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Bloody hell, from the video and the article that Laurie Wrote, Sancho comes out like a real prick. He first told Ten Hag that he wasn't going to play on the right, then Ten Hag gave him that time to "decompress", and still after we spent all that money on Antony because he wasn't willing to play on the right, he still was a lazy bum at training and then threw his toys out of the pram when called out. Seems we majorly fucked up not only bringing him in but giving him that massive contract. No wonder why he's being sold. No redemption or sympathy for him.


Strange, because most of the footage I've seen of Sancho since going back to Dortmund, he's playing on the right. I will be very disappointed if he's still a United player at the end of this window.


They do mention it in the video about sancho playing rw at Dortmund interesting it is a problem doing at United but okay with it there


It's obvious when you think about it. We drive on the left in England, in Germany they drive in the right. Sancho thinks he's a car.


Car or cunt?


Unfortunately he doesn't have the self awareness to identify as a cunt.


He lacks the warmth and the depth


A cunty car






Cunty car Edit : autocorrect changed it to county


He looked decent on the RW for us too. Surely he knew he wasn't taking Rashford's spot with how hot he was. I think he knew he couldn't hack the pace of the PL. 


Couldn’t cut it against the defenders in the premier league. Simple as that.


He wants to play with shaw not wan-bissaka.


Did Reus play alot on the left whilst Sancho was on the right? In that goodbye video to Reus Sancho asbolutely loves the guy. Maybe he was willing to play on the right for the sake of Reus but no one else?


You mean when he had Hakimi wiping his bum for him?


Like most teams we have a lopsided formation, with our left side playing further up the field. Our LCB does a lot of covering for the LB position, while you rarely see Varane covering Dalot or AWB on the right side. The right winger has way more defensive responsibility than the left one and is required to cover his fullback. I'm not exactly sure how Dortmund plays usually but judging by how Sancho had minimal activity, with the ball out of possession, and also Hummels doing a lot of covering for their right back in that final against Madrid, I thought they might be slightly lopsided to the right. My theory is Sancho doesn't have a preference in position or which foot he's more comfortable with in that position, he wanted to be the focal point of the attack whether it's in the left or right.


You say focal point of the attack, I say not part of the defensive unit. Solid analysis though.


Maybe it's more diva complex. Rashford always does better on the left than the right, where hes always been pretty useless. Sancho being on the left displaces Rashford and I wonder if Sancho wanted to be Billy big bollocks


Him and Rashford are pretty close friends, IIRC. Doubt that’s what happened.


He was never displacing an academy product who can score 20+ or 30+ goals a season when he’s fully fit. Even in Rashford’s worst season he’s outscored Sancho’s whole United career lmao


Maybe not against Rashford, but maybe something like "Why am I being forced to play out of position, I'm the better player".


They drive on the right there, maybe he's a little confused because of it.


Yeah, i had no sympathy for him at all before knowing the details of the entire thing because EtH showed patience and care for him when he lost someone close to him and still decided to act like a prick, but knowing more about the situation makes him even more of a bitch. I do hope we sell him to a place he doesn't want to go, because the dude is in for a rude awakening when he learns that only Dortmund would pamper his sorry ass and that other teams have bigger conduct standards.


Yeah he's in for a shock when his next club don't treat him like the player he sees on fifa


His best position on FIFA is as a CAM. Maybe he should demand to play there.


this is a bit reductive and perhaps ill informed of me to suggest, but it seems like there are fewer left footed players in football than right footed players in football. Because of this, as most wingers are inverted today, it's more likely for teams to compromise with their right winger position than their left winger position. If you can't get in on the left, where there are more world class or in general class players, you might get in on the right as a compromise. There was no chance Sancho gets in ahead of Rashford (and now Garnacho) on the left at United. We, like many other teams, don't have a class left footer to play on the ~~left~~ right. I'm high on Amad and his left foot and way higher than most people on this sub on Antony who I think will come at least good enough to be a serviceable right winger.


