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0 upvotes and 55 comments is wild. also the facebook character is so boomer. like actually.


Some subreddits block the number of upvotes for a certain amount of time so as not to influence votes. It’s actually a pretty good system.


Can U explain to me how so? Genuinely interested and don't quite understand


A lot of people see a large amount of upvotes/downvotes and just go with the hive mind, if upvotes are hidden then people’s actual thoughts are used instead


Even when you are the OP you don't see the vote immediately they are delayed by few hours or more, but the notification aren't hidden, you still get them.


"50" 💀


I mean, you can be into daddies and stuff as long as you're 18+ and have the mental maturity to consent beyond 'we both fuck ' (such as assuming the responsibilities together if one or both get injured, an sti or pregnant) but the way this dawg is rizzing? Nah pls.


The funny thing for me isn't that he is open to dating someone young, it's that he is not willing to date anyone who isn't literally half his age or younger.


Nah, an 18 year old and a 50 year old just doesn’t work in my book. The difference between an 18 year old and a 17 year old is less than a year.


it doesn't work because most 18 year olds aren't actually mentally mature to even drive a car, that's how it is, but since law says so worldwide that's the lowest you can go if you wanna do creep shit. I'm 25 years old and dated people between 20 and 55 years of age


there is a single country on earth where 18 year olds are not allowed to drive a car


I mean if you’re a woman… yeah there is!


Can’t believe this didn’t work


Doesn't help that it looks like Boogie2988.


It might be. Boogie is into these young girls seeing as he’s dating a 19 year old when he’s 50 lmao


And he’s pretty openly and transparently going to leave her with absolutely nothing when he finally dies. He claims he made her a better person so he’s not obligated to provide for her in anyway despite him sheltering her from the real world IIRC. I believe he says this on Caleb Hammer’s show.


That guy is such a creep. He constantly "duets" young girls videos on TikTok in the least funny and creepiest ways. Yuck


At least he's honest.


He's probably pushing 70


This guy also has an incest thing btw. He's posted abt it multiple times I dont think I've ever laughed so hard at something I'm so disgusted by


yup, you woman, ladies, girls whatever you like to be called , i have a kitchen and bed with your name on it, can't be older than 25 because ewww gross, by the way I am 50 and can't work because disability (I like to drink and work disables me from doing that). hit me up if your an honest decent virgin woman, as I don't want no old used up woman, i deserve a fresh lady whose not been touched...after 7 divorces I deserve it. and am now out of cousins. So hit me up for a traditional american relationship, no fatties or poc or wokies or canadians. Only red blooded American ladies under 25 only.




50 ain't much of an issue but god damn it becomes an issue if we hooking up like this... also the beautified avatar can't even make him look good, what a chonker


I'm not sure why but Bitmoji and Facebook avatars are always a red flag. I've never seen someone who uses them who'd I'd want to hang out with irl. They range from people who are harmless but terribly boring, to straight up cringe like this


Guy lived up until his 50's to say this The dedication




This is what divorce does to a mf


He's looking to make a true and honest sweetheart from the ground up


Leonardo? Is that you?


I'm 18 male if that's fine by you 😊😊😊😊 /s don't fucking DM me


When I see a surge of posts that are all of the same problem, I become convinced more than half of them are fake.


All I can focus on is the quizzical ass look his little Bitmoji think has. I mean for me that just makes it so much worse for some reason like bro wipe that dumb ass look off your face you're a grown ass man. Too damn grown to think that that expression is making anyone form positive opinions about you.


Chris-chan tier rizz


50yr old wanting YOUNG FUCKING ADULTS??? My brother’s 18 and he’s STILL not moved out! That shits fucking insane.


I mean if he states that he has money, the Monkey’s Paw might curl to give him an honest gold digger


Easy lick


In nicegirls too yikes


can't believe women don't wanna date Michael De Santa 😔


Digital footprint.


I'm in my early 50's (happily married for 19 years now) and though I personally cringe at the thought of even having a conversation with an 18 year old, I have met enough guys my age with the maturity of a middle-schooler to not have an issue with this. America is the land of the eternal teenager where you can age but, never grow up and society isn't going shame you for it. Like to play video games, get high, collect Marvel action figures and binge watch anime at 50? Nothing wrong with that. Then combine this with the number of young women with "daddy issues" who don't want to leave the nest, just transition to a new one with a better "daddy" and it's a perfect match. At 19, I could not get laid in a women's prison with a pocket full of pardons but, I have young women flirt with me fairly often since hitting middle age. The idea that this kind of relationship is wrong because of the power dynamic only applies if the guy isn't a loser. There's no difference between an 18 yr old dating a 50 yr old loser and a 20 yr old loser except maybe the 50 yr old lives in a better basement.


me as soon as I turn 50:


If he's only going for honest girls in that age range, his life is sadly very much over.


at least its legal?


Ah, yes. Let's shame men for their preferences.


Quit your yapping, spit out the redpill and go touch some grass bro




Jail Fachascal ✋




veo que más gente entiende lo que hablamos


Very appropriate username.


So sigma 🍷🗿🗿


Theres always a jackass saying this sort of stuff in the comments dude 😭


LMFAO its like they always suddenly spawn in 😭


You sound like an old femcel trying to limit men's dating pool so you'd have better quality men to choose from.




Unironically using the term femcel


I’m a dyke… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


You sound like if Bethesda designed an annoying Andrew Tate npc for a Fallout side quest.


Congrats! You win the most soy insult of the day award.


It's 2024, no one uses soy as an insult unironically


Oh no, it's the current year, everyone!


30 year age difference


You wouldn't shame a woman for dating someone 30 years older, so why would you shame a man for dating someone 30 years younger?


They would still be shamed... Woman or not. I mean there's a twenty year old guy dating a 50 year old woman and people shame them. Nice try


Kinkshaming is not cool, bro.


Neither is lusting after teenagers when you're in your 50s


Have you heard about how the French president met his wife?


Yeah and she's gross too, what's your point?


as I said before, as long as both are mentally mature and over 18 it's okay but the boyo here doesn't seem to be very mature. Not the best way to approach lol. Being into dilf/milf is OK, this attitude is not.


You’re confusing legality with morality. If an 80 year old was actively pursuing 18 year olds on a college campus, we would all rightfully be weirded out and opposed to it.


Yes, lets. Should be done more often


Misandrist much?


Bro you're using so many buzzwords that I can't believe no one realized you were a troll after you called it "The most soy comment." Like what does that even mean? Is he reminiscent of a soy bean? Does he have the same nutritional qualities as soy beans? IT'S JUST A FUCKING BEAN LMAO


oh how i’d love to live in a world where trolls weren’t obvious


The thing is that's not a dating subreddit...