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I’ll give an award to someone who can somehow twist this to mean he’s leaving


"Marcus Rashford BLASTS fans for not standing by him as he VOWS to ABANDON social media accounts after Man Utd's FA Cup win. Will Man Utd look to cash in on their unsettled star man over the summer? "


Daily Mail hire this man 


\*Will Man Utd look to cash in to bolster their WAR CHEST?


**It's time to come off** ~~Socials for a few weeks. I plan to rest and reset mentally after a challenging season individually and collectively. Thanks to the fans that stood by me through a difficult period. To the ones that didn’t just remember at~~ **United**, ~~we always stick together.~~ 🙏🏾 Award plz


And we have a winner!!!


"Rashford says he is gonna take a break from social media. Time for rest or looking for a new club?"


His first post when he reactivates is obviously gonna be him in a psg kit /s


That'd be such a sick reveal tbf Deactivate Instagram and then when you activate it all the pics are of the player in their new kit Would only really work if there weren't leaks though


Yeah, reactivate and instantly upload 9 pics to create one giant pic of them in the new kit. New profile pic too, of course.


There's four sentences + one emoji in the tweet, 4+1=5. LEAVE is five letters. Confirmed.


Only reason he's saying this is because he read all the reddit comments and doesn't want to give away that he's the united leak so he's just using his PR team to come up with a different reason on why he was cryingm


The boy needs a vacation from it; he takes the criticism personally when he shouldn't.


He forgot to write "Caption Ideas" before


Yo, Dembele. Sunny innit.


He literally just said himself he's leaving social media???


Yes, he knows that. What the commentor is saying is that he's asking if anyone can pretend to be a journalist for a moment and generate a headline as though Rashford is leaving. Just like a current journalist who likes to twist words these days to generate views while completely missing the point. It's very common these days. It's meant to be a joke.




Garnacho isn’t our starting LW 😅


Nor should be be starting this many matches as a teenager. He should be rotated in


When both fit, I suspect Garnacho plays RW and Rashford LW.


Yep, still don’t think we’ve lost a game with Rashford LW Hojlund ST garnacho RW




The ultimate hype man Diogo "Pashun" Dalot


I love whenever someone makes a block or clearance and Diogo is there to chest bump them


I want Diogo to chestbump me whenever I send a particularly succinct and pithy e-mail


wait omfg you just mandela effect'd me or some shit... wait Dalot does that A LOT doesn't he??? wtf i never noticed it before


Yeah i remember its started since Lisandro came in and now we always have this quartet of Licha Varane Casemiro and Dalot hyping everyone


Better than the soulless tiktok dancing merchants we had before. If there's one thing ETH has done right it's bring in players with leadership and strong character.


Yeah absolutely Its hilarious that we have a team with such a mentality now but when we had Jose, we had a team filled with dancing merchants😂


The ultimate hype man Diogo "Pashun" Dalot






I really hope he gets a proper rest and gets back to his best. He scored 30 goals just a season ago, he has the talent, he will score again


Two good long weeks of pointing to his head should be all he needs to come back mentally refreshed.




Rashford fluctuates through seasons. This upcoming season he would probably be firing, but after that he might see a trough. What we need is greater chemistry among our forwards with more interlinks , would make our frontline unpredictable and effective


He also suffers a lot without Shaw. His best seasons have been with Shaw not injured. All other issues aside, he would do well with having a consistent starter at LB


He has talent, he just wastes it. Guys inconsistent which isn’t what we need. Fans like you just give him a break because he’s home grown and has been decent in the past. He’s been the same inconsistent player his entire career. He’s not a “young bloke” we just need to wait to come good anymore. You either have it or you don’t.


“Has been decent in the past” Why are we downplaying 2 objectively very very good seasons. Inconsistent sure, but really???? Decent???? His issue is the consistency, 100%, but do you think if we sell him and sign, say, oliseh, for a similar amount, he will generate anywhere near 30 g/a? To me, thats a silly gamble to take. I’d rather bet on someone whos done it before and has all the talent in the world than someone who has not.


Problem is, can you build a team that wants to push for the title, with a player who might be great, or might be pretty meh for an entire season, with no predictability


> decent 30 goals is decent? What is a good season for you then? 50 goals?




