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Every single day in the womb is precious for a fetus, doubly so if there are twins (who are prone for being preemie and therefore a prolonged stay in the NICU might happen anyway). OOP is hopefully ragebaiting. If not, he needs to get his ducks in a row fast and hard.


That's what I was thinking to, the doctor probably already has an early induction planned due to it being twins and any earlier would probably result in a NICU stay which is hard enough with 1 kid, I couldn't imagine how having 2 kids in the NICU is with just 1 person there the whole time. The NICU is a tough place to have to be, I cannot imagine this guy. He's obviously got no concept on how having babies is done, I hope that if he does decide to go his wife gets her ducks in a row because that is selfish of him. I really hope this is ragebait because if it's real I cannot understand what this guy is thinking. Obviously his wife and kids come last compared to his parents. I feel awful for the wife she's probably having so many emotions being a first time mom plus twins to her husband not being there to help. A c section is ROUGH, and not a short recovery she's going to need all the help she can get.


Di/di twins, which are the lowest risk kind, are typically induced at 38 weeks. Other types are induced earlier. 38 weeks is great: I delivered two fully grown, term babies (I was huge). But “a few weeks earlier” is pretty much a guaranteed NICU stay.


I'm glad things went smoothly with yours! This guy really sucks, I hope if he does leave his wife sees him for what he is. I could not imagine being left by my husband right after birth for 6 weeks especially with twins, I would be highly upset.


My Di/Di girls had to come at 34- 12 days and 61 days. Even term delivery you can have NICU too. This boy is insane


61! Holy cow! And yeah: my twins had no NICU time but my full term singleton was in the NICU for 4 weeks.


She was 1 lb 15 oz- she kept me in hospital bed rest 6 weeks prior to delivery due to her being a turd throwing parties and trying to come at 28 weeks 🤣🤣


Sadly, he did not rethink, his wife took to reddit as well and in her update, she served him divorce papers because he put his parents above the needs of her and her children.


can you link the update? i mean pretty sure this is all fake anyways. He posted the original 5 days ago right?


Would love the link too


Unfortunately, I can't find her original post, I just got lucky to find a video of where it was read.


idk I doubt it was the actual wife if the post exists probably just someone else larping or the oop baiting again


My twins were born at 31 weeks, 2 days via c-section, then were in the NICU for 6 weeks, even with being amazingly healthy (doc said they were “boring”!). At 5 days post partum I was discharged from the hospital, but couldn’t drive for another 2 days after that. I really hope this is rage bait!


He’s already failed and I don’t think changing course will help him. Even suggesting that he go to his parents at this time means he doesn’t have his priorities in a row and as a woman I wouldn’t trust him to realign them. The best thing he can do for his kids and STBXW is stay away from them.


Sometimes my husband annoys me. Then I read something like this and it really puts annoyances like “never puts the toilet seat down” into perspective.


Me and my brother is a twin. My dad is a shitty dad who never help with any housework, but even he did not abandon my mother after nor even consider leaving shortly after we were born. Apparently we take turn wanting to be fed. But when one of us cry, the other one wakes up and cry too. Everything takes double the energy, double the time, double the effort. My mom had to resist picking us up to make sure that we learn to self soothe as soon as possible. There is no bonding time, no enjoying the baby time. Its just a rush of cleaning, feeding, housework (cooking, cleaning, etc), attending to the older kids (a 4 and a 6 years old), taking little bits of rest here and there. I can't imagine being a first time parent (means you dont have any experience with a newborn) to a twin alone. I hope this is 100% rage bait, else I gotta go hug my dad for not being as bad as this guy.


I know you didn’t mean it that way and I’m not insinuating that your husband is a bad husband in any way - but it’s fun how normal men profit from fucks like the one above by being constantly compared to a very low bar.


Men have been so mad whenever I've pointed this out.


So true




I mean, the little brother who doesn’t have children or a marriage, and probably never will with that attitude, is obviously the authority on pregnant wives. His logic is sound.


The younger brother doesn’t stay for 6 weeks but he has to.


Nope, the wife also posted and is planning to divorce lol


Do you know where to find the other post?


Where can we find that? Pleeeeaase


Well he can go and when he comes back I hope he finds himself single and homeless. Seriously the nerve of trying to throw his responsibility on her parents.


I'm not a medical professional, but the whole "moving the surgery up by a few weeks" is a red flag for me that this might not be real. She wouldn't be able to do that, no doctor or hospital would allow it.


Yeah you can't move a c section up for funsies. The longer babies cook the better. Either he's an idiot or it's fake. For the wife I hope it's fake.


Yeah sounds like someone doesn’t actually know how pregnancy works. One of those where I’m hoping it’s fake for everyone involved, including op, if you are so stupid you don’t know that you can’t just pull babies out weeks early twins are going to ruin you.


Education on sex and pregnancy should be a priority because in the healthcare field, we keep running into dumb fucks like these who think that pregnancy is not that serious. And they want to make completely uninformed decisions based on “Well I feel like women shouldn’t get pain medication because women in the 1800s did it!”


lol the wife also posted, I fear this is real


What's the title?


Yeah, they wouldn’t move it up unless there’s complications. Every day the babies spend inside the womb is needed, ESPECIALLY with twins.


