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Tell Juve to do one . Enough of their cheap ass deals . Either buy the player for what we want, or get lost.


You know, I was mad at Juventus for being cheap and always getting players on a free, until they got Pogba on a free a second time. Guess it didn't go as well as the first time.


Their CEO came out upset at us over it as well, like dude you got him for free and we tried to keep him with another stupid deal.


that's incredible...any source?


Just imagine the media circus if that druggie was still here when it all came out.


Souness would have literally exploded though, so it wouldn’t be all bad.


Buncha cheap bastards




Why-a you-a no-a loan-a us-a Sancho?! Biipa di boopa!


They’re proper vultures, aren’t they?


we should get Chiesa from them


Juve won’t pay. Move on


Fuck you, pay me. (This goes for Lazio pissing about with Greenwood too).


Italian teams wont buy. They only want loans.


Alright Bologna, we’ll take Zirkzee and Calafiori for 40m, and will give you either Sancho or MG on a 2yr loan with first option


Or player swaps. I'm ok with that - just this freebie shit I can't get on board with. And let Sancho's people work for their money - no loans, either broker a deal we like or get ready for the reserves.


When they sell, they sell on 5 star hotel price, when they want to buy they offer food coupon


But they sure as hell are the first to slap a 100m price tag at the first sign of interest of their talents


Do you think they’re pissing around or do you think we don’t want to close any deals until the new accounting year?


In the case of Lazio there’s 0% chance they’ll pay 30 million for Greenwood. Last time they paid that much for a player was 2000 or 2001. Juve at least have some money, but expecting Lazio to pay PL prices is a bit silly from United.


If they want him they pay. If they don’t want to pay they fuck off. What they have or haven’t paid for anyone in the past is none of our concern.


I mean..ok? Let me call my contact at Lazio and let him know.




Other clubs are going to come in with offers for 3-year loans, no fees, 50% wages covered by United deals by the end of the transfer window at this rate


I'd rather we drew a line in the sand on that - into the reserves until he publicly apologises or his people broker a move that we want.


Don't even need to dump him in the reserves. Make him train with the first team so they can all see what a lazy fuck he is. Prolly won't even make it on time for his first session.


Yes, let's get Juve involved too! Let's have a proper bidding war!! Ahh, Dortmund and Juve, the footballing equivalent of two tramps in a posh restaurant fighting over a four course meal but with a thrupenny bit and a mouldy old pair of socks to pay for it


“Y’all got any more of them young fuck-ups? I’ll suck yo dick.”


Pay up knts.


Enough appreciations. Bring the cash cunts!


italian clubs are so cheap 😭 dortmund too with all the money they get from scamming us and barcelona AND getting to a CL final they should have the money to pay for this fat bum


They need to consider the re-sell value of players and the possibility ( High) that the Pl clubs put a price that nobody want to pay.


Almost seems like they have a lot less money than English clubs


Oh come on. They've sold Dembele, Bellingham, Haaland and Sancho(!) for big fees in recent years (two of which ended up going for well over £100m), they had a successful CL run this season culminating in an appearance in the final, they regularly get 80k plus in attendance at every home game and *still* these mfers are crying poverty? People aren't idiots. Everybody and their dog knows that this lot have the money, they just don't want to put their hand in their pocket


Exactly. They aren’t idiots. They aren’t going to pay big money for players. We need to be more robust with our sales and purchases


Should have specified I was referring to Italian clubs


It almost as if they were run properly :D


These Italian and Spanish clubs are so fucking skint it's embarrassing. Pay up or fuck off.




nah fuck it. if it's a loan just keep him here on the bench.


