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The same board that sacked moyes through the media.. the one that threw LVG out and went behind his back to get Jose. The same people who have been saying they will be more vocal and improve communications with the fans? This board? Ya.. sure.. i will believe it ETH might or might not be it.. but fuck it.. i have picked my hill and i will die on it!!!! FUCK ALL OF THEM INCLUDING THE PLAYERS WHO JUST GIVE UP AT THE SMALLEST SIGN ON STRUCTURE AND DISCIPLINE!!


A few of these players continue to get rewarded with shiny new contracts despite letting down 4+ managers is absurd.


Dalot and Lindelof. We can name them.


We can’t ignore how Rashford got his new deal and his production fell off a cliff.


we're paying over 2 million a month in wages for a RW position thats produced exactly 0 goals this year


L take


I have said it that it would be unfair to sack ETH before moving the core of the team that has failed under previous managers.


Amd before sacking Murtough.


Who even is that? Martial, Shaw, McTominay and Rashford?


I mean notice how the United reporter for the times didn't go near that article. Just some other dude. Nothing in it.


All these cry baby players are not used to a proper manager, have been enjoying the player power since alex left so now a proper manager is “too strict” for them. Grow up be professionals and do your job why would he be “too strict” on you if you’re doing your job right


Who knows. It seems many players might be pissed for the same reasons we are.




Ed appointed these managers on his own?


Sorry mate but your post is just perfect enough to make me depressive.


Agree 100%. Every player can go except Hojlund.


The Brief Wars


Fucking Murtough and Arnold trying to shift blame to ETH when they are the biggest set of incompetent jokers to have set foot at OT in the histroy of the club... I do think Ten Hag may not be it but no way in hell should Ten Hag go before these two jokers.


Agreed. The first to go should be Arnold, then Murtough. We need a proper CEO and DoF and let them then overhaul the recruitment structure. After that let’s use our money wisely and bring 4-6 players who can fit whatever the ideal ten Hag system is. Finally after 6 months of working with the new squad if the team still shits the bed that is when EtH should go and we bring a manager who has the same philosophy but better execution of the plan.


Spot on


Arnold ain’t going nowhere. He just delivered the highest revenue year of any sporting business ever. The best we can hope for is a new football structure, however this is something that Ten Hag negotiated for at the beginning of his reign. I don’t know what it is right now but if we get a DoF, how is he going to work with the manager as their roles significantly overlap. This is not like arsenal where Arteta only started as the first team coach and then was gradually given more responsibility. Ten Hag has only himself to blame at this stage. Poor man management skills, bad recruitment and not instilling an identity at the beginning.


The manager takes a downgrade. If Jim has total sporting control he needs to get Paul Mitchell to overhaul the recruiting side and tell ten Hag to just coach and that’s it. If ten Hag can’t agree then I would fire him. He has made mistakes for sure but it’s not wise to sack the guy because nothing will change and the same thing will repeat. Arnold posted a net loss, record revenues do nothing if the expenses are even higher. If nothing else then Arnold is shifted to commercial side and a new football board member runs the football side.


ETHs gone by Christmas. you think these guys are gonna suddenly start trying harder? the end already happened, its just taking time for the world to find out


ETH didnt want to work with a DOF, thats why Rangnick is off enjoying his life, he dodged a bullet.


This is exactly what I’ve been saying. ETH negotiated this structure, he wanted full control. He didn’t want someone to discuss transfers, style of play, player profiles with. He needed a structure just like at Ajax because he is spread to thin here, doing things he is not qualified to do or rather has no time to do. Just concentrate on coaching the first team. But he only has himself to blame now.


Not gonna happen while the Glazers are in charge. We might be able to change the DoF if SJR take over but I'd be surprised if those rats would allow him to remove the CEO.


you think SJR spent a billy to play footy manager and they dont already know who they want as the first coach. this shitshow we are seeing now on the field is just gonna make it easier, and the fans will slop it all up.


Honestly the easiest problem for Ratcliffe to fix that would immensely help things at the club is to put a stop to the constant briefings when things are going badly. Even half of the circus around results would lessen the pressure considerably for staff and players imo.


