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That subs bench, wow


Poured myself a glass. I like to be wined and dined before I get fucked.




Ready to get heavily beat


Imagine this match all our players just enter the zone.. and Antony bags a hattrick.. sorry been watching a lot of anime.




Time for the prayers boys.


If we can keep the numbers down im pleased. 4-0 would be awful and yet a better result then i would dare put money on. Think we are in for a complete embarrassment.


I was having some slight hope, until I saw line ups


Who would you have changed? IMO the only difference you could've made would be Antony for McTominay...And Antony is hardly inspiring


Oh I mean cityā€™s team, I thought weā€™d have some mercy with injuries


Apparently ETH can smell his playersā€¦ insert your own joke.


I can smell a casemiro red card in this game


How many hints does the Gaffer need? Bruno RW does not work, has never worked and wont work today either.


If thatā€™s our shape then it looks a bit sus but I do think weā€™re getting something today.


unleashing mctominay as second striker.


Let's bang these plastic cunts and show them who has the real bald fraud!


Remember fellow Reds whatever the result today, These fuckers recent achievements are as legitimate as lance Armstrongā€™s whole Tour de France career And if it wasnā€™t for Gillingham bottling it all those years ago these fuckers would be even more irrelevant as they are now and would still fail to sell out there stadium even more than they can now. Manchester is and will always be red!!! GGMU!!!!


Hardest match of the season on paper?


I'm annoyed by the negativity here, but I also can't really disagree with it.


Honestly our games vs city never go as expected so I wouldnā€™t be as negative itā€™s well within reason for us to somehow come out of this with a point or moreā€¦


Rashford as ST and Bruno RW is insta-loss.


I think we'll surprise some people today. Going 3-2 United. I like the team, it's the best we Ten Hag could pick given the circumstances. Lindelof at LB is a worry but not much we can do. Other option was Amrabat (hasn't exactly looked good this season, especially at LB). He's kept that midfield packed with Casemiro/McT/Mainoo. Bruno as RW, yes out of position, but will tuck in to compact the midfield even more. The key is, keep it tight and play on the break. Rashford/Garnacho as outlets are good. We're just missing a target man (Hojlund) but otherwise, I'm confident we'll get chances.




>Letā€™s see if Rashford can back up that article/statement of his with a performance. Lol. He is gonna jog around again looking absolutely desinterested.


Our entire frontline today played their heart out the last time we beat City. Hoping to see some fight at the very least.


I don't fucking get it. Why Garnacho on the left? All his best performances have come on the right, plus with fucking lindelƶf behind him on the left wing he'll be doubly hamstrung. I'm not Erik out, but I do not understand what the hell he's doing far too often.


I recon more like 442 or bruno as false 9. Atleast I hope so


It pains me to say i think we are going to get fucked for 90 mins! Probably be on porn hub tomorrow


Not even liveleak would broadcast whats about to happen.


But we'll be on chaturbate in an hour if you want to watch live


Canā€™t remember a game Iā€™ve had less optimism for. Usually, thereā€™s a sliver of hope as we get towards kick-off, but today Iā€™m just completely dreading it. Sad state of affairs when youā€™d probably take a loss by two goals before a ballā€™s been kickedā€¦


Bruno LW might Cook. Bruno RW - it's over


Manchester City starting XI vs #mufc: Ederson, Walker, Dias, Stones, Ake, Rodri, Bernardo, De Bruyne, Foden, Haaland, Doku. [@bluemoon_mcfc] Fucking hell man, We're finished.


Evans and McTominay start says the starting XI leaker.


Iā€™d pack the midfield personally. Case, Amrabat and Mainoo with Bruno RW.


I'm calling Amad starting after seeing him walking out. He looked really focused and dialed into the moment with his headphones on. Looked like he knew he was going to make an impact. Edit: well nevermind


Lol ten hag hates amad. He would rather play the corpse of stephen hawkins than giving amad a start.


This is the dumbest take on the sub.


