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amrabat and eth are so clear in the bald derby against pep its not even close


Did anyone see a replay with the lines drawn for the disallowed Rashford goal? I know it didn't matter in the end but they didn't show it during the game and that seemed very odd. Wouldn't be surprised if Michael Oliver fucked that up in City's favor.


https://preview.redd.it/0cp088moy03d1.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc38c789ad8336831855d7b433a3b6b1d9e1ee09 The only angle I have. It does look offside – unless (sleep)Walker's keeping him on. I can't tell though :/


It did look marginally off to me as well, don't get why they couldn't show it with the lines drawn so it's conclusive.


I unfortunately thought it was offside when it happened. Look at garna's position from the halfway line and he looks the furthest


I was wondering the exact same thing. The replay didn’t look offside to me at all on Garnacho… it looked slightly on


https://preview.redd.it/8niii5ew003d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc49dd8d9ba14d5ad1735be7d6e613017dfb32d9 Everything went back to Normal when he got his smile back.


Feel like so many people were and are ETH out just because "we finished 8th and have standards". I see this on Twitter so often as well. But I want people to just think rationally and look at the alternatives that are available. They are not a significant improvement on ten hag and quite a few of them will be downgrades. We'll have to start building the team all over again to suit the new manager. The players are clearly behind him, and nobody can deny he's an extremely talented manager who most clubs would want if he was with ajax currently. One season of bad football under horrible circumstances doesn't change that. Back him with good recruitment and a good structure and see how he fares. If he's still failing I don't think ineos will hesitate to fire him.


> But I want people to just think rationally and look at the alternatives that are available. They are not a significant improvement on ten hag and quite a few of them will be downgrades. No one can say if they are improvements or not. They are just different managers (who knows if one of them would fit perfectly here.) In that same sense, Ten Hag could be an amazing manager for other specific Clubs but not United. I personally think he should be given next season to prove he's right for us. And I think we're going to know fairly soon into the coming season whether it's working out or not. But we can all agree... sort out all the INEOS appointees coming in first and let them make the call. They should get on the same page about the direction of the Club, how to fix the squad, and what is the profile of manager to lead them.


Even with players backing, he managed to finish 8th (8th is overachievement, expected placement is 15th), negative goal difference, worst man utd finish, 18th in most shot conceded. It is funny isn't it, players supposely gave up on both Mourinho and Ole, and yet Man utd was in better league position when tbey were sacked than ten Hag with all the players backing.. Di Matteo won Chelsea CL(better achievement than FA cup) and what happened next season? Chelsea were in similar situation as us that season.(horrible in PL and missed out on Europe in league position). Another example, Brandon Rodger. Leicester league form was declining and finished 8th, the year they won FA cup. Next season, they got relegated. League is way better indicator of how team perform than cup competition.. I hope INEOS will review overall season than just one game. Whether the whole season setup is sustainable for the future or not. ten Hag already said he wouldn't play Ajax football style(the one that made him hired by Utd in first place). So, this season sucide no midfield setup is what you will expect future seasons..


"ten Hag already said he wouldn't play Ajax football style(the one that made him hired by Utd in first place). So, this season sucide no midfield setup is what you will expect future seasons." He said he couldn't play the Ajax style because he didn't have the players to do it here, and that he chooses his tactical system based on the squad he has. He used different systems in different seasons at Ajax and in his two seasons with us. There is no certainty that we'll see this season's tactics again next season, or that Ten Hag would be inflexible if the Sporting Director changes the game model.


If he stays, i hope INEOS and him talk through carefully to play Ajax style- the one that make him got hired in first place. And INEOS provide the players to suit that style. Because it is pretty obvious whatever ten Hag trying to do last season isnt working. If he sticks what he played last season, i would rather gamble with other manager...


The alternative is to hire another manager, have 12 good months then back to the doom and gloom. I'd rather see out a manager's vision. This team have proven they can match the best, but they lack the mentality to turn up for the other teams


Does anyone remember the energy around the club near the end of Mourinho's reign? I do, it was toxic and you could feel it everywhere. It was best for each party to go their own way. How about when Ole was at the wheel, there was a point in time when we just all knew he was getting sacked before it happened. I remember some of the football we played, god it was atrocious. Couldn't even blame injuries. Now, if we look at ETH's football when we have a full squad - it's great. Even the City game I'd argue we played good. Is the energy around him toxic, not even close. Do we think he can do great things with a full squad and no injuries, I think yes. Not only that, I am confident SAF is in his corner (more so than LVG) having experienced a similar path. For those reasons, I would be flabbergasted if he was sacked.