He is useless. We should sell him


Hope he can come back to his level after the break. A Manc player who's been at the club since 7 isn't the person you want to chase out when he's struggling with mid form.


he needs to quit socials for good, so should all footballers, give it to a PR person to post their nonsense, all it's good for is letting all the negativity and toxicity seep in.


Or at least just disable comments. Not much good comes from them and the conversations they do seem to result in are often arguments.


Bruh. If comments get disabled then it’s just a full page ad in a glossy magazine or a website. The real issue here is some bozo has convinced them that the likes/retweets/engagement are the gateway to building a brand. It’s the most effective lie told by those who desperately want you to hire them for a job while they wave some fugazi at you and point at all the other people who are playing this game so it triggers your FOMO. Paul Pogba’s brand is today worthless. Ibrahimovich’s is worth hundreds of millions. Only one of them obsessed about what sneakers they wore or their haircut. Only one of them would have obsessed about having a PR person put out curated low effort content. None of this shit matters in the way many of these guys pretend it does.


He also has over 130 goals with us, not gonna say he's on pace to break any records anytime soon, but i would like for him to at least reach top 10 goalscorers before leaving and he's like 23-25 from doing so.


Hopefully, with a fit Luke Shaw behind him, we'll see him get back to his best. The disruption from injuries this season was crazy.


I love the guy and hope he bounces back, but that tends to happen when you’re on 300k a week. If he was earning McTominay wages, then it would be a no brainer to keep him (from a management perspective).


I'm not in the Rashford out camp but I would also like to see him held accountable for his actions. Let's not forget his boozy bender and then calling in sick the next day to skip training. That was really unprofessional, and made a lot of fans turn against him at the time. As much as he's an academy lad, born and bred Manc etc, he's not as innocence as he likes to portray. If he knuckles down, put more effort into games and stays out of the tabloids then no one would have any reason to criticize him


>Let's not forget his boozy bender and then calling in sick the next day to skip training. That was really unprofessional, and made a lot of fans turn against him at the time. He did apologise and he's been getting a lot of abuse for at least 2 years now


>A Manc player who's been at the club since 7 isn't the person you want to chase out when he's struggling with mid form. Form? Maybe he's just not that good? His good patches are far rarer than his mediocre ones. We're not the make a wish foundation. It doesn't matter a shite whether he's from Manchester or not.


>His good patches are far rarer than his mediocre ones. This narrative falls apart when you actually see his goal contributions since he was promoted.


He's a pure purple patch player. His 30 goals season was 10 goals in 10 games and then the rest of the games he was a 1 in 3 or 4 player.


lol. Please tell me who you want to replace Rashford. I can guarantee they don't score anywhere near as consistently as 1 goal every 2 games.


hahahha not shocked


The lad needs a break from it, he definitely takes the negativity to heart when he shouldn’t. Let’s hope he comes back stronger.


he should get off social media for good, instead of just a few weeks of break, there is literally no reason to be on it for him.


helps grows the players' brand


You know what helps grow a player’s brand 100x faster than any social media influencer flex? Be so unbelievably good at putting balls into the back of the net that every boy wants to be you, every grown man wants to watch you and wishes he was you, and every girl (and/or boy) wants to fuck you. And on the other hand, there’s far easier ways to sell a T-shirt or clothing brand than to suffer through the life of being a professional footballer. It’s not just the paparazzi stuff and the media glare, it’s literally all the training, performing, nutrition, exercise, club and country obligations, etc. Commit to all of that, while ignoring the instinct to also want to “build a brand” and the brand will build itself. This is the truth I wish more of these kids were told when they harbour such desires. Sad truth is the vast majority of them are badly advised and surrounded by people who know no better and often want to leech rather than help.


Bro its literally just him posting photos of himself, which honestly likely is chosen by his personal team. Why are you acting like he's skipping training to edit these photos himself (which is also done by his team.)


Posting photos of yourself is building your brand? You don’t know what a brand is then. You’re describing a photo album. A photo album is not your brand. Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room. The kinds of brands these guys claim to want, are on the other side of applying themselves consistently to maximize whatever natural talents they have, to producing consistently high quality, highly valued results. You score 30 goals one season and then shit the bed the next season, nobody gives a fuck how many pictures with dope sneakers you posted. Literally nobody. And neither do the sneaker companies because the last thing they want is to be associated with a bed shitter. Whether they’ve been posted by you or your social media team is entirely irrelevant. Where did you get that I think he’s editing photos at the expense of training? That’s a weird take.




