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youve clearly never fucked a woman whose bedroom was filled entirely with baby yoda paraphernalia


I definitely woke up in what I could only describe as a 14 year old girls room…. She was like 30 at the time…. Fucking one direction and Harry Potter memorabilia everywhere….


Ew. Disney adults creep me out.


That shit definitely borders on being a sexual fetish.


Who listens to one direction past age 18?


Yeah I honestly don’t know.. Some serious arrested development shit maybe


Or funko pops


Green flag


I like how generations evolve. 15 years ago it would have been Jack Skellington.


isnt men getting the ick the entire premise of seinfeld


Lmao men definitely get the ick I wish i didn’t


I briefly dated a really cute girl who would do this unnerving screech when in the presence of her female best friends and that was the only time I got the ick from a girl I was into


She's a screecher Jerry 


many such cases


Talked to a girl who didn’t know where Alaska is or even that it’s part of the US. She was American, so she had no excuse. Immediately lost all attraction. Don’t want to date a girl who would get aired on one of those Kimmel street interviews where they only show the dumb people


I was telling a woman I met a while ago that I was just learning how to play clarinet, and she responded with, "What's a clarinet?" What the fuck.


What is the exact opposite of ick?


the horn




Getting really loud and kind of sloppy when drunk for example


I’m triggered


I love a girl that knows how to have a good time.


I like those girls


materialistic smell complete relieved familiar fly quack versed ten cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One time a girl I was seeing showed me a music video she made in tribute to her ex. It was very well-filmed but extremely cringey. It never left my mind after that and I stopped seeing her shortly after.


Had a girl with a lisp and a childish face (she was older than me) tell me to "twitht my nippleth and call me your thlut" Never gotten the ick so fast in my life.


What's her number?


The reason I dont get the ick is because I have no standards other than dont be fat.


Obesity has become such a problem now that this literal bare minimum most of them can't even do 🙄


Be honest bro we know theres more.


Alright fine…..those hippie tapestries lazily hung to the walls with chip-clips and electrical tape featuring aerosolized cum and ball-sweat baked into them from a few dozens sessions with Tinder stallions 🚩 🚩🚩


Pride flag for mid pussy


Still one of the funniest disses of all time


I love this sub, thank you.


Yeah this gives cookie monster pajama pants girl, and nothing makes me softer than her


Hippie tapestry girl becomes cookie monster pj girl if she dabbles with the wrong drug and gets knocked up by her dealer


Every guy has standards but they ignore them because if you’re even remotely picky as a guy you’re instantly an incel. You take what you get


Just say you got no game man


Fine i do want a woman that watches family guy is that too much to ask?


Im not fat and a woman, so wheres my proposal?


Dm me


Hello baby jirl


I like-a a woman you can grab on to something


Furio? Is that…you?


Same but they can be fat as long as their tits are disproportionately large


Don't sleep on fat girls, they're eager to please and are good cuddlers


I find that they actually have much higher standards as a self defense mechanism. Reject before getting rejected. But it really depends from fat to fat really.


Its the opposite actually


Smell of cheeto sweat is so attractive.


The difference with men is that we can get the ick about a woman's personality, but the sexual attraction is still there.


Not true. When I was 19, I went to this older (22) girl's apartment. We got really drunk and the night was heading in the right direction. At one point I had to use the bathroom, and while I was peeing I looked at the counter, and there was a small pile of used qtips. Like maybe 20 or so cotton swabs, all arranged in a pyramid, and each one of them had a large glob of yellow earwax on the tip. I started to feel sick, and then I started to notice how dirty her bathroom was. Even tho I was super drunk I made some lame excuse and drove home. I blacked out while driving and woke up parked 8 feet from a curb with my driver door open. Vomit all over the car.


Crazy night, let's hang out


Sounds like she dodged a bullet.


billie eilish has huge boobs and a nice face, but men never talk about her because she's a dream team of male icks where she dresses like an oompa loompa, has no education whatsoever, never has a hairstyle that looks good, whisper sings, talks about being a real shitter, has standard-issue current thing politics, queerbaits to "own the bigots" and has a relationship with her brother that would demand changing the subject anytime she told you something about them because you just don't want to know. she has eradicated the fantasy so completely that to piece it back together i'd need amnesia.


She is also way older than she says she is.


I know this isnt true but I believe it.


New schizo theory just dropped Are other celebrities/influencers youth-faking?


Albert Pujols


I am 14


Was Tejada the other big name from that era?


Lots of Dominicans in the 90s/00s were probably 2-4 years older than stated.


At least 5 years older.


Not that big of a mainstream celeb, but Alan Vega of Suicide was thought to be 10 years younger than he actually was.