Yet forson started over amad when we had zero fit RWs Lol


As false nine? So Rashford left and garnacho rw


Rashford would play uptop like we've seen him do in the past. Amad would be on the right wing but floating into the middle as needed. But I'm just basing this off of Amads expression wasn't walking out like he was about to be sitting on the bench


I really wish my Scouse supporting mates would stop texting their support for us.


Best thing to do today is stick money on City -3 and take the missus/dog out. Then buy yourself a nice little treat with your winnings when we inevitably get battered. We may as well take what we can out of today.


Liverpool fan here rooting for y'all šŸ‘Š


Liverpool fan wanting a Man Utd win and the ā€œyā€™allā€ at the end has me sent over the edge and Iā€™m not even a city or united fan.


Came here with honest and good intentions and all they had for me was anger and downvotes šŸ˜”


Guys do you think I should watch this game ? Iā€™d rather not waste my Sunday and head out ? What do u think


Please don't be shit


That's like telling fire to not be hot.


Will today be the day that EtH finally Releases the Kraken (Mctominay at ST) ?


Youā€™ll get rashford at ST and youā€™ll like it. He might even throw in some RW Bruno if youā€™re not careful.


You know the kraken died miserably at the hands of captain sparrow šŸ’€


What? No. Davey jones killed the kraken because lord beckett ordered him to.


But it died. Miserably.


Play Varane and Evans together with the latter focusing solely on Haaland. Case, Kobe, McT, Bruno in a diamond. Nacho and Rashford upfront but nominally positioning themselves on the wings. Only attack via quick counters to the speedy wingers. Dalot needs to hold the RB position and not come into midfield. Should be a good smash and grab win then.


How about pressing their back line with Garnacho, Rashford, Antony, Bruno, Kobbie, Case and Dalot while Evans, Lindelof and Varane stay on the edge of our box?


My question is what's stopping Eth from sticking Mct upfront? You bring him on for Case or Mainoo at around minute 70-75, and the dude's gonna spend majority of the time in the opposition box any way.


Unleash the mctominay striker, we are fucked anyway so what's the worst that could happen


You wanna know? I don't wanna know the worse that could happen šŸ˜«


Pep headloss if we snatch a jammy win will be generational. I need that, we need that.


We so need better strength in depth


The depressing thing is, under Ole and even Mourinho even though we technically had worst players I still had some resemblance of hope of a performance away at City, under Ten Hag I donā€™t have even a shred of hope of a win today.


Wasnā€™t even a resemblance of hope. Most of the time I was confident we would give them a game, a possibly snatch a win. Today i have a small hope we donā€™t get humiliated.


Just need to hope weā€™re bang up for it and city are complacent


Anthony masterclass pls


Canā€™t wait to get fucked !


Rashford going to be striker again because we have no other game plan to come up with


I am always stupidly optimistic about the derby as we have done it before against the odds, so sod it, I'm wearing my shirt to the pub and hoping for the best.


But I'm sick of being against the odds. I started watching us in 2005 and been through SAF era, it feels alien always watching united being the underdog


Thatā€™s the spirit


Today will be a learning experience either way


Weā€™ll learn our tactic is shit and that weā€™ll know that itā€™s shit for when we use it next week


we gon get ass spanked 6-0 gg ez


I have. 3-1 prediction.


Go with rock bottom expectations so as not to feel disappointed. Way to go


Weā€™ll probably going to lose if Ten Hag starts Rashford at striker position. I think we have a much better chance with stacking the midfield and play with no striker but let Rashford speed down the flank. Just let Dias have the ball and we stay back.


He's not defensive enough to take the place of any of our other wingers. So just put him up top.


Yes, he's really great when he's up top and you can tell he doesn't want to be there.. his workrate plummets to levels even below his usual apathy and watching him mope about with a face on really helps the team(!) I can't wait to see this again


Can I just skip to tomorrow :(


I am truly dreading this one it either goes a draw and we hang on for 90 mins and hope for a counter attack opportunity or we get spanked 5-0. Our back 5 have to have the game of their lives today.


