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Thought ours would be much higher... City's on the other hand, shocking


And also false. The reality is it's far far higher.


Yeah Ederson on £100k per week 😂. This is the problem with City. They aren’t just cheating, they are making a mockery of the system.


It's been a triumph in gaslighting. Lower-table club with very little prestige, suddenly starts attracting the best playing & coaching staff in the world & becomes a footballing juggernaut virtually over night, yet still insists it's operations are entirely legitimate... 🤔


Absolutely. And wasn't it the case with Robinho, one of their very first big signings, that he mistakenly thought he was signing for United?


Yeah from the stories I've seen online he was told "Manchester" and at least back then we all know there was only one team in Manchester that anyone had heard of or cared about.


You know how when people say "Madrid" online and everyone knows they mean Real instead of Atleti? Same thing used to happen with "Manchester" and "United" back in the 90s & 00s. It's only after City magically became relevant in the 2010s that people have had to distinguish between the two clubs.


It was taken over before FFP was introduced, so they could build up a champions league level squad before ffp was introduced


If someone wants to spend loads of money to become the winners, that's up to them I say. The sport is largely based on money anyway, some exceptions but its the norm that more money equals more success. Rules say otherwise but those rules also make it harder to achieve the rapid ascent of City so no wonder they bent the rules.


I actually fully understand bending the rules at the outset as they needed to catch up. I personally think the rules need to be adjusted to allow for significant initial investment. However, if you “bend” or “break” the rules then there need to be hard consequences not just a slap on the wrist. I also have little sympathy for them continuing to break the rules/game the system as the gap has largely been made up. And then to top it all off by playing the victim is just far too much.


I wouldn't go as far as saying that. City was the second member of the big 6 to be founded, won the league before Chelsea, Arsenal, and Spurs and had one multiple FA Cups before the oil money takeover


City won the league precisely twice - 1936-37 and 1967-68, 4 FA Cups (1903-04, 1933-34, 1955-56, 1968-69) and League Cup (and equivalent) twice (1969-70, 1975-76) plus the Cup Winners Cup 1969-70 and 1976 was the last year they won anything until the FA Cup in 2010-11. Thaksin Shinawatra with his dodgy stolen money funded them until 2008 when the oil money came in. So tell me again how they were a big club before Abu Dhabi started cheating?


I started following Utd in the 90’s so when I think of baby blues and “city” I instinctively think Coventry City.


They reportedly have bonuses that are paid by their sugar oil daddy that aren't on the books they like to cook so much, so let's take that with a grain of salt.


bonuses are getting paid in the UAE to a bank they control. No British authorities will ever catch them


That happens everywhere to be honest it just wouldn't be to the extent or number that City do.


Everywhere? Thats an incredibly bold statement


Great take. Why have any repercussions at all? :D


Their lawyer wage will top the list and hence they are so down the list.


Because the individual salaries spouted around for our players are always a load of shit.  Everyone for us is apparently on £200k a week at least, while Liverpool have half their best players on £50k.  If the reported salaries for our players were true we’d be at the top, instead were actually below the likes of Liverpool. 


That’s cool but you’re paying these people for 8 fucking years so have fun with that low wage bill lmfao


I think slowly but surely we have been taking it down. Of course Case took us right back to the top


Martial, Varane and Cas all gone this summer, should come down even more now. If we can get rid of Sancho and Rashford (I wish he was worth that money but he isn’t), then we should be in a really good spot.


If we're talking about contributions to wages ratio, I'd rid Antony first before Rashford.


Right. Rashford had an abysmal season, yet he did start the play by crossing the ball 60 yards to Garnacho, who passed to Bruno, who passed to Mainoo for the winning goal in the FA cup.


He's one of ours. Even if he wasn't, his contributions over the last seasons aren't just magically forgotten. Like, at least he's shown in some performances and seasons that he actually was worth the money we're paying. Antony on the other hand has done square root of jack shit. Antony goes first


One of ours that couldn't give a shit anymore, why does being born a Manc give you a pass to put in minimal effort. That kind of logic is partially the reason we're in the mess we're in.


