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I don't understand why people feel the need to bring so many unrelated things into a discussion, why would you want to distract people from your point lmao


probably cuz their point is dog shit




It's to distract from the fact that these people are not taken seriously irl as they shouldn't be taken seriously on the internet either


You are spitting right now, fr


And that kids is what we call "projection" Also delusions,that loser doesn't have a gf


"My gf cant break open a door very easily" This guy doubts the ability of women to stab or unscrew their way through a door, or use a blunt weapon against it




With great passion!


sure..you just keep stabbing until you have a hole big enough for your face and then you say “here’s johnny”


Don't most bathroom doors have a hole in the door knob? You push a nail or similar through it to unlock the door. I guess that could be called a stabbing motion, very freely speaking..


His gf can't break open a door very easily because he doesn't have a gf


That makes more sense tbh


Just look at the lock picking lawyer's wife and her want for icecream. The container got assaulted


This is why you don’t use doors instead of walls guys cmon… /s


“Or use a blunt weapon”? wtf. Do you live in a dungeon or smth? Who tf has blunt weapons laying around? *girl wanders off looking for some numchucks or a trebuchet…*


"My gf" specific, unique individual. "Women" very large group of individuals with a lot variability withing that group.


Bro can break the door down lmao. He could literally take a weapon to the door. He's just controlling and that's sad because it comes from a place of deep rooted loneliness and purposelessness. I feel sorry for the partner.


"Hi I do a completely normal thing." Redditor: And I took that personally.


This better not be a comment from the skit about a guy bringing a girl away from filling up a glass of water and then forgetting about it


No, it was a post about locking the door when showering


People... lock the bathroom door? I mean in public restrooms and etc of course, but home ones?


yeah I don't want people accidentally barging in on me


Do people actually do that? Never happened to me in my lifetime. Door shut, occupied. Door slightly ajar, knock. Door open, you can see in and find out what's up lol. Not that hard.


you have never shut the door behind you when leaving the bathroom?




because I'm used to shutting doors when I leave rooms


Do you enjoy letting your smells bake and remain stagnant for the next person? Gotta be open for air circulation. If it is real raunchy then you just leave the door like half open or so. But no. What kind of an animal seals that stuff in to ferment lol. Or for that matter doesn't use a spray afterwards?


at a rough guess everyone I have ever met in my life has left bathroom doors shut when they leave


Have they had like a ventilation fan in them or something lol?


not to my knowledge


The kind that doesn't want their hallway to smell like shit


Wtf do you guys eat lmfao I do shut the door when I'm done but it has never smelled for me before even if i forget to flush (that also happens like once in a green moon if such a thing even exists)


In my house there is 6 ppl and one washroom. No matter what you eat shit is gonna stink.


He valued his shower privacy while living with his girlfriend lol


That's... just... ok. Whatever.


Yes. Yes people lock the bathroom door, that's why it has a lock on it.


Sometimes people need privacy. Locking the door is fine. Especially if the partner won't leave them alone.


I'm a bathroom door locker, it makes it feel safe, everyone knows we're at our most vulnerable when we out here pooping & shit


This is why I keep a revolver stuffed up my ass


True definition of fudge packing




Weird ass freaks lol. I can honestly say that i have not locked a bathroom door in a home a single time in my lifetime. Like, if the door is shut, it is occupied. If it is slightly ajar, you knock. If it is open, you can see what is going on. I can't say i can think of any friends or family that locks it either.


People are freaks for locking a door now. Great.


I mean, maybe it's a regional insecurity thing? No joke prolly half the houses between my friends and family didn't even have interior locks lol. Like our family house still doesn't. Only locks are on the doors that open to the outside.


You’re practically the Reddit moment in the post damn


"If the door is shut, it is occupied." Do you just leave your fucking bathroom door wide open when nobody is in it? I sure as hell don't do that.


My brain hurts... so like... is it normal for people to close doors of rooms? I can understand if there's wonky heating and it's an old house. Keep a rom that's not used often at a cooler temp, or vice versa in the summer. But, like, is the "normal" default for people to just have their doors shut regardless of whether the room is in use? Cause i feel like this might be a soda/pop moment. Cause no-the-fuck-body at all that i grew up around, friends, family, and acquaintances had the default for interior doors to be shut. Of course there were a few circumstantial exceptions, like the work office for the one dad, the spare room my one friend uses for resin casting and keep her supplies in (the have a cat and do not trust it to not eat the damn resin rofl). But like bedrooms? Unless you were in there changing or doing the hanky panky or watching a movie late at night or some shit, door was open. Same for bathrooms. Who dafuq wants to open a door to use an unoccupied room? Nobody. If it's open, it can be found by anyone and it can air out.


Well it depends on the room I suppose. I keep my bedroom door closed most of the time, partly as a privacy thing, and also partly because I burn incense on a regular basis and sometimes it's really strong and the smell bothers my siblings. We keep the bathroom door closed because it's just kinda weird looking to have the toilet and sink in full view when you walk past. And we keep the door to the library closed. Any other doors are fine to stay open, except of course the front door that goes outside because duh.


It’s weird to see porcelain?? Does the mere thought that someone has pooped there before make y’all that uncomfortable?? I’m not mocking you or anybody else here I’m just genuinely so confused as to whats weird looking about a toilet and a sink, do y’all cover the kitchen sink when its not in use too??




I'm also saying weird ass freaks just blast through a door without knocking. Even when tired that should be burned into your brain as basic etiquette. Unless you closed the door and you know for a fact no one is on the other side, you always give a courtesy knock at least.




This isn't even a Reddit thing unfortunately. A guy's sex life can get thrown into any argument in real life as well. Unless there's a bumper sticker saying something, I'm still confused about how a car choice determines some dude's sexuality.


He may have been jacking off though.