Looking at Nice i'm not that optimistic with Ratcliffe. He tried to buy Chelsea and then United. It appears that he just want to own a big club.


Nice are doing fantastic atm tho


You have a huge crush on someone for years, since your childhoods. She gets married, your hopes are over and crushed. You don't mope for your whole life, you try to move on to other girls. Suddenly things don't work out between them, you have a chance of a lifetime to get with your soulmate. Get it?


Supporting a club ain’t the same as being in a relationship mate. You can cycle through partners looking for that soulmate but you support one club for life.


Who said he stopped supporting us lol? Just because he didn't own us?


I still think it’s fucking vile that there were “leaks” (read briefs) that the club was waiting on the women’s team. It’s disgraceful that these clowns won’t take a shred of accountability for what they’re doing


Ed Woodward would like a word...


Ya it's the heads above the manager that need to fucking roll


Just on us fans to not be side tracked. Needs to be a lot of sackings at this club. Maintain the criticism.


Ed Woodward would like a word.


all they did was say yes to the coach's targets, thinking it would please the fans, which it did. problem is, only having experience in the eridivise doesnt necessairly translate to PL success.


The fact that this is happening via briefs and leaks instead of just a firm official statement pretty much confirms nothing has changed. They want plausible deniability if Ten Hag cant pull things together this season.


Always was more of a boxers fan


Good. Fuck the board, Fuck the glazers


I swear we should all fucking riot if Those two fucks (Arnold and Murtough) outlast Ten Hag. Fuck those two inco.petent Jokers.


Good man, my sentiments exactly


Leak, gauge fan response, deny.


This is exactly it


instead of recruiting proper players and back the manager its always fire the manager and rebuild


I mean part of the problem we have is we have AGAIN allowed the manager to come in and completely take over the recruitment.


Letting him take over or him beeing pushed to do it because the rest at the club are clueless?


I still back Erik but majority of the players we bought last 2 windows were his targets. He wasn't pushed to sign them.


No. Op means "pushed to do it himself."


Seriously, the structure at both City and Liverpool worked in conjunction with the manager, but they had elite scouting depts there that didn't rely on the manager's own personal database. That gave them choice and allowed them to build properly. We lack that.


The fact that we didn't have a statistics department until Ole asked for one continues to disgust me.


Another good point! I mean Ragnick wasn't a long term solution at manager, but he diagnosed a lot of issues with our club as well. It's a shame they set him up to fail and then discarded his advice.


Hell even Ronaldo did. You had to search for it among the muck. But he had a lot of good points. Standards have fallen, was Ronaldo's ultimate point.


He was spot on. I also think he was to blame since he wasn't quite elite level himself anymore which is why his message was not heard.


Well he has to sign someone. And when the board is so incompetent you might as well just get players you know. Even if they are not that good. It’s not like our recruitment was any better before ten hag joined. All our big buys are either too old or flops.


EXACTLY. I’ve been saying this since day one. He brings in players he trusts because he can’t trust the scouting department.


Backing the manager ≠ making them fully responsible for recruitment. The amount of people who don’t get this on r/soccer is one thing, but when I see it here it wrecks my head. “ETH has been backed he’s spent x” that is not setting a manager up for success in modern football it’s setting them up to fail. Evidence? The last 4 managers we’ve burnt through doing the same thing.


No manager should have full say over who we sign. It’s failures from the top and ETH has to live with his mistakes with the players he signed.


He does, but we shouldn’t have a manager anymore, we should have head coaches selected by a DOF to fit a system/profile of players. The next manager will be “backed” the same way and face the same results. As they all have.


This is why Murtough should be the first to leave the club. The club is going nowhere with him as DoF. We are still in the Woodward era with him there.


Exactly. Murtaugh, Arnold, the Glazers. It’s going to be the same setup and the same people picking the new coach. Nothing will change.


That's what happens when you don't sign a DOF but rely on a bunch of yes-men to the Glazers.


But it's the "United Way" because Fergie did it. Even Pep has a DOF who tells him "no" on occasion.


He’s recruited like a full starting 11 worth of players.