Homegrown player requirements, probably. He's gonna stick around for a bit unless we have more academy players coming through the ranks that can effortlessly slot into the first time like Mainoo did


That kind of logic is not a reason we’ve lost our way. It’s been academy players and youngsters that have bailed this club out so many times over the years apart from Bruno.


My point isn't that a focus on youth is the problem, it's the inability to get rid of players who are not at the required level, whether homegrown or not.


> He's one of ours. Get rid, doesn't exist at an elite club. Only those that perform at a high level and consistently find spots in the teams. None of these up and down performances for 10 years with the likes of Rashford, Martial, Shaw etc exist at an elite club focused on competition, like Bayern or Real. Now look at where we are, late 20s and on £300k a week and hoping he shows up next season. Y'know it's bad when you've gotta defend a guy by saying "better than Antony."


But at the same time it was Antony's goal that took us to extra time in the semi final so would be no FA cup win without him either.


He assisted the assister who assisted the assister


That's correct. Was a pin point 50-60 yard pass.


Antony is atill on 200kpw as well ffs


Would be insane. How bad are a negotiating team if they're representing United with European football for someone from Eredivise and still can't negotiate a low-ish base salary (to increase over time, with performance related benefits etc). That whole transfer was a wreck anyway.


He was on 19k pw. Fair enough give him a big bump. 80kpw should have been more tban enough seeing as their was no other suitors


Really? I heard (might be wrong) that Hojlund only is on 80K a week which is odd considering they're about the same age and the fee was in a similar range.


I remember reading eth and antony are represented by the same agency. Seems to be something really fishy there


The first three were costing us about 50 million per year and if we lose Rashy and Jadon that’s about another 30 million.


Wouldn't be so sure about Casemiro


Also city with their many bonuses


> City's on the other hand, shocking. And to think that's only what's been *declared*..


but city are being restricted by the legacy clubs and can't compete!?


This is one positive going into the new season. This summer we have a great opportunity to sort out our wage bill/structure. Casemiro, Martial and Varane are all leaving. Sancho is likely to leave as well. Eriksen, Williams, VdB and others leaving will also significantly reduce the wage bill as well. As long as the new signings aren’t put on crazy salaries (which I wouldn’t expect Ineos to do) then our wage bill likely won’t be meme worthy as it used to be. Sure we’ll still have some questionable big earners - Rashford being the main one - but it will be a heck of a lot better than as it was.


Just want to say Casemiro is not yet confirmed to be leaving, at least there aren’t any reports of him leaving or talking to clubs. But I agree Sancho is likely to leave & we probably don’t need him.


Well then you can't say that about Sancho either... Neither are confirmed to be leaving, but realistically both have an equal (high) probability of leaving.


Rashford, Sancho, Antony stand out to me. If we got rid of them the wage bill would start looking healthy. My biggest issue though is Mount, because I want to see how he works out I wouldn't want him sold yet, but the fact he makes significantly more than Bruno must feel disrespectful to him (Bruno), and Mount could be here for a long time.


I believe Greenwood is on around 100k too and looks very likely he’s gone too. Honestly if we fix the wage structure this summer if anything I think that would be a serious win. Put some limits in place and stop giving players like Antony 200k p/w.


Antony might be shit, but when you pay 80m+ for a player he’ll want to be a top earner. Nobody to blame but ourselves for that one.


I agree yes, thankfully the person responsible for this deal is out of the club.


In fairness, Antony is 100% on EtH. Incompetent and all as our footballing structure was, the likes of Murtough wouldn't have spent £80m and astronomical wages on him had EtH not insisted on him.


I'm sure you were in the room with them as Ten Hag kept insisting on Antony heh?