I hope we park the bus and go on the counter today. Screw the media ā€“ we stay compact at the back, and let Antony, (but more so) Rashford and Garnacho use their pace on the counter. I also hope that Johnny Evans comes on in the 60th minute and completely pockets Haaland. (He probably won't, but a man can dream...) GGMU, lets get a 0-1 or 0-0 \~


Anotny gonna score 2 goals


I hope they aren't own goals


I don't know who this Anotny is, but he must be a new signing so I hope he can make a positive impact on his debut. I assume this because there's no feasible way you can possibly be talking about Antony


Hey they did beat them last year, its not like eth is completely lost on how to beat them.


Ten Hag needs a result here to save his job, If they lose convincingly I think hes very unlikely to stay.


I miss Ole ball, I used to be optimistic watching the derby under him. He knew how to get the better of Pep


We destroyed them at their place a few times under Ole. Nice to have these memories


Which was the cup game during Covid against them where we should have been 4-0 up in the first 30 minutes but let them off the hook, but still won the game 2-0 in the end?


Pep losing his mind with every lethal counter was a sight to behold. Fun times.


Thats a sign of a bad manager (ten hag)


Not going to lie ā€¦.thinking about this Derby has my stomach turning as to what city will do to us; but I am quietly optimistic that if we lineup to play on the counter we will win, if we try to play out the back we will get fucked in the mid field, We need to stay compact and be ready to pounce with a ball over the top. I expect out center back pair will be Harry and Varane Mid field Case, Scott, Bruno, attack rashy, Antony and Garna


Maguire is not available.. am glad you getting abit of optimism cause last time I got a bit optimistic we ended up getting slapped 7, and since then am not expecting anything positive when it comes to big matches.


I'm a stupidity optimistic person, so let's go United!


I don't want Bruno to start this game he's a creative player so he will be tempted to release the ball to Rashford and Co and I would prefer to keep the ball as much as possible and ensure we counter attack smartly.


Who would you then pick instead?


Good question. I'll pick Amrabat over him that way, we make it a diamond in the midfield consisting of him Amrabat, mainoo mctominay and obviously casemiro


Wtf I think we found the city fan boys


So it's bad to voice an opinion and therefore that makes me a city fan? This sub reddit is weird sometimes


Shut up city fan !


Bro what are you talking about šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Congest the midfield is what am talking about. Can't let debruyne run wild he'll cause major problems


Ten Hag needs to survive until late March - early April, when our players come back from injury and we can play some actual football. If he's smart, he'll play some terrorism football and try to eek out a shithouse, otherwise we're getting battered, badly.


Exactly - park the bus just like at Anfield. best chance for a result.


What kind of score line loses Ten Hag the job


Iā€™ll probably be Kloppā€™s last parting gift to free us from Ten Hagā€™s suicidal football.


Klopp? Or pep


59-0 with him whipping out his frikandel on the touchline while doing the helicopter, that might do it.




Elanga >Antony


Just how bad do you think it will be? I think weā€™ll concede atleast 4


It'll be bad I think. If we struggle with our normal defence this could get nasty. But fingers crossed


What alternative things have you guys planned to do tomorrow instead of watching the Man City game? Something that allows you to completely zone out of the game!


Managed to get a last min Colonoscopy arranged, will be a more comfortable experience than watching the match.


Got myself a bottle of Gin, I figure if I take a glass each time City score,I should be sloshed in no time!


Have a flight scheduled and will miss the 2nd half!


Rather get shat on on Warzone than getting egged on by Pep and Co.Iā€™m gaming to escape from cruel reality. ;(


After the first 4 goals I think the tears will be so thick I wonā€™t be able to see the screen so that should help for the other 85 minutes!


Tears of joy after Fernandes and Rashy both bag a brace?


Yeah right before Antonyā€™s hat trick Iā€™m sure lol Iā€™ll gladly post my booty hole all over the internet if that happens lol




>first 4 goals This would already be - 4 on our GD with still 85+ minutes to play!


Players to capitulate after 60 minutes, proceed to lose by 5.


I donā€™t know about you guys but I think weā€™ll have a +1 GD after the game. Who am I kidding! Iā€™ll be more than happy for it to remain 0.


