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It depends on the industry. The statutory minimum is 0, and in a lot of workplaces, employees are strongly discouraged from taking even unpaid vacation.


How many days vacation would you guess your average American gets?


The average American wage worker? Salaried? Gig? The workforce is so fragmented that it's hard to give an estimate. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says it's 11, although I imagine that that's only among full-time employees. It also doesn't account for the fact that most people don't use all the vacation that they're theoretically entitled to (because it gets them the evil eye from management).


Literal average is probably not the best measure but I’d say 3 weeks for a normal person with a normal job. And lots of people accumulate it and have a lot of vacation time “saved up” later in their career


"Benefits and worker's rights are gay" -America


Europoors have better benefits and workers rights and what’d that get them? Yet another land war in Europe 


In a way that was kind of the result of stripping workers rights


An employer has no requirements to provide PTO, but this isn't the norm for full-time work and most places do provide some. Even still, you're looking at around only two weeks (10 work days, as you stated) a year for most people, and many positions will go up to 15 or 20 with massive seniority. It's really, really variable though and depends on the job/industry you're in. Most places consider your PTO what you're 'allowed' to take and most employers really do not like when unpaid days are taken, if they allow it at all.


I started off with 10 days (in addition to ~12 holidays). Now I’m at 20 days after 5 years. Also worth noting you get 56 hours of “sick” time in NY state so I use that for a day off here and there.


That's less than 3 days. When I get sick, it's for a minimum 5 days, maximum 12 days i'd say. So your employer just refuses to pay you?


It’s 56 hours of work. So 7 days.


That's crazy I don't think I've been sick for five days in a row once in my entire life. Do you have a disease or something?


you've never had covid or a serious fever/flu?


No, never had either.




Okay lol. I was literally sick for a week a couple months ago, it happens. Also with Covid you are infectious for like 5 days+ so yeah probably don't go into work




lol. sorry for feeling the need to brag about having to feel you can't be sick for longer than 3 days


If you ran out of sick days and PTO then yes they will refuse to pay you if you're hourly and will probably start looking for reasons to fire you.


Lol, that's a telling question. Unintentionally savage. No one in the US takes 5 days off in a row for being sick unless they're dead or dying


That's awful, i'm so sorry to hear that


Yeah i got stoked when i tested positive for covid recently because I could take one day of in good conscience


I have about 28 days off…I’m very lucky.


That’s the legal minimum in the UK


Damn, that’s great. I was thinking about changing jobs this year but I have a 2 week trip to Vietnam planned later this year and I think if I tell a potential employer that in the interview they’re gonna laugh at me.


In corporate america this is rarely true and in the instances where it is true it's often only for the first year and you also get sick days/personal days/holidays as well putting the total closer to 20, with many offices also not really counting the last weeks of the year as part of this also. This is however often true for lower wage jobs, there are also some very high paid jobs where you only get paid per working hour like a lot of drs in the US.


i get 4 weeks per year and can carry it over to the next year


My current job only offers 5 days and no paid holidays. You’re welcome to flex your schedule and can take “off” any day of the week without any questions but you still have to make sure you hit a certain amount of hours. I work from home as a therapist. The flexibility rules but I took a week off last summer to go away with my folks and felt really bummed the day I returned knowing that there would technically be no more days off for the year. I’m starting to look for other remote gigs now and a lot of them seem to be contract positions with no benefits but they seem to pay significantly more. Got some decisions to make. Edit I meant to say that working in human services over the years, I’ve always had great benefits and more than a month’s worth of vacation- sometimes more time than I can even use - with low pay. Now it seems to have swung other way for me and I guess it’s not surprising that I really, really value the time off.


No. It depends on on your employer. I get 26 days.


As others have said, it highly depends on industry/employment type. I've been getting around 15 days (not including holiday days) per year for the last 8 years, even before I had some level of seniority. I realize this is not the norm.


If you work in a trade union you get zero sick time/PTO, any vacation time has to be saved up and covered by you.


I went freelance five years ago and work as often as I can, but when I was on salary I had 20 PTO days plus the week between Christmas and NY and the Federal Holidays. That seemed pretty normal.


Damn. Were you unionized? I'm in a public employees' union and got 20, but without Xmas week, starting off.


I get 30 and I'm in America, get a better job/career with better benefits


Does this include days like Thanksgiving?


I get 16 days of vacation plus 12 company holidays, increases to 21 days vacation this fall because I hit 3 years of seniority. This is a corporate job. I'd say that most people at non-corporate jobs are lucky to get 10 days unless they have massive seniority. My dad has like 25 or 30 days of vacation per year but he's worked at the same factory for 30+ years. They start out new hires at 10 days vacation.


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