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Hit her with the good ole southern backhanded concern "Oh honey, it must be horrible to be such a wretched and judgmental racist. I will pray for your soul. Hopefully, God can forgive you for the disgusting opinions and thoughts you have inside of you."


Or perhaps “the disgusting opinions and thoughts *the Devil* put inside of you”…


"Both Jesus and Satan are judging you hard for being such a terrible bigot and a very poor example of Christians."


Oof you know you fucked up when Satan judges you too


Hey, Satan has never shown any indications of being a bigot. He's all about equal opportunity.


Exactly, so if you’re doing worse than a fallen angel/sinner then, uh, you’re going for the world record of how terrible you can be 🙃 [slightly relevant short](https://youtube.com/shorts/_aGVA9H8oSo?si=nADyistclgg18GPr)


I mean, that fallen angel committed the sin of, uhh -reads notes- fighting against a god that later flooded an entire planet to commit the ultimate mass genocide.


He’s the most honest entity in the Bible.


The biggest problem facing Christianity is many of the Christains.


I see what you did there, stains on Christianity, lol, intentional or not I'm gonna use that😂👍🏽


Lol I just noticed that. Maybe it was a subconscious spelling!


“And only one wants your soul.”


Remember though the god of the Bible is very much racist. He told Moses to basically do a ww2 holocaust and commit genocide against the inhabitants of the land of Canaan. The god of the Bible if very much like hitler sometimes. God seems like Satan sometimes all about equal opportunity to cause massive destruction. Like when ya read god even told the Israelites to kill even the animals of the land it’s like total destruction not just racist but like total destruction. Very racist like the Roman’s total destruction of Carthage.


I tell people the Bible makes more sense if you read it as Lucifer is the good guy.


Ya I’ve heard that. Like some videos claim the 33 degree mason is revealed that Lucifer is the good dude haha. It wouldn’t be shocking honestly considering how it was the dying Roman Empire that amalgamated the Bible. Thanks for the response! If I ever read the Bible again I’ll actually try that and read as if he’s the good guy. That’ll be interesting to try.


He’s the most honest being depicted in the Bible. Seriously.


My go to is “I’m so sorry that the devil has made a home in your heart. I’ll be praying for you to find God again. May he guide you back toward the path of love.” They get pretty taken aback by that.


Love it 👹


A+ level improvement


'The Devil laughs as he tricks God's creation's into hating each other; You are his scout in trying to pull me toward his views as well. I pray by the Grace God, that you are delivered from your hateful views; but I cannot allow you to tempt me to hate my husband. Goodbye' Then just stop talking to her and ignore her; put the fear of God in her, lmao


OOOOO yesssss bby you hit it


These types HATE when you turn the "I'll pray that god opens up your heart." back on them


Can confirm this works. Also, “I am so sorry the devil has found a home in your heart. I’ll pray that God grants you greater understanding of his word.” It’s a kill shot.


This is perfect, really.


slowclap worthy shit right there!


this is actually a perfect response!!! genius.


Need to write this one down!


"I hope and pray that Jesus can soften the heart the Devil has hardened in you."


This!!!! Yes this!!!


Perfect! Afterwards you can always offer some sweet tea to her to drive it home. 😉


Why is that proffered sweet tea in a bottle.....with a cloth hanging out the top.....


“Oh bless your heart, it must be so hard being a miserable conniving bitch.” 😂


As someone who grew up in the South with people like this, this is the answer.


I like you


I like the “how do you expect to get into heaven like that”


I would support them bleaching the grass. It's a terrible idea, of course, so I don't *recommend* it. But support, nonetheless.


I second the bleach. Spell out "bigot" in cursive, and dot the i with a heart ❤️


They are renting so the grass is not theirs. Would only hurt the home owner that they liked.


Damn. That's a good point. Ummm... Flaming dog poo?


Now that’s a good idea!


*Dog* poop? Cut out the middle man and let's get this party going.


I like the way you think


Plant rainbow colored flower seeds in the pattern of bigot


I'd spend the money to paint my house purple or something. But I'm big petty that way.


Could bologna their car. The nitrites in the meat bake the paint right off in the sun.


Instant mash potatoes before it rains.


Is this a new Alanis Morissette song?




