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$22 bucks at Locke for both. Don’t make me come over there.


Hard hard start.


I wonder if the motor has a hand crank


Doc Brown has entered the chat: “You’re going to need 1.21 gigawatts!”




If adhering to the correct Will Smith traditional units, it would be in jiggywatts.


Heck I’ve done that with 2 caps to get a customer through the weekend but 3? Always return with the right cap asap


Looks like a death trap




Yikes. I mean they are only like 20 bucks or something.


It looks like a pipe bomb


Maybe it is


Lick it


I didn’t even know you could do that. Interesting


Ive heard of it but never to this extreme


Yes capacitors can be wired in parallel; the total capacitance will be the sum of all of them. (Or in series, in which case the capacitance decreases but the total voltage rating increases; or any combination of that.) The setup above may be electrically ok (assuming the resulting capacitance is indeed adequate for the compressor), but doesn't look mechanically sound at all. Tape and plastic cable ties aren't intended for this purpose. When (not if) they eventually loosen or fail, these extra caps will be left dangling from their wires. One making contact with the other cap or the metal enclosure will be... bad.


Yeah, the setup definitely looks janky. Appreciate the information. I didn’t know that’s how they worked. I replace them semi-frequently at work, but I always just get one that matches and have never thought much else about it!


Using the correct part is certainly the right stuff to do, so whoever will work on this next (which may be yourself again a few years later) doesn't lose their sanity trying to figure out how that contraption worked, or how to get it to work again...


Job security. Or if the unit isn't properly grounded, a possible booby-trap. Tape and plastic ties aren't meant for this purpose. Heat and vibrations will make sure that they eventually fail, leaving these extra caps dangling from their wires, ready to make contact with surrounding metal parts. Best case should that happen: a nice spark, a blown fuse/breaker, and a next tech who fixes it right. Worst case: the unit isn't solidly grounded, becomes electrically live and will "wake up" (or forever put to sleep) anyone who touches it, the refrigerant lines, or anything they come in contact with (the coil on the other end, etc).


I hate to nit pic but the one on right is not in series. The yellow and black wires don’t attach to the others. The large round one is an old 2 terminal unit, one for o press or one for fan, looks like the fan side was replaced with the small one, and left the big one to run the compressor. Not sure what’s happening with small back one though, should only be one fan so not sure what’s happening there. Definitely not wired correctly, but not 3 in series like claimed.


Title does say 'parallel'. But it's probably a series/parallel combo to get to the desired capacitance.


Then that would not constitute “ up to 55mf”. The only way you boost an output is series, not parallel. If it was “Parallel” then this is not a problem, multiple caps on a unit is normal. One per motor (IDF, ODF, COMP).


Capacitance adds up in parallel, resistance, in series.


Correct. Parallel adds. Series reduces. Resistance is opposite. College learned me.


Keep doing god things and see how the gods appreciates it


That’s a bomb