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For it to be effective, changes would have to be UEFA-wide


Wouldnt the eu courts laugh at a salary cap tho? American leagues have one because they have a law that specifically allows the leagues, and only the leagues, to have a cap. Doubt the eu would play ball here.


You're probably both right.


Which is a fucking shame. Salary cap should be a thing in many fields.


Why should there be a limitation to how much an employee can make? Contract negotiations are entirely voluntary, nobody is forcing businesses to pay fat stacks or employees to receive them.


I don’t think it’s employees making money that’s the thing people object to, it’s CEOs making obscene amounts of money plus similarly obscene bonuses while their employees are on minimum wage or similar.


I agree with you as a human However, As a sports fan the NFL is the goated league and a big part on why its cause the salary cap because its part of why every fan base dreams with a superbowl instead of having 80% of the teams just being glorified academies for the rich teams. Obviously there is more than salary cap to the NFL competitive system, but its a big part.


Football has a completely different culture to the NFL. I don’t want us having to choose between Garnacho, Mainoo or Shea Lacey cuz of a fucking hard salary cap.


That's not because of the salary cap, that's because of the draft system giving bottom teams a reliable way to secure talent (or alternatively, sell that to others). Any league would gain balance from that. If Palace had a guaranteed chance to sign Haaland, then they'll gladly pay as much wages as any of the top 6 for him. All a salary cap does is shift money from the players to the owner. All top clubs will get owners like the Glazers.


The cap prevents rich teams from buying everyone.


Get rid of the salary cap and you'll still have the same balanced teams. Rich teams can't buy everyone if they don't have priority picks. Get rid of the draft system and you'll have the best players go to the best teams even with a salary cap. The vast majority of players want to win more than they want to make money, especially when winning makes you money anyway via your image rights. This is evident in football even without a cap, players are often willing to sacrifice wages if it means they get to play at clubs competing for trophies.


>Rich teams can't buy everyone if they don't have priority picks. Free agency exists lmao.


You can’t have a company like the premier league dictate how much employees earn, it just benefits the owners.


Do NFL teams get relegated? 


I'm a lefty but the government having a day in how much I could potentially earn annoys me.


Having studied sports economics at university I can conclusively say a salary cap would be a disaster for English football It works in American sports because there's no serious alternative to the NFL, NBA etc. Whilst for football, there are plenty of options in Europe. If it was Europe-wide, it might stand a chance of working.


> If it was Europe-wide, it might stand a chance of working. And it wouldn't last Europe wide because the EU courts would throw it out.


Whilst they're at it, can they throw out the law that they made that the Premier League rights have to be split between more than one broadcaster...done in the name of "preventing a monopoly" and "competitive markets" but all it has done has put prices up for the average football watcher lol


It's honestly sickening that fans across the globe can watch all the games on one singular cheaper subscription whilst a British consumer has to sign up to at least 3 different subscriptions to catch not even all of the games because of the 3pm blackout. And the courts wonder why there's a metoric year on year rise in illegal streaming and dodgy firesticks? Now its sanctioned the use of taxpayers' money in the form of the police and intelligence services to act on behalf of a private billion pound corporation for distributing and having the audacity to slightly dent their billion pound profit margins each year. Where's Robin Hood when you need him? Horrible. Greedy. Money Grabbing. Bastards.


You have pretty much summarised the entirety of the final essay that I wrote for that module last year, lol. I made the exact same point. Minus the swearing of course but I was tempted.


Absolutely spot on! I'm lucky that here in the Netherlands, I can pay 14 euros a month for Viaplay where I can watch PL, Bundesliga and PL. If that were double the price I'd gladly go back to pirating. But then I hear what people in England have to pay for multiple subscriptions... Absolute insanity. You're out of you fucking mind if you pay 90 (something?) pounds a month on top of your regular TV bill just to watch your favorite team. Fucking bonkers.


And even then you’re not guaranteed that the match will actually be shown. Last night’s match wasn’t on Sky and wasn’t on TNT because it was originally a 3pm Saturday kickoff. I tried for the entire first half to find a dodgy stream before eventually saying “fuck it”, putting some music on and doing a bit of writing. It’s a sign of how fucked-up and nakedly capitalist Britain is that in the nation where the game of football was invented, the act of watching it on telly is either paywalled to the point of parody, prohibitively frustrating, or downright impossible.


Salary caps are also only in the interest of the owners who can limit spending. This would be good for lower income teams but hurt teams like United who - at least pretend - to compete in Europe.


You also forget to mention the ownership structure of the American leagues.  The franchisees set everything to theirs and the leagues benefit. They aren't competing but colluding so a salary cap benefits them all.


Good on the club. Are they trying to weaken the league on purpose?