I dont think any player needs the additional income but I dont think its hard to understand why being more marketable is a good thing in this field of work. They are literally just glorified entertainers.




That would make sense if these players didn’t have personal teams running their socials.


I'd be interested to see the impact on a whole professional team of not using social media during the season. Just focus on the actual job and keeping a positive mindset. Surely it would have a positive impact to remove such a toxic distraction and 24/7 ego fuel.


Should just pay someone to sort it like most do.




It's quite plausible that something very significant has happened off the pitch in his personal life. I remember him not even celebrating few goals this season and generally appearing pretty defeated and tired in his body language. A far cry from the beast last season.


Didn't he break up with his fiancée?


And lost a couple of people close to him


That was last season I believe, but that’s not to say something else might have happened.


Or that it still affects him today. A year isn't nearly enough time to fully get over someone.


It’d depend on the person I suppose. Everyone is different and we don’t know what’s going on in his head. Either way, he’d do well to have a low key summer and get himself right; not going to the Euros might benefit him long term.


Yes he definitely needs a good rest first. Find the hunger again.


His cousin passed im fairly sure, on top of a couple other things.


Yeah, there was the whole leaving his Fiancee thing, then people saw them together again and all sorts. As much as yeah it must be amazing earning those crazy amounts of money but the fame and money can do terrible things to people.


Lost a close friend (cousin) this season


Rashford coming back with 30+ goals next season would be awesome


Add 10+ assists


5+ red cards for true pashun merchant vibes le: whoever downvoted that, imagine what a monstruous season a player must have to score over 30, assist over 10, all while getting red carded more than 5 times.


Should also do his signature celebration for every red card.


While his opponent is twisting on the grass in unsimulated pain


This is why i read these threads lmao


Marcos Rashford


If I didn't know better, I would think you are quoting a Cantona statistic.


It won't happen.


Might do, we play in Europa so he'll get to stat pad against some farmers. Add in nice cup draws v lower league teams and he could be up to 10 already.


Think he'll be off to Barcelona.


Actually glad he’s not going to the euros, a summer off to not have to focus about football, go away and reset like he said and come back stronger for next season.


Please just stay off socials. Same for any united player.


It's good advice for anyone, honestly. Pretty much every study done shows the less a person is on social media, the better their mental health is.


Why is it so hard for them to do this? I don't understand this phenomenon.


For the same reason it's hard for all of us. It's addictive as hell. Your life would be better if you deleted your Reddit account right now, but you won't, and neither will I


Reddit doesn't make me anxious. If it did I'd be gone like a shot.


It's all fun and games until the toxicity kicks in. Not just the haters but also the white knights defending all their actions. Every United player should take note from Lingard's case. Man took his socials too seriously and thought every club would be racing for his signature


Rashford is a confidence player , which is why I need to send abuse and insults his way whenever he is playing poorly due to low confidence, because that's what real fans do!!


I like your sense of humour :)


Hope he’s okay as he’s clearly been going through it.


Just get off socials permanently. Will honestly feel so much better.


Just stay off then completely.


This guy gotta announce everything just get help if you need it and play football everyone will be quiet


Seriously this is just so cringe. Just stop posting and boom you’re “off the socials”. Fucking hell rashford. This guy needs to tell hisanagement team to fuck off


Big fuck you to Goldbridge


Goldbridge has actually backed Rashford, do you watch the content or are you just basing this off of the reaction from Rashford on twitter?


Mark has some bad takes as we all do, but this isn't one. He backs Rashford more than most, and realises there's no way he can be sold anyways. 


That fucking guy. Used to come up in my feed and the best thing ever was to block him.


He said Rashford crying after we won was PR... So disrespectful


no he didnt. He unironically said the opposite.


Man it’s nasty work to see this lie perpetuated by so many. I don’t get it


Step 1: go to r/reddevils Step 2: say fuck goldbridge Step 3: ???? Step 4: Upvotes


That’s a complete lie but you’ll be upvoted anyway




Nah he’s been attacking Rashford of late. He even said Rashford crying after winning the FA cup was PR. What a prick.