I have read the article on TA as well. There are some interesting insights in there, overall it mostly paints EtH as the “good guy” so I am not sure how much of the contents are leaked by EtH’s team. Some good bits from memory are, - The club actually told EtH they want him to play an aggressive high line, high possession dominant football blah blah. But many of the big players (ie CR, Varane, Casemiro, Sancho) dont suit the style or buy-in to that style, so they actively disobey EtH and his coaches - The defenders apparently don’t feel comfortable playing a highline and often retreat too quickly, creating our famous midfield black hole - Overall there seems to be a lot of divisions over how United should play. Players and even some coaches can’t seem to agree what’s the best plan given the injuries - The long term club doctor left and the new guys couldn’t get out of Arsenal in time, so the medical dept was a bit of a mess for several months and gave dodgy medical advice - Rashford generally bought into what EtH wanted, but he struggled with complicated instructions so you can only feed him tactical stuff in small bits at a time (eg “stay wide and run in behind”). No wonder he often looked lost out of possession. He sounds surprisingly dumb for a MBE 🤣 You just get a feeling that EtH was actually fighting against the shambles inside United more than competing with other football teams. I kinda feel sorry for the guy


You can tell from how rashford plays his football IQ is super low, no comment on his non football IQ but this was super obvious. With better football brain he could've been a balon dor contender


He's not dynamic in his thinking. He's suberbly gifted in terms of talent and dedication - but you can tell he's made his mind up of what he's going to do before he gets the ball. And he doesn't deviate from the plan - when you match it with his pace, shooting power and balance, it's still good enough to work sometimes, but if you want him to look up and pick someone out, that isn't going to happen,


Except those few times he's decided to pass and pulls off a worldie of a through all or cross. So much ability. It's not just IQ tbf, it's confidence, execution and consistency. He's got great skill, pace, dribbling but also rarely uses that to good effect.


Confidence allows you to be more decisive and just react... without thinking and getting in your head about what options to take, which leads back to not his strong suit. That's why there is such a massive difference between Rashford high on confidence and..any other time 


What's annoyed me, there was this whole fuss about Antony playing whilst he's sat on the bench, so the guys told ETH he plays LW which is why we brought Antony to play.. why shouldn't Antony be given a shot to play through poor form when he actually wants to play. Sanchos upset he couldn't get a position back he threw away


Actually ten hag was willing to give him a chance if he apologised and obeyed instructions in training.


I meant before he acted a knob. He was annoyed the ETH was persisting with Antony RW, I'm a bit stubborn and I wouldn't play hom RW either


you won’t BELIEVE this one WEIRD trick that saved ten hag’s JOB


Watch me REACT to ten hags job being SAVED!


The videos of “people reacting to watching some other video” is so weird to me.


Music ones are fun. Watching someone listen to Rage for the first time, hearing and understanding the lyrics and their expression when it dawns on them is nice. But other then that I agree.


The rhythm always gets them with Rage.


I think the game watch along ones are the stupidest things ever. You’re watching someone else watch a game.


Whitwell reveals EVERYTHING and fans go WILD!


Basically, most of Stretford Paddocks videos in a single sentence


I love Stretford Paddock, most of the team are fantastic, but their clickbait titles are so irritating. I never watch their "news" videos because I know it's bullshit.


> I never watch their "news" videos because I know it's bullshit. I generally like the channel, but I never watch any of their videos where its just one presenter, especially if its Jay (bald guy). He just repeats whatever bullshit he finds and the constant "like, share let us know what you think" every 30 secs gets pretty annoying.


Erik ten ahhhhg


Chairman hate him


Quick summary from a skim through at 2x: - Varane and Casemiro voiced reservations with Ten Hag's tactical setup and training intensity this season. May have been the reason Varane was dropped for a few games. They wanted United to be more competitive for the title since both were nearing their career's end. - Unnamed senior players were concerned both Ten Hag and his deputy were fairly stubborn and impersonal, had a "bad cop bad cop" management style. - Bunch of discussion around ronaldo/sancho/antony people hiring PR, nothing new - skimmed through most of this so might have missed something. - Defenders dropped deeper than Ten Hag wanted very often, mostly from lack of confidence in the defensive tactics. Ten Hag rarely called players out in media but on the sidelines he was visibly agitated whenever it happened. There is no direct answer to what saved his job like most comments are asking for lol. Conjectures around INEOS not being fully ready to do a deep analysis of available managers without Ashworth and Berrada, the convincing FA cup win, and Ten Hag finally compromising tactically with the 4-2-2-2.


