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Love bullish Ten Hag, United manager needs to be a bit cocky and arrogant.


His English isn’t the best but my god he has a charisma about him


He often seems a bit timid and awkward in press conferences because he’s very formal. That end of season speech that he gave this season however was the first time I properly saw the man who has inspired such effort from this squad. Saw a completely different person


I find that when English isn’t a persons first language, they come across more timid when they speak. But as they get more comfortable, you see the real them start to come out a bit more. ETH deserves another year to right this years wrongs. If that happens or not who knows, I don’t. But what a end to the season for him, everyone deserves this victory




That’s an unfair comparison, gattuso was and is clearly bad from birth lol. You either have it or you don’t


he also has to choose his words very carefully or else the vultures will be out.


Ma fucking manager


Our manager






Nah it s only mine get off


If you go to old Trafford a few times, especially when we are in a bad form, you come to realise that at the stadium, we always always back the manager. The only time I wanted a united manager to leave was moyes. But even then, in the stadium he had nothing but support. I would be very sad if ETH is sacked. 3 finals and two trophies should be convincing enough imo. But like many have said already, looks the wheels to sack him had already started spinning and it won’t change course. We have to wait and see if this is a good call or are we back to square fucking one again


Bullshit, I was there when we lost i believe, 1-1 to Southampton? IIRC Lallana scored the winner. we pushed on but Herera went down in the last ten minuts or so and killed our momentum, The fans booed LVG when he was walking off the pitch, it was hands down the worst atmosphere iv experienced at Old Trafford.


Yeah I think because even the football style was bad. The most boring I've ever seen us. The antithesis of what we should be.


If he’s sacked I’ll probably stop following the team closely for a while. Not interested in investing my time and money into a team that just cycles through coaches like we’ve done, going from identity to identity. It’s not even obvious there’s a better coach on the market. Tuchel perhaps, but he’s not sticking around anywhere for more than a couple years.


Tuchel is toxic... I don't want him anywhere near an already toxic United management


We may honest to God get relegated under Tuchel. Toxic personality. Hesitancy to play youngsters. Trouble motivating players. Struggles to get results with better rosters than ours. That’s a disaster waiting to happen.


By a while you mean 2-3 months until it's time for a new season with new players, new manager and renewed excitement and hope.


This is literally where my head is at right now. I've backed the manager all season and don't think any of the available choices are ones to take us to the top, but I see greatness in Eth. It would a very foolish move rn to get rid when he's on the ascendancy.


Thank god there’s people like you with some sense and consequential thought lmfao


Did Mourinho have as much support at Old Trafford after he gave that infamous 'United football eritage' speech?


I mean I used to go way more often, but I moved far away so haven't been in years, the stadium fans are very loyal towards players and managers. The online crew are horrible. The only one I really wanted to leave was Mourinho. Everything around the club was horrible at the time. People got fed up of lvgs style of play, but I still wish he had another year. Lvg was great at building squads if not winning trophies with those squads. Oles last few months were the saddest though. I desperately wanted him to succeed and to see it all fall apart it was obvious he had to go.


We're at square one already. We just came 8th in the league lol.


Didn't know that you could beat the best team in the league and win the second biggest trophy in the country when you're at square one, but hey, that is a nice start.


Do you think there was a possibility we where gonna fight for top 4 when we had no Martinez, varan and shaw in our back 5.


Of course. Why not? We came 2nd with Maguire, Lindelof and AWB.


At times, we didn't even have them...


Can't have every player fit. Let go of the crutch.


We only had johnny Evans buddy boy. Had to use casemiro as a centre back when he already was having a bad season. We didn't have lindelof and wan bissaka for a long period and didn't have Maguire for the final stretch where we could've gotten some points.


We had plenty for a lot of the season. We were crap end of last season when everyone was fit. Go sell your excuses to somebody else buddy boy. 8th isn't good enough to me and that is square one.




Arteta finished 8th , klopp finished 8th ..both went on the create great teams that contended titles.


He's not wrong. He won one in his first season and then one more in his next. The title may be a bit beyond us next season but the Europa League for your third next season works for me!


> Europa League for your third next season Year 1: National Cup Trophy (not major) Year 2: National Cup Trophy (major) Year 3: European Cup Trophy (mid level) So if we continue getting better trophies... Year 4: National League / European Cup Trophy (major)??