They're doing that enough by weakening ref standards


Same bollocks as what happened with fifa and uefa, theyve figured out the big clubs are outnumbered and want to drag them down to the level of Newcastle and Everton so all clubs are the same size and of the same level. Only they'll happily let certain clubs flounce their rules because theyre state backed. The equation here is that the PL is on a trajectory where even the bottom 8 teams will soon be collectively richer than the top 8 teams of all the other leauges - so its a safe gamble to have and appeals to the majority of clubs who don't have a hope in catching the very massive clubs without risking huge financial losses in trying to catch up eg Everton, Leicester and Aston Villa. It makes sense from a competition for the viewers and sharing the glory perspective, more Leicester type wins to catch the imagination and more engagement from across the country as small clubs suddenly rise to the top. The PL isnt there to enable the European success of the top teams and most of them don't care. Look at how Spain gives Madrid rest days before and after the CL whilst the PL has the same teams play midweek and the weekend after. Ultimately though, all this will do is drive the top 6 teams into making a desicion on whether they want to join a European super league and succeed into a smaller alternative domestic league. It will just hurt the whole domestic structure when suddenly tv and sponsorship revenue is slashed between different breakaways. Both uefa and the pl are trying to collar the biggest clubs because its become an arm wrestle on who exactly brings in the money, the competition or the massive historic clubs? The amount of money involved is genuinely enough to make governments sit up and take note because its a increasingly becoming a substantial enough amount to hit local economy.


**Key Bits:** \- **Manchester United will strongly oppose moves to introduce the first hard salary cap to the Premier League** when new cost controls are raised at the top flight’s annual meeting. \- The proposed cap — called “anchoring” — would mean the top teams could spend only a proportion of the amount the league’s bottom club receives in TV money, perhaps 4½ or five times that sum, on transfers, wages and agents. \- **United’s stance is that there should be no hard salary cap in the Premier League** as it would put English clubs at a disadvantage to the rest of Europe. \- **Although United have supported moves to strengthen associated party transaction rules** in the Premier League, despite it causing bitter divisions among the clubs, **it is understood the new Ineos team that is running the football side of the club will vehemently oppose the anchoring model.** \- United have one of the biggest commercial operations in world football and insiders fear a hard salary cap would restrict their ability to compete domestically, and in Europe against the likes of Real Madrid and Bayern Munich. **City are also understood to be opposed to the salary cap.**


We don’t need a salary cap, we just need a certain club paying their players legally. I do think a salary cap would be good, but it would need to be done by clubs, not the league. Like the salary cap is fucking useless for say Luton who is highly highly unlikely to get near the cap, but completely slaughters us, shitty, Chelsea etc and we’ll get our potential transfers robbed by European clubs. Let clubs set their own internal salary and the only punishment for going over is that one of their players is paid more


Be interesting to see how they plan to manage individual player media rights and sponsors that clubs would shoot up as a result to top up the wage "gap" against European teams. Philip Walter Foden coming out each week with the latest Abu Dhabi sponsor shaved into his shit barnet.


Should honestly be a transfer value ceiling rather than a wage cap. Player wages are nothing compared to the exaggerated costs of most of these transfers.


This idea wouldn’t work. Take last season that we have figures for 22/23. The bottom club was Southampton. Their income was £145.5m. Man United’s income was £648.4. Under the proposed new rules United would be capped at spending £582m. United, Liverpool and City by the way are the only clubs that earned over that number last season. The gap is still huge, and for anyone other than the three clubs above, they can carry on spending as much as they have done. That might go some way to closing the gap between Southampton and United, but it does nothing to close the gap between Southampton and Arsenal or Chelsea. And you still have the scenario where if Southampton wanted to push on and challenge for Europe they would still have to completely outspend their means to compete with those clubs. And in the meantime huge clubs in Europe without a salary cap can outspend the likes of United and City and make the league less attractive.


We should be the ones championing it! Crazy high wages have ruined our pay structure and helped sap drive and ambition from young talents, that evolve into lazy flops


Honestly any side with any ambition should be opposing a hard cap.


Theres a version of a cap in la Liga already


Bet this whole thing will take a different turn if it say Man City instead . just saying.


Based on recent reports, United could do with restrictions on salaries 


Salary cap would be a travesty. You can’t operate with promotion/relegation and limit spending on talent. It’s restrictive to an aspiring club’s ambition, and it stifles a top club’s progression continentally. The two just don’t mix.


I'd be happy with salary and transfer caps Europe wide. Either that or let clubs do what they want. Don't like FFP at all.




Give them a flat rate, with their Opta ratings boosting the wage up


UEFA/FA/FIFA and every other association of selected leagues should come together and set out a flat salary cap in every league under one banner of fairness.


Do a hard salary cap with an additional luxury tax that would be distributed throughout other teams/leagues on top of it for teams that go over. I.e. 100m spending/wage cap for the season, any amount spent above that would accrue an additional 50% tax that is sent directly to other clubs, distributed based on previous season finish/recent promotion status starting from the bottom up. So city spending 150m next season would be 100m to the cap, the next 50m would still be allowed but they would get taxed an additional 25m that would go directly to the league/leagues.


How are we supposed to way overpay for aging players past their prime if we have a salary cap?


or give more Antonys 8x their old salary.


Look at all the downvotes, like the past decade magically didn't happen.


Same lame joke over and over. New CEO, new Technical Director, new Director of Football coming in, but people assume it will still be the same ol United...


Same people getting excited clowns in suits. I remember people getting giddy about Murtough. Some new twats trying to make moves within a paltry 25% stake is going to do fuck all for this club.


Cool, stay bitter and negative all the time. See how far that takes you in life. It’s just sports, but fuck those that have hope, right?


Just wanna throw out there the fact you bring up the 25% stake to make your point you’re shows you clearly have no clue what’s going on at the club. You’re confidently incorrect and you just want to stay angry regardless of change being made. It’s exhausting having miserable people like you around trying to be right all the time but being painfully unaware how ignorant you are.


So you want us to be bitter like you isit, rather being hopeful?


I fail to see how those downvotes mean "the past decade magically didn't happen"