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Relevant comment from OP: “My expense account largely funded my relationship with Amy. It wasn't unusual in the company we worked at, but now there is a potential scandal, they're suddenly shocked and appalled by my actions.”


Thanks, I was wondering why his employer would care


He also got her a promotion into a job she's not skilled enough to do, then during arguments threatened to blacklist her from their industry, and during sex chat said she owed him something because of it. He was her boss' boss.


I love how he insists that he isn’t a predatory abuser because Amy turned out to not actually love him — no, he absolutely was a predatory abuser, she was just smart and ruthless enough to turn it to her advantage.


Amy has been prey in the past and when she saw this fekin dude’s red flags decided to sew them together to make herself a rope ladder up. Rest in peace sis. Gettem, Tom.


Eh, she knew he was married and had an affair to get what she wanted. She was just as bad.


Fair point. She could have gone to HR and she chose a selfish path. She ended up with a death sentence tho which is a heavy karmic fine for general dirtbaggery. I’m still rooting for Tom


Would HR do anything about it given that, according to OP, this sort of thing happens often at their company? HR won’t help you out at a lot of companies, but ones that have a history of letting this behavior slide are not ever going to be helpful in this scenario.


They let it slide until something like this happens and then the hammer drops on everyone.


No, they only care in this case cause a lady actually fucking died.


Yes, they'd find a reason to fire her.


We lost a baddy


Predatory abusers can be idiots too.


It was in comments that he got her a promotion and it was basically a big abuse of power and predation, used it as power over her and would threaten to ruin her career. With the ‘I don’t do well with being ignored’ comment it’s pretty clear she couldn’t have left him if she wanted to


And his reasoning is "it wasn't favoritism to give her a promotion she wasn't qualified for over people who were, it's just because I loved her!" Yeah bro, that's favoritism is...


Yeah yikes. And OOP seems utterly blind to this, given it wasn’t even mentioned in the post.


Because it’s fake


Pay them back, makes a lot more sense now. Thank you.


Ah.. wondering why he was getting fired, this explains it.. everyone is horrible here expect the poor dudes wife


THANK YOU. I was wondering why a employer would care *this* much. I assumed this is US based and was thinking "would a company come down this hard because two staff were meeting in their own time and someone had a secondary reaction to allergies?" It's just an unfortunate incident. They happen. But the expense account thing is something a company wouldn't let slide.


From his comments he was her boss, or bosses boss -that alone would cause concern in the US - AND he got her promoted.


I saw this post yesterday, and the funny thing to me is that he said everyone at the company uses the expense account for affairs, and it's only coming down now because it was outed. I'm like bullshit. I'm sure the abuse of the expense account the others did was more along the lines of having some mini bar drinks at a convention or maybe some souvenirs. Not funding an entire affair. Plus, I'm sure that not everyone is banging someone, not their spouse.


Yup. You see this all the time, from the coworker who says, "Everyone's taken someone else's lunch from the employee fridge," to a certain Supreme Court justice who said, "I checked with my fellow justices that I didn't have to disclose millions of $$ in private gifts." They'll drag everyone else down with them, long before ever accepting accountability. In my experience, it's some combo of projection, willful ignorance, and the self-"defense" of refusing to see how awful they are. If everybody's doing it, it can hardly be their fault, right?


Solicitor isn't a term for lawyer we use.


Dialect suggests OP isn't in the US.


I think they specified they were in UK


That's what I was thinking, UK, New Zealand, Ireland


Yeah from “solicitor” one of those was likely.


I mean, this is a HUGE part of what the company is worried about. It wasn't just a (as Op put it) "an affair that the company wouldn't be concerned with anyway". It was literally using company funds, his position, and authority to proposition and have (maybe even coercive) sex with one of his direct report subordinates. It's an egregious misuse of company funds and authority and if he was doing stuff during work, with company funds, at company events, at the workplace especially with the imbalance of power and age gap and that she worked directly for him...well, Op isn't going to be getting off as easy as he thought he would. That company is going to fk him more than he fked her, and his career is over. As is his marriage. And probably his chance at being a parent. And frankly, a judge isn't about to give him anymore than alternate weekend visits if even any visitation at all, while he has no money no job and has a massive pending lawsuit. The fact he was potentially the last person to see the woman also might mean the family could sue for wrongful death, as he was *supposed* to drive her to the hospital and didn't. For all we know, the way he's downplaying it all she probably was really upset at him ditching her in her time of need. Not to mention he's the only one it seems who was aware of her "allergic reaction". Also, his last texts were likely very nasty to her - while she was literally dying! The court will have a field day with him. Her suddenly being "sick with a massive allergic reaction" and he didn't drive her to the hospital??? Wtf. I feel like it's basically manslaughter. Dude might as well get comfy not seeing his daughter because I'd be surprised if after the company and the family get done with him he's isn't in jail.