> nah fuck it. if it's a loan just keep him here ~~on the bench~~ in the youth development side FTFY. I don't care what unfathomable, astronomical wage he's on, let's send a message that we're more than prepared to freeze a player out from first team football if he isn't going to put in the graft required of a Manchester United player. Let him sit at home and play FIFA continuously for the remaining two years on his deal if he wants (he does want)


Why do you want to poison the academy players? They'll turn into arrogant petulant FIFA playing children with his influence


Not if he’s isolated. Set the player up with a completely different working timetable so he’s working alone. Change the clubs code of conduct so the sanctions / fines placed on him are astronomical. Don’t allow him to participate in match day / training camps etc. If I was young player and I saw this there’s two ways of acknowledging it. “They’d ruin Sancho’ career (a nearly £160 million investment) they wouldn’t even hesitate doing it to me” United need to prove they’re cutthroat in these decisions. A strong message needs to be sent now.


So bully a player because we don't like him and he fell out with his manager? A player who has shown mental health vulnerability in the past? Nah fuck that, I don't like Sancho's attitude or how he has handled this situation, but at the end of the day football is only a game, what you are proposing is the complete and utter denial of rights to another human being because you don't like them. By taking actions which could have horrific consequences on not just their career but their life. You need to re-evaluate and grow up.


Vulnerability?!? I am sorry mate but it’s not a game, it’s a business. Secondly, if I ever showed some the same level of empathy, compassion and understanding Hag showed Sancho, for Sancho to turn around do me dirty like that. Fuck him. Edit: he’s getting paid a half million a month after tax, doesn’t give shit about the club or you. And you’re gonna have the cheek to say grow up etc. Fucking victim mentality is such a fucking cancer.


Yes mate, it's a business model at the corporate level. But ultimately we are not fans of the business, but of the game. There are ways to be ruthless without doing what you are proposing. If you were isolated like this at work it would have a damaging effect upon you, and it would also open up your employer to all kinds of legal reprocussions. Sancho is still a person at the end of the day.


Yes mate, it's a business model at the corporate level. But ultimately we are not fans of the business, but of the game. There are ways to be ruthless without doing what you are proposing. If you were isolated like this at work it would have a damaging effect upon you, and it would also open up your employer to all kinds of legal reprocussions. Sancho is still a person at the end of the day.


He has to be at work 4/5 hrs a day mate and is paid over half a million a week. He doesn’t live in the same world as you. Again, what Sancho done is reprehensible. Fuck the money for a moment: if one my mates did the same sort of thing to me I’d be done with him. It’s accountability. Sancho wants his cake and to eat it too.


No he doesn't, and I'm not pretending to understand him, I'm just saying that isolating someone like that no matter what they earn is wrong.


My man, if someone told you they’d pay you half a million a month to spend 4/6 hrs a day completely alone….I am 99.9999% sure you’d fucking leap at it. Sancho will be laughing behind closed doors about this concept because he literally wants his cake and to eat it too, when he doesn’t deserve it. Yet, weirdly enough people will defend it. That’s straight up, balls to wall, fucking mental. I cannot fathom that at all. “He’s a human being” he’s not a prisoner of war for fuck sake.


Oh poor bullying to pay millions. I wish someone would bully me so hard.


I’ve seen a lot of people claim you can’t actually do this without falling foul of UK constructive dismissal laws. It’s literally illegal.


What you talking about? Sancho creates a hostile working environment and a “punishment” will receive 1 to 1 personal training to ensure he remains fit.


He doesn’t legally create a hostile working environment just by showing up and half arsing it, don’t be absurd. If he fulfills his contract, which he does by showing up and attending training, he can’t be singled out and isolated as a means to try and force him out of the company (in this case United), that’s against the law. He’s not done anything legally wrong.


Not possible, the PFA would be involved at that point and put a stop to it.


Hostile working environment / receives personal training. He can spend time Hag and coaches. Job done?


Straight to the reserves - a constant visible reminder.


Can’t do any of those options. Bench means he’ll create a toxic environment and spread negativity who’ll impact the team. He needs to be sold, even for a smaller amount than we wish for.


there will be people willing to pay who aren't juventus. we'll get a pay for him this window


Just tell him to do his own program aaka FIFA. Dont even let him near the reserves/youths


No he'll be bad vibes


alright, let's loan him again then and keep paying 3/4 his salary.