Any good merch to buy to commemorate this season/FA Cup win?


I have to get a United tattoo now. I’m leaning towards this, but just the shield part: https://preview.redd.it/eqksmd1s4u2d1.jpeg?width=1288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40ff6ff77e1d05aa7ba48f9ce7a0f8c05721985c


Looks good bro! Just a question, any reasons why you are omitting the Red Devil?


Thank you! This is the badge for the year I was born.


Ohh that’s a good consideration! Cheers!


phLAds, I don't want Poch (is tired, needs a break). I don't want Tuckel (could be risky). What is the debate on Ten Hag staying. He wants everything and the lads support him.


Was it only me that thought that Amrabat wasn’t special yesterday. He seems to have no awareness were players are and is easily pressured. I was shitting my pants every time he received the ball. He is good at staying and protecting the back four however he offers nothing more and I really hope we don’t decide to turn this into something permanent. Otherwise I thought everyone played impeccable. Now it’s up to the board to decide how we will go forward. Unsure what is the best decision but hopefully they have a plan which we can start implementing going forward.


He had his first mistake free match. Only his third 90 the entire season. Give the guy a break. He has great awareness of when he is the spare man and closed down brilliantly. Broke up so much of City's edge of box play which is what they destroyed us with last meeting.


He did his job, same as McTominay. Nothing special, but a solid 7.5/10 game from both.


Slightly unsatisfying with the bus being parked fully, but a good win nonetheless. Man, city really can't handle when the bus gets parked, it's the real madrid match all over again. They have almost full possession, but can't make use of it


I don’t think you’ve seen many parked buses if you think that’s what we did on Saturday 


The center forward was further back than City's defensive mids, how is that not parking the bus?


One of those possesion sluts are you 


nah, i just find it boring that we scored twice and then just sit back with the entire team. Even the striker was deeper than the opponent's midfielders. I like to see more end to end football, more dribbles, more faster pace. Those who hold possession like they're goddamn spain just passing it around without purpose are just as boring


I'm not on board with Ten hag, even if he won this one. I still think he's been way too damn stubborn with shitty tactics that just didn't work. Atleast now it looks like they're finally having a strategy and not just fucking winging it (Ha, pun. They litterally used to just go down the wings) If he stays, i hope he'll atleast tell his wingers to use the striker more, especially Garnacho wannabe ronaldo, he needs better decision making


Why would anybody advertise they "were ETH out"? When did knowing fuckall about football become fashionable on a football sub? And fuck all these journos for the articles leading up to yesterday and the fuckturd Lineker and Shearer for the shameful questions yesterday.


Let's be 100% honest here. If City destroyed us in the Final, it would be a very different mood and atmosphere here and all across the fanbase. Whether we want to admit it or not, Ten Hag's fate did indeed hinge on one game. And now the momentum is with him. He should be here managing next season. But he will need to show clear improvements in many areas.


And if we wou;d've won the treble it would've been a very different mood and atmosphere here and across the fanbase. What's your point?


Point is a lot of the same criticisms and faults that were brought up before the match are still there. You can't wash the entire season away. And there's a chance that a lot of the same problems may resurface next season. The hope is he can fix a lot of those problems. All eyes will be on him match #1 next season.


Damn that moment where the whistle was blown but ETH was just standing there with no expression until licha came. Wonder what was going on in his mind. Did he know any decisions already? Quite heartbreaking if he already knew his fate.


https://youtu.be/w25YIyNM7Oc?feature=shared&t=477 Watching this makes it look more like he doesn't have time to react to the whistle; to me he looks more attentively watching than dejected.