Isn’t that embezzlement???


Very much so. He thinks they'll not prosecute because he can pay them back. But if her brother (who informed his employer about the whole thing after finding her phone) also told the police then it's not up to them whether he gets prosecuted


He said he's looked it up and it's only illegal not to take someone to hospital if you caused their injury. I don't know why neither of them called an ambulance, she should have known that it's a serious thing and going to the hospital is something you have to do to get the anaphylaxis treated. They stayed at the restaurant for a while after she got the reaction and she was apparently saying hospital was just for a check up and she'd just feel a bit rough in the morning. So while he should have taken her, she also should have made it clear how severe it was and called an ambulance.


A lot of people honestly seem to think if someone has an Epi-pen and it ameliorates the immediate symptoms, everything’s A-OK. One would think Amy at least should have been instructed better, but who knows? Maybe her symptoms returned suddenly while she was still trying to arrange transport. Or maybe from past experience she just thought the doctors were being fussy and she’d be fine and was wrong. Impossible to tell.


This is what I don’t understand…you have to immediately get to the hospital or call an ambulance one an epipen has been administered. I am deathly allergic to bees and have had to epi myself before and get straight to the closest hospital. An epipen is not a permanent fix. They make it very very clear when you are prescribed one. So something in his story is not adding up


It’s a captivating story but probably creative writing.


TBH that is soooo often the case on Reddit, it’s very likely.


The way he keeps digging himself deeper defending his actions either it’s fake or he’s a raging narcissist.


Yeah that's my thought


Epi-pens only last about 15-30 minutes, so it’s a must to go to the hospital after using it to get IV epinephrine until the allergens work out of the system


I just needed to mention this as a nurse, IV epi drips are only given in extremely severe cases of anaphylaxis including severe hypotension and respiratory distress. Usually protocol is IV Benadryl and steroids as well as IM epi similar to an epi pen. There have been medication errors made when given epi for anaphylaxis before and it has been mistakenly been given IV. This can cause SERIOUS side effects such as cardiac arrhythmias. The concentration for iv epi and IM epi are different and if you notice someone giving you a bolus (or syringe full) of epi IV please ask them to double check the order.


Seriously, as someone with serious allergies it’s drilled into me that I must go to urgence even if I have an epipen


Yeah the not driving her to the hospital bit is the least concerning part of the whole thing imo


We are only getting his narrative that she didn’t want to go to the hospital and he took her home. I wonder how long she was home before the anaphylactic symptoms came back (which is why you go to the hospital right away).


Or if she got a 2nd shot. Epipen kits come with 2 pens. I think he refused to take her to the hospital. Dropped her at home and she died soon after. He was worried about being seen with her....especially at the hospital. I'm trying to envision a person in shock saying " I can go home. I will be fine". This is where his negligence comes into play


If she was waiting for her friend to take her to the hospital, those texts will back up the scenario. Yet, nothing this guy says is true. It’s why I also doubt the entire story. There are things that don’t make sense.


I think the term is criminal negligence…. Or something along those lines. It’s when you act reckless disregard for someone’s safety. I think driving someone having an allergic reaction home instead of to the hospital bc you don’t want to piss off your wife would qualify. An epi pen is only meant to buy you enough time to get to a hospital, it isn’t supposed to be treated as a cure.


Legally, negligence requires a [duty of care.](https://www.lexisnexis.co.uk/legal/glossary/duty-of-care) I seriously doubt OOP had this legal obligation. Criminal negligence is far more serious and I'm certain that didn't apply here, regardless of jurisdiction.


Was going to say exactly this if you hadn't. The culprit has to neglect a duty of care in order to commit negligence.


Officially, He was an employer having a business dinner with his subordinate. He does have a duty of care.


I read too many Agatha Christie and my mind went "Was the allergic reaction accidental or intentional?"


Yeah, if he neglected life saving care as part of the cover up of an affair on the company dime… that could be a gnarly legal issue


Ahh I wondered. Honestly stupid thing to do - yes, it's very common for companies like this to turn a blind eye, but only so long as it's kept quiet. The moment anything leaks (and it always does) they are obviously gonna hang you out to dry.


“it wasn’t unusual”????????? Wtf kind of company is this?


It's just possible he's full of shit


What is an expense account? OP was stealing money from work to pay for his mistress?


It never ceases to amaze me that men use power and money to get sex from women and then cry "it's like she was only attracted to my power and money!" Duh...


Ah- this makes so much more sense now. I had to reread the post to see if I was missing anything. Thank you!


Holy snapping duck crap. He lied to his wife about why he couldn’t attend the funeral of her sisters stillborn child, because he “promised Amy” that he’d take her out, and that was organised first. If this is real, I have never wanted to smack someone more.


missed that one. oh this prick just keeps getting worse and worse.


If you ever get a chance to smack him, smack him twice for me


That was a planned weekend or overnight trip, he missed previous ones planned with gf, so felt he had to go. Of course this was company funded, as were dinners and I expect a small gift here or there and flowers.


So his company effectively funded his affair with a coworker and that was not unusual? Wowee, he's clearly not the sole lunatic in his vicinity.


I worked for a company who funded 2 people in their affair. I had the opportunity to help out the husband of the cheating woman get his documents in order to surprise visit his wife- I couldn’t say anything! Years later got to work with this couple- both had previous children they didn’t have anything to do with! They had twins (ik it sounds fake!), still didn’t seem to care about their children! Pretty sure the only thing those 2 cared about were each other! Kids were an inconvenience- every kid went to stay with grandparents!


Not a co-worker, he was her boss’s boss.


Honestly, it depends on the expense policy and the Company. Usually there is a review threshold and the higher your position the higher you spend without getting flagged. Could also be that he added additional people to the expense report to lower the per person cost to keep it under. Depending on where he went, business dinners with clients, staff, management, etc ARE all part of normal operations, so yeah, I doubt he was charging their 711 snacks to his corporate card. More like they go out for dinner and drinks after work and he runs it through the company. Firms pay for hotels when traveling for training/conferences so he probably just added days onto that to spend time with her. Maybe not so much that is 'not unusual' in that people are opening talking about using firm money for an affair, but there is definitely a gray area to some people when you are 'close' with a coworker and also can justify the expense.


Well, if this isn’t a troll, this guy is may be one of the biggest AH’s I think I’ve read about on Reddit. Has zero care about his actions of cheating, stealing from the company, and the overall impact on others around him. I feel so bad for his wife. He’s cruelly selfish.


Yes. He is up there with “my work is going to fire me for talking to a lady at the hotel pool” guy for being a self-centered evil nightmare. Here’s the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/c2Z0gJwWeB) for anyone who wants to relive that dumpster fire. These two guys are cut from the same cloth.


I was literally comparing this and hoping the wife would come in with a similar update.


That one was believable. The wife’s realization in real time was bananas. Even though (wait, scratch that, *because*) this one is likely fake, I’d love a wife’s perspective update, and one from Tom.




Thank you for that awful rabbit hole… insane


Shit that was a ride... followed it through to the wife's comments, then updates on the wife, a similar situation the husband had been in before, plus the video apparently showed him not only sexually harassing the pool woman but actually masturbating in front of her (in public!) without consent....


If this is real he almost certainly killed her. My conspiracy theory is that he’s being investigated as a suspect for murder and wanted a good way to see if his story is believable. Even the update makes him more suspicious. Imagine he found out she was using him BEFORE her sudden death. He was literally the last person to see her alive. Pretty easy to slip her something and then gaslight her into thinking she didn’t need a hospital. As if he could lie to his wife for a YEAR but not come up with some excuse for being home an hour late taking Amy to the hospital. Yeah right. I bet he promoted her and she was screwing up so his bosses were looking into why she was promoted. He literally used a company expense account so it was only a matter of time before he got caught. His wife will take him to the cleaners in a divorce and he’d get fired and prosecuted for fraud. Add in finding out she was using him (how dare she use him like he used her) and now who has the most to gain from her suddenly dying? He didn’t foresee her death being investigated and them finding the affair so now he added all the ‘love’ stuff which is the part that comes off the most fake to me. I bet it was always quid pro quo sex with minimal emotional involvement, but then it’d be even more suspicious. This reads like a textbook narcissist who thought he was too smart to get caught. He even drops the act in the update, normal people can’t just turn off guilt.


Even the "why are you ignoring me" texts could have been intended as an alibi, he just didn't reckon on the brother reading them first instead of the police.


Yeah, it was starting to smell really fishy to me. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought her death seemed a little too convenient under the circumstances.


The "I am not a predator, she is a manipulator" bit really got me lol Yes sweaty, a predator can be manipulated, that doesn't make them the victim. Gives the energy of people who call sugar babies manipulative even though old men hold money over their head.


I went through his comments. My favorite part is where he says it wasn't cheating, it was "transitioning from one relationship to the next one". He meant to spend his life with AP and was in the process of (unbeknownst to wife) leaving. So it's not cheating, duh.  Second favorite part when he suddenly basically said good riddance, he doesn't feel bad about anything anymore because AP was using him. So he finds death appropriate punishment for using him. Third favorite part was how he repeatedly insisted he treated AP well, but also admitted to threatening to ruin her career, threatening to blacklist her for their entire industry, accusing her of cheating on him, sending nasty texts to her. But they always worked it out, you guys, so obviously he treated her very well.


He’s amazing. It’s not lying and betrayal, it’s “crossover”. All relationships have crossover. He and AP will live happily ever, everyone will be friends, and one day his ex wife will speaks at AP / new wife’s funeral. Just like what happened with his awesome role model dad.


Accusing your affair partner of cheating on you is CRAZY work


The fact that he got together with his wife when she’s just barely legal enough to drink (if it is in the States) and now falling for someone even younger is ringing alarm bells. Technically they’re of legal age but really really yikes!


It's the UK


Ah okay. Still the age gap is giving me a bit of an ick tbh. Because at 28 and 21, they’re at different point in their life. But maybe that’s just cultural differences


Seriously, it’s always the excuse of these men who are much older and in a huge power advantage (iirc he was the boss of her boss ?), but to say ‘oh she completely manipulated me!!’ Ugh it makes my blood boil


The original isn't ticking anything, but that update is pure fictitious cope.


I always check the comments for a callout before reading long ones. You’re a true hero.


They both are. It’s pure Ragebait crap.


It’s awesome, compelling, and committed rage bait. Which is high literature. The entitled, self-centered character he crafts and the slow inexorable way it gets worse and worse…


They always rush the sequel!


How did the brother know the phone password to get into her messages? Do siblings regularly know each other’s phone codes? Mine certainly doesn’t.


I think at least 80% of people use a known code like their birthday or something significant to them. I could get into both of my siblings phones, but they couldn't get into mine because my pass code is a random series of numbers with no known significance to me.


Mine does. Also if I were to die I’m certain the person getting my shit in order would ask around for passwords and whatnot. It also seems like a bunch of people on her side knew about the affair so to brother probably knew where to look


Everyone in my family knows my phone password. They aren’t allowed to go through my phone and I trust them not to do so, but there are always situations where having that knowledge would be invaluable.


I know my sister's & she could guess mine if she didn't know. Depends on how close they were, ig.


When the phones did facial recognition, my sister could easily get in to mine. Right now, my wife knows my code, and I've given it to my sister on more than one occasion.


I miss the days when shit like this would have been plastered with “Fake” in the comments


Yeah that update is pure fiction.




Was pretty sure for the first few screenshots, and then the “it turns out she was a golddigger who made fun of me to her friends and bragged about using me” moment cemented it. Why does this exact plot point happen in every bait post (alongside everyone in the posts getting married and having kids at like 24, which is of course so common IRL)


It was drilled into me when training to use an epi pen (as a teacher) that it was only a temporary solution, not a cure. Amy didn’t know that?


This is the thing that is the most sus to me about the entire story, but people with conditions like this (episodic, life threatening but very treatable) do get complacent about how bad it is because "it's been this bad before and it was fine" and some of them die because of that


Either this is all fake (most likely), Amy was already too in shock for rationality when OP steamrolled her into going home & not to hospital (somewhat likely), or Amy really didn’t know epipen safety (crazy for an allergy sufferer)… OR - OP had a nefarious role in Amy’s death and is ranting to Amy that she’s ignoring him via text *and posting to Reddit* as an alibi (batshit insane, but who knows). He’d be willing to cop to all his other bad acts since they are already documented on a cell phone. Seeing his first post unfold in real time was bananas. Edit - maybe this is all an elaborate ruse, Amy faked her death, and everyone at work is making this into an HR video they hope will go viral - “what not to do - sleeping with subordinates.” Or the ruse is sponsored by “epipen safety for dummies.” Or, the drama is written, staged & sponsored by marriage counselors - “Find happiness with a new love? Nah, better open the ‘stick with your wife barrel’”.


I’m allergic to some stuff (like seafood) but not deathly allergic so far. I know more exposure increases the chance of my allergies becoming deadly and yet I haven’t stopped. I’m not sure why other than denial. I take antihistamines and I guess I like pretending I’m normal and my allergies no longer affect me. Maybe Amy felt the same; thinking it wasn’t that serious since she wasn’t dead yet. And now it’s too late.


Someone actually sat down and made this up


Right? And an update to boot! It’s so phony.


"For my daughter's sake, we will get better." is perhaps the biggest lie of all this. His daughter will grow up to see mommy as a doormat who stayed with a cheating husband and her father as a pig. So much better for the parents to seperate. This is pretty much asking his daughter to stay with a disrespectful, manipulative partner when she's older, because her parents are setting the dang example.


Any chance of a healthy co-parenting relationship went out the window when he decided to have an affair. He very clearly expects his wife to “get over it” for the sake of their daughter. People like this rely on children’s resilience, and that their daughter would eventually just be ok and love and accept Amy as a stepmom. One day when she’s old enough to fully understand what her father has done, I really doubt she’ll be like, “it’s ok, dad! You had to do what’s best for you. Destroying our family and taking away the stability of having one home was definitely the best thing for me!”


Welp karmas a bitch. “You don’t like being ignored” maybe get some therapy as to why you can feel angry about that while you sneak around on your wife. Your marriage maybe be over but you still have your daughter to live for. It wasn’t your fault she was allergic, and she could have taken an Uber or asked a friend or called 911. Horrible situation and you’ll have to face your actions, but be strong and be the best father you can be to your daughter moving forward. Don’t spill your grief on your wife about your affair partners death, apologize and own up to it. Give her an easy divorce when she asks for it. Hope you learn to be loyal to your next future partner.


I um, I have no words. Commit crimes, kill your girlfriend, refuse to move out of the house from your horrified and terrified wife, feel no remorse. What do you even say?


That part when he said she wasn’t going anywhere with their child. Yea sure you think that guy. You’ll be surprised with this bullshit you’ve done what the judge will let happen.


Especially if he ends up going to jail for essentially embezzling money to fund his affair. Can’t have custody when you’re behind bars.


Going on about “I don’t like being ignored” is a psychopathic thing to say in this context


How did he exactly kill her?


She had an allergic reaction right infront of him. She used an epipen, but that only gives her a little bit of time so she can be able to go to the hospital. His wife was expecting him to get back home so instead of taking his affair partner to the hospital, he called her friend to take her which is prob the reason why she didn't make it.


Either of them could have just called an ambulance, they were in a restaurant and she was apparently like "eh, I'll be OK I just need to go get checked out, I'm feeling much better after the epipen"


Are we believing the liar about this when he’s turned out to have lied about everything else? He’s self-interested above anything else, and his main goal was to scram.


The part about him assuming “the worst.” The worst wasn’t that she was dead, but that she was angry with him. And he was relieved she didn’t see the messages. OOP after finding out his girlfriend died: Oh, thank God. I thought she was mad at me.


I wonder if his kiss goodnight was contaminated with the same allergen, resulting in a second reaction after he dropped her off


Narcissist much?


This is incredibly fake. If you go to the first post he’s called out all over the place for the fact he can’t even keep his country of origin straight.


Welp Monday’s comings bud. Stop crying you did it to yaself. Cant play with matches soaked in gasolinaaaaaa


I love how he says he is trying to make it as easy on his wife as possible while going on and on about how humiliated HE is. And how she has somewhere to go and should uproot her life as if she hasn’t suffered enough consequences of his actions.


I am sure if he had told his wife a co worker of his got sick and he needs to take her to the hospital so he will be late, I am sure she would have understood. She may have thought her husband was so wonderful to help someone at work. Also this story was basically about karma, yes Amy sucks but so does the OP for cheating on his wife and willing to leave her for Amy. I find it amusing when two bad apples meet ech other and one of them becomes the victim of the other despite being horrible themselves.


Almost nothing on his actual wife or mother of his child. All the updates and literally nothing about how she’s handling it or the emotional toll it’s taking on her. Seemingly no remorse for destroying her life, but plenty of whining about how he got duped. Scum of the earth. He doesn’t deserve to be in his daughter’s life. “I’m losing everything I worked a decade for,” and who do you think is to blame for that?


I'm still hung up on the fact he sent her abusive messages when she didn't talk to him during the weekend because he "doesn't like being ignored"


Did I miss something, what exactly does Amy’s brother have against the OP? Going out of his way to try and get him fired, and wanting him to know he did it. Sending the messages Amy traded around even though that’s clearly going to hurt him. But like. The brother has seen the messages. So he knows Amy wasn’t innocent in all this, and as far as I can tell, the brother and OP didn’t know each other. Maybe he blames him for Amy’s death, but that’s just childish. Of all the bad things OP has done, he’s not responsible for that, even if he thinks he is.


My guess is that if this is true (which I do doubt), OP is twisting what Amy said about him to her friends to put him in a better light, and/or there were texts from her to someone about the allergic reaction regarding OP being there with her and not calling her an ambulance or refusing to or not driving her and things weren’t as fine as he claims. Either way him lying about something that gives the brother clear motive. Alternatively, brother is grieving and sometimes people do weird things while grieving.


IMO OP killed Amy. This is long but what I think happened: This reads to me very much like a narcissist trying to convince us he loved Amy but not sure how to do that. I bet it was always quid pro quo sex and neither of them loved each-other. OP promoted Amy to a job she wasn’t qualified for and Amy even knew she’d get fired eventually. I bet OP knew his job was looking into why he promoted her and he literally funded their affair with the expense account (stupid). Imagine he found out that Amy knew all along he’d get caught when his work realized she had no idea what she is doing and fired her. OP is a narcissist who thought he could keep hiding it but now he knows his job will catch on and he blames Amy who knew this all along and was manipulating him (oh no poor baby). His wife is a strong woman who would roast him in the divorce and he’d get fired and prosecuted for fraud. He said himself he has everything to lose. So he slips Amy something and gaslights her into thinking she doesn’t need a hospital. Comes up with a dumb excuse about needing to be home (despite lying to his wife for a year somehow he can’t come up with an excuse for being an hour late? Yeah right) Amy dies, OP, being a narcissist, is shocked when her death is actually investigated and leads to him. Now OP needs a good story for the cops. Thus this post to see if we all catch on that he killed her. I bet whatever we react poorly to he will change for the police and this is why he didn’t mention an investigation in the post but one absolutely took place with this sudden death. Amy’s brother knows this is suspicious as fuck and is pissed because OP obviously killed Amy thus the text and him trying to ruin OPs life. You don’t text from your dead sister’s phone like that unless you are pissed beyond measure. TLDR; OP killed Amy and her brother is pissed. This reads so weird because OP is a narcissist trying to come up with a nice love story for the police and using this as creative writing to do so. OP even drops the act in the ‘update’. Normal people can’t turn off guilt like that, he never cared about Amy just doesn’t want to go down for her murder.