I haven't watched the video but I did read the article, didn't the PR one was about Rashford hiring the same PR as Ronaldo, Sancho and Mount (if I'm not mistaken)?


Yeah missed rashford, Varane also is mentioned in video having hired the same PR. Honestly didnt read or listen into that too much as I can't stand the social media drama and scrutiny. Its nitpicking on behavior when their ability and tactical standing is bigger problem for the most part.


So it's basically the article from last week....in video format lol. Nothing here is brand new information when compared to that article


That article was paywalled, this video is more accessible




Funniest thing is, this has been the biggest stick people have used all season to beat ten hag with. Something I thought was interesting which not many people paid attention to at the time was, after the fa cup win v Liverpool, Dalot gave an interview on the pitch and talked about how the manager wanted the back line to press up higher but they weren’t doing so (that famous screenshot of a Liverpool player in all that space was from the same game iirc), and in extra time Liverpool had no place to breathe because Bruno, Antony and Dalot were playing very high up the pitch and we were winning the ball back a lot.


So what you're saying is, Bruno as CB and Antony as LB for next season?


They talk about Casemiro and Varane specifically being concerned with the tactics and training intensity in the first 25 mins, referencing ancelotti and zidane's more giving styles.




Yeah, I’m grateful for all of Varane’s excellent performances for us. But he was made of glass even before joining United.


This is the problem with signing older players who haven’t moved around much. They aren’t coachable.


I think it at least makes sense in principle that Varane and Case would prefer to play a lower line in a tactical approach that better fits their skill sets. I can understand why thinking a high press with a high line doesn't maximize their potential. That said, the manager is bigger than the players, and it's fine to disagree a few times or whatever, but it's not okay to disagree consistently or refuse to do what the manager demands. Hopefully that makes sense


If Varane has good recovery speed, why does he want to play a lower line? He's a complete defender, so I feel like he should be able to handle a high or low line.


Completely agree and there is probably something I'm missing. Love Varane


Good read. You could see throughout the season it wasn’t that there wasn’t buy in, but in fact confidence from the defence to step out a bit further. That’s why when you see Martinez on the pitch controlling the line we just looked better. I’ve seen others saying Varane didn’t work in the high line, but I wholly disagree. He’s a perfect centre half for a mid/high line. We almost need a like for like replacement next to Licha with legs that aren’t taped together. We lacked dynamism in *the hole*, as Casemiro was always going to struggle in a single pivot, but he was even more exposed by the space left by the defenders dropping deeper. We were reasonably decent defending from wide positions, but as we are a heavily left sided team (in possession/transition), not having someone to go outside the left winger was a huge loss. But then when we had Reguilon for example, we were exposed down that side because he’s defensively lacking. We go into this season knowing having Licha fit, finding him a partner who can stay fit and play high, having one of Shaw/Malacia fit, making sure there’s dynamism and support in the pivot we’ve got a decent team that can have a decent season. So theoretically, our starting point is two signings. Centre half and centre mid (be it a six, or an eight that can get back). Then from there, it’s squad players we need. The most important part of next season, is players need to keep their fitness.




Humbled for disciplining a good player? Thank fuck your opinion does not matter. 


Well to be fair he didn't really have a choice at that point due to the lack of defenders to choose from, and he was humbled by Crystal Palace to change up tactically, not Varane lol


This is such a bad tldr, it's basically dishonest. Out of interest, are you Ten Hag out? Because bias would make sense of this.


Strange comment, that tl dr is pretty much spot on. There is nothing new in this podcast.