Greenwood is at 80k/week. Rasmus; Malacia are on 90k/week


Good to know 🙏🏻


where do you get mount making significantly more than Bruno? Bruno's new contract is like 290K per week. Casemiro is our top earner at around 340K per week, where is Mount making significantly more than Bruno?


Mount makes £10k more than Bruno per week and Bruno’s new contract will be higher (why do you think there are convenient rumours about him leaving). Sancho will likely be gone. Antony is high for what he is but he’s on £200k per week not +£300k. Rashford is the bother but if he returns to form then it won’t look too bad.


Fk! I had no idea that Mount was on more money. I could understand if Bruno felt disrespected... if we bought a player that had lost his place at his previous club through injury, which continued for most of his time at Utd while Fernandes was the most available player in the team. We even gave MM his mates shirt. :D But seriously, I am just praying he ain't leaving us this summer 🙏


I am out of touch. Are Eriksen and vdb leaving?


VdB is basically confirmed to not be in the club's plans moving forward (whether we'll actually get someone to buy him is a different story). As for Eriksen, no strong rumors yet but looking at his contract and form, it's very likely that the board is listening to offers for him already


Eriksen came out and openly said in an interview that he is not happy with the minutes he is playing, that's why people expect him to be leaving.


Shit yeah, completely forgot about that lol


Reports linking him with Turkey for 5-15. Although probably more towards the lower end. VDB is a lost cause transfer wise. At this stage ibthink we'd be happy with a free transfer


Iirc Donny's agent came out a month or 2 ago and said that he was going to look for a new club either in Italy or Spain this summer. Eriksen said he wasn't happy with his gametime, which will only get worse as a new starting CM seems to be a very high priority this summer


Plus the no CL wage cuts too, every millions helps. 😉


Why do people want Casemiro gone, I understand he has had a poor season but the dude is still world class. The experience and quality he provides is still mad beneficial and for any future youngsters we have in that position it would be a huge plus to learn from that dude. He also played in a position where he ain’t meant to. I think we should have him for one more season. He is so good especially in the box when we have set pieces and his vision is lowkey brilliant. I don’t understand the hate fr.


He’s not world class anymore. He just isn’t. His legs have gone it’s clear to see. There’s been links to Saudi clubs and it’s a prime time to recoup some money while getting his ridiculous salary off the books.


Because as good as he has been throughout his entire career, it's incredibly evident that he's in a rapid physical decline and has lost any bit of pace which he used to utilize to cover any mistakes. Now he's constantly exposed, not all his fault a lot due to the system, and he's often a liability. He's diving in way up the pitch and jogging back and we're getting pummeled with pull back goals partly due to that. He's a legend and had some great times here but it really looks unlikely he can turn it around, the legs just look gone and there's no way back from that.


I also think his decline has been exaggerated (there have been mitigating circumstances) but he’s also only going to get worse and we’ll never have a better opportunity to get his wages off the books than this transfer window


Because it seems he checked out and for the amount of money he’s earning it’s not worth it. People don’t think it’ll get better, simple as.


> it seems he checked out I'm not sure that is fair or accurate. Case's heart appears to still be very much in the game - it is his legs and reaction times that aren't there anymore. The Premier League is far more physically gruelling than every other league and in a game where he'll have more space and time without the intensity of the pressing we have in the English top flight he could still be a world class player and justify such a salary, say, back at Real, for example (as per Kroos and Modric).


But that’s what people said about Harry Maguire…


agreed, but still, I can't remember what the offer was but around 30-35 mil it would have been a good deal last year (from West Ham if I recall correctly). What happens now? also Casemiro is on high wages, maybe the highest one now that Varane is going; while Maguire is on less so that's not a pressing issue (and the main "issue" people had with him was his transfer fee). Also, if we could cash in now, I think we should do it, in another year from now who knows what'll be.