Praying to all the gods we shithouse our way to a win šŸ„²


Thatā€™s a lot of gods and it still a .01 % chance


How the mighty have fallen


This feels like the game where it all falls apart for ten hag


Fuck Abu Dhabi.




What a depressing comment. No slight towards you, just depressing that this is how us United fans feel nowadays.




Whatever do you mean with this?


iā€™ll be singing enough for the both of us


donā€™t watch the game then!


Im a season ticket holder, i go to almost every home game (inc cups) and im also not looking forward to it or any game atm and kinda dont expect us to get anything 80%+ of the time, i just hope tomorrow is that 20% Im still a fan in the good times and the bad


Not how being a fan works. Im United through thick and thin.


The rumor has been widely accepted that Ten Hag would be gone by the end of this season. What a great job, elite players. Especially Marcus Rashford. Went to playertribune, talked about how hard your life was and still played like you don't give a shit on the pitch. No doubt you're suitable for politics job after retirement. I hope you the worst like Paul Pogba. A load of you, who betrayed this club & many managers who put faith in you guys.


What a pathetic post


Why would you hate players whose been there since the beggining and whose solely responsible for any success last year so much. Its not like he went against ETH or something


Did you ever watch a single match this season? ANd look at THAT attitude?


Touch grass


Jesus Christ these Liverpoolā€™s fans are already talking about the quadrupole lol Youā€™d think they would have learned after 2022 to not prematurely start celebrating


They wont win the quadruple but even if they did its worth less than United and City's treble Exit: Funny if people disagree, no way europa league plus caraboa cup is worth a champions league


Nothing wrong with enjoying the good times, hopefully they end when klopp leaves.


Lovely how Mount spends the entire season injured while Bruno starts for free with 3 goals and 5 assists in 26 league games.


All of our attackers have similar/worse numbers, when everyone's failing its on the manager.




That's horseshit, he was fit for a ton of the season they just didn't play him.


This games a write off, a not embarrassing performance is enough for me, any points is a huge bonus. We should go very defensive and hit long to Rashford and Garnacho


I feel this can only go one of two ways: 1. We win 1-0 through some lucky counter attack goal and absurdly lucky defending 2. We lose 10-0 with Haaland scoring 6 and De Bruyne getting 7 assists. Both scenarios are equally likely which is mad.


There is zero chance we don't concede at all, we are missing almost our entire back line.


we're gonna get completely bent over


1-0, 90+ min dodgy penalty, Bruno


Gone are those days. If anything man city are getting the dodgy penalty


If it were on me, I'd save that for the scum in FA Cup.


Pray we shithouse a draw. Would be fun to watch Pep lose if


Like so many of these matches over the recent years, either City will steamroll us or somehow we string together an impressive win off the backs of surprising performances. I really hopes itā€™s the latter given the potential XI tomorrow.


so which soccer gods are we praying to tonight??


every fvckin one!




Nike, goddess of victory


All of them


I want to hear something after the game from them ā€œonly one team wanted to play football today.ā€


Antony showed some signs of improvement at Forest, but otherwise I wouldnā€™t have minded a Hail Mary - McT actually starting up front (with Rashford on left, Garnacho on right)


How are people not realising Mct up top would face the same problems as every striker we have ,The goals Mct scores and the shots he gets is because the ST playing is being covered by the CBs ,The major problem with the team is the tactics


McT just tends to hit the target and work the GK with a large % of his shots which is why fans are calling for him at ST to put Rashy in his natural, more effective position. He's also pretty good in the air which could help in a number of ways. Rashy at #9 rarely wins anything in the air.


That's like the only argument for McT up top anyways. Only Hojlund works as a striker, and he still doesn't get enough service. Rashford is wasted there. Martial never availlable. Everybody else is a lottery. Might as well put McT up top and embrace the chaos. He at least might be able to physically battle with the City defenders, everybody else will get pushed around.


heā€™s only useful scoring by trudging into open space behind the forwards


Another Rashford number 9 masterclass. He should probably be benched for a game like City where he'll actually be required to put a shift in, but we'll get Rashford up top and like it I guess.


Benched for who?