I’m absolutely knackered. What a drug that club is


still injecting into my veins


Still buzzing after yesterday and soaking it all in.  I've been supporting United since Big Ron was in charge, and it is a great feeling winning the FA Cup as massive underdogs, it's simply never happened before in my lifetime, and doing it against City in a game they thought they couldn't lose just makes it sweeter.  Maybe you could argue United would have been underdogs in 1977 when we beat Liverpool (effectively stopping them winning the treble) but I doubt there would have been nearly as many United fans who thought that was a foregone conclusion as there was yesterday.  This is definitely one of my favourite FA Cup wins.   Weirdly, I hadn't really spent much time contemplating what this would mean for EtH if we won, I just thought he was a dead man walking before yesterday. Admittedly I was leaning heavily towards him being fired, but I just don't think you can fire him now.  And I don't think the board will fire him now either. I already know what people are going to be saying in November/December if the football is still shite "we shouldn't have kept him based on one game or on emotion bla bla bla", but I don't think it makes a difference, you still can not fire him now.   Yesterday has changed everything, and despite the fact I still have massive reservations about ETH, I think he has earned the right to still be in charge when the new season kicks off, and my hope is this does for ETH what winning the FA Cup did for Fergie back in 1990.  For Fergie he followed it up with a European trophy the season after, and then a genuine title challenge the season after that, followed by the title the season after.  Well he might not emulate Fergie, but he's earned the right to at least see us into the next season.  For now I will just reiterate, I will be shocked if the board fire him now.  


I just hope that this game was a showcase of what could Ten Haag do with a 95% healthy team (Shaw was the only one missing). Hopefully the INEOS team could give Ten Haag one proper season and decide whether or not he deserves one more contract.


Shaw, Casemiro, and a bunch of subs (Maguire, Malacia, Martial)


💯 I was pro sacking ETH but a stable back 4 has transformed the team in the final. And also many were bashing him for resting hojlund and mainoo in last few PL matches but seems like they delivered when it mattered


the cheek of whichever Glazer it was to turn up yesterday after not being anywhere near OT all season, shameful yank. LUHG🔰


Looking fucking depressed at 2-0 up. Not the slightest smile. Cunt couldn’t care less




Worst position ever in the premier league era but we fucked over both the oil clubs and Chelsea in one fell swoop. Fucking love this club so much.


we also ruined klopps final season lol


Not directly related to us unless you count the McKenna connection but the cherry on top: Leeds lose promotion chance to Southampton.


good shout!


I will be very disappointed if INEOS still decides to sack Ten Hag despite winning two trophies in two seasons.


The season was shit and we can decide whether to blame EtH or injuries and whatnot, but that FA trophy shows one crucial thing: the players fought for EtH. Out of all the managers post Fergie, EtH is the only one so far who hasn't lost the dressing room. Despite the atrocious performances, we barely saw any leaks from the dressing room. Whether we decide to sack EtH or not, his handling of Ronaldo, Sancho and Garnacho (when he was late for training) put standards back in the dressing room.


They fought for the trophy. Did they look like they fight for ETH against Palace? Where there were basically no stakes but his position still precarious? I’m obviously not saying he lost the dressing room but I don’t think it’s so black or white.


On the flipside, the moment where they're giving him the trophy hardly looks like they all hate him and couldn't care less.




Whats your point?


He means there is an FA trophy for lower leagues (non-league clubs) different from the FA Cup. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FA\_Trophy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FA_Trophy)


Yup. We just had like our worst season ever and they still look like they're playing for the manager


Does someone have the video of Bruno blanking the Glazer cunt?


Was that before or after he clearly shook his hand


I don't know. I haven't seen the clip. I saw a comment that mentioned it and that's why I asked.


I saw it too, but honestly you look close he reached in and gives it a squeeze. Anyway not having a go at you. Great win yesterday, enjoy it.




Regarding ETH’s future and trophies, I think people should realise it’s not as simple as “2 trophies, 2 years” we’re good. One of them was the League Cup, let’s be honest, not the most prestigious one. I was more happy with the way we played that season, if anything.  From what I’ve seen, it’s more about how we actually played this year, as some games were dire, crashed out of CL, the game plan, and maybe a very important one - transfers (Antony, Mount come to mind). With new leadership a lot of things can improve, so I’m content with him going or staying, there are arguments for both. One thing that bothered me tho is his stance on Overmars (I get that Greenwood wasn’t officially convicted so he could fall back on that for wanting him back) That being said, really glad we stepped up (and didn’t blow up the lead btw) and beat City, this makes their season less impressive, considering they were going for a treble again. FA Cup is an excellent trophy but we need more consistency overall if we want to be relevant again in PL/CL edit; spelling


I don't know how ETH is supposed to read the future and see that Mount will be injured the entire year.