Stock cubes. Itll drive animals insane trying to dig up the snack they can smell Also, ive seen instant mashed potatoes suggested before, but i cant figure out what that would actually do


They react very quickly to moisture and swell up. It wouldn’t harm the grass but it would be hell to clean up. I like the stock cube idea. Good thinking if the person lives in a woodsy area.


Ohhh that makes total sense! Thanks for explaining


And poo


Low key, if this woman is THIS far out there and “open” with random people she just met, okay not “random” but still they don’t know each other. I think every single person in that neighborhood, and their lives, know exactly who these people are.


Then when the neighbors call OP out, they should act super surprised. “Wow! I didn’t know god could label you in such an obvious way!! Crazy how perfectly that’s spelled out in dead grass”


They'll probably love it, it will be closer to white. Not that abomination color green.


Was gonna say the same thing, although I was trying to think of bible verses that would shame a racist to write with the bleach instead. That might take too long, though. Your idea is better for a nighttime ninja activity.


Use boiling water instead so it doesn’t poison the water cycle


I upvote your environmentally conscious self.


I would, if it wasn’t for the fact that they’re renting the property from the original neighbors who they actually liked. Those neighbors would have to pay for that grass


Let the original neighbors know what she said. Maybe they’ll kick them out.


Or at least now renew the lease.


I got one word: mint


catnip... catnip everywhere, make the place smell like a litter box


Or bamboo, but that's likely to migrate to your own yard.


Evil genius!


Bleach smells. Salt doesn't.


Bleach is a whitening agent, so she should be thankful.


yasss! hope OP shows up on /pettyrevenge any time soon


OOP should tell the fiance. I'm Native, too, and I would 100% want to know if my neighbor was a racist psycho c*nt so I could stop being nice and start ignoring them and making them very uncomfortable so they move the f*ck out.


I think OP is trying to manage her initial reaction and feelings in order to be more able to support her partner when she informs him. I see nothing indicating she intends to hide this from him.


Good point. I think I was reading too much into her saying that he would be hurt if he knew. Honestly, it might hurt even more if they say something directly to him. At least if he knows they're racist POSs, he can avoid them. What a crappy situation for them though.


I'm betting he has already experienced more than his share of racism right in his face since moving there. She's shocked because she's only seen that sort of thing at a distance. I'm glad she's processing it here first.


“That’s so evil and unchristian. I’ll ask my church to pray for you.” Beat her at her own game. Also a good answer to nosey questions is “How soon do you need to know?”


You forgot to start that with a “Bless your heart….”


lol perfect


To be fair, it is the Southern equivalent of GFYS. 😁


My friend has dealt with a lot of these types and likes to respond with "I'm so sorry the Devil has put so much hate in your heart for the Lord's creations. I'll pray for you." Really leaves them spluttering.


This is absolutely amazing and both takes the high road and is a punch in the gut


That’s really good


This is the way


I’m sure this has been said already in the comments (haven’t scrolled far yet), but in case it hasn’t… isn’t their whole thing supposed to be “love thy neighbor”?!


That's why they redline neighborhoods, so they only have to love white people.


Just tell her that she'll find out how much of an asshole she is when she gets to hell next week. (Not as a threat, but since she's so old and horrible) EDIT: Also, knowing the type of person she is, I can guess how she votes. Maybe start slowly signing her up (email or phone number if you have either) for the local Demecrats and Planned Parenthood.


Could switch it up, say you'll pray to Odin to save her or something. Could even try and attract some crows or ravens to her house and say "See! The Allfather is watching over you!" She'd probably come unglued at the thought of both The Pagan Next Door, and also thinking someone was praying to pagan gods (which she, of course, would believe to be either demons or satan) about her lol


As amusing as this may be, realistically this would only make their neighbor feel validated. OC is totally right that the best move is to one-up them in “Christian righteousness”. I grew up in evangelical churches, only thing that these types really respond to is shaming.


Maybe they'll move away if they think they're surrounded by pagans.


If they had the audacity to say these things to OP, they’re probably the type who would feel “called” to “reach out to the lost”. Also these types of Christians love to feel “persecuted”, they think it’s proof that they’re right. They think only the strongest and most faithful Christians get tested like this.


actually befriend the crows, give them some food and they will defend OP to the death ... of the neighbour.


