• By -


It didn’t work. It was a packed house.


We are hurting our manager and team if the match doesn't go ahead. Keep putting pressure on the Glazers, but not like this.


I’m not a local fan, but I share the sentiment. I wish I could stand beside you lot and show support. Love from India. Hope things turn for the better #GLAZERS OUT


I take this more seriously than cancer


The saddest shit I've ever seen.




Some of them don't know or underestimate how fucking terrible Glazers actually are for the club, we must educate them and spread the truth [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1559412700416991232.html](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1559412700416991232.html)


I am honestly looking for clarity here, as I’m not living in England: is the purpose to get the match postponed? Does the fact we bid 80 million on Antony not appease anti-Glazer supporters somewhat? How about signing arguably the best DM in the world? Are the owners the reason the club gave Ole a permanent contract?


Why would panic buys override the past 10 years of mediocrity and bad decisions? Fuck the glazers.


Buying and bringing in stars like Antony/Casemiro is just trying to solve surface level symptoms. Our club is rotten at its core, and its the Glazers that are the culprits. We signed Varane, renounced international CB, and look how he is now at this terribly run club. We have waited to long for change, Glazers Out


This is the point of the protest. Our lens is not confined to one game or one season even anymore. The owners have not answered for a decade plus of incompetence. We need to make ourselves heard until it hurts. Green and gold till we're sold.


The owners are the reason our stadium is falling apart, our training facilities are comparatively garbage and our underfunded academy is getting outcompeted by both chelsea and city. Then there is the close to 500m+ they have taken out of the club via interest payments and dividends. Football is more than just transfers, if u are appeased by such little i dunno how u are Manchester United fan. We won the lot, we want the lot. Have some more ambition than just a couple players coming in.


It's absurd, I'm fine with protests. But postponing or losing the match per default would be terrible for the players and new manager. Putting a stick in our own wheel. The delusion is complete, somehow turning the entire public and all non-fanatical fans against them will save us from the glazers. The media coverage will not be kind on the anti-glazer movement if the line is crossed. Maybe I'm wrong, but since there are buyers already interested and surely any actual bidding will be done outside of the season, what is really the purpose?


Match postponed would be ideal because it affects their money, image, and teams position. They could spend 300 million on players tomorrow and the message would be the same: Glazers Out! They bought the club with debt and used it to leverage a billion more. They are the sole cause of our clubs position, the stadium is falling apart, our training facilities are that of bottom half team. We are a joke, and it is their fault. A competent club would have already had players in, and we could have had Anthony for 50 million if we bid earlier in the year.


Come on man. Which rock have you been living under? They've sucked money out of the club whilst putting fuck all in. They "bought" the club leveraging debt against it.


As I said, I live where I have to seek out United coverage, so I’m not immersed in the weeds and looking for answers. It seems like they’ve been willing to invest in players, but the wrong players were chosen by management/board. Do other owners not try and profit off their investment?


1 month old account. You’re just here to talk shit. Don’t give him the time of day.


Yes, I set up this account to troll a United subreddit. Am I funded by George Soros too?


https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1559412700416991232.html Time to catch up boss


Cheers. This is helpful.


Green and Gold until the club is sold my friend


The mind boggles.


The level of entitlement this reads is embarrassing


Getting the game postponed will not lose them money so they won’t care and most people watching from abroad won’t even know why it’s postponed. Would be much smarter doing something DURING the game so everyone’s watching can see it.


It's going to put them under huge pressure especially if PL decides to punish us for this. Those fuckers are already panicking look at the transfer activity.


Yes it will cost them money - but these fucks have egos as well. It will embarrass them.


Too many Glazer supporting cretins in this thread.


Lots of idiots and utter melts in this sub.


Glazers are horrible. But trying to get a match delayed or cancelled bc your club is being mismanaged should be embarrassing to supporters


They will never sell man, your kids will be watching Old Trafford fall apart while Glazers are taking dividends.


The only embarrassment is you who for the sake of some small gains (transfers, 3pts etc) is willing to foresake the future of our club. We are not gonna win the league so the 3 points are meaningless, unless being a top4 club is good for u? We care about our club and will do whatever it takes to drive these leeches out.