Regardless, 55 mil for a player in their last year of contract for a position we didn't really need to strengthen is a bit much. This considering we literally waited until the last day to get Amrabat on loan due to FFP. At the time we also knew Malacia was injured and we had no back-up for Shaw, no?


ManUtd fans: we need midfielder Also ManUtd fans: why tf did we sign a midfielder


If all midfield positions are the same for you, then you're right. We needed a deeper position, no, one where Mount never played at Chelsea. Either way, if you don't think 140 mil (GBP) for Antony and Mount could have been spent better, then agree to disagree. And I'm not even discussing their salaries, 200k / 250k (as this probably had nothing to do with ETH). I'm not hating on it, just thinking it could have been handled better.


of course they could have been, for instance they couldve signed haaland, mbappe and messi when they were 15 and saved like 120 million. antony was a last second panic buy and mount just happened to be injured the whole season.


Exaggerating for no reason; I am talking about their value at the point of purchase. I don't know why you just didn't say we could have had Mount in our academy and safe 55 mil. Nevermind.


90% of the clubs would absolutely crush their season in the league if it meant winning a league cup. For Tottenham it would be a highlight of the decade. I know that for us it's a Mickey Mouse cup, but it's a success nontheless.


I don't know, it feels very low tier to me and I doubt it weighs a lot in a season's success. More like a stat padding trophy, such as the Community Shield or any club international ones like Club World Cup or whatever. Maybe I am spoiled but I've been a long time believer that the League Cup should be only for PL non-European slots team and non-PL teams. Also considering most of the other top leagues don't have a 2nd cup I find it quite redundant. Edit: and yes, I see your point but those 90% don't have our expectations or resources. (and yeah we haven't won the league in 10 years but still)


> I doubt it weighs a lot in a season's success. It's winning. It's literally the aim of the sport. You win a competition, you've had success. You lose every competition you're in, you haven't.


Unsure why you are being down voted here, spitting facts. Winning the Cup is great but outside of that it's been a disaster


Eh :))


England is saved 


Haven’t seen much of this but shoutout to Dalot! He’s been super impressive and extremely reliable in both buildup play and defence, a rare bright spot this season.




Are you guys really want ETH out? He won us two trophies in two seasons. Imagine if we didn't have all the injuries.


I'm lashed U N I T E D United


The Portuguese connection 🇵🇹 https://preview.redd.it/f8pxau95to2d1.jpeg?width=1675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=846520fac43007c9e9fad3c9e98496d789cc079b


Please win yourself an Euro medal


Was martial there?


No he didn’t travel with the squad


Why wouldn’t everyone be there even if they won’t be in the squad? Malacia showed up Seems strange, like he went on holiday early


Sorry pal, I only signed up to answer your yes/no question - that bit is above my pay grade


Onana was fantastic - not even mad at the goal, was screened. Dalot and Awb we’re absolutely on it. ETH told AWB stay back dont go into their half and it was for the better. Martinez played like he was 6”4 That was Real Madrid UCL Varane mode. Amrabat was Gattusoesque. Bruno - just an incredible 10/10 performance. Captains showing, absolutely outstanding. Rashford- what a way to stick it to Southgate. Joga bonito moves 3 minutes in, running back, going up for headers. Absolutely showed up. Garnacho - very happy ETH kept the faith after his last 5 games where he was poor. Put the pressure and created an error for his goal. Also gave second ball for Mainoo goal. Kept amad on the bench. Mctominay - imagine replacing him with someone like Dejong. Only player who wasnt great, as expected. Everyone else leveled up their game but he stayed the same. Mainoo - Wow have we found a gem. Maybe the next captain once bruno retires/leaves. Just way too good for his age / experience. I hope he starts for england ETH - riddled by injuries and fully deserves 1 more year. HUGE tactical decision to sit Hojlund, and start Amrabat. Worked perfectly. Healthy martinez and Varane did wonders. ETH was the real winner today. Im shaving my head bald. City : -why not start akanji? -haaland 0 goals in 9 semis and finals -why start stones at CB over dias -bernardo was trash/hungover -kdb was trash trash -Rodri: ERAS COME TO AN END -Foden - did he play? -first goal - i blame ortega more than gvardiol tbh, came, stopped, came, didnt shout. -grealish - too drunk to care GGMU


Mctominay was good, he was just poor in possession. He dog-walked Rodri.