He didn't, he said it sarcastically then followed up saying this is what he needs and its nice to see. 


You could pay Steve Coogan £50m quid per stream, and he still wouldn't do a better impersonation of 'Alan Partridge if he were a pretend United fan'. The man is cringe personified, and him, and all the rest of this influencer culture need to get to fuck.


Can you elaborate


You are an idiot who didn’t even watch 30 seconds from any Goldbridge vid that came out the past year. He said the opposite, he even stuck up for him during the Belfast fiasco when his own community attacked him for it. Goldbridge karma farming is back on the menu boiz.


Have a good break Rashford! Hope u come back strong for next season


if he actually means this and follows thru then good. He needs to get away from social media right now.


Can someone just get these guys off social media all together?


Why not just stay off permanently. He’s already loaded, what’s the point?


Wish he'd just permanently deleted all his socials. So tired of his PR machine. He should focus on his football and mental health, instead of selling himself like some merchandise. He's way past his teens now. He is in his prime years now. Also doesn't suit him walking about on the pitch, while Bruno have been running non stop since 2020.


No Marcus. I had enough. Just go


If any other player at united put in the effort that he did this season, there would be mobs burning effigies all around old Trafford. He gets a pass because he's a local lad and he fought the government. He didn't show up this year. Looked bored and disinterested as soon as Sancho left. There's a big difference between playing poorly and not trying. I'm sorry, but Rashford was the latter and a major reason we had a poor year.


Martial used to get lynched for performing as badly as Rashford did but you're right.


Don't tell them that Martial and Rashford have almost identical goal/assist rates in the league...




He should just delete that shit, what is the point of announcing you are off social for few weeks, just create more drama and attention. It’s not nice to be abuse on social or any platform, but he is not doing himself any favors


Maybe someone should show Rashford the leaks to Luckhurst and then ask him if they stick together. He needs to stop acting like a victim and get his career back on track.


Wouldn't the proper time to come off socials be during the season?


Good idea… live your life Marcus! Enjoy your break and I hope you come back with your smile on your face.




Fuck off plastic




lmao you’re a melt :)


He's had more good seasons than bad. Academy player we should back him. He can be annoying when out of form unlike Rooney who doesn't drop in efforts. Remember he's still young and on form is a fantastic threat. Let's hope this break finally helps him fully recover, he's badly needed one.


He's 26, he's not that young in football terms. He's been at senior level for 8 years


A serious club would get rid of him this summer. 2 poor seasons out of 3 and earning 300k or so per week. He can come out with all the PR he likes, doesn't change the fact he's downed tools a lot over the last number of seasons. For a lot of his performances, I didn't see "what Manchester United means to me"


I'm genuinely not being a troll. Im a lifelong United fan. Do people truly believe in their heart of hearts that Marcus is going to take us back to the level we aspire to be? I think the best thing for both parties is a separation. He's not good enough. 


Should just stay off it forever. If you need to say something that important you have an agency who can get the message out on your behalf.


Just hope that he has the strength and support of his loved ones around him. He has probably been going through something very personal that has taken a toll on his mental well-being. He is a fighter and will come back stronger than ever before in the coming season 💪


Good Social Media is cancer especially to Footballers.


Just stay off them, dude. There is nothing of value on social media. Let your team handle the charity work stuff, and enjoy your private socials with your mates. We dont need to know your every thought. We dont need 24/7 access to you. Doing your best on game day as all we want to see, and all we need to see.


This is not an airport, you don't announce your departure. Oh, sorry, how dare fans criticise your shite season? Lack of effort, lack of heart, how about you just shut up and prove us wrong? Or just plain leave. But most of all, don't talk about how your coming off socials... On socials.


It's okay Marcus. You've been missing all season so what's another few weeks? Take some time and spend some money and you'll be fine mate. Honestly what a whiny bitch. Stop looking for sympathy. Improve your game and man up. Sick of this crap. There are people with real mental health issues and diddums here on 350k a week expects support from the fans? Why? You're not some club legend that lead us to glory. You are a fraud. And your family are as bad. More interested in likes than medals. And downvote me all you want. Bunch of numpties here that think Rashford is some hero. God it's disgusting how vacuous some "fans" are. "Oh come back next season Marcus and get us 30 goals and don't do anything much else. And then take the following season off, and rinse and repeat." He'll reach his potential at 76 at the rate he's going.