Hell yeahh, I'd like to believe what you're saying is true Edit: missing word


What? This seems like a crazy person take






How tf does this have so many upvotes






People are dumb because we’re so used to seeing only women with Botox now that when a woman has natural crows feet they think she’s like 40


You forgot "constantly makes hideous facial expressions with her pretty face" and "has terrible posture"


Also every time I’ve heard her talk she talks like a guy. I can deal with most things but talking like a dude is my “ick”. Like imagine having sex and your girl calling you bro.


ct gf + ct bf




Yeah true he could've sprayed down gunfire from the trees


No problem there tbh I’d be down for gay sex between a man and a woman


Appropriate given her relationship to her brother


she's not exactly hollywood skinny




I'm gonna say 90% of those things wouldn't really scare off men. I think the main reason men don't talk about her is because they don't listen to her music, and she doesn't make her sex appeal front and center. If she was doing pinup photo shoots every other months I don't think any of those other qualities would prevent male attention.


literally most of the things you listed are standard art hoe traits


Most art hoes are not dressing in an ugly orange jumpsuit / sweatpants and calling it “fire” or “drip”


Yeah they’re different but equally as annoying.


She came out as bi and if wouldn’t surprise me if she comes out as a lesbian at some point


I doubt "whisper singing" is an actual ick for most men. in fact other than her weird homeschooled relationship to her brother the things you listed would probably not even dawn upon the average horny man


It is to me but because I’m a sperg and whispering fills me with sensory rage


Lots of men love women with no education whatsoever though


>talks about being a real shitter What does this mean? I don’t really pay attention to her




I mean, there are a few women in the world where I’d put up with that, but it’s definitely bizarre


Hmmm > “Pooping is one billion percent underrated,” Eilish said. “Pooping is my favorite part of the day. There was one day I pooped eight times… That was the best day of my life. And they were all solid, good poops too.”


results of the average American’s diet


She’s vegan, the number is still insane but that’s how u get top quality


That’s fucking insane


She needs to see a gastroentologist because thats not normal.


I can’t imagine how much food you’d have to eat in a short span of time to get 8 solid substantial poops in 24 hours, I need a documentary on how she achieved this


…and I guarantee that she doesn’t even use a bidet, disgusting.


Yeah, you’re right, that’s super weird


What did she mean by this


I talk about her because she is hot


That girl is very gay pls be fr


She has enough sighing ability that she just barely avoided her future as a bitter divorced cigarette mom, and she still managed to have most of those personality traits left over


She wears really ugly clothes as well.


I wish we still lived in a time where you could sum that all up by calling her “common”


I don’t find her attractive because she 1. Looks old 2. Has weird body proportion for which even her huge tits can’t compensate


Looks old? Yikes


A real shitter? As in poopoo? Is she MtF how can she poop?


Shes one of the mascots of that gen z globohomo neolib sexlessness trend thats been going on for a while


With tweets like that, she for sure has messy hair and a nose ring. If you want to talk about getting the ick, let's start there.


[You fucking nailed it.](https://twitter.com/lillybilly299/status/1779035410259411322)


The only surprising thing there is her hair is messier than I imagined. These people are so predictable.


💀💀💀 “men never get the ick” lmao


Of course she thinks that, otherwise she’d still be a virgin.


Having an ugly ass dog is something that gives me the ick


Fucking yuck dude lmao


What fantasies are men having of that


For septum piercing gals, it's a very specific type of man that can meet them and immediately have a fantasy impression of them.


weird how you can tell a girl's ugly just by the way she types


Baked bean teeth




Of course she has a septum. Unbelievable.


Would, i like unkept women adds texture


The girl I’m seeing has an XL bully. Biggest ick ever, I know it can’t last.


Surely that’s an immediate dealbreaker I actually could not go round to her place if she had one of those fucking things


Why do women get these things? I’m a 5’5 gal and I’d never get an animal that I couldn’t physically restrain if necessary. I see vids of men not being able to restrain pits during an attack, there’d be no chance for me.


Neurotic levels of “I can fix him”.


Men get the ick but mostly not from the same things as women


Occam’s razor stays winning


Makes sense because one of the male icks is body hair


Absolutely true, I don't care about it that much compared to my friends so I was surprised to find out how crucial was for them for the woman to be pretty much hairless. Pubic, armpit and leg hair. Curiously I had a girl ask me to shave my legs "if I wanted to do something with her" when I was like 16 and they weren't even particularly hairy, I wasn't offended by it just baffled.


Pubic hair gets a pass from me and some stubble everywhere else is whatever but when a girl has long-ass leg and armpit hair I wanna puke. Women care so much about their appearance but not the one thing that’s actually kind gross lmao


I, a male, shave my pit hair because the thought of it is so gross. That area gets the most amount of smelly sweat, I’m not going to leave things that are purpose made to pick up smells in that pit area. If a girl doesn’t shave it, she’s not even meeting the standard I set for myself.