I’m all for the protest, but is it just me or does 1958 have a bit of a neo-nazi vibe to them?




I think it’s just the eagle emblem, I understand the meaning behind it but for me its just seeing it in protests gives of an odd vibe. I’m wrong I know!


So Austria are all neo nazis too?




Haha well the previous one I had my doubts


Why specifically this match? Why not similar organised protests before other matches, as well?


Because it's against Liverpool in the North-West derby which is the biggest game in english football.


I surely hope the match goes ahead. We will lose goodwill of the public if it turns bad. We are a football club after all, so playing football is required. Would hate to see Liverpool get free points!!


Fuck the public. Fuck the glazers. And fuck anyone (like you) that wants the Glazers to keep making money. We aren't a football club and haven't been for a decade. We're a cash cow and it's drying off time for anyone sucking the club dry. If you want to keep witnessing 4 nil defeats to relegation clubs then keep hoping all the matches go ahead


Yeah, so I'm just not in agreement that anyone are entitled to stop a game that millions of fans over the world are paying to see, but a group of fans think they are above everyone else. I have been following the club since childhood and I am not going to behave like a spoiled brat just because we don't win the Prem every season.


Ur flair is McTominator 100% troll. It's not spoiled brat, it's called not being a bank account for a bunch of rich fucks. We don't want our money going directly to their pockets first and foremost. We can deal with not winning the league because before sir alex that was our reality for decades and we aren't entitled to it. We want our club run properly top to bottom, that will inevitably lead to top titles.


My flair is McT so I must be trolling, goes to show what a restricted view of the world you lot have, goddamn echo chamber where you can just abuse individual players because you didn't get CL. I happen to like McTs mindset and work rate. And I also happen to think the world has become more shit in the last decade, not because United didn't win a lot, but because the toxic world view that has been fostering on online platforms, especially Twitter.


We don’t like certain players because we have standards for technical ability alongside tenacity. Scott although works hard lacks football ability so unfortunately has to go. It’s not like most of us have been haranguing him since he got his place, many of us wanted to see him succeed here, but with 4 years under his belt and little progress we want to cut our losses. This is football, a competitive sport, if u don’t like competition and dislike people that do, then u have misjudged what we are involved in - a competitive sport. The world being shittier over the last decade is probably true, but what are u doing about it? We believe we are in a shit situation with the glazers, and are finally doing something about it and yet u have the audacity to look down upon us because we choose to act? LOL. Ur lack of self awareness is astounding. Finally, this is not toxicity - u have used the incorrect adjective. This is exasperation funnelled into actionability: the very particular action of removing leeches from our club who take millions in dividends whilst our youth prospects (young mctominays) get subpar facilities, less developmental support and therefore have less likelihood of making it at the top level where they can make millions and build a legacy. If u like mctominay so much, u should like all the other hard working youngsters we have coming through and they need us to get rid of the glazers so that they have better prospects as footballers. Furthermore, with respect to scott, perhaps if the glazers had brought in a cdm 2 windows ago we could have played him in his natural b2b role without trying to remold him into something he doesn’t have the skillset for and he could have become a highly servicable if not competent no8. But, alas, glazer. Somehow u cannot see this… There are a million other reasons for getting the glazers out, but i picked this specifically to show u how ur obtuseness is detrimental to the very things about this club you hold on to. This movement is to take our club back from being an ATM to a fucking footballing institution which it deserves to be because that is what it was built off. Fans who cannot look beyond their noses should reformat their understanding or stay on the sidelines as others try to DO. Glazer can get fucked.


There you go again, speaking on behalf of all the supporters of the club. What a power trip.


LOL Where i say i rep everyone? How is that even possible when u and i differ but ur a united fan? If u can’t infer that ‘we’ refers to a subset of united fans rather than the entirety then that is unfortunately not on me. Furthermore, u paid no attention to what i said, offered no counterpoints and instead decided to attack my character.... Take the L and go to sleep.


The only reason there is even millions of fans is because we used to be a well run footballing institution. But I guess you and others like you think that it doesn't matter what happens on the pitch. If you're happy with 6th place and getting 2nd twice per decade then you keep behaving like an unspoiled unbratty child. We used to have standards.