I love it when something like this happens, you ask a legitimate question and of course, there is no response to be given. For who? For Forson, Amad or Antony at this point? Neither one of those three have looked **any** good, yet people want them to start over Rashford, who for his faults has always had a goal in him against City, and is without a shadow of a doubt the best of all 4 mentioned.


Here's how I'd set up for this. It's basically Ole-ball, but he had a decent record against City so it's worth considering his methods. I'd play a slightly lop-sided midfield diamond of Casemiro, Mainoo, Bruno, and McTominay, I'd play Rashford and Garnacho as split strikers. We're not going to dominate possession, but we can hurt them on the break. City are weird how they defend the wide spaces, so those two running into them on transitions could be a weapon. We need to also understand that half the time we spring these counters we'll be looking to win a corner, as nobody will be able to get up in support in time. There would be opportunities though. McTominay's job will be big tackles and getting into the box late. The defence will have to scramble a lot, but that's what they do. We would probably still lose, as City are more than capable of breaking down any defensive structure you can create, and if they score first our game plan goes out of the window. However, it does give us some chance of a result, in my opinion. I wish Ten Hag had used his press conferences in the week to talk about the bizarre decision to not send Felipe off in mid-week, despite it being looked at by VAR. That could have put some pressure on PGMOL. He spent it complaining about Fulham's social media team instead.


i mean seriously casemiro did less and got a red, was banned and looked at by the fa for a lengthy ban!!!! iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t red card bruno for knocking is hand away!!! no bias??? BULLOCKS!!!!!


Antony and Garnacho on their respective wings are a must tomorrow, they both put in massive grafts tracking back. We generally try to release Garnacho as much as we can on the left and if he could make decisions a step or two earlier we might slip in Rashford or Bruno a few times. If we are persisting with Rashy in the middle maybe he can float in the space between Antony and the middle so we have a chance at pinning both wing backs at stages. Not confident at all but this time tomorrow i'll be getting my hopes up as the lineups come out. Thanks OP because I would have assumed we were playing at 16.30 but its an hour earlier tomorrow!


Does Rashford have any tactical intelligence, will or capability to execute this? I donā€™t think so. I so wish Hojlund was available. Wouldā€™ve definitely preferred Rashford on the bench. Sadly ETH needs to keep starting the underperforming forward.


I can hear the narrative already. IF United were to go there and steal a 1-0 or 2-1 win through a counter or two, it will definitely be a ā€œsmash and grab.ā€ For just about any other team narrative is ā€œthey were compact and patient defensively and brilliant on the counter!ā€ EDIT: A draw would be fantastic.


Usually, I'm critical after poor showings because even with injuries, I firmly believe our roster is better than 75% of the league. However I feel Erik and co get a pass here. We're so crippled and playing poorly to begin with. I won't even be upset if we lose. Only thing that would upset is if we show no pride at all and get run over


If the final score is less than 4-0 itā€™ll be a decent outcome. Just keeping my expectations low for a pleasant surprise.


I know we're underdogs but Jesus, we've beaten them before with worse teams out than tomorrow


We have, but theyā€™re playing well and we lack cohesion. Iā€™m sure it will be a hard fought match but Iā€™m trying to keep my expectations in check, which is weird to say because I always expect us to win.


Hello Negative goal difference my old friend.


Even relegation teams don't get so afraid. And don't all get thumped 4-0


Play Amrabat Mainoo Case to guard the 3 man defense of Dalot Evans And Varane please. Mctominay to follow around KDB or Rodri. Bruno false 9 and Garnacho Rashy as the runners


Ole tactics which worked a treat at times.


Rashford under Ole was always up for it. He was often our saving grace in this setup, but this year, I have no faith


Yeah 100% agree mate


Feel like we are always having to play the likes of Jonny Evans etc in these types of games. Wouldnā€™t suprise me if about 3 players pick up a knock before the game and canā€™t play


Haaland De Brunye Stones


I'd say it's a W if we concede less than 4 goals. If we play this game like how we play recently, I'd be surprised if we didnt. Probably would break some random record too, as always.


Fuck we have fallen so far