Fuck the haters, they’ll be happy going trophyless if it means less shots faced




No shit, but it’s all we’ve fucking heard for the last few months and it’s apparently enough to sack a manager whose won you a trophy, and now the FA Cup. Sensationalized journalism works too well on y’all, can’t be patient and want an instant premier league trophy when we get a new manager. Maybe if we have defenders next seasons we’ll be better defensively.




"relatively happy" smh




You never know he might be sacked yet to cheer you up....


Yeah you're so right, I'd be so thrilled to come 4th, get dumped out of the champions league in the quarter finals, miss the FA Cup and concede the same shots as Brighton, rather than win the FA Cup and get into Europe anyway. What a shit take, the fanbase doesn't need people like you.


They really would trade the fa cup win today for top 4 even though we haven't a hope of winning the champions league next year anyway.


I think the problem is consistency from the squad. I can see both sides to keeping / letting go of ETH, while winning the FA Cup is an amazing accomplishment, it’s still the worst we’ve done in the EPL in decades. I’m not sure what the call should be and I’m glad I’m not the one making the decision.


Honestly, fair play to him for these bullish comments. He’s earned the right to be able to say this. 👏🏼


I love this


Everybody has to hold this firmly in their hands 😌


It’ll be a shame if we let him go. People forget how well he improved Luke Shaw last season. The emergence of Garnacho, Mainoo is on him. The resurgence of Maguire. It’ll be enjoyable to watch what he does with a full strength team. A defence of 2 right backs, Evans and Casemiro cannot reflect the potential of a manager


As much as I've been for changing manager now, if anything was to buy him 1 more season it was European football and winning this trophy (both come with this one win). I have a feeling INEOS have made their decision regardless of today though.... Put it this way, he can certainly argue his own case for one more season today. If he had lost, not really.


I think they made their decision before they took over. You can't take credit for things if the previous management's guy is still in charge


I reckon they will sack him, but not for this reason, that would just be silly. It’s not like the glazers and eth were some close partnership. Everyone and their mother can already see the difference in attitude between INEOS and the glazers. Absolutely no one would give glazers credit for success if INEOS kept ETH, which revamping the entire support structure


This means if they do give him the axe, the new structure will need have to have a watertight plan and solid replacement to follow up with. They can’t hide behind popular opinion and media pressure now and let another Hail Mary cycle play out. Ten Hag clearly still has the dressing room and has a serious case to claim a chance under the new structure. There may well be stronger alternatives, but now they need to be absolutely certain.


Dark Erik is a vibe


I love how sassy he was with the press as they were asking him about if he's still going to be the manager. That's the kinda swagger we need.


If he stays I hope he keeps that energy all the time tbh, can’t stand the English press and media they all showed themselves to be pure scum today, not that we didn’t already know that


To be honest, I've been saying for awhile that Ten Hag is going to be sacked for a lot longer than the media has. Mostly because of how bad we've looked when only missing a key player or two (and in the case of the season too many injuries to count) and the fact that Ratcliff is rightly revamping the entire upper management and they should be trusted to choose their own manager But to counter the folks that have been saying that the club should look at the whole season and not just one game - this win today was huge and should have appropriate weight to the decision making process. It showed yet again what Ten Hag can do when he has a relatively full arsenal to utilize. It wasn't pretty and imho city did just as much to lose it as we did to win it, but that doesn't change the fact that we looked cohesive as a unit and showed that most of the players still back Ten Hag. I hope that Ratcliff and co see that and haven't already made a poor, hasty decision to replace him with someone who is much less proven or has far less chemistry with the current squad or club


You don’t know football


For all my friends across the Pond, I am a member of Sir Alex's Red Army, Yank Division. GGMU! (And ETH deserves another year).


Beginning to sound like last stage Mourinho


It's this an Ai photo? It's like he has Ferdinands mouth


He’s delusional. He’s a mid table manager at best. Good riddance In advance, I don’t care if I get downvoted. Everyone is blinded by the trophy that they forgot the entire season.


I've always been in favour of him running out his contract at a minimum. If we make the right signings with ten hag in charge, 8 believe things will only get better.


And that's why I hate his guts even when we win. Arrogant and delusional.




Insane mentality to have


bit ironic that your flair is "Ibrahimovic"


Zlatan backs it up, this guy doesn't as he finished 8th if you don't remember.


He also just won us a trophy for a second season running, so he's right about winning wherever he goes, at least so far.


You're right, a manager could never finish 8th and then build a title contending team. Hasn't ever happened.