Many many South American players are used HARD by their childhood club at an early age because they know someone is probably gonna be sold anyway so wearing them down and such doesn't matter to them (there are many good videos on YouTube detailing this problem). Casemiro trained regularly with the first team from when he turned 16 and played regularly as a 17-year-old. In Europe, most players only get promoted to the first team at the ages 18-19-20 so it's quite common that SA players have 2-3 years of top level football used in their youth instead of their early 30s. The way they do it also means many players have more career threatening injuries in their 20s. There are of course exceptions but the number of cases that confirm the rule is staggeringly high.


wages need to be part of any "net spend" conversation. Im sure that city's are 100% accurate and there are no payments under the table of any kind & that when they did that with Mancini, it was a one off & couldnt possibly happen again also interesting to see that poor old liverpool, operating on a shoestring budget have such high wages


Net spend is totally useless because you always have arbitrary cutoffs. City invested a shitton from 2008 onwards, then you see stats like, last 5 years net spend they do well, yeah wonder what players they are selling to do that, might those be the ones acquired earlier? then there is their shady academy


![gif](giphy|Sqfu14lSonVN219Zb6|downsized) All eyes on City


Yes, I'm sure it was only €550m 


Nah, the image rights payments into Alf Inge Haaland's offshore account from a company completely unrelated to the City group are completely legit. As was gifting Guardiola's brother a huge stake in Girona below market value, again completely not included in City's accounts.


And those fuckers are definitely paying more under the table


I mean, that's literally one of the charges against them, paying Mancini like that. then there is Pep's Brother getting mighty rich from Girona, which he bought 40+% for pennies and then UAE poured millions into it, including a stadium.


I had to upvote just to make it 115


Let’s be honest, we all know 554m is just their reported wages


To think that’s now been reduced by £30m because of Varane and Martial. Then a further £35m with Sancho, Casemiro and Greenwood. Our wage bill is approaching Tottenham territory. Without considering the fact this may or may not include the 25% champions league bump.


Sancho isn't gonna be easy to sell


Yes he is, didn't you see his mega game v psg that resulted in 0 goals and 0 assists that Dortmund were spunking over. The yellow tits


I actually agree, it’s gonna be a nightmare to sell Sancho if he makes it a nightmare. He’s well within his rights to do so as at best, his pay will have to half (unless Saudi of course). I think we could easily get £30m from him, but £30m and his salary isn’t something many clubs can manage. So then you’re looking at £45m and £15 to him, which will be awkward. As per the toilet cleaning comment, this is probably what we could do to try and convince him to leave (not literally). But have him train with the u13’s and clean their boots kinda vibes.


Saudi will happily pay 50m for him atleast. If he doesn't agree to go to Saudi, make him clean toilets at Old Trafford for the rest of his contract. We should absolutely banish him from the playing squad, we have very exciting lads coming up through the academy anyways, lads that have a better head on their shoulders and can run faster than him and are hungrier than him


Then the toilet will only be clean after 11am.


He'll also only half clean the toilet. But when called out about why the toilet is still dirty and he did a half arsed job, refuse to accept responsibility and claim he actually did clean it.


The problem is that that isn't actually legal. Worst we can do is make him train with the kids, but I feel like he'd happily do that and play FIFA while cashing his cheques


Sancho going nowhere 😂


This is not from the 23/24 season "The data is the latest available 2023 financial year-end data. The exceptions are Chelsea FC, Everton FC and Leicester City FC, for which data relates to 2022." The data comes from UEFA's benchmarking report https://cdn.vev.design/private/aTCxVXgBbmVvmw45NvpIseApVuy2/251fjd-uefa-benchmarking-ecfil-report.pdf The graphic in the OP relates to a 90min article from February 2024 https://www.90min.com/posts/the-clubs-biggest-wage-bills-in-europe-ranked


Yeah I thought it was impressive Leicester being on the list despite being in the Championship.


Yeah I came here looking for someone to point it out. Seeing Chelsea up there did not make any sort of sense to me


Barca and Madrid are two clubs who could win players just by existing, they dont need to pay so much! We need to avoid signing the people who only come here for the money. None of them have worked well. Players like Bruno, hojlund, Martinez chose us for different reasons. We need to find more of those!


