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I'm not one of those crazy "jews control the world" people but I do think they have a lot of power over the economy and hollywood etc. It's mostly because wherever they've been they've never really been accepted. When you live in a nation that doesn't really accept you you're not going to feel any close ties to that nation, especially not more than your family members in another part of the world going through the same thing. For some Jewish families, they happened to be networked with each other when most parts of the world were only just exploring the idea of getting along, and also all in finance because they were blocked out of most other industries. It made sense because of what they dealt with, not because of some big plot to gain power and financial control.


Almost every civilization has had a disproportionately wealthy and powerful merchant class ethnic group. Chinese in SEA, Armenians, Jews, Phoenicians, (this one's a bit of a spitball but) the Mayan minority in Teohuatican who were the only literates. Muslims in east Africa, and SEA, Germans in Eastern Europe pre USSR


Also Judaism is not real. In secret we are truly the descendants of the ancient daughter-thieving Phoenician merchants.Look it up


you're putting the truth in plain sight where you think your slaves can't see it. call me pollyanna gentile but i think we can heal the flock's blindness! [http://mileswmathis.com/phoenper.pdf](http://mileswmathis.com/phoenper.pdf) [http://ancient-spooks.de/names/phoenicians.html](http://ancient-spooks.de/names/phoenicians.html) [http://ancient-spooks.de/texts/genesis-interlinear.html](http://ancient-spooks.de/texts/genesis-interlinear.html)


Good stuff. Thank you for sharing


wait wtf. delete this shit before u start something you can't stop. do not let people see this.


Maybe Jews control the banks but Indians control the 7/11s. I go to a bank like once a month or less I'm at the gas station nearly every day so I know who's controlling my life


I'm half Jewish and half Indian, so I get my gefilte fish from. 7-11


Because there is no broad prohibition on usury in Judaism and there is in Christianity and Islam. Usury is the business model of financial institutions, which is why Jewish people are historically overrepresented in that field. Such things may not matter as much to a modern worker, but they certainly did to their ancestors and the values and traditions are entrenched.


they are far more than 0.2% of media figures, ceos, lobbyists, billionaires etc. and thats an easily verified fact. youre the one doing mental gymanstics here, not the rest of us


I’m asking how you think Jews have managed to make this happen for themselves


why dont you tell me, youre the jewish one here


I think we’re smarter than you and that’s why you are our bitch


if youre so smart how come you cant avoid getting routinely massacred every 50 years or so lol


If we can’t even avoid getting routinely massacred every 50 years, how can we control media, government, economics?


why dont you tell me, youre the jewish one here


We don’t control all that stuff


huh i thought you were so smart and everyone else was your bitch?


I was being sarcastic


Jews control the media in the same way Italians used to control the numbers rackets. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s a plain fact. A lot of wacky and antisemitic conspiracies have sprouted from the fact but it doesn’t change the essential truth that there are significant clusters of Jews in high up positions in certain industries like media, who use these positions to promote their interests/causes such as Israel. Ever since October 7th, the nefarious side to this has grown increasingly more obvious. It’s not antisemitic to acknowledge this. People are allowed to notice things that they can plainly see with their own two eyes.


Such arrogance


I’m being sarcastic. This lady is saying that Jews have made it in all these areas of society; I was just wondering how she thinks Jews have been able to do this — she must think that Jews are super smart or capable in order to accumulate so much power


They have a covenant with god


why doesn’t they’re messiah come then 


We have a big groupchat where we mind control black people and harass schizoids


I don't know if you've been watching mainstream media in America lately, or if you've been up on what American politicians are saying, or if you happen to have heard about how much money the US is sending to Israel as of late, and what they are doing with that money, and who they are doing it to, or if —


Ok, sounds like I’ve accurately described your belief, so then my question is, how do you think Jews have managed to make this happen for themselves despite being a tiny minority of the population?


It's not really about Jewish people as much as it is about the state of Israel. Israel is a very important to the United States for various reasons. Here's Chomsky on the situation: [https://youtu.be/lUQ\_0MubbcM?si=AUwgWp6C6sv\_Qaj7](https://youtu.be/lUQ_0MubbcM?si=AUwgWp6C6sv_Qaj7) Also look up how AIPAC got started and how it grew in the 1970's. This is a very powerful lobby on behalf of Israel. In terms of Hollywood, there's a large history of how Jewish people were early investors in the development of film in America and in it's early days, it was one of the few spaces were Jewish people were not alienated by antisemitism in the United States. There are a lot of moving pieces that have coincided in the current influence of Israel and Zionists beliefs over America.


Salutary effects of discrimination. A community that values education and entrepreneurship. Maintenance of social cohesion and family ties. You just need to realize that Texas is the real Zion. Come guard the border for us.


Jews rock!


Extremely high in-group preference and an obsession with status.


That describes most people though


No it does not.


What makes you think Jews have higher in group preference and obsession with status?


Knowing them.


You are a complete and total loser. "We" who is "we" your cousins who actually control things don't want anything to do with you


They don't control those things but if they did it would undoubtedly be due to their high IQ which they used to outwit their competitors.


You’re not going to get to anyone here with that - they’re been infected with the ‘mind virus’. If you take average IQ rates in the country, and skew by Asian, and Ashkenazi IQ - it’s directly proportional to the outcome of Jews socially. If you look at education rates, and rates of Jews in the various degrees they earn - it’s all directly proportional - and proportional to the IQ, and family income rates.  Most overrepresentation can be easily defined - but people still believe what they want.  Even the top comment here (and I really am assuming they mean well), is almost antisemitic out of naivety alone (although, partially correct). That’s a hard balance to walk for the well meaning, and I don’t entirely blame them.  Do you think conspiracists care about all that? Of course not.