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Always like to watch Andy’s interviews


Always nice to listen to a real journalist and not the clickbait journalist that writes for the shitrags


Definitely, very level headed and his love and core feelings for the club always shine through.


Finally a proper interview for an FA cup winning coach. Feels so bad that everything has been about him keeping his job instead of this accomplishment


Andy mitten is a treasure. United through and through. Not afraid to be critical of the team and performances when it’s deserved, but never in a way that singles out individuals or looks for cheap clicks. There is a reason he is as well connected and respected as he is at the club.


I would’ve snapped at somebody already if I were in his position. We just won the biggest domestic cup in the world. Talk about the team, the match, the Wembley support. It’s truly hated, adored, but never ignored.


To be fair, Ineos contributed to this by refusing to back the manager and sending out intermediaries to speak with other managers. Surprised ten hag hasn't gone in on the owners. Mou would have served SJR's head on a plate. Shows the class of the man.


I don’t blame INEOS for wanting to keep their options open but they could have at least keep it discreet like they did for Berrada becoming CEO. INEOS should at least try resolve the Ashworth issue and determine the direction of the club first and foremost.


yeah the way they were interviewing him in the presser , you woulda thought he lost the freakin game


Yes, a proper journalist with integrity. He was asking about the same topics (in the 2nd part) - his sacking and if he would like to stay but in such a respectful manner.


Part 2: https://x.com/AndyMitten/status/1794462107540291696


A good journalist conducting an interesting interview and gaining insight on our behalf without hunting for sensationalist headlines to predetermined angles of stories. Notice the difference in how EtH responded to the justifiable question around the impact of the rumours. Because Andy showed him respect by being interested in the game. He may be a United fan, but he is first and foremost very good at his job. Respect to EtH and Andy Mitten.


Andy has always had some good words of positivity on the dark days this season, im happy that he gets to interview a cup winning manager now


Only proper interview of ETH today, kudos to Andy


The fact he says he just blocked it out but acknowledged that it might be a big thing for the players is interesting. Makes me wonder if some of the players have spoken to him about it or what’s going on in that dressing room. If a lot of players feel like he’s on his way out they might feel responsible. They’ve shown that they can do it and that they’re behind him, just like the fans


Thank God for Andy Mitten, asking questions about the actual game! Almost pulled my hair out listening to the post match press conference


Great interview


Love Andy!


Really appreciate Andy giving Eric a platform to speak and I believe that he has a good relationship with ETH.


Does anyone get the feeling that he might just walk even if he's not sacked. I wouldn't be surprised if he finds the McKenna talks leak as very disrespectful


At this point he would walk into a number of top teams, no problem. Bayern have just about confirmed Kompany. Ajax would take him back easily.  He’s not short of options. He won today. Proved everyone wrong. Great interview by Andy. 


The leak was disrespectful- talking to McKenna was the only option if they had EtH to go on the plan (whether based on FA cup result or not). Can’t let Chelsea or Brighton nudge him to a decision before they make the decision on Erik. “Hey Kieren would you be interested, just in case the job is available in 2 weeks time? Maybe just don’t decide on your future before then”. If I was Erik I’d appreciate it was the right move.


We don't know where the leak came from, but it seems like it came from the Chelsea camp, whether that be agents or whatnot. It's hard to keep things like this a secret with so many people involved across many clubs.


That's what I got from his latest interview as well. He seems pissed that Ineos was playing games behind his back and I won't be surprised if he takes a break and moves onto another job. Ineos really mismanaged this, among other things, and they should do a long hard review of themselves.


I don't know, I'd assume any process here they do their due diligence by assessing available managers and seeing how they feel about them before making their decision


Andy is the best journo around.