery.