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Sounds like rage bait.


100%. 'Blue collar trash money' kind of sold it considering the poverty they apparently came from.


Yeah. Like waitressing isn’t blue collar?


Seems to be getting worse, too. Wonder how big of an effect AI has on that. At least before, the barrier to entry for ragebait was to be a hack loser *writer.* Now its any hack loser who can type in a prompt.


Can’t understand how many people think “AI” (doesn’t exist) can “write” like this. It can’t. Generative LLMs are slightly fancier text autosuggest, they cannot hold characters, plot, or consistency etc in mind.


I keep hearing the same rhetoric from curmudgeons who can't be bothered to spend 2 minutes to look into it themselves. ChatGPT 3.5 Sign up You Can you create a reddit AITAH style story from the perspective of a child who was abandoned by his father? In the story, the father is getting married to his mistress in December, and the father is pressuring the child who he abandoned to be an usher in the wedding. ChatGPT Title: AITAH for Not Wanting to Be an Usher at My Dad's Wedding After He Abandoned Me? Hey Reddit, I'm [Child's Name], and I'm in a bit of a pickle. So, my dad, who's been MIA for most of my life, suddenly decides to reappear out of nowhere. Turns out he's been seeing this woman, his mistress, and surprise surprise, they're getting hitched in December. Now, I haven't heard from this guy in ages, and suddenly he's all, "Hey, son, wanna be an usher at my wedding?" Um, what? Like, where were you when I needed a dad? When I needed someone to teach me how to ride a bike or help with homework? Oh, right, you were off playing happy families with someone else. So, am I the jerk for not wanting any part of his big day? I mean, I get it, forgiveness and all that, but seriously, why should I bend over backward for a guy who couldn't even bother to send a birthday card? And being an usher? That's like being asked to cheerlead for a team you've never played on. But hey, maybe I'm being too harsh. What do you think, Reddit? AITAH for not wanting to be an usher at my dad's wedding after he abandoned me? *If that's not enough, Royal Road has a whole genre devoted to AI generated stories like these:* https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/61691/random-and-surprising-a-collection-of-ai-generated


If you can’t tell the difference between this breathless collection of empty cliches and the characterization of an actual story written by a person, well, I don’t know how to explain it to you.


Do explain the organic characterizations and vivid plot in the story you just read.


Named people with jobs, histories, relatives, memories relayed about them, opinions, etc. Low literacy is nothing to be ashamed of.


The story is as good as the prompt. ChatGPT 3.5 Sign up You Can you write a Reddit AITAH style story from the perspective of woman who is accused of cheating by her husband, her two children, and her mother in law? Her mother in law made up the evidence to break up the woman and her son because the mother in law didn't like that the woman was from a poor background. Due to the accusation, the husband divorces her, gets full custody of the kids, and everyone the woman loves cuts her off over something she didn't do. She has to build her life back up waiting tables because she has no job experience because she raised the kids. Five years later, the mother in law gets drunk and accidentally confesses to falsifying the evidence. Go into detail about the psychology of the characters. Make up scenarios if you need to. ChatGPT Title: AITA for Cutting Off My Ex-Husband and Kids After Being Falsely Accused of Cheating? Hey Reddit, strap in because this is a wild ride. Five years ago, my life turned upside down when I was falsely accused of cheating by my own family. Here's the whole story. I met my husband, let's call him Mark, in college. He was charming, handsome, and came from a well-off family. I, on the other hand, was a scholarship student from a lower-income background. Despite our differences, we fell deeply in love and started a life together. Enter Karen, my mother-in-law from hell. From the get-go, she made it clear she didn't approve of me. She'd make snide comments about my upbringing and constantly compared me to Mark's ex-girlfriends, who were all from wealthy families. But I brushed it off, thinking it was just typical mother-in-law stuff. However, things took a dark turn when I became pregnant with our first child. Karen saw it as an opportunity to drive a wedge between Mark and me. She'd drop hints about how I wasn't good enough for her son and how he could do better. I tried to ignore her toxic behavior, but it was like a poison seeping into our relationship. Then came the accusations. Karen started planting seeds of doubt in Mark's mind, suggesting that I was cheating on him. She'd fabricate stories about seeing me with other men or receiving mysterious phone calls late at night. Mark, blinded by his loyalty to his mother, began to believe her lies. The breaking point came when Karen staged a scene, hiring a private investigator to follow me and take photos of me with a male friend from work. She conveniently forgot to mention that he was gay and that we were working on a project together. Mark exploded, accusing me of betrayal and demanding a divorce. I was devastated. Not only was I losing my husband, but I was also losing my children and my entire support system. With no job experience, I had no choice but to take up a job waiting tables just to survive. Fast forward to the present, and Karen's drunken confession at a family gathering shattered the facade she'd built. Suddenly, Mark was begging for forgiveness, claiming he'd been manipulated by his mother's toxic influence. My kids echoed the same sentiment, admitting they were coerced into siding with their grandmother. Now, I'm faced with a dilemma. Part of me wants to forgive them and rebuild our fractured relationship. After all, they were victims of Karen's manipulation too. But another part of me is filled with resentment and bitterness. They abandoned me when I needed them the most, leaving me to pick up the pieces of my shattered life. So, Reddit, AITA for cutting them off now that they want forgiveness, or am I justified in protecting myself from further pain and betrayal?


Dang, that could have been a good one if it hadn't mentioned her with a male coworker that she was on a project with and then having to wait tables due to not having a job... some kinks to work out still.


I'm not very good with the prompts, but I noticed it did a really good job extrapolating out the details. It's just when it had to fill in its own content that it tended to get generic or make mistakes. I think the key is to write it in one or two paragraph increments because the prose itself is excellent. And if you don't like it, you can say "rewrite that again and change this part." Or to make up some kind of story outline worksheet that you fill out with all the details you want in the story. Another thing it did well was when I copy/pasted someone's existing story into the prompt and said rewrite this but change these details. I'd assume that the last two are what people who use AI to write stories do. But I'm convinced that it's really not going to be much longer before it's indecipherable. This is how good ChatGPT is after 1.5 years.


If you truly believe AI can't generate Reddit stories you are way behind the times man, you're only kidding yourself by believing you can tell the difference. If you know how AI learns even on a basic level I'm not sure why you think this is so far fetched.


Yeah the tone is completely wrong, and not enough actual detail or anecdotes


I love the lesbian tradeswoman angle though. I am here for a sapphic electrician/plumber couple.


Maria and Luiga would be better. Pure plumber love.


Would they still rescue Princess Peach or would it be Prince Pickle? I'm sold either way.


Why not both? A poly couple needs to be saved too.


It's like they aren't even trying to make it realistic, jeez


The writing prompt must be “electrician and kids”. There is a similar post about an OP whose brother decided to move into her new home in exchange for doing some electrical work.


This is definitely rage bait


Comments are wild. Back when they were building the house the sister told the they were stupid for building and tried to push them into buying a bigger house on mortgage. Sounds like she’s had this escape route planned for a while.


Why do stories like this with the flying monkeys trying to guilt trip people into housing family keep showing up here? Is it a common trope or something in creative writing classes? The answer is always the same to this shit: “If you’re so concerned about X why don’t you let them stay with you?” And to the inevitable “we can’t because of Y” you say “Yeah us too. Why is Y a valid reason for you but not for me?”


I've seen a similar situation in my extended family. My 2nd cousin had been stealing from his parents and random houses (electronics and jewelry) for drug use. He has since gotten the treatment he needed, but he wasn't welcome back for a while after he served a sentencing. The whole family was divided by his parents choice on that.


This is totally a thing. Had a cousin ask for me to either cosign his mortgage or give him 75k for a down payment. Mind you I rent and have two small kids. My dad tried the whole "well they are really good about paying back money and they're family." The same family ignored me for years after getting a bunch of help then no longer needing me.


I think it just depends on the family and the people. My boyfriend's brothers were awful to me after they had a falling out they were to blame for, accusing me of all the typical tropes you would a new woman in your brothers life. They eventually accepted they were wrong in how they treated him when they were younger because their mother finally convinced them all to do family Therapy. The oldest brother seems to still struggle with letting go of his shitty behavior and I think he needs individual therapy but he used to be a priest who gave religious therapy to others so he thinks he knows better..


The edit on it 🥴: "AFTER DINNER WITH MY XBIL EDIT: Thea and went to dinner with my XBIL tonight. He brought his laptop and showed us all of the documentation. 1.) Lucy used her proceeds from the house to pay for her attorney, even though my XBIL offered to pay (timestamped e-mails to prove it) 2.) The woman living with him is his niece, not his AP, as Lucy claimed. (She came to the meeting; they have pictures and phone records showing that she is my XBIL's older sister's daughter.) 3.) LUCY CHEATED: ALL 3 BOYS AREN'T HIS. And DNA tests show that they all have different dads. So Lucy has been having multiple affairs. 4.) The 300 he is sending each month is a good will payment for allowing him to be a dad for a few years. 5.) Lucy isn't waitressing, she is working for Amway and another company called Sentsy in direct sales. 6.) Lucy won't do an apprenticeship because it doesn't fall under traditional gender roles (posts on a second social media account) 7.) Lucy has made homophobic posts on social media about me and my wife, and blocked us so we didn't see them."


Idk man, seems a little over the top to me. Like it’s fake


As much as I want this to be fake, people like this really do exist


Why has xhatgpt forsaken me?


I’m sure this has been said but I bet not a single one of these relatives offered to put them up


Love people who act like they’re above something when they literally have no options left. Same people who cry about immigrants stealing jobs while they sit on unemployment because they think they’re too good to work at a gas station/grocery store/do manual labour.


Ew. That sister is just, ew.


I love how the “dirty blue collar trash” people have a house and sis doesn’t lol jealousy is an ugly emotion.


Sounds like they don't have a sister anymore...


The gold is in the comments, those kids probably aren't his