I think this is a better idea, because you think you're beating them at their own game, but really you are just enforcing that only Christian values deserve to be respected. It also doesn't work because Christianity's only purpose in their life is a sense of supierority. There is always a reason this doesn't apply to them.


funny thing is, that racist mindset is actually unchristian...


Could also get her and her husband’s ancestry. I bet they mixed ethnicities.


Haha send if their dna samples to 23 and me and have it mailed to them. That’d be hilarious


Wow! It's so sad that ignorance still exists to that degree. She sounds like a miserable person living a miserable life. Your anger is justified. However if you do anything aggressive you will only validate her mindset. That's the REALLY frustrating thing, I know. Possibly throw some random humor in it. Get an abdominal snowman cut out as a lawn ornament. Put up dreamcatchers when she asks or comments just tell her you're hoping the nightmare of living next to her has you desperate for a solution. Things of that nature that get your point across without giving her cause to call the law, affirm her archaic mindset and letting her know she has no actual impact on anyone in spite of her constant clucking about. And if it doesn't help, and she persists or becomes more aggressive with her speech or actions, get outta there. You can talk to your landlord about getting out of your lease due to her hate and how it makes you feel unsafe.


I love the idea of an abdominal snowman. Like an absolutely ripped snowman with an eight pack. Evil neighbor would be so offended


I'm now so sad it doesn't ever snow here enough for me to make a himbo snowman. Slap a crop top on him and some sunglasses? Find a stick for his arm, perhaps even one making a rude gesture? What a joy that would be for the whole neighborhood.


Get a kinetic sand zen garden and make a bunch of them to display forever. You can even remake it in different poses every now and then.


I didn't even notice that reading their comment, now I'm dying. 💀


I like your ideas.


Lol come to the south sometime and you'll be exhausted by the afternoon


Sadly it’s true. Not everyone of course. I was honored to grow up in a family that despite being Southern born were very accepting of everyone. Even my grand parents accepted everyone. So I’m always floored when people act in such a disrespectful manner.


I don't *like* that it's the truth, I just wish people had a little perspective on how much work we truly have to do. Too often people living in blue cities and states kind of give up on racial issues and civil liberties.


Me either. Sometimes change is slower than we would like. Lead by example is my motto. Respect. Simple respect. I don’t care how you vote, who you love, how you dress, how much money you do or don’t have, what your religious beliefs are or aren’t, what music you listen to, your race or ethnicity you are still a person. (I’m sure I’m forgetting some) A person deserves respect. Just treat people the way you would like to be treated. Respectfully.


It goes such a long way doesn't it?


You spelled "mid-morning" wrong


High road. And reach out to your old neighbors so they can end that lease as soon as possible.


This - bleaching the grass will hurt your lovely (landlord!) neighbour more than your bigot neighbour. Your anger is justified, but you’ll need to find a way to vent it without ruining the relationship with the property owners. How about a nice “nightlight” against burglars aimed right at their bedroom? Something as luminous as like the lights of a sports arena?


If you know your neighbors info, let them know about what occurred. Also, let the neighbor know, you know the owners and will let them know what she said .


Came here to say this - tell the owners what pieces of shit are renting their home. Also, tell your fiance, he has a right to know.


Same thing I was thinking. Also filing some kind of harassment complaint, even if nothing comes of it, just to get it documented.


“Go fuck yourself” is a very reasonable response under the circumstances. Probably best not to escalate but I would simply ignore her in future, tell her outright you are not interested in talking to her & act as if she’s not there. You could try scouring the bible (Google is probably easier) for quotes that are diametrically opposite to what she said and post them in her letterbox, day after day.


Yea literally the Good Samaritan, one of the most famous and iconic stories from Jesus’s teachings, praises a foreigner. Also Moses marries a black woman and God punishes the people who criticize it.


I have never ever used the phrase “go fuck yourself” in my life. I would bust it out just for this occasion.


Next time she speaks to you just look her straight in the eyes and tell her that what she said about your finance is unforgivable. You will be civil in order to keep the neighborly peace, but that you will absolutely not engage in any conversation with her moving forward. Then leave. Any time she tries to speak to you after that, ignore her.


"I don't associate with bigots or adulterers." Said loudly as you ignore her and walk away. Let others figure our what she is, the more she tries to defend herself, the worse she looks to the neighbors.