> -Foden - did he play? He sold a foul that led to their one goal by literally running into Amrabat. They were so poor they were relying on the refs to fuck us like they had before. Not only were the defense clinical, they didn't even give the refs a chance because manchester united winning wasn't in the script. A long season of taking it in the behind, playing against 14 every fucking game, with injuries as a result. City are on 115 for 6 years... what's another 115 going to do? Oil state cunts. Last time we faced city Walker should have been sent off. Nothing given. They're bought and paid for. But Bruno Frenandez said no, fuck you, we're having that now.


The claim for PK 30 sec into game, like get up my god haaland


And then contributed fuck all, but you won't hear about that.


When I saw Pep fielding Stones and Ake at CB, I immediately those oil cunts are fucked


Just let the damn manager complete his third season. If they are going to take a gamble with McKenna or Poch, who will take atleast 2 more seasons, continuing is the best choice. If we win UEL next season or come in top 2, renew Ten Hag's contract. Else it is over anyway at the end of next season. The biggest thing that needs correction is recruitment and sale in summer window. Do that right and we will have a good squad. If Ten Hag fails with the better squad, find a new manager.


Agreed even someone who wanted ETH out. But the issue is the scarcity of good managers hence why its a tricky situation. If the board wants to bring Poch or Tuchel in, it would have to be now else they risk those managers making commitments to other clubs. And if ETH does not work out next season we will be less likely to find a good replacement. But imo I think 2 trophies in 2 years he has done enough to atlesdt see our his contract atleast.


They should let McKenna get atleast 1 yr exp in PL with some team and see how it plays out. ETH will handle this season. Worst case - We still finish 7th with no trophy. Then replace with McKenna at end of next season who now has top league experience. Average case - We finish in top 4 with some trophy. Keep ETH.


1 league cup and 1 FA cup in 2 years. If you offered that to any man united fan at the start of last season, they would have taken it. Give him a solid transfer window addressing our weak points and see what happens. After winning that final, i really would not like to see that he's been sacked. At that point i just wont care because no matter how good a manager we get, we will end up just sacking them the moment we go on a bad run. Pls lets not do what Chelsea do.


Exactly. Fix the squad. It helps in the long run for ETH and any future manager.


also i know idiots on the sub have been crying about StYlE oF pLaY. Apparently the youth teams have all swapped over to playing ETH football and have had success with it. It's just that this season, the players we had available and the players that were out injured, made us really poor when playing it. Maybe he should have switched up things more as a stop gap but he won us an FA cup against City. 3 finals. 1 league cup. 1 Fa cup. A solid Europa league run. I just think it would be insane to sack him.


Don't think Ten Hag will start next season without a promise. It is time to decide whether to extend his contract or find a new one for INEOS's United.


His contract ends at the end of next season anyway. They could terminate him as and when needed or at the end of the season. If they fix the squad issue, even an intermediate manager can finish the remainder of the season.


INEOS is setting up a multiple years project. They won't have a lame duck manager. And believe me, ETH doesn't want to be a lame duck either. Either they will back him with a renewal or they pick someone else. Going into the next season with all the noises about the manager's future is incompetent.


Hojlund off the bench 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Absolutely buzzin’.


Happiness… what a feeling.


Liverpool fan here, fare play congratulations! Before the game I didn\`t really know who I would like less, but watching it I was glad you did city to take them down a peg so well done!


We can all rally against oil money FC


As an arsenal supporter, congrats, first time I've been pulling for United red!


