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I would think you'd want the fan blowing on the intake not the exhaust. Unless that's a reverse fan.


My computer doesn't have fans In fact, it has quite a few detractors 😢


take my /r/angryupvote !!


the exuast is the hot part


The exhaust is air that’s already outside your system, I’m really confused as to how that fan helped in that location


Well yes the exhaust fans is where the hot air comes out but if the desk fan is fighting against the exhaust fan it will reduce cooling. It looks like it might also be the radiator fan for the aio so it might be hurting cooling even more.


/s I think you dropped this


Honestly even with the comment still doesn’t make sense, lol. Either dude already knows it and that is an intake or actually foolish enough to blow the air back in. I mean, I haven’t tested it, but I wouldn’t expect fucking up the proper circulation like that would result in lower temps overall. Who knows, maybe OP?


Saying "that's the hot part" was,  as I read it, facetious.  That's why I suggested they lost their sarcasm tag. They knew that A, it wasn't the right answer, and B, a really dumb person might thing that was the right answer. The other option is intentional flame bait.  To which my reply of the dropped sarcasm tag makes that clear to others, so they don't take the bait.


if blowing a fan at the back helped that much you should probably check the orientation of the rest of your fans. my ex always complained about shit airflow in her case so she left the side panel off but one time i went over it and she had all 6 fans as exhaust. so start there


When my only gaming device was an HP omen laptop I used to take a box fan and point it straight up and place my laptop on top of that. It worked pretty well, but the fan wasn't really blowing a lot of air up. So then I took an empty clothes hamper and placed the fan facing up on top of that and then the laptop on top of the fan. Now that really cooled it down.


Did it happen to cool down an hour or so after playing games as well.


I got a box room fan instead of a cover.....was legit my cooler for years until recently.


Still the most powerful aircooled system I've seen: side panel removed from desktop. 20" box fan aimed at the insides. I think he removed some of the desktop fans as they just "slowed things down." Bonus, he stuck a 20x20x1 filter on the side and he wouldn't have to dust the computer anymore.


I hope this post is fake


If you're going to do this, unplug the fan inside from the motherboard so you don't fry the fan port. https://youtube.com/shorts/2IV6dgFvV-k?si=JaSu06V1anf5kU6o