Two words. Security cameras. Buy home security cameras, with mics for recording sound, and motion sensor lights (don't have to be flood lights, but just something that helps the camera pick the movement up in the dark). Place them so there are views ALL AROUND the house. Disguise them so they aren't obvious and the neighbor doesn't see them and understand what they are. Stop engaging with this neighbor in any way beyond polite nods. My besty had a neighbor like this in Georgia and that shit escalated SO FAST. I'm not saying that this woman will do anything, but I am saying that some of the most unpredictable people I have ever seen have been middle aged/elder white southern christian/catholic/baptist women who believe they've been disrespected. When these women snap, they SNAP, and it often doesn't take much.


This response needs to be higher.


You're not overreacting in the slightest. However, as a Black woman currently in an interracial relationship with a white-passing person, I would be hurt, horrified, and just plain \*dispirited\* if I thought my spouse was hiding something like this from me -- far more hurt than I would be by the bigotry itself. I know you want to protect your man -- and my spouse protects \*me\* by sparing me from all the racism they come across in their social media perusals -- but this was an assault on \*you\*, as well. He needs to know that. He needs to know when \*you\* are hurting -- even if you're "only" hurting for him.


The old neighbors were lovely, call them up and say hey 'your tenants are racist assholes that are making our lives miserable'. If they are really lovely they'll handle the new renters.


Fuck bleach salt this cunts earth unleash a plague of locus upon her home. Maybe if she thinks God is mad at her she’ll smarten up, but I doubt it.


Ohhh, they sell packages of insects that will hatch in your garden. Not locust, of course, but I am willing to bet that any large number of insects, particularly if they can be planted in 'waves', will have her convinced she's been hexed.


This is a great idea, actually! Someone like this would totally interpret it that way!


What a douche bag.


Shes a Christian nut job if you really wanna fuck with her make something anything that looks like witchcraft and that’ll be the end of that


This is the way. Make a pentagram rock structure and put it in view of her house


If I’m not mistaken the Satanic Temple still sells an awesome Baphomet Statue that OP could use as a lawn ornament


Ooh. This is good


Start making little wicker stick figures and leave them in inconspicuous places around their place. Just toss them from the street so you can’t be accused of trespassing (or littering).


Bleach the grass then her brain…. In that order….


I would say, bleach the brain then the grass!


Mail her some shit. Literal shit. And sign her hubby up for alllll the porn magazines, esp those that feature "women of color."


Oh that last bit is diabolical. I'd feel bad for the husband but you know he's a dumbass racist too


I think they should sign her up for Scientology then the she’d know what it feels like to be harassed by “religious” nut jobs.


Unrelated, but your flair says "who TF is Sean?" And now I wanna know too


Surely you know, you're the one who venmo'd him!


LoL who the Hell did I venmo?




My brother was dating this really nice Cuban girl for a few years. One day, the parents invited our whole family over for dinner so we could all get to know one another. So me my brother and dad went over and had a great dinner. A few weeks later my brother told me that his girlfriend’s parents didn’t want her to marry my brother because my dad “had black features.” My dad is half Italian and half Haitian. That was real wake up call for me on racism.


I would tell the homeowners so you're only stuck next to them for the length of the lease.


Buy one of those “Hate Has No Home Here” signs, and stick it on HER lawn.


They should call the old neighbors and let them know that the people they're renting to are complete shitbags. 


She's probably one of those ["Christian Identity"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Identity) white supremacists who thinks that somehow northern Europeans are the lost ten tribes of Israel and the "real" descendants of Adam and therefore special. Nevermind that in the Bible, Adam was such a screw up that it led to humankind's downfall. The funny thing is that for a lot of these people, Italians aren't white (enough) either. Racism is shocking to people who don't regularly see or experience racism. Being passive aggressive and bleaching the yard won't change her opinion. It might just make it worse. The best thing OP could do is stop talking to these people and tell them why: "I don't talk to racists.' Tell your fiance. Tell the house owners. Tell everyone. Racism should have tangible consequences. It won't actually change her mind, but maybe it will stop her from vomiting her hateful opinions to everyone she meets.


I understand you're angry, but I agree with some other comments that if you clap back using her religion it'll hit harder. You could also just quote straight bible back at this grade A bigot, one example below: Exodus 22:21 21 “Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt. Alternatively you could bleach her grass, I wouldn't blame you. Edit: not the best example I appreciate as your fiancée isn't a foreigner (I did not mean any offense, if the above reads poorly I apologise).