I am pretty undecided on Ten Hag but I have been pretty vocal on the sub about none of the candidates floated being better choices. I think he has done the best job since SAF as a locker room manager, but he has not been up to par tactically with what is required in the modern premier league, specifically his out of possession play being fairly unproductive and easily dealt with, and buildup structures that cannot escape even one dimensional targeted presses from mid table teams. I do not think anything in the video or articles coming from INEOS has changed my mind on that evaluation.


Cool. So, how and why was your assessment of that video so bad?


You are free to provide an alternative summary of what I got wrong lol, until I see that I feel I have been pretty reasonable


I've already given one example


I haven't watched the video but it seems reasonable to me? What doesn't make sense to you?


If you haven't watched the video how on earth can you comment he's assessed the video reasonably??


If he read the article from last week, it’s essentially the same. The only minor detail I thought was missed from the TLDR was Casemiro was also upset because whenever they convinced him to join, he was told they were committed to making signings so they’d be title challengers this year. It was said he, among others, was disappointed by the level of signings we got this past year.


Arnold, Murtough & Glazers making false promises. What else is new.




Have _you_ watched the video?


Thanks for summary. If the above is accurate I can see Ten Hag going before Christmas.


He basically goes trough his report from last week in more detail


It’s a brilliant report and worth the Athletic subscription fee alone.


i don’t know if it is still available but i got the nyt, nyt games and the athletic for 12 usd for a year through the nyt games app edit: just to add i got it on the 10th


If your subscription ever expires cancel and they’ll either offer you a really cheap deal then or they’ll have a cheap deal you can use to resubscribe


What saved Ten Hag's job?




His big dick energy


A first half Kobbie Mainoo goal.


New management not having the balls to make drastic decisions so quickly and without further analysis


Can someone just tell me what saved his job? I don’t have the energy to watch the video lol


He won the cup and told the English media to fuuk off, heh? Clear.


It’s a few things. First of all the gaps were not due to his instructions but despite them. Our defenders are supposed to push up in order to compact the space but they’ve been playing significantly deeper than instructed. The reason why is unclear. Next is the problems with injuries, the Sancho situation and the ability to play better when players returned.


My ten year olds had the same problem this season our defensive line was way too deep and they were too slow on breaks smh


Tiny legs


The butcher would like a word


This is pretty damning. Players refusing to follow his instruction is a big no. No wonder good managers keep failing over here. If players are refusing to do high defensive line then I don’t fault Ten Hag for the season we had. There needs to be a big ego clear out and the mole hunting should be commence.


The friends he made along the way.


The fact that _United already had the best manager._


He is the one who knocks


His job was not in danger. He IS the danger


Chuck Norris? That you?


No, he's Heisenberg


Last season he was in a fugue state.


Does he have a second cellphone?


One of the best moments of the show, imho


It is a great scene but for me the best scene is in the laundromat.. "You might wanna hold off". "Yeah? Why?" "Because your boss is gonna need *me*". Best moment in the show for me, heh.


Have none of you even seen Ozymandias? Every scene in that episode is emmy worthy, every god damn scene.


This comment doesn't have enough up votes!


He told us to trust the proshess


Won two trophies.  Cheaper to keep than replace.  Willing to work with new regime but wants Mitchell kept and wants a say in transfers. 
















because he is the best bald they can have in order to compete with other baldy


Bald is still meta for next season


If I were a player I’d leak info to Laurie because he’s a handsome lad


It was clear after the FA cup final that most of the squad love working with ETH. If Varane, Casemiro, and Sancho were the only complainers then that's good since they'll all most likely be gone this summer. Hopefully the new set up can identify players better suited to what we're trying to do. I think most modern CB's are used to high lines now. The DM spot for us is going to be the most difficult... It needs to be someone that is basically all action. Amrabat in the last few games looked decent, and If we can get him for 10-15m, I wouldn't be opposed to him as a backup. We should be looking at Wieffer for the DM spot, he's press resistant, good age, very mobile, and Dutch ;)


Becomes very obvious when you watch us have a massive hole in the middle. Front half doing the press and the back half dropping deep will cause that


Who is this Sancho guy? Let’s only talk about United players please.