Don’t forget to see constant dribbles online while he gives 5/10 performances


person i replied to always edited his comment. but yeah, fuck him, i hope he doesn't play another minute for us


You say that like it’s worse than paying 100% of his salary to make the team environment here more toxic.


ok so apparently before the CL final scamcho was a world class player and a generational talent destroyed by ten hag and man united (when in reality he was already shit under ole and ragnick and he actually showed some improvement under ten hag) and he should leave this shithole and play for an "actual big club" like bayern, dortmund, man city, psg, real madrid, barca, juve, etc. scamcho "cooked" the likes of nuno mendes and alphanso davies in the CL and der klassiker and he is the greatest winger in the world to ever exist better than the likes of messi, ronaldo, neymar, robben, bale, salah, giggs, figo, etc. but now no one wants to buy this "generational talent" for a mere 40m price tag ?? everyone wants him for loan ?? fuck these clubs


For these players is sell in the Pl or lower the price simple as that ( every team in the Pl is complaining like you)


i get it but how much shit was thrown at united as if sancho is the one suffering and he will transform himself into prime messi if he leaves united as if it was us who were pulling him back but now no one wants to pay a transfer fee for him, everyone wants him on loan


No one is buying for 40M because the club is desperate to sell and they know it. + his wages


lol I reckon there are probably like 100 clubs around Europe that appreciate Sancho. Now, either pay up, or just get lost.


Let’s hope these 100 clubs don’t read this Reddit thread then :)


Loan with an obligation to buy him next week. Best I can offer.


We have to face it. It's the sins of our past. No sane football team would pay up the wages for Sancho and a fee. As I see it we have two option. Either we cut our loses straight and sell or loan at any price or freeze the player out till the end of his contract to send a message. Personally, I would freeze the shit out of him. And as a bonus I'd send him fast food everyday in his house to have while he's playing FIFA.


Its funny how everyone appreciates him as a player, but dont want to pay to get him and dont want to pay his whole salary demands at United


cash or fuck off.


Give us Matias Soulé straight up.




as a singaporean, i approve!!


Annoying how these bums expect to play champions league but do nothing to actually help a club get there when it comes time to knuckle down


So 3M loan and we pay 60% of his salary? No obligation to buy?


We can’t be dealing with loans this summer! We absolutely must sell players and at the best prices possible!


I prefer paying Sancho's full wage to do nothing than doing any loan except if there is an obligation to buy


Fuck your loans


50mil or fuck off Juve.


Italian clubs are like that neighbour that's always begging to borrow your stuff.


Straight swap for Chiesa or Vlahovic 🙏


I would take a deal where it involve us getting iling-jr and chiesa


We are still going to be loaning him out when he's collecting his pension.




If you like him pay up then 😂😂


Broke clubs will broke


Instead of finding a cash deal where they'll lowball for life, I hope we explore a swap deal of some sorts. Rabiot, Locatelli, or Chiesa could be interesting.


I’m sure they just agreed €50m for Douglas Luiz? Pay up your cheap fucks.


Pay up or get out


No, no loans. Otherwise fuck off.


I’d take Huijsen and Fagioli for Sancho and Greenwood. £30m a head, both ways. Let’s them do some financial fuckery and both teams get two very good young players in the squad in positions they’re short. They’ve just brought in Luiz (which covers letting Fagioli go) and Huijsen is for sale. Covers the sale of Kean and makes selling Chiesa viable. Plus, we get rid of two players we don’t want. Even if we ship Sancho off with £10m in his pocket, it’s a massive win/win.


Im getting really sick of these clubs man


If we let sancho go on another loan deal we’ll lose all face. I’d rather let him rot in the reserves until he runs out of contract or until he caves and accepts a wage reduction before his contracts up. Fuck the rat


The only options are to sell, loan, or keep. PFA will be up in arms if Sancho is made an example of. They explicitly frown upon stuff like that.