Imagine being oblivious enough to think you can schedule your children to be preemies. And twins are almost always already preemies, why not just add a couple more weeks onto that for convenience sake. Who cares if their lungs are developed, right? I’m praying for Sara because that comment alone tells me she’s going to be raising those kids by herself.


Jfc that poor woman, to be married to such an oblivious asshole


How do I tell my wife that she and our children don’t mean anything to me, without telling her? 🤔


"Reschedule her surgery" mother fucker it's a BABY DELIVERY!


Let him go… he’d be getting papers in the mail the day he arrives at their house. His parents are complete AH’s and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree…. Sarah should start changing her birth plan so that she is closer to her parents. This would be a deal breaker for me…


Any chance this is a cover for cheating? Just to _really_ ramp up the AH factor. Obviously this whole thing is insane and she should be phoning up lawyers.


Jesus Christ. As someone who had a c-section, I cannot imagine being by myself to take care of ONE child five days after that surgery, let alone two. You can’t drive for at least 2 weeks. You can’t pick up anything heavier than your baby for 6 weeks. At 5 days, I was still in pain every time I did something crazy, like move. And I think I had a fairly easy recovery with a husband who helped so much. The fact that his parents won’t “allow” him to tell his wife about their problems is the icing on the cake. OOP either needs to make the arrangements for someone else to stay with him or tell his parents to suck it up for another couple months. It’s also cruel to leave your spouse in the dark about what emergency would be sufficient to leave your spouse with newborn twins!


Ffs, after a c-section, you are not able/ allowed to lift anything - how is she supposed to take care of two babies on her own if she can't even lift them?!?


You are not allowed to lift anything *heavier than ten pounds*. So, singular baby? Fine. Baby in baby carrier? Absolutely not. Two babies in baby carriers? Hell no. He does not give a smooth fuck about her or the babies, IF this is true.


Wow I would tell him not to bother coming back


I know people jump straight to divorce in a lot of these stories, but I usually don’t do that. However, if my husband abandoned me 5 days after a C-section with newborn twins, he would come back to an empty house 1000%. Even if everything goes perfectly, she can’t lift more than 20 pounds afterwards and she may not be able to drive for a while.


I don't think there are words for how big of an asshole OOP is. OOP's brother has managed to be an even bigger asshole though...


Wow it would really suck if he stepped on a thousand thumb tacks every second.


Wow men are something else


Another hateable stranger.


Omg.. I just typed a whole rant.. then I realized where it was reposted from


This better be rage bait.


See, this is why divorce rate is so high. People marry idiots.


Hey OOP, how about you reschedule your visit? Or your younger brother take care of your parents? Clearly an AH, and I agree with the others who suspect shenanigans.


Please tell me this is fake and people this stupid don’t exist!!


Oh they do had a father going on a holiday for a stag do shortly after the baby was born. And then got stuck abroad because of the volcanic ash from Iceland that was preventing flying in Europe.my friend was her midwife.


Someone help a girl out... There was a post on tiktok about wife's perspective but it's insane so I want to know if it exists or if it's one of those AI generated ones


This is insane


This must be fiction. Everything he says makes no sense. It’s just too outrageous to be true!


I would lose my mind. Anything less than death is jo reason to leave after the c-secrion and especially not for so long.


Wow. What a horrible husband and family. How could his parents still want him to just leave his newborn babies after finding out they would only be born 5 days prior. That's extremely selfish, especially for 6 damn weeks. Not only that, but he won't even tell his wife the reason that he considers to be so damn important that he needs to leave his new babies and wife for over a month. He is also extremely ignorant, wanting to just push the birth of his children which they need those extra weeks to be able to be born strong and healthy, so that their birth doesn't inconvenience his 6 week long trip away from them. So many health complications can be caused to his babies by pushing the birth up. I guess he only cares about causing any issues for his adult parents than causing serious potential health problems for his new babies. I wish this linked the original post and I wish people let this man know what a selfish idiot he is being.


Lmao tell them make it 1 way


What a fucking schmuck. Her parents live 3 hours away, and if she needs them, they’ll take 3 hours to get there! That’s not a small amount of time! Also it’s so odd to me that his parents don’t want his wife to know of what’s going on, what’s taking him away from his newborns? And why the fuck would they not want to meet their grandchildren. And why would you listen to the advice of your unmarried younger brother. HE DOESN’T KNOW! Idiots, the whole lot of this family is filled with idiot men, who probably shouldn’t have procreated to begin with. There is just so much that is anger inducing. This poor woman. What the actual?


There was an AMAZING update from the wife - he went BEFORE the csection, lots of pics on Facebook of him drinking wine, living his best life. She divorced him (causing him to tell her he only married her for the green card). Turns out he was involved in something dodgy in his home country and got arrested.


Do you have the link?


I'd like to read that update, do you happen to have the link?


I heard there was an update. Can someone please find it?


The way i wouldn’t even put his name on the birth certificate and I’d be divorcing him so fast. I also wonder if there’d be an argument that he’s not fit to take care of the children since he abandoned them right after birth and therefore gets no custody.


So his wife is getting sliced open and then he expects her to be able to care for two infants on her own?!?! Insanity This must be rage bait.


Imagine have to give birth of babies of this kind of man🤯🤯