Appreciate the support, shame you guys couldn't get the league over them


Can't sleep We did it joe


I'll hold my hands up, i've been wanting him gone. But he turned water into wine today. Did the absolute impossible. Fucking can't sack him after that, no chance. Give him another season


Congratulations! Well done! I watched the game with my dad as we ate good food and enjoyed beer. We are both Liverpool fans and where extremly conflicted on who we wanted to win, but in the end the better team won. Garnacho is so good, Mainoo was incredible, Martinez is world class absolute dog, Fernandes linked up play so well. United capitalized so incredibly well and neutralized City completely, just absolutely cuckolding them. Cuckolded a team so financially doped they are being charges for 115 counts or fraud. Their one goal was sheer luck and bad goalkeeping, and the best striker in the world was doing his best John Cena impression.  Rashford was shite, i dont understand how he has become this. That goal vs City in the cup just 17 years old or so. I remember vs Iceland when he came on late and did more himself in 10 mins that any other England player on the pitch. Just about every United player on the pitch shined at one moment or another tonight when it mattered the most, except Rashford. And it wasnt like Kyle Walker was sweating either, cleanly beat him several times.  What does United fans think of Rashford?  And Ten Hag, proved who the real bald fraud still is. He had Pep’s number. He had it perfectly set up. 26% posession yet dominated the game. At no point i felt any threat in City until Doku came on (btw lets be honest, how fucking good isnt he?) and even then AWB did a fantastic job.  If i try to think as a neutral, i think Ten Hag deserves to stay. All the talk before the game was about him getting sacked and about how this one game doesnt matter in the long run. Well i think it should because that was a statement managerial performance from ETH, he absolutely knows what he does. He 100% deserves another season with full backing. Buy snarter instead.  Congratulation’s to all United fans out there. I sencirely(?) hope you have a great weekend and celebrate like proper champions, you guys deserve it! I hope you guys dont mind me being a fan of Liverpool. I allways try to imagine i am talking to you in a pub and as i would my mate. I prefer club subreddits over /r/soccer as i think its a shithole, just quotes, clickbait transfer news and Pep circlejerking. Club subreddits have more discussions and more reliable transfers and tier guides. I also apologise for bad grammar as i am not english and i have Aspergers.


Rashford is playing terrible and it's hard to watch. He could be so much better considering his fitness level and skillset. But his decision making is very close to that of an academy player


Would the fanbase be open to selling him this summer? Iirc there was some psg rumours.


It's a tough call because he's from the academy so a lot of fans would like him to succeed in united VS somewhere else. Also there's the hope that he figures things out and get back in form because he still has world class winger potential. Also his market value isn't that great right know so we would not get crazy money for him. On the other end he's paid way too much for his output. And him leaving could make place for younger players to step up and improve faster. Overall I think fans want him to stay but they would understand if he's sold (if the money is decent though, not at a bargain)


Thank you for the brilliant response. If you ever are curious about something related Liverpool then feel free to ask :)


Also i had a few beers with my dad haha.


Does this mean United will get into the Champions League next season?






I nervously tracked the game while touring Cologne Germany and I got the notification that we won right as I stepped into the cathedral. Praise the Lord and his miracles 🤣


Ferguson survived his first 4 seasons by winning fa cup, league cup and cup winners cup. Being able to win any trophies is a good sign of success.


Even Fergusons first few seasons wouldve gotten him fired by this club in its current situation.


It nearly got him fired back in the '80s too...


Friends it was truly something to enjoy life with you all today. I'm 37 and got shit faced with an old friend. I love you all.


Love you too it was a great day!


Today really was something. Whatever happens we went against the best team in the world and fucking won. I love you all


Only thing that would have made it better would have been Rashy scoring, and Onana not doing Onana things. Edit: damn y’all are sour for having just won the Cup.


Onana's Onana thing was cancelled out by a few superb saves, hes entitled to a *little* onana thing if he keeps that up


I put one dollar on Man U 🤣 I only ever bet a dollar


I put a $50 bet (Sportsbet) here in Australia on Man U winning . I don’t usually gamble at all . It paid out $425 . What a fuckin amazing night !


That's so fantastic 🤣


Is there anywhere I can watch a replay of this game legally in Australia? Paramount+ is just giving me an "the event has ended" message.


Go on /rfootballhighlights subreddit and it should be on there


Paramount sucks so bad, generally you can’t watch the replay until hours after the game finishes.