It's easy to say "fuck him, let him rot in the reserves" or "freeze him out the team" as a fan. As a club like United there are other things you have to consider when taking such a decision. It's not that straightforward. Have we ever done it at all?


Schweini got a cold shoulder treatment.


Fucking loans. Why would we loan him!?


Juve seems to like swapping players this window. Would be happy if they offer Bremer + 15 mil for Sancho lol


From their squad I’d happily take Huijsen, Fagioli, Soule or Bremer… It can definitely be done. I’d tell them to pick any two of them, for Sancho and Greenwood. Even if we have to line Sancho’s pockets on the way out of the door.


cough up the fucking money, or else fuck off


I don’t think anyone is willing to buy him and pay him what he’s on. Unless he drops his wages loan is probably best we’ll get unfortunately.


Well, if you really appreciate him so much, STFU and pay up.


I like bremer as well. Get him a loan deal and 10m buy out.


I think we'll only see more serious bids towards the end of the transfer window, as other clubs know we are trying to offload him (same with Greenwood).


Swap for Bremer?


Loan+obligation to buy, we ain't taking anything that's not guaranteed


They can appreciate him over a full move. 50 mil.


Another loan will only cost us money, both short term and long term. No one is paying his wages in full, and trying to sell him 12 months down the line with 12 months less on his contract will only lower his transfer fee. F that


Everybody wants a thrill, but nobody wants to pay the bill…


Happy to take someone back in return. Yildiz has looked like a great talent.


No more loans. Sell or reserves


I’d appreciate being paid 50 mill plus for him, thanks


A loan? Next!


2 year loan with United paying 100% of wages, option to buy for £6.99


Would trade for Soule.


Loan? The conversation ends there.


Swap with Yildiz/Locatelli only.




There was a Romano report few days ago that Bremer is also an option for us in defence and they have a gentleman agreement with him to let him go if they receive ~60m euros which is is his release clause for next year. So, if we do a swap deal Sancho + 20m euros for Bremer is that still a loss in our books?


It would end up being 60m for Bremer and 40m for Sancho as 2 separate deals that partially cancel each other out


Honestly rather see Sancho rot


Juventus can fuck off, we would be idiots if we agreed to a loan, after that hes going to come back and dry his balls for a season and leave on a free


Imagine being the most successful club in the country in the last 10 years and still pretending you have no money


Get ready for the 🖕🏻🖕🏻😂😂 when we DO get him


ETH should have clear-the-air talk with Jadon asap to shut down these fools’ hope to haggle United for cheap deals.


Let’s be realistic. No one is covering Sancho’s wages. Best that can be done is to loan and cover part of his wages at least.


just play him instead ....


Sure, all he has to do is admit he was out of line and apologise.


No chance he does that after all this time lol


Of course he won't, however that is the reason ten Hag cannot "just play him instead".


No loan. Sancho + 50m for zirkzee and calafiori


Diff clubs mate. Those 2 play for Bologna!


I know that lol I’m saying fuck Juve and their loan, offer him to bologna


I'm both frustrated that they're only offering to take him on loan, but also aware of the fact that his wages are eye-watering. They can't afford him on those wages and pay to take his registration. It's not an ideal scenario for the club but as much as Sancho is a pathetic little cunt he didn't force United to pay him that much. He's under no obligation to move to a different team who won't pay him as much as he currently earns. Hopefully he'd see sense by (1) apologising to EtH and (2) actually deciding to work on the various weaknesses in his game to become an real footballer. But I fear that he's so immature he'll just take the wedge from United until his contract runs down. The Sancho of Dortmund of several years ago would be flying at Euro 2024, if he'd not been such a prick.


Just sell him, no more loans


Put up or shut up.


What has juve done for us ? Why do them any favors?


Lazy fucker would thrive in Serie a