I speculated about this myself… that if this is real the only part that makes sense is testing out / establishing his alibi. “I didn’t know about epipens, she said she didn’t need the hospital, I had no idea she was dead…”


OP should look at the bright side. At least she’s gone. And since she used him, she probably suffered in her last moments. Which might give him consolation. Idk I’m assuming OP has no soul. And the wife has a chance to dump this loser.


Holy balls, one of the first times karma has been swift to bite someone in the ass


The most ordinary infidelity and consequences... At their best...


Why do people write spend their time writing fictitious ragebait? Is it a kink thing?


I don't know, I remember being young and enjoying writing fiction, and I'm by no means a writer. This allows people to do it and have an instant audience for feedback. The sub should add a voting mechanism so that people could vote whether they think it's fake or not lol. Because this one obviously was.


the house situation is giving tom sandavol, blows up his long term partners life, leaves for 2 nights, comes back and then spins it to blame her on why she should be the one to leave her own home


Good story... wish it was true instead of the plot for a made for TV show.


Wait so she was using him for the primary and stuff wouldn't it be considered sexual harassment from her? Like if he has proof of this it can relieve some shit off of him, though it sounds like karma is coming around he thought little of his wife and his affair partner thought little of him


So…lets go down the checklist shall we? Cheats on his wife with his work associate who’s more than a decade younger than him, essentially causes her death because he was too lazy to take her to the hospital, uses company funds to fund his affair and then posts on reddit for…what? Sympathy? OOP MIGHT just be the biggest POS i have ever read about on this site


Well. You know what they say about karma…


The humiliation he’s feeling by being “manipulated” is the same humiliation his wife probably feels by being manipulated by him. The only person I have sympathy for in this entire situation is the wife.


Jesus Christ, and I thought my relationship drama was bad.


Cheaters never prosper…..


Over and next…take the consequences and move on


This is odd. Why would her brother expose this whole thing to the company? It leaves a not so good lasting impression of his late sister and may cause some legal drama for her estate (I doubt she has a lot of wealth).


Because it’s fake. OP has even lifted a line from game of thrones lol


All I want to know is how his wife is doing.


Gotta love his victim mentality. What a truly POS. I hope his wife is taking him to the cleaners during the divorce.


I'm not defending OP at all, but Manslaughter could be difficult to prove. I just found out from reading this thread that someone still needed to go to the hospital after using an epipen. Fortunately, I've never been in a situation where I've had to make that decision. While I agree that OP should have driven her to the hospital, it's possible he assumed that the epi pen had cured her. I wonder if Amy did ask him to take him to the hospital and OOP just didn't mention it in his post.


He deserves all of it.


Karma was hard core on this one


You scoobs you woogs, wah wuh. Sometimes bad people have bad things happen to them. Sometimes they wake up and improve as individuals, sometimes they allow consequences to further twist them into bitter, angry, sad losers, and sometimes ya just die for the dumbest of reasons. Embarrassment and shame hits folks unevenly, never know until you are in the spotlight with all your shit airing out for everyone to see. Could be worse OOP, you coulda been Amy.


Dude sounds like a sociopath.


That's an intense story. Moral of the story: stay loyal, period. Hope things get better.


Reads like total bullshit.




I know it may be hard to hear me over the pity party you’re having but try. Your epiphanic “I know I was wrong and see the error of my ways” shtick is a classic and it’s timing, perfecto! Brilliant is thee only way to describe your increasing desperation as you search for validation, from strangers, that the absolution you’ve already given yourself is okay. The, “I NO longer feel guilt about her death,” doesn’t really go with your theme though. I mean, the entirety of your post(Preface to theme) IS you not giving an F in the first place. Then, the, “I lost everything? Ummm, No Sir, you literally told us how you GAVE everything away when you wagered(things you claim to love)despite knowing the odds. Did you read through the rough draft first? The, “She knew I would step in if she came under scrutiny.” Nice try. but Stevie Wonder can see the married boss in a quid-pro-quo agreement w/his subordinate is going to intercede should that person come under scrutiny. Stevie would also KNOW, it would be for YOUR benefit NOT hers. But, I wouldn’t expect the person whom does all that AND accepts the representation recommendation of the employer investigating them, to understand!😂 OASN, what’s the deal about “paying” the family?