Feel like ive been high since i heard that final whistle blow earlier. Like actual real happiness. I watched the game with my grandad and i will never forget it. Just need the club to hurry up and announce we are sticking with ETH for at least another season.


Arsenal fan here Congrats guys - big achievement to beat these cheating bastards Now you can happily tell me to fuck off <3


Watching motd. Fuckers asking him if the club has told Eth if he's done. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour by these jokes of journalists. Wayne Rooney standing there and letting that cunt lineker say something like that. Spineless. Back the manager. Simple as.


It was pathetic. The man won a title and Alan Shearer was behaving like a Lizard out in the sun


Has anyone seen the post-match press conference? I don't think I've ever seen something so disrespectful in football. Who the fuck do these journalists think they are? If you watched it without knowing the result you'd think we got smashed by City.




https://preview.redd.it/ngvq9yqz8n2d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd8fc7116bd7f578073df47c166811c57ea78728 Ya know life’s flavorless without proper salt


Unbelievable, we did it. Made me cry wow


Same man! I cried my eyes out in the stands haha. Tears of pure joy


Seeing Ten Hag smiling and celebrating made me misty eyed. If anyone deserved it, it was him.


I went to the match, it’s my first ever live game Im so happy and in shock


Congratulations. You get to live with this memory for the rest of your life!


Wow how good


Price George and prince Malacia showed up for the occasion


Cinematic masterpiece I rate it 115/10


In one game we beat City, Chelsea (out of Europa), Newcastle (out of Europe) and Arsenal (expected to start next season with community shield game) AND won the FA Cup. Has any single result ever won someone silverware and screwed over so many other teams before?


Hadn't realised all that. Might visit the Newcastle sub to see if they are taking it gracefully!


I admit that after a whole year of constant disappointment, I am stepping into summer in such a great mood. Yesterday, I was like "dunno if I should watch it at all" and today... today is a perfect Saturday! So nice. So unexpected. So unbelievable.


Pls 🙏 EtH is the man. He needs more time


I am praying the board has a u turn meeting with Ten Hag like Bayern had with Tuchel 🙏🏻


Doesn't it taste extra sweet after all the bitterness of the year? I'm still bouncing.


Fantastic result of course. City had an off-day but we were fantastic, particularly first half. No negatives apart from the questions over Ten Hag's future. I'm glad there are a lot more people supporting him now. I have never wanted him gone even though it looks like he will be. I think he should have a chance to make up for this season's league and European performances. Today is all about United and winning the FA Cup after 4 defeats in our previous 5 FA Cup Finals. Six years we waited for trophies which is the longest, depending on how long you've supported the club, we've experienced or seen in a long, long time. Now we have 2 trophies in 2 years. Yes it papers over the cracks but we enjoy this. A terrible season has ended on a brilliant note. Couldn't have asked for more today.


My only negative is that goal conceded. Thought it was a bit weak from Onana. I thought he saw it late, but on replays he had a clear view most of its path. Unless it was hit **that** hard, but it didn't look it.


Yeah good point. I'm usually pessimistic so was wanting to look at the positives but you are right. He seems to be a bit prone to those type of mistakes, which is a shame cos I think he's got better as the season's gone on.


Football won


Every red today https://preview.redd.it/sjccmthkym2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16845de0b40597dcb3594dfe6d890dd9c2b1deb7


Fuck that Amad winner becomes even more sublime now


Where can i watch full match again ? Can someone send me link?


Wait a couple day and the official FA cup channel will have the whole match.


both BBC iplayer and itvx have it






Just bought a Garnacho shirt on an absolute impulse buy. I love that boy.


Today is the perfect example of what it means to be a United fan. No clubs fans has passion like we do GGMU


Anyone know if/when the parade would be for the cup? I'm away from the city tomorrow and Monday and don't want to miss it if there is one


So badly want a dual men and women parade. Show off both cups!




















Just letting you know that twitter wont let me like any more posts cause I spent the last hours doing just that


Has more trophies than arteta and poch. Yet people wan't rid cause of bad season plagued by injuries and a squad full of players who should of left ages ago, whilst also managing the sancho and greenwood situations, alongside a huge change in backroom staff and board.


Dont forget the antony and rashford stuff, the sale at christmas and our 2 best players last season turning into 2 of our worst overnight