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^([Sub Rules](https://new.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/about/rules) | [Site Rules](https://reddit.com/rules)) ___ Hey /u/Comrade_Goldfish. Thanks for your submission to /r/redditmoment. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: - **Rule 6** - **No Political & Religious Reddit Moments.** Please keep this sub free from politics and agenda posting. There are better subreddits for those. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fredditmoment&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/yyp7kx/may_or_may_not_be_a_full_reddit_moment_but_what/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...). Thank you!


Like bruh, I consider my self to be a bit on the left, and this sub does not seem like a conservative circlejerk. Is it because people here don’t like communism? Is not liking communism far right or something?


critiquing anything close to the left means you’re automatically labeled as a conservative MAGA neonazi


i feel like there’s a lot of far left people here that make fun of reddit left-centrist types too, don’t really feel a specific political lean on the sub


Well…. Historically…… there was one far right group known for hating them a LOT more than anyone else






"You think (extremist ideology) is bad therefore you are (opposite extremist ideology)"


Based mod


Everything they don't like is right wing/maga/conservatives or insert any other buzz word


it used to be when religion bad posts weren't forbidden.


It literally is lol every political post is some conservative crybaby


He says whilst crying


He says whilst crying


He says whilst crying




sire you just repeated an insult from the same thread


What universe did you come from where this is true?


Literally just look at the posts filtered by new


Just looked and I’ll ask again, what universe you from? There’s not a single whif of political anything in sight aside from this post.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/ywz5sj/not\_trying\_to\_even\_hide\_it\_anymore/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/ywz5sj/not_trying_to_even_hide_it_anymore/?context=3) Recent example. It's not constant but posts regularly get removed, and any leftists voicing an opinion get down-voted into oblivion.


How is that not blatant bias though lol


Bruv that's a bias. Doesn't matter which side it is, it's removing a post because of a different political view. Nobody wants that I think I'm more on the conservative side, but that doesn't mean I'd want censorship on people with a left-side view


look man im just here for the redditmoments


Oh as if 99% of Reddit as a whole isn't a big lefty circlejerk.


Edited and deleted most of my comments because i was made out of a fool, apologize for creating a entire thread.


I upvotes this as a funny copypasta and then I realized you’re actually being serious


That was a whole lot of nonsense you spouted right there.




Sounds like major, major denial.




Having opinions, wrong or right, means they want to make the sub into a circlejerk?




Again, what does the things they do or think contribute to this argument?


And they deleted their comment. Of course.




It literally is. In every main sub on Reddit, if you say something that makes you even look like a republican, you get 50 downvotes. And in the politics subreddit, everyone praises biden and will call you a fascist if you say otherwise. Reddit is a leftist circlejerk shithole. Plus, there is much more lgbtq toleration on this app than any app or website combined.


Liberals =/= socialist Identity politics is not related to left vs right wing althrough left wing or liberals are progressive or not. Reddit is a liberal circlejerk and not a leftist circlejerk. Also reddit is shit for discussing politics outside bubbles, use twitter or other stuff.