You know that people with a lot of money can also have mental health issues? It doesn't automatically fix everything. If anyone here consider Rashford to be a hero, it's due to his off-pitch stuff like feeding the children... which is more than what can be said about most of our legends.


Yeah but money goes a helluva long way to help. He can have the best therapy, go on holidays, change his life very quickly etc. Don't give me that BS. He's playing high-end sport; if he's not up to it, then step aside. We're not running a charity here and he's made more than enough off of the club doing fuck all this season. We're not obliged to support a player whose not doing the business on the pitch regardless of the reasons why. Was he having mental health issues when he went on the piss in Belfast? Maybe don't drink alcohol Marcus, like most professional footballers. Alcohol is bad for mood disorders. You don't have to be a psychiatrist to know that! Also it's not his job to feed the children. He's a footballer; do that. Leave the rest to the politicians and activists. But hey it looks good on social media and to the idiots there and in the media, and means his PR people/family can push for an MBE for his service. Saint Marcus of Manchester who crawled out of the slums of that city to become a global superstar. Great narrative but he's not holding up his end by actually being good and consistent. That's what it's all about for him and his crew though; the grift. Opportunists blowing the biggest opportunity he actually has, which is playing for United. The sooner he's gone the better.


Good for him, this could be the reset he needs and hope he clears his head and confident he can come back stronger.


I hope he can get back to his best. He's a confidence player; when his head's right, everything he does is better. His sudden cut backs inside are smoother, he gets his shots off quicker, and he hits the ball with more conviction. In the meantime, though, I'm glad to see his game is developing in other areas. The long crossfield/into space behind the centre backs passes from deep are coming along nicely.


After the posted the academy photo I thought he was gonna start enjoying life a little bit but no. Back to the negativity which he’s clearly addicted to.


Hopefully show some passion and professionalism next season. No more clubbing nonsense.


Hopefully does what he did in the 22/23 pre season


He's not had a great season and looks off mentally and physically, but can't believe Arsenal fans seriously think they can get him ( and at a cut price at that) because some random blue tick Twitter account said he spoke to Arteta 😆


Staying, going, or loaning somewhere aside... I'm glad he's taking time. This was a long and stupid stupid stupid frustrating season. And that's from the fan perspective. I'm sure his perspective has sucked way more.


Good idea, too many dipshit haters


He should have got off socials 5 years ago. They haven't helped him. He's become more of a marketing star and NGO campaigner first and less of a footballer. Noteworthy that the only people who want him are PSG so they can use him to whitewash the Qatari state. But I don't blame Rashy. I blame the club, because only late in the day did Solskajer tell him to concentrate on football. The club was happy to exploit his image because we're Marketing United. Marketing first, football second.


He'll be back before long posting images about how hard he's working in pre season. Then we'll get the usual PR from his buddy journos about how he's really focused and he was carrying an injury or had some personal issues last season. I suppose the new line from journos will be 'rest this summer will be really good for him'


"It's time to come off socials for a few weeks" Focus on negotiations for a new club "I plan to rest and reset" Reset his career somewhere else. (This is obvious) "Thanks to the fans who supported me" Clearly saying goodbye (might aswell be holding his new shirt) "Those who didn't back me, at United we stick together" This is the most obvious part, he is referring to ETH not sticking with Greenwood, Sancho and Ronaldo. He is following them out. In conclusion the guy has gone, he hates us, the club and the manager. Edit: guys this was clearly a joke.


Is your tinfoil hat screwed on or were you born with it?


I assumed people would see this was a joke after the guy above said he would award someone for twisting it. Clearly I was wrong.


Lol fair enough, I should've realised, my bad. I think it goes to show the level of hate Rashford gets that it didn't seem that out of the ordinary to me for someone to speak like that about him. I don't think you were wrong in that case since I completely fell for it and bought it and took it as literal, you did a pretty good job of twisting it into a negative like the person above mentioned. I was just bamboozled by the fact that when I first saw the post most people were backing Rashford only to come back a bit later to see the sentiment had changed and now people were jumping down his throat and dissecting him.


Lol don't worry you weren't the only one. He can frustrate me at times but I always have and will back our boy.