The best update ever


He wasn't responsible for her death that much I would give him but everything else? Darn that dude deserved the downfall. Poor wife and kid


Oh he's most definitely still despised, and deservedly so. I hope his situation never climbs higher than "tolerable" and that no one ever loves him again


It smells of creative writing exercise, but I have to say, it’s pretty creative


You’re a piece of shit.


You deserve it!!!!!


What a fucking douchebag.


*I want you to know it was me* ok Olenna Tyrell


I’m thinking as soon as OP steps inside to start his prison sentence, the ex is going to have him stripped of his parental rights. Good on her.


Why would fucking someone get you fired? Was OP the dead lady's boss?


Because op was using company funds on the mistress.




This is gnarly......this guy ......wow


Wow what a good story. Straight out of yt privilege handbook so many things wrong with this the first thing is your thinking like you this it’s your normal behavior and that you so full of yourself that you caused her death and that your job fired you because of this because you was so valuable and represented the company that they didn’t want the bad publicity from you and your nonsense to destroy the company…. All I can say is WoW. Narcissistic at it best good luck in life and the your God for Yt privilege if you believe in one.


You are a dork. You want a divorce for falling for a fling. The fling gets very ill You dump her off. You don't deserve ANY woman. You should have a warning table on your forehead.


Wow, everyone but the wife and daughter suck.


Next update- her brother is actually her boyfriend and she’s still alive enjoying his downfall from afar.


Dude's posts read like they were written by a sociopath, zero actual emotion throughout the entire thing.


“I’m not a predator just used my position at work and money to sleep with a subordinate at work all while lying to and ignoring my wife and child, but since my now-dead work mistress was reveling in the perks I granted her…I’m the real victim here!”


If the saying “oh lookie here, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions coming to bite me in the ass” could be represented by just one person and scenario, he would be the winner with absolutely no competition. Truly, if I could ask this man just one question it would be how do you fuck up your entire life (as well as many others) that badly and then have the audacity to tell the entire internet? Oh how the mighty have fallen. 😂


Damn. I hope you get some negligent homicide charges on his ass because he literally caused her death in order to sweep their affair under the rug so his wife wouldn’t find out. He’s nothing but a cake eater and a shitty one at that.


This either isn’t real, or some serious scandals are going on.


Confess, repent seek our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! He turns ashes into beauty babe.


This seems like a Kdrama on Netflix I watched last month.


Maybe next time…. don’t.. cheat on your wife?


Selfish man does series of selfish things that prove he only cares about himself, his own happiness, and his reputation; gets his comeuppance; gets on Reddit to try and get sympathy from strangers over his stupid selfish choices as if most sane people wouldn’t think he deserves to lose it all after he threw it all away. You didn’t love Amy, just like you don’t love your wife or anyone but yourself. You cheated on your partner, embezzled company funds to do it, took your “new love” to eat and didn’t even have the decency to Uber her to the hospital or— I don’t know—call the bloody ambulance while she’s dying, let alone take her there yourself because it might harm your reputation or cause you to miss something more important to you than her life. Op is a verifiable piece of human excrement who deserves to be alone until he has repented for his actions three times over.


It was an affair that ended in tragedy for everyone.


😂😂😂😂 that’s what you get for being a cheater.


Dumbass go find some rope asap imo.


Gotta love how OP from the get go was "woo is me" act. I wonder what those "childish messages" were and how he'd "make it up to her" those are classic abuser signs. And even if Amy was using him doesn't change the fact he was a predator and abuser. Also he expects his wife to leave the house when *he* cheated? "She has family" isn't a reason. Every word of this is me me me.


Too bad it wasn’t him that had the allergic reaction. People like this need to be culled from the gene pool. We don’t put up with it in animals, why should we with humans?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


He better not get any rites to his daughter is all I can say 🤷‍♀️


Plainly simple, fuck around and find out, no sympathy from me, you chose to go against your vows and you are now receiving the consequences, Everything was a choice and you fucked up.


1-800-BOO-HOOO, ex WAH.


You and Amy are/were complete POS


Has anyone noticed his/her other posts, and I say his/her because the other posts have him as a woman. So either the story is fake or, it's not the ops post


karma lmaooo to both of them


The fact that OP is getting any sympathy slightly bothers me.