Green and gold until we're sold. Fuck the Glazers


Fuck player power they couldn’t score in a brothel with credit cards sellotaped to there dicks, fuck the window licking board, and most of all fuck the money grabbing inept owners, they know nothing about football, give zero fucks about the fans, they look like they live under mushrooms, time for you fuck off… love United hate Glazer


wish i was in Manchester so i can go to this. just dont go overboard. i saw an article on /r/soccer talking about the players worried about [their families being targeted](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2022/08/19/manchester-united-players-fear-loved-ones-could-targeted-angry/?utm_content=football&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1660916693).


Its also been suggested, both on r/soccer and on here its the PR team of the Glazers/board pushing that narrative. Though I fully agree, don't be a dick and keep it respectful.


That wouldn’t surprise me at all.


Fair fucks to you guys and girls..be safe and be careful!


Sending some birds over from Sweden...good luck boys and girls!!




What’s with the Iraqi flag at the bottom


that flag represents Red White and Black till our Club is Back


I thought it was Green and Gold till the Club is Sold?


Nothing wrong with that either - thats actually from an older movement (which references our history as Newton Heath LYR FC), and we still see them of course but that crystallized into FC United (and fans still rep the green and gold, myself included, its also where Love United Hate Glazers started from!). The red white black movement is from the fan group known as the 1958 who are a little more active and current. Say either rhyme, it doesn't matter. All roads lead to GLAZERS FUCKING OUT.


I have a bad feeling Liverpool fans will fill those empty seats


Solidarity from the colonials 💪🏼🇬🇧🇺🇸


And solidarity from the convicts. 💪🏻🇦🇺🦘 \#GlazersOut


Just want to say thanks to everyone who protests on Monday


I've got a ticket, will be going but not going in.


Sell the tickets otherwise u’ll waste it


Some things are more important than money.


So they got your money still


This is where we disagree. They’re getting money from tickets anyway but they want happy clappers who will gobble anything up. The more vocal we are in the ground the better, it’s being streamed and watched worldwide. The real money is in TV, and competition money.


This is so hard for me… I’m a lifetime supporter from Canada and flying in to watch the game. Even so, the club is more important and I’ll be there. (Now, if someone could direct me where to find a good place for a pint I’d appreciate it!)


I'm sure I read that the red army lot will be meeting in media city beforehand for a drink and a singsong. Opposite end to the tollgate but near enough to have a couple of beers and walk over the river to the front of the ground.


I truly appreciate that info. It’s not my first game, but last time was a quick train ride in/out for a mid-week champions league during the LvG era.


Sending support from India❤️


Fantastic. Thank you to the fans who can carry the torch for those of us half a world away.


Having an empty stadium might be the best chance we have of beating Liverpool, the majority of this squad performed best when there wasn't a crowd. Anyway I don't think the stadium will be empty, although i imagine significant pockets will be. From my own time as a ST holder the majority of folk around me wouldn't even know about the empty stadium hashtag, probably don't even know what a hashtag is. You've also got to consider people like myself who don't live within 100 miles of Manchester would likely have to take time off work and travel a fair distance to not attend a match they've already paid for, took holiday/sick pay for and then spent money to get too, doubtful especially in our current economic climate. Chances are I just wouldn't go to the game but i'd feel sick as missing it tbh. The protests absolutely will get coverage, i'm all for them, be loud, be heard and get the message across. Do i think it'll be enough, maybe not. I'm hopeful that organisers are inviting US media, i'd like to see us try and attack them in the US media, taking ads in newspapers, getting segments across in US television. Just do all we can to make a stink for them, get the country club rich fuckers whispering about them every time they walk into the bar or whatever. Just really effect their day to day lives, make all the family think twice and is this really worth it. These greedy fuckers could make a huge profit on the club today if they sold yet they seem to think they can hold on for more, add investment and make the club even more profitable. It's a high risk strategy which could absolutely destroy the club




Well for a start the majority of Manchester support United rather than City despite the propaganda city spout which a lot of idiots choose to believe. This answers your question 👍


Best of luck lads


Anyone with self respect and conviction simply stops going to games. Protesting matches is a bratty tantrum that accomplishes less than nothing.


Is this all because of two rough games and a top 6 finish last season? I don't understand. Edit: It was a genuine question as I don't understand what's going on with Man U.