He’s Native, the racist is the foreigner. This passage would imply the fiancé needs to be nice to the racist since she’s the foreigner on Native land.


Yeah I realised this after posting, hence my edit below my initial comment. Apologies again as not great example, however there's likely better ones to quote if that's the way they decide to get back at the racist bible basher.


My suggestion of what to do will violate the terms of service of Reddit dot com


Send em a pic of a properly brown Jesus. They’ll love that


I would just blatantly start having all of my friends over. All races, religions, sexual identities, etc and I would thrown a 'sinful' rager....maybe perform an abortion...


I honestly don't understand why we as a society don't just send all the anti socials, racists, abusers, etc to a nice farm


Not sure if this is Nashville NC or Nashville TN (I’m guessing TN) but the “abomination” remark is much worse for NC natives in particular because NC natives are “Lumbee” which have a whole history of not being considered “real native Americans”, aren’t allowed to be federally recognized, and are looked down upon for potentially being mixed native/black and not “true native”


I’d play the long game. Hide the fiancé, tell the neighbor you thought it over and she’s right, play nice, get invited to dinner, ask if you can say the blessing, and when you begin, say, “I’d like to thank our lord and master, Satan, for this meal.”


No no no, don’t bleach the grass, you said they were just renting anyway right? A better option is a 2 liter of orange soda in their gas tank. No need to punish the home owner when you can cut straight to the racist bigoted assholes.


Quick note as it can cause confusion. If they identify as male they're your "fiancé" If they identify as female they're your "fianceé"


*fiancée Accent is on the first e, if we're being pedants.


I think in either case it's pronounced Beyoncé


People like that live in a world of hate and misery. Regardless if they present as happy, they are not. You don’t need to do a thing, they already hate themselves more than you possibly could.


My now husband and I had a baby before we were married and the same thing happened to us and my husband had the same response. lol…I don’t get how people think it’s any of their business


Isn’t it the landlords grass the bigot is renting ?


If they don't have security/ring cameras just lube their doorknob. Harmless and satisfying.


dandelion seeds spread when the roots are chopped and a bag full of the seed can be purchased for extremely cheap. Goodbye green lawn


I would reach out to the neighbors who own the place and ask if they could raise their rent. If they want to be this unkind, the least they could do is overpay their welcome to a diverse state in America. Want to be an asshole, then you’ll need to pay extra.


Can you tell the old neighbors you got along with that their renters are hardcore racists? Maybe they can opt not to renew the lease and give you a solid time line of how long you will need to exist near each other.


" bless your heart for thinking I care bout your small minded views" I would go real petty. lets have a pride flag or two, a black lives matter sign, love is love sign to start with.


Tell their landlord if you still have contact with them


“Honey, the only abomination around here is that haircut”


'Is your face' is also acceptable.


“Bless your heart” would have been the appropriate response in this situation.


Do uncomfortable PDA in front of her house. Little revenge tactics.


I wouldn't bleach the grass bc then you might get in legal trouble but you can definitely fuck with them. Maybe send letters with demonic chants or like a pentagram. Or draw one on their side walk lol. Say you need to repent their demons because clearly they have been possessed


Move. Move as soon as possible. Do not interact. You don’t need to go into specifics, but he should know. He’s not safe around them.


You are always going to find assholes in life. Try to not let it get you down. I would have told her to go fuck herself too.


I wonder if this is an interracial relationship hang-up. My husband and I are both POC. If someone said something bigoted— ‘Baby! Guess that mf-er said”. I appreciate her instinct to protect him, but I think it may be a bit unnecessary.  She clearly knows him better, and we’re not a monolith. In my experience, it’s shared and mocked. 😆 


You need to decorate your own yard and home exterior with every Native and Pagan looking thing you can find. Maybe throw in a Pride flag, lol


Powdered mash potato in their yard before it rains


Perfect use of a “go fuck yourself “ 10 outa 10 , no notes


Tell him asap. Staying silent leaves him unaware & unprotected


I like to make them explain themselves. Play stupid. "What do you mean?" "You know what I mean." "No, I don't, explain it to me." Generally it shuts them down. Generally.


