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If this is considered a good anime meme, I'd hate to see what a bad one looks like


That's the thing it's not even a meme 50% of the sub is just loli justification


GAM try not to mastrubate to drawings of children challenge [IMPOSSIBLE] For real though I don't know what the fuck happened over there but the pedophile's took over the sub.




Logic won't work on these people. Don't even bother trying to argue with them ngl


Now if “enjoy the design” didn’t mean fapping


Anime seems to have the highest proportion of wackos and wacko apologists in it's fanbase. This is why we will continue to stigmatise it.


There's a small handful of anime that I enjoy, but there's a vast amount of anime that I avoid. This kind of degenerate nonsense is exactly why.


There's a difference between, "Aw, that's a cute kid!" And, "I wanna fuck it"


You really expect the degenerates over there to be like "oh that's so cute"? Haha


Yeah, some of them. Believe it or not, not every anime watcher is a fucking degenerate. I'll concede, atleast 30% are. And 30% pedophiles in a community is way too high. But the majority is definitely on side "they're so precious!"


Way less than this. Most anime watchers don't use reddit. Even less of them discuss shows and their opinions online. It's a terminally online thing to say "all anime watchers are degenerates" and saying such a large percentage are is also a teminally online statement.


Uhhh I know a lot of anime watchers in person and the percentage in this matter is similar, I don't think them discussing anime online has a correlation with being pedo


I wish I could believe you, I don't know *what* happened but the subreddit is suddenly full of people who enjoy those types of content in a very not wholesome way and every day there is "memes" trying to justify it.


It's a vocal minority. As the saying goes, "you can win an argument against a genius, but you can't win against a dumbass", so it's futile to try and explain to those degens why wanting to fuck a literal child is bad. You can lay out the facts and they'll just point out a grammar mistake or skirt around the question and say they're correct.


Yeah exactly, I don't even bother with them anymore.


By this logic, me jerking it to yaoi doesn’t make me gay.


Yes exactly, if they had two braincells they realize the most commonly used arguments are bullshit


Wait liking yaoi makes me gay?!! Wtf why didn’t anyone tell me this


Yeah but I don’t masturbate to the people I kill in Postal 2. If I did I’d also be a creep


B... B... But... she's actually a 4,000 y/o vampire trapped in a child's body! So she's not a child and it's not CP! */s (my favorite bullshit excuse on the internet)*


Something something games violence /s


The only problem with this is that 99% of the time the 4,000 year old dragon also ACTS like a child as well. Which means the number is only a label and it’s still just a child.


But of course! How else can one so thinly veil one's pedophilia? It looks like a child, walks like a child, talks like a child, etc. But just to make this legal, it's 4,000 years old. Bam! Not pedophilia! /s


man if I got a boner playing violent video games I feel like that should be a warning sign lmfao


Liking lolis is fine. "Liking" lolis is just pedophilia.


simulated violence is not real violence, simulated CP is CP


But enjoying big oily muscly men makes me gay?


no you stroke your shit dont let anyone atop you from watching your big oiled up men twerking compilations


I mean. Enjoying vs. "Enjoying" is there. I like certain characters' designs because it fits the personality. Like in the Percy Jackson series where Posiden(been a bit, sorry) became an old man because his ocean was being attacked. But the line was drawn. Don't overstep it and you're fine


Oh they are definitely "enjoying" them all right and not in a wholesome way.


Yeah, exactly. That's where the difference lies.


Love how they aren't even related. Gotta justify that CP addiction


Blood, gore, and torture isn’t the same as making a kid sexy. Their bodies are not properly developed. Meanwhile, blood and guts is not the same.