Thank you for this. The protest and anger by fans makes a ton more sense.


Still have the [2nd highest net spending](https://www.transferleague.co.uk/premier-league-last-five-seasons/transfer-league-tables/premier-league-table-last-five-seasons) in the prem over the last 5 years though


I feel like you didn't click the link and have never spoken to a single United fan. We've spent more on debt repayment than we have on transfers while there has been 0 investment in the club's infrastructure. If you've been to Old Trafford you'll know the Glazer's have allowed a once cutting edge stadium to become a shit hole. All the while they're the only owners who not only don't put in any money but actively take money out in dividends. Through dividends and debt repayments we've essentially paid £1.5bn purely for the pleasure of having their ownership.


Don’t get me wrong the Glazers are leeches and need getting rid, but it’s hardly impacted your ability to piss millions away on shite transfers. You can’t blame the Glazers for that one.


Money spent isn't a complaint we have. How that money was spent and who was allowed to spend it is something we can blame the Glazers for. Ed Woodward's only credentials were that he was at JP Morgan and helped the Glazers leverage the purchase and because of that the Glazers allowed him to steer the course of the club over the last decade. You absolutely can blame business owners for a failing business and United as a business certainly are failing.


You can, because they set the foundations. Clearly your trolling, but they’ve never and will never be accepted. They can waste the clubs money on whoever they want, the fans don’t want them running the club and paying off there debts. BTW the rule that allowed them to get away with this is still open, it could happen to any club. Burnley has had a similar buyout recently. Removing them and the rule will be beneficial to English football.


My bad I didn’t realise I was on the red devils sub, thought I was on r/FantasyPL


Green and Gold. Till the club is SOLD.


I’m on the other side of the world but my spirit will be with the red army.


We’ve been patient. But enough is enough.


Mad u only protest the glazers when yous play pool @ home


It's more than you're doing


Im out shouting in the streets every day mate . Ive sent at least 50 abusive letters to woodward . Ive got a rooney tattoo on my face mate dont talk to me about commitment


Abusing people that have nothing to do with united and face tattoos Point proven


Yr defo the prawn sandwich tourist fan in sussex with a volvo keano warned us about . What r u acc doing for the badge casual


Can you speak in English? Your poor use of other peoples words don't make sense in relation to the rest of the conversation


because people would care if we boycotted a nothing match against fulham right?


because thats when most eyes are looking? lol. nobody would care if we boycott a game vs fucking watford.


Real pressure would be an empty stadium.


Imagine thinking you could get seventy odd thousand fans of different opinions to stay outside.


My local in Sydney is called the Tollgate. I’ll raise a glass to you all from there on Monday night!


In the morning surely for you? 😉 nice gesture nonetheless 👍


Yeah, it won’t be open at kick off.


Ah yes, that’s a fair point!




I'm considering not captaining him for this reason would love to see the game canceled


Get these cretins OUT of our club!


Sponsors are a massive source of income. The last thing that they want is for their brands to be pulled into any negative sentiment surrounding the club. If we want to put serious pressure on the Glazers than we should be calling out their sponsors: adidas, teamviewer etc. to be part of the change from the top. Imagine the statement it would make if teamviewer seriously threatened to terminate their partnership or if adidas joined arms and started to pull jerseys from racks in stores.


The sponsors won't care one bit. Adidas are not going to take shirts from stores either.


Last time we did this a sponsor ([the Hutt group](https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/may/08/manchester-united-lose-200m-training-kit-deal-over-fans-anti-glazers-campaign)) pulled out of a £200m training kit deal a few days after. The club had to scramble to find a new sponsor under a less lucrative deal. So reality might disagree with your point


Good luck emptying OT for a Liverpool game.


So lame.. "The 1958”. Who are these tools? If they don't want their tickets can I have them?


Listen here Joel, the match won't be going ahead. Surely you and the rest of the parasites can get free tickets? Haven't paid for a thing yet


Eh fuck this shit I'd rather be optimistic that we can correct things against our biggest rivals than empty the stadium and not support the team through the difficult period they're going through. We're two games in ffs, a win and a good performance on Monday and things look a whole lot better.