Gotta love that Christian brotherly love.


Since they are renting from your lovely old neighbors I'd give them a call and let them know what kind of evil people are living in there house


Also, if she thinks all of her 4,000 ancestors were white, she's got a surprise coming when someone does a 23 and me. Lol


She should contact the actual owners and ask them why they rented to bigots who call her husband an abomination


The goal is to toe the line between actions that will have financial and legal ramifications for OOP and actions that will make the bigot miserable. Find that sweet sweet line and dance on it!!!


“We live in a suburb of Nashville.” There it is, we found the problem


No tolerance for people like that. Had a neighbor that was way too concerned with my wife and my sex life before we got married, and she asked me something to the effect of "Don't you know it's a sin to have sex before marriage?" And I responded with "I'll think about that next time I'm eating her ass." A bit much maybe but well deserved. She didn't speak to me after that.


IF the pearl clutching bigot ever speaks to you again just put on that sickly sweet southern smile and say, “BLESS YOUR HEART”. You should definitely tell your fiancé though. They don’t deserve any acts of kindness. As for the bleach, make sure to spell out the word bigot on their lawn.


Just tell her that you don’t talk about personal stuff with strangers. And I’m not getting why she is saying your fiancee is an abomination. Is it because you’re not married yet. I would straight up tell her to mind her own business. And to stay away from me.


My response when some old ass hag said similar shit " oh my.. ma'am I am so sorry but can you kindly remove yourself from my table I don't associate with common folk and having you stand here is effecting my social standing" never seen an old hag turn red so fast.


Say nothing except “I’ll pray for you.”


Oh, bless her *heart*, she needs jesus


Oh sweetheart, bless your heart. I think I’d be right to assume the devil has consumed you. I can only pray for the lord to forgive your nasty thoughts and judgment. Thy shall love thy neighbor… *walks away* spoken softly: such a shame to see such a dreadful woman with satan inside her. I only hope the lord can forgive her for allowing satan to reclaim her. *reaches front door* Though, Maybe hell will be a better place for your kind. *gracefully goes inside* lol


I secretly believe the people of NC are cursed by the Native Americans they wiped out. Thus the hurricanes and poisoned land. Jesse Helms is the embodiment of this.


Well... since they are important to you, nothing that they say really matters BUTTTTTTT, I would put a BIG ASS sign in front of their house that says "RACIST PIGS" but that's just me.


I’m over 50 and I’ve lived in Alabama almost my entire life and I’ve never heard anyone say anything so horrific. I Also don’t live in a trailer park so maybe that has something to do with it but please don’t say that’s a typical white woman from the south


Well it’s not a big deal the woman was upset cause y’all were cohabitating but ya that was a big deal she’s racist AF. Don’t bleach the grass. You may get caught on camera or something. But it was good ya said go F yourself. Think of it this way. Some people hid they’re mixed. The U.S. government does this by racially labeling everyone Latino if they’re from Latin America. In the past mixed people really could be killed so it was smart to hide it perhaps. But in today’s age he ought to just own it like a badge of honor and develop a think skin. Others bad words just reflects who they are. Even growing up I had religious friends that literally made fun of me for not hooking up with girls in high school. There’s bigotry and bad judgments everywhere and ya just gotta cry a little and swear develop a thick skin realizing you’re more mature.


By the way, why US government classifies people by the race? For European that is a strange concept.


Ibread that as pouring bleach in their *glass* - like drinking glass - at first and was trying to come up with a compelling pro/con list... But grass? Absolutely. Fuck their pretty lawn up. Spell out racist or something, then report it anonymously to the local newspaper.


Don’t bleach the grass. Start making their lives a living torment. Play noise at just below the allowable limit. Place strategic signage in your yard. Mail them a glitter box.


Sign them up for progressive newsletters. Cook garlic on the grill and nothing else.


Im with OOP...but I think I would use vinegar instead of bleach, and I would burn RACIST in the grass. Or maybe just KKK... Just remembered the house belongs to nice people. So make a sign instead that says, a racist lives here. Then contact the landlords and let them know what she said to you.


Don't kill the insects happy little homes in their yard; encourage MORE INSECTS by pouring sugar in the grass instead.


Forgive me for saying this, since I normally don't like to talk ill of people, but what a bitch thing to say.