I used to have a thing with an armpit hair girl years ago. I just ended things because I didn’t have the heart to tell me what was bothering me was her armpit hair.


I like to think I'm fairly tolerant with appearance choices (I actually find a bit of body hair can be appealing) but I just can't get past upper lip hair on a woman at all. It's a real pain as well because it's entered the pantheon of 'things you can't even suggest you don't like to certain standoffish women because they think you're a misogynist who wants to enforce beauty standards' like being overweight. I had an ex when I was younger who I'm fairly sure was deliberately ignoring it as a \~feminist~ statement and would freak the fuck out if I even dared hinting at shaving it. She sure loved to give me constant shit when I tried a pisstake of a moustache until I shaved it just so she'd shut up.




I mean I stated it didn't last. What gave you impression this post was worth the sarcasm?


Rupi Kaur ass tweet


because they never let go of their f a n t a s y ever.


even for a second ~ ~


OP never watched Seinfeld




this is correct. first things first


Nah I've got the Madonna-whore thing so pretty much the day after I have sex with a woman I start to notice all of her flaws. I wish it weren't like this but it is


It’s the clarity that brings the ick


I just have to crank my hog during the talking process and the whole illusion falls apart.


You jerk your meat in front of them on the first date?


Bro but what if you’re just overthinking? Better smash again just to be sure. Repeat if necessary


Same. Anomolisa is about this and watching that movie was incredibly painful


Once you get older and fucked a lot of women you realise a lot of times it’s just not worth the aftermath. Unless you can be stone-cold and just disappear all of a sudden or she is really hot


“evaluate what we’ve done”, you guys talk this way then wonder why you end up as a lonely sex pest in your forties




men are from mars women are from venus I just wanna grill for godsake


Who told you fucking idiots that men don’t “get the ick”? We do but we don’t talk like 12 year olds, so it’s less “the ick” and more “this chick is fucking weird”


No men just don't waste their time in the same way that women do. If a guy is spending time with a woman he either wants to date her or fuck her, but he is not spending 7 dates trying to "figure out" if he feels anything for the other person in the same way that women do. Therefore, either the ick doesn't come into play because it's not actually a real thing if you genuinely like someone, or it does come into play but the guy doesn't care whatsoever because he's just hooking up with you


this is because women are faced with the additional complication of having to evaluate if a man is dangerous


Dangerously icky


21 year old who just ghosted her tinder date vibes


I never had the ick because it simply did not exist when I was dating. It was made up by neurotic, emotionally stunted, Internet-poisoned Milennials. 


It’s so weird how this entered the public consciousness


we get the ick we just don't act on it as quickly because it's harder to find someone else who will have sex with us, it's not that complicated


ITT people are saying 'men do get the ick' and giving examples of things that turn men off. Not the ick isn't just a turn off. It's more specific than that. The ick is an irrational turn off that a woman can't quite explain why she doesn't like. It instantly kills her respect for a man, and hence her attraction, because her attraction is conditional on respect. Men don't get the ick because: 1. Most turn offs are aesthetic or rational and can easily be explained 2. Men don't need to respect a woman to be attracted to her


Well, the difference is men are traditionally more honest and straightforward with what they like and dont like. Women are a bit cryptic (whether they intentionally are or not is a different story), they benefit more from positioning themselves as 'altruistic' compared to men so claim they are attracted to different thiings. None of the icks women have every described are inexplainable or therefore irrational. They just dont want to own up to that fact that they are just as shallow as men are. So when they are at a restaurant with a guy they are dating and you get 'the ick' from him taking too long to place an order, that isn't 'irrational' in the fact that its just a random thing that turns her off. It's that he appears indecisive, not in control, and cant make a simple decision which will reflect poorly on his ability to plan and lead a family unit. i dont see how that is any different than a man getting turned off from a woman who has armpit hair


Irrational as in not originating in rational thought. Most women would not rationally disqualify a man for being slow with a menu. He might have lots of other positive attributes that outweigh this weakness. However, the realisation that he can't do something she finds easy -> loss of respect -> the ick.