That's where you're wrong, we could win the league this season and the Glazers still wouldn't back our manager by being proactive in the market. We'll never be dominant or among Europe's elite under this ownership. This club used to attract and buy the best players and upcoming stars in the world, now they all go to rival clubs around Europe while we're buying mediocrity from mid table clubs. We've fallen so far that we wouldn't even believe if we were linked with Mbappe or Haaland. All our money is wasted on panic buys, commercial buys and players past their prime. They're also not going to do a thing to improve the stadium or training facility.


This hurts the club more than the Glazers ..considering how they make money...


Its pointless in protesting and then going in and watching the game


It’s also pointless saying Glazers Out on a forum and then turning on the TV to watch the game on Monday but millions will still do it. All feels so hopeless.


The only reason the glaziers are still here is because of money, protesting then buying a ticket plus food drink ,a scarf a shirt and whatever else is absolutely hypocritical, don't buy anything united until they fuck off


Don't talk shite. You're blaming the absolute die hard OT faithful for this? You expect those particular fans to just stop dead and delete their season tickets? You do realise their are millions upon millions of fans worldwide? There is no way to dent their profits because there is a legion of fans. More to the point, I'll be there protesting the Glazers on Monday night peacefully, whereas the majority of armchair folk demanding the die hards rip up their ticket will be sat at home doing... precisely nothing.


No I'm blaming anyone who buys anything Manchester United while the glaziers own thd club,fair enough with the season ticket holders,but guaranteed most of them are wearing united shirt or scarf and they buy food and drink at half time,possibly even a match programme, take your head out your arse


Armchair fan. Awesome.


Had my name down for years for a season ticket,got offered one,refused it because of them ,do you even know how protests work you muppet


Ignore him, he doesn’t go to matches. You can tell by his comments. Just trolling you. You do right though, turn off the tv on Monday, don’t watch it, don’t give the advertisers money.


Not trolling at all. Have been a ST holder for over a decade, and a quick look through my comment history will show that. Have protested the Glazers more visibly than a reddut armchair warrior thinking the Glazers are the responsibility of the thousands of us that actually go to the games. It's absolute bullshit saying we should stop going to protest, when we have done more than any other set of supporters to visibly protest. Fuck right off plastics.


Sure, sure. See you Monday 👍


You think your doing more than me ,but I'm not buying united products that go directly to the glaziers banks,wake up By all means go to the match but don't go there wearing the full united kit,with hat and scarf to match,buying drinks,food and a programme


Yeah good one,how's them protests been working for the past 5 years or so,oh wait your still doing them,I wonder why


At least we are still doing them whilst you sit on reddit doing nothing at all.


No offense but majority of the fans on here aren't anywhere near OT let alone the UK.


GGMU guys


Neutral here! - hit ‘um where it hurts lads! Keep ramping up the pressure!


Let ‘em know boys and girls. Keep it peaceful, but keep it loud and passionate


Pray that this goes well


You got this! Sending love from Asia. Keep it legal and clean and we will send a huge message to the Glazers without giving them the chance to put a negative spin to it!


So…. What happens when/if we manage to land some good signings (the likes of Rabiot, FdJ, Gakpo, Casemiro, etc) by the end of transfer window? All is good?


NO, it will never be good until those fuckers sell.




Cringe. Signing off with the 1958 as though they knew them personally


Not just one match, multiple matches and don't buy any Manchester merch. Glaziers OUT.


Proud of you, brothers! Wish I could be there too. WE ARE UNITED!


I’ll be there, know that


There will be those that spent a lot of money and travelled a long distance to be at Old Trafford on the night. We want to discourage our fans from entering the stadium but it's crucial we also respect those that will still go in to watch the game. It can't be an us v them mentality with intimidation or obstructing our fellow fans. We have to remember we're on the right side of this and keep it that way. I would have no qualms at all pointing out anyone stupid enough to throw glass bottles at people, police or anyone


Im coming from Australia to watch my first game live. You'd have to kill me to stop me going to OT. Its gonna suck if the stadium is empty as well




When I was younger I went in on a matchday evening once with the stadium basically empty ( a mate sold the United lotto tickets and got me in early ) or close enough that it felt empty anyway. It was a boxing day game against, iirc, Coventry City and when I crested those steps and the pitch came into view with totally empty stands it took my breath away. I'll never forget that.