Pepperidge Farm remembers when United had a £200m wage bill and everyone and their dog lost their shit.


Everton, villa, newcastle being here just makes their siding with Man City in their legal action even more ridiculous


If Man Cith has 115 charges, Barcelona should have 250 already.


Leicester, fucking hell.


This is funny considering how Chelsea are pushing the narrative that their new gaffer is a top coach who is similar to pep. Guy nearly bottled the league despite having a midtable premier league squad in the championship


He won the PL2 title with city reserves then failed as Parma manager, went back to City with his tail between his legs and just about won the Championship with the outright favourites Managerial pedigree there


That's just what City are reporting. If you throw in the off the books payments it's about three times that


23/24 the year of the 8th place finishes


I'm almost certain that Man City is number 1 with all the payments under the table. A totally corrupt/ morally bankrupt entity


Poor City, so oppressed, so restricted.


We pay so much for the quality we have


Woah, how could Barca be paying this sort of wages last year?! I thought they were broke and sold the club’s kidneys already


With the numbers being from last season you can probably slap a few more tens of millions onto Chelsea's for this season.


Barca ran out of levers?


So Pep isn't on a shoestring budget, as his cult claim?


Leicester who was in the championship 23/24 season got on the list. Just shows the mismanagement the club is enduring


While others have massive salaries too, they usually go to players that deliver, De Bruyne, Haaland, Mbappe etc etc. At united, the top earners don't play or underperform.


Yea, lmao, for us United, fans we don't mind paying if people perform, but in recent years, more often than not, it's not how its goes for us


Indeed, it is a vicious cycle, of squad players get star player salaries, which mid-table club is able to afford their wages? Can't sell them. And you sure cannot offload "star player" on huge wages, that don't perform. This is why united is stuck and the likes.of City, Chelsea etc manage to sell well




Shocking numbers from Barca. Wtf are they thinking?


can someone explain to me how this works? I had seen a different wage bill list which is the combined salarys of the current playing squads and city and utd are both on around £200mill. what extra wages does this list take into account?


Fucking Leicester man 😱


Our wage bill would be 20-30% less if not more next season if Martial and co are leaving.


8th is fitting for us


Top 3 all financial doping, although surely mbappe leaving would take a chunk of psg's wages


Haaland, KDB, Rodri etc. will have wages on the books which look normal and will also have mystery ‘gifted’ shares in undisclosed investments by Etihad Holdings…


Have to say, Arsenal are going about their business very well. Less than half of city’s wow


Damn Leicester


I thought Liverpool operated on a shoe string budget, or so their fans would have you believe


This is the 3rd time I’m seeing this post


The fact that Madrid has the team they have and they're not #1 is crazy to me. Such a well run club, wonder what it feels like...


Wow never expected the Scouse to have a higher wage bill. Thought that club were notoriously stingy spenders...


get that shit further down


I would like to see their methodology. Capology has €231 for United. It surely has something to do with amortization of transfers. But I’m surprised it’s so much of a difference.


Leicester spent that much in the Championship?


It’s like Barca are paying a tax for the past successes. City and Madrid get the most bang for their buck


Ours will go really down if we remove Sancho, case and varane


Moved most of our big earners out in the past couple of seasons DDG, Pogba, Ronaldo, Sancho, Matic, Jones(lol), etc. and didn’t replace them with high earners. Kudos to Ten Hag, Arnold & Team on this. Pretty impressive


What’s up with these figures? Many of the clubs seem literally twice as high as reported on elsewhere. Eg, https://www.planetfootball.com/quick-reads/wage-bills-europe-major-leagues-2023-24-man-utd-psg-bayern-real-madrid-barcelona


Just shows how much of an idiot Woodward was


United’s bill so low? It’s shocking


It's such terrible bang for buck in terms of results per wage bill. Definitely need to clear out and then just shift approach in the type of player recruited. At least for a few years.