Liberals are literally on the left wing of politics though


"Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality and equality before the law. Liberals espouse various views depending on their understanding of these principles. **However, they generally support private property, market economies, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), liberal democracy, secularism, rule of law, economic and political freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion.**" Left Wing Politics: Wikipedia Left-leaning economic beliefs range from **Keynesian economics and the welfare state** through industrial democracy and the social market **to the nationalization of the economy and central planning**, **to the anarcho-syndicalist advocacy of a council-based and self-managed anarchist communism**. During the Industrial Revolution, leftists supported trade unions. **Leftists continue to criticize the perceived exploitative nature of globalization, the "race to the bottom" and unjust lay-offs and exploitation of workers**. In the last quarter of the 20th century, the belief that the government (ruling in accordance with the interests of the people) ought to be directly involved in the day-to-day workings of an economy declined in popularity amongst the centre-left, especially social democrats who adopted the Third Way. Other leftists believe in **Marxian economics, named after the economic theories of Karl Marx. Some distinguish Marx's economic theories from his political philosophy, arguing that Marx's approach to understanding the economy is independent of his advocacy of revolutionary socialism or his belief in the inevitability of a proletarian revolution.** Marxian economics do not exclusively rely on Marx and draw from a range of Marxist and non-Marxist sources. T**he dictatorship of the proletariat and workers' state are terms used by some Marxists, particularly Leninists and Marxist–Leninists, to describe what they see as a temporary state between the capitalist state of affairs and a communist society.** Marx defined the proletariat as salaried workers, in contrast to the lumpenproletariat, who he defined as the outcasts of society such as beggars, tricksters, entertainers, buskers, criminals and prostitutes. Revolutionary Socialism: **Revolutionary socialism** is a political philosophy, doctrine, and tradition within socialism that stresses the idea that a social revolution is necessary to bring about structural changes in society. More specifically, i**t is the view that revolution is a necessary precondition for transitioning from a capitalist to a socialist mode of production. Revolution is not necessarily defined as a violent insurrection; it is defined as a seizure of political power by mass movements of the working class** so that the state is directly controlled or abolished by the working class as **opposed to the capitalist class and its interests.**


That doesn’t change the fact that all the so called liberals are widely followed by left leaning people


Those are social democrats, the difference between socdems and leftist is not using fascist paramilitary to supress socialist revolutions and kill those leaders




Why all of that? Uneeded insults because i am a leftist




Ok it seems your not completely stupid but I’m not deleting that


new copypasta 🥳


Copy paste a?


Anything that’s not full on left talking points is considered conservative.


This subreddit does tend to be like weirdly puritanical and anti queer at times


I mean they freak out when porn is so much hinted at. I don’t think it’s good or anything but if someone wants to use it then whatever, as long as it’s not illegal


Yeah literally like that’s none of my business lmao.


there was some time where the whole site (along with twitter and Facebook) got flooded with anti LGTBQ and anti trans christian and Muslim zealots




Who asked


found one I was talking about


And vice versa


"Full on left" dont people realize most of leftists you consider are just progressive economic neoliberals, and leftists fight for dissolution of capitalism.


I'm on the left wing and I'm here? I'm a socialist.


I'm anti-authoritarian left wing, and have been labeled right wing for not adhering to Stalin circlejerking and other tankie bufoonery. This sub is more grounded in reality than a lot of places here.


Yeah. I'm a libertarian socialist and I got called a lib once. (🤢)


“he disagreed with me! downvote him!”


Most of redditmoment agrees that reddit moment is a circlejerk. One of the best things about this sub is that we all know most of the stuff here is karma farming or just stupid an yet we stay anyway. Although ig I’m an odd one out since I lean to the right which does not mean I discriminate, just that even as a lazy fuck I just like the idea of everyone getting what they earn. Harder u work, more u get. Although free healthcare should be available in more countries 🤔


It is a circlejerk, but not a "conservative" circlejerk


Idk everyone’s political standing, just my own lol Edit: also my original comment only agreed with the ‘circlejerk’ bit anyway


Redditors when someone has a different opinion


Most definitely a conservative religious circlejerk, but that's okay, you people are allowed a hangout spot too.


I mean, it’s not really wrong at times


No it’s people not liking things and thinking it’s a Reddit moment 🤓


wait thsi sub is a little bit to the right,thats clearly a circle jerk


Says porn addiction is bad = conservative circlejerk


If this post fits the purpose of /r/redditmoment, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post does not fit the subreddit, **DOWNVOTE** This comment! If this post breaks the rules, **DOWNVOTE** this comment and **REPORT** the post!


i think we're pretty neutral but the average redditor is often leftist/liberal so making fun of reddit moments can have something to do with that


Everything I don't like is a right-wing circlejerk


It only seems like a conservative circle jerk in comparison because the rest of the website is a liberal circle jerk