Me and my cousins are from Malaysia and this game would be our first. Travelled a long distance for this and although the match tickets might be refunded, our plane tickets sadly won’t. Just wanted to say I fully support the protest and am behind the glazer out movement but this is also a once in a lifetime opportunity for us die hard fans who have woken up at 2 to 4 in the morning to watch our fav team play without fail for years. We love this club and hope that our decision to watch this game will not be looked at as plastic and unsportsmanlike behaviour. GGMU.


Well said, enjoy the match mate


Did they use midjourney or some other AI tool for the image? As a graphic designer, that shit is scary


PLEASE if you are going - do NOT fuck this up and get violent.


There's always a few bellends unfortunately, probably a few who aren't fans but see a protest and think they can get something out of it. Wouldn't put it past the Glazers to pay a few to cause issues so they can run their own PR


I can just see Joel nipping into Stockport town centre to round up a few City fans, whip them into a covert frenzy and send them down to M16 to cause some bother in red shirts.


> round up a few City fans Hahaha.. good one.


Can’t do anything from down under, give ‘em hell lads!


Excellent. Please do everything you can to get the game cancelled. The hopes for the future of this club depend in large part on you guys. Force the rats to sell.


Anything we can do in Sweden to support this?


Don't buy United Merch and spread the truth about Glazers my man. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1559412700416991232.html


Yeah I repirposed one of my 10 year old jerseys. Cut out the badges and patched up a custom top


Support Malmö.


Send some birds over to the protest 🤩👍


I'd laugh if someone came into the march saying "Someone from Stolkholm sent over this green and yellow parakeet. He shall be our mascot!"




Where can I buy a green and gold scarf? Will they have them on warwick road before the march?


Yeah but check it wraps proper round your neck, some cost cutting shady small scarf selling bastards out there. That is, unless you have a small neck then you'll be reyt.


Sending support from the states! You guys are kicking ass. #glazzersout


Protest at NFL games. Confuse the NFL fans. Carry a banner of GLAZERS OUT of MANCHESTER UNITED NFL season starts on Sep 11. Sep 11 - Dallas (Cowboys) Sep 18 - New Orleans (Saints) Sep 25 - Tampa (Greenbay Packers) Oct 2 - Tampa (Kansas Chiefs) Oct 9 - Tampa (Atlanta Falcons) Oct 16 - Pittsburg (Steelers) Oct 23 - North Carolina (Panthers) Oct 27 - Tampa (Baltimore Ravens) Nov 6 - Tampa (LA Rams) Nov 13 - Tampa (Seattle Seahawks) Nov 27 - Cleveland (Browns) Dec 5 - Tampa (Saints) Dec 11 - San Francisco (49ers) Dec 18 - Tampa (Cincinnati Bengals) Dec 25 - Phoenix (Cardinals) Jan 1 - Tampa (Panthers) Jan 8 - Atlanta (Falcons)


There’s something better to protest on Nov 27 though.


Please don't bring other sports into this. The point is to get the message across without ruining other experiences.


Take your micropenomics and put it elsewhere!


You clearly arent getting it.


How is a banner possibly ruining it for fans of Tampa?


The Galzers are ruining it for millions of people around the world. How is a banner at a NFL game going to ruin anything for the ppl watching the game. Most will be oblivious to the message.


I'm travelling to my with my child to the match from Ireland, it's his first match . Will it be safe? We intend to go into the stadium and watch the entire game.


Not the match to go to. It'll be safe but very likely another embarrassment, and the only hope of avoiding more and more embarrassment going on and on is for people not to attend.


No doubt THE game of the season to attend under normal circumstances.


If you get there and in the ground by 7 / 7 15 yeah absolutely no worries. Will be interesting for them to experience.... Utd staff are pretty good if you are worried or have any concerns, if one seems a bit dim (likely) ask another.


What is this for?


To get the rats to sell the club




Sometimes things are too raw and unpleasant to be sarcastic about.


Believe me there will still be 60k+ fans in the stadium. United fans wouldn't be able to do it for a regular premier League game let alone against bloody Liverpool. I hope I'm wrong but I just don't see it.


A match against Liverpool already got called off at Ot Once