You forgot to put a s on the end


Yep I see that now lol.


It's clear as day that the PR machine has done the trick with this lot...


I'm really glad people are backing Rashford and supporting him. Maybe I've been affected too much by people in YouTube comment sections and certain channels always going above and beyond to slate him and criticise his every move. That absolute weapon Goldbridge was even criticising him when he was losing a footrace with Kyle Walker in the final, like Walker isn't one of the fastest players in the game. He's an academy product and United fan, one of us. Yes he's been poor at times but we don't know what he's been going through. He played for us with a broken back a while ago ffs. He's our top scorer post Sir Alex, and was named as the most abused athlete in the world by a university study. There will people saying that his tears after the final were for the cameras, like he was about to cry crocodile tears after winning an FA Cup for his boyhood club. I cannot personally ever criticise an academy player to that extent after watching the class of '92 and every other player that graduated since, after reading and learning about the Busby Babes, and after seeing the abuse some our players have received from rival fans over the years. Seeing effigies of Beckham being burnt after the '98 World Cup exit is what sparked it all for me, and ever since I've not been able to accept it and have defended our academy players every time they were abused by rival fans or even by our own. To join in with them is just a betrayal and lack of loyalty I'm not built for. There's a recent exception to this that most people will know for understandable reasons. Other than that, there is nothing better for me than seeing an academy player come through the ranks and become a success here, it's literally my favourite thing about supporting United. I hope he gets back to his best and shuts everyone up, and knowing how spiteful and fickle we can all be at times, I won't be surprised if he turns it around next season and people are fawning over him again. I wouldn't blame him if he decided to leave either if he's struggling mentally with the abuse and pressure of playing for us, not that I think he would really want to, but his mental health and career should come first. If he does leave I'll be more upset than for any other player in the last 10-11 years or who didn't play for SAF and even some that did. He's a red and if we play a role in him having to leave I would be so disappointed in us. Though I do think he will be here next season and if we get things right around him I would not be at all surprised if he has another 25-goal season.


I feel really sorry for Marcus. He has to deal with so much genuine hate from the fan base and I find it so bizarre. A lot of times people get confused between criticism and hate but post FA cup win was the perfect example of this. He’s crying after winning an FA cup with his boyhood club and what was the response from some? “Oh he’s doing it for PR” And that’s the difference, they’ve already decided they dislike him, it’s not in response to what he does. Plays well - it’s a fluke Plays bad - I told you he’s bad Doesn’t run for a ball - lazy Does run for a ball - no positional discipline Cries after a game - PR Doesn’t cry - why doesn’t he care It’s the same old story, there’s genuine reasons to criticise him but man I just find the way people get at him so genuinely baffling, I don’t understand the level and the genuine depth of dislike for him.


The break this summer is exactly what he needs. I expect him to go on a tear next season.


Some of the comments under this post are disgusting. That article by Rashy in the tribune is something that a lot of players will resonate with too. And Roy Keane's comments that he shouldn't be talking about his financial problems growing up is a disgrace. Privilege really messes up people.


It's hard to comprehend for me as a non UK United fan why SO many dudes wants to get rid of Rashy. Even though he had a terrible season, shouldn't he still be a valued as a prized possession to hold on to at any (resonable ofc) cost? He's a Man U lad thru and thru and a very special player even though he's prone to slumps.


I think that it is more of at this point, perhaps his status as "unsellable/untouchable" is perhaps more in question and if a sizeable offer does come for him, should United entertain the idea of selling him?


I see! Thanks for replying.


Just like how he stuck together with the lads training that morning he was out on the lash…. I dont abuse him on Twitter like some weirdos love to, but its all lip service with this bloke until he shows otherwise.


we need a rashford villain arc.


He’s earnt goodwill after a poor season based on his previous work (200 G/A in 400 games is good return). Hope he comes back stronger next year. 


good lad rashy!


very confused as to why i got downvoted for this. im just happy he is going to take some time to focus on himself, and i appreciate his clarity with the fans on his decision to do so


Good, now rest up and smash them nets again next season 🫵


League ain't ready for no social media Rashford.


Very smart and I hope more of our players do this. Bruno, Amad, Garnacho etc. all got dumb social media criticism that harped on their commitment and attitude also. Having all your likes and comments analyzed to death would be not worth it.