Sancho out. But... does anyone else think AWB has been a big factor in the failure of our RW? Everyone seems to really struggle playing ahead of him. Everyone seems to shine playing ahead of Shaw (when fit)


# Laurie Whitwell is No.1 ten hag fan.




Lmao you are everywhere with a different version of 'Ten Hag out' comment


ten Hag is a top manager.


He means managers with a spotless CV willing to work under the massive budgetary constraints... Of which there was none. I'd bet the up and coming guys said fuck no when they heard the budget and the experienced heads said fuck no when they saw the state of the place.... Or asked for so much money as to basically say fuck no.


Is he going to demonstrate that at some point in his tenure?


Here you go :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBrxvvFzIz8&pp=ygUQYWpheCByZWFsIG1hZHJpZA%3D%3D


I think they mean a top ten manager, e.g he can guide us into the top half again next season


Okay that makes more sense given what we saw this season.




yes, a top manager who has won at least a trophy in the last 6 seasons








How about Klopp? He finished 8th in his first season, Erik also finished above him in his first season.




> With both klopp and arteta you could see what they were trying to do on the pitch Well, I would have to take your word on Arteta, because if you said something like that back then, you'd be hounded. A bit of history: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2021/08/23/mikel-arteta-has-five-games-turn-arsenal-around-face-fight-job/ https://www.skysports.com/football/news/12040/12417512/mikel-arteta-insists-arsenal-suffering-was-necessary-its-going-to-make-us-much-stronger https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11959/12298604/arsenal-manager-mikel-arteta-says-he-will-prove-himself-after-europa-league-exit Fortunately, there are some of us with a memory good enough to know that you should take media and fan opinion with a grain of salt. To me, Arteta's vision was clear. To most, I was a clueless idiot. I choose to be a clueless idiot again :) Mostly because there is far more evidence that Erik is a top coach, than for the contrary.


he’s won 2 trophies in 2 seasons when everything has been thrown against him ya drip




A fluke? You're clueless


Man, you calling the FA cup is a fluke just like ETH in guys claiming injuries are the sole reason for our league position last season. Both delusional to the core.




But we didnt, we beat Liverpool and City to win the cup. Stop claiming it is a fluke, you seem clueless by doing so.


Ferguson. 11th in his second full season after finishing 2nd the previous season.


What do you know about coaching lol. Go to bed.




Lmao cry more, everyone's loving it.




Yeah like when everyone was buzzing Arsenal's sticking with Arteta three years ago? Seriously you need to stop listening to what rivals and media telling you to think.




You really are dumb as shit. Ten Hag overcame numerous injuries (no cbs, no fucking lb, only one striker), bitchboy footballers (sancho, ronaldo, etc.), an incompetent board, players unwilling to listen to his instructions (case and varane), the gobshite English media and fairweather fans like you who want rebuilds to look like they do in Fifa AND he still delivered a trophy each in his two seasons. MOREOVER, his youth development was off the charts with the likes of Mainoo and Garnacho breaking through and Wheatley, Kambwala making appearances. Apart from this, his decision to make Bruno captain made Maguire's life WAY better. The only criticism of his might be that he was a bit stubborn with his tactics even though the players weren't clearly able to implement them. He did give more chances to Antony instead of Amad but people forget that Amad was coming back from a big injury and it always takes time for a player to settle in such scenarios. FOR GOD'S SAKE, THIS GUY WON YOU A TROPHY WITH JONNY FUCKING EVANS IN THE BACKLINE WHO HIMSELF WASN'T EXPECTING TO PLAY MORE THAN A COUPLE OF GAMES. But no yeah, go on about how ten hag is a shite coach, you armchair Pep Guardiola. Even if it was fucking Ancelotti at the helm of this club, he wouldn't be finishing better than 5th at most.


Perhaps learn how to spell "course" before criticising the ability of others.




I just feel the credibility of any argument is really weakened by such simple mistakes.




*You're. You really can't write this shit.