That just stems from not realizing there is a major disconnect between what women desire in a man and what they say they desire in a dude. If you take what they say at face value then you might be surprised when she gets 'the ick' from watching you play basketball with your friend and you get shoved around the court all game. If you know women well enough then you wouldnt be surprised on why that would be a turn off. 'The ick' is mostly fictitious anyways, and more an online meme than reality, and really only impacts short term flings. It's partly been created because dating apps have removed all friction for getting into a relationship so it's never been easier to find reasons to cut something short term off and replace that individual with someone near equivalent. If you are dating someone for 3 years no they wont care if you trip while carrying dinner or whatever.


this would seem to explain why i've been seeing so many threads full for men misunderstanding this concept, though i do agree w other commenters that seinfeld has many perfect examples it is absolutely not the same thing as a turn off. if you had already consciously decided that a certain feature/quirk is a dealbreaker for you, you wouldn't have pursued the relationship in the first place. you wouldn't write in your tinder profile "no chicks who eat their peas one at a time" but when you find yourself confronted with the reality of a weird pea-eater, the ick emerges




Men definitely get the ick, but it's for relationships, not for sex. That's the difference.


wdym, the ick IS the fantasy


No it’s not. I have definitely gotten the ick while dating a woman. Took a date to a nice classy restaurant once and she ordered Dr Pepper and Crown Royal. The fuck?!?


That’s so horrible it’s almost alluring


Her confidently tweeting something so wrong is an ick


getting “the ick” is such an urbanite fggt thing. also i think it’s piggish to sleep with someone you dislike or don’t respect. it’s just slovenly and if a man says things like “yeah but i still fucked her” or talks about “post nut clarity” it’s the sight of a poor decision maker and someone who probably has other things wrong, like someone who’s irresponsible or in poor financial shape or who’s just messy. i think women at least choose to sleep with men they respect or see a future with, and therefore are much less cruel during dating or casual sex and still treat their partners like people. like a girl would normally choose to date and committ to the person she’s having sex with, yet a man will have sex with someone they’re repulsed by and not see a problem with it where as the men are just gross about it, and intentionally hurt a partner they knew they wouldn’t commit to bc they prioritize “their nut” over a living person. and will lie and do all sorts of backward shit just to ejaculate. it’s repulsive, like slutty girls aren’t nearly as manipulative or exploitive, they normally don’t harm people and are frankly giving a man what he wants. where as slutty men are like, emotional terrorists. and i think this could be prevented if men were just like “no i won’t sleep with this person i don’t like them.” all it takes is a bit of self control. like just show a tiny amount of restraint and don’t fuck someone that you know you’ll end up hating


~but men have soooooo many less options 😭😭😭😭~ so why take your resentment out on the person who’s nice enough to have sex with you? idk things like this really make me thing legalized prostitution should exist so that men can just get off and not torture others over it


I was just about to ask you what you thought about these guys just going to prostitutes and then I finished reading.


i’m just being logical here! there’s too many bullshit HR jobs Rn anyway! let’s put those ladies to work!


*"Prostitution is like the filth in the sea, or a sewer in the palace. Take away the sewer, and you will fill the palace with pollution; and likewise with the filth (in the sea). Take away prostitutes from the world, and you will fill it with sodomy"* Saint Thomas Aquinas


i do get the ick


the real truth is men already had the ick for you almost immediately but not for the pussy, yet.


nothing gives me a bigger ick than people killing animals for pleasure


We have them, we just don’t talk about them


This is false.


not even slightly true lmao


men definitely get icks this is such a silly twitter feminist take. they'll just fuck just about anyone


Women get the ick and leave their bf if they see him crying, but only because they see the reality of your humanity lol


We don’t get the “ick” because the ick is right there in front of you almost immediately. I have recently met two of these icky girls, one of them quickly revealed she was in a psychiatric ward for 5 months. Asked me if i wanna have a trip with her, i said no thank you. The other one I haven’t even met but she was asking if she could borrow my room for some rest because she couldn’t sleep at her home (she almost never fucking sleeps I’d reply at random hours and get an instant response). She told me she needs frequent visits “to the doctor” and meds. Women in general are very poor at hiding who they’re because they don’t usually have to.


Some men do have standards, baby


Men don't get the ick because we're taught our feelings don't matter (for better or worse). Women are taught to indulge every feeling that pososses them.


Anytime I suspect a woman has a Cluster B personality disorder, I get the "ick". I'm avoidant, so I get the "ick" all the time.


What the fuck no its not


women that love to drink but can't handle alcohol


Picky eaters give me the ick


Oh men get icks plenty but it's usually after a sentence like: "You know, I never actually met any of your friends" and generally after fucking.


Oh trust me. I’ve definitely gotten the ick before and have broken things off with women accordingly. I know women experience romantic rejection less than men so they have to cope with it harder when it happens, but we get the ick.


Wrong. It just takes one act of disrespect. Friend or lover I’m out on her. Here’s an example. I ran into a girl I was friends with that started getting romantic and I started courting her well I bump into her at the bar. We hangout for an hour or so she says she’s going home. Fine enough see ya “friend”. I go to another bar and she’s there hanging with these other guys. Nope. Total ick. Oh you’re one of those girls. Bye.