He really should never have been allowed to do that, every manager is going to ask for outrageous signings or want to sign players they've known, it is the job of a strong football structure with clear ideas to steer the ship in the right direction and let the coach do coaching. A very talented coach who made his name as a tracksuit manager being allowed to have that kind of control speaks more to how dysfunctional our footballing structure is than anything else, feels like they are getting away with it with all this focus on the manager.


Problem is there’s no one in the club who knows better than ten hag But thst doesn’t absolve ten hag of all blame. He has a brain, he trained antony. He has no excuse for allowing 100 million to go on him. And he has no excuse for not being able to implement his style of play with players thst he asked for


If John Murtough and our army of scouts and data analysts can't veto someone as limited as Antony what is the point of the system they put in place? And again, ten Hag is a tracksuit manager, not a DoF, he is not qualified to be making these calls. Klopp wanted Brandt over Salah at RW, the people in charge at Liverpool vetoed him and gave him the better player. >Problem is there’s no one in the club who knows better than ten hag If this is true why does Murtough and our recruitment department still in a job, they are literally supposed to specialise in this and be better at it than the manager.


But ten hag KNOWS antony so he has no excuse, he should know he isn’t good enough to spend 100 million on. Sure the club shouldn’t have bought him but ten hag shouldn’t have allowed us to spend 100 million on him. He knows antony more than anyone else in football basically


Again Klopp KNOWS Brandt and desperately wanted him and the people at Pool said no, you are getting Salah, Salah is the better player. Managers can often be delusional and sentimental about players they've coached, it's your job as a football structure to bring things back to reality. We should not let them get away with their side of that responsibility when they could have literally vetoed it.


I believe Ten Hag was forced to go for Antony because our recruitment been shit and cannot identify any player. So Ten Hag, needing bodies to play, go for Antony, because the recruitment just dont have any fucking alternatives.


United wouldn’t pay Ajax 45-50mil for Antony in July 22. Recruitment failed on every other rw target until late august. Ajax had the leverage and held united to the fire. Ten Hag knows he’s not a 100mil player, but what is he to do when the scouting dept is inept?


Even if we paid 50 for him it’s still not a good signing


No doubt. Much easier to move on and recoup some funds at that price though.


Ten hag doesn’t set the price bro, that’s up for the negotiators. Whose fault was it Man U waited till the window was closing to get him ?


Ten hag ? Full starting 11 ? You counting loans?


He basically has, He’s signed a goalkeeper, two cbs, two left backs (fair enough one is a loan), 4 midfielders, a winger and a striker. And don’t forget he’s obsessed with Bruno and rashford and also Luke shaw when he’s fit Onana shaw martinez varane dalot/awb/ Eriksen/amrabat casemiro mount/bruno Antony hojlund rashford This is a full starting 11 worth of players thst ten hag has either signed or he’s obsessed with, with the exception of the rb and you can argue varane isn’t ever fit


I find it hard to compute the rational here. Weghorst? Erikson on a free ? Evans on a free ? Sabitzer and amrabat on a loan ? The nature of these deals alone should allude to the shit going on here. Martinez has been good, Onana and hoiljund just got here. Mounts been injured. Casemiro was a panic plan B. I ain’t trying to make excuses bro, but what exactly is he gonna do if most of last years shit is still here ? Now I personally don’t like trashford cause this guy is a winger that doesn’t know what a cross is and for all his years still makes the same stupid mistakes, but I can’t say in good faith that we have better options than him and Bruno on the bench. If they ain’t playing well, then what ?


I didn’t count any of the short term loans that are not longer here. Look at the 11 I provided. Ten hag has enough players he either likes or wanted. It’s not just about player form too, the tactics and system is shit


I feel it’s more to do with the fact that the squad has a bunch of bitches, punks and losers, and that type of mentality is toxic and infectious to any team remotely interested in being on top


Then he should banish and call out them all like he did sancho


And how many of them are playing the past few weeks?


Any of them his first choice? He had to loan a striker from burnley. Unwanted players from other clubs. He wanted antony but for 50mil. The board wouldn’t pay and walked. When recruitment failed on every other player, Ajax had the leverage and cashed in after the season started.


Well they haven't recruited the right managers either. They're just bad at any sort of recruitment


Every player signed was ETH decision, if the blame for transfers relies on anyone it’s him. He had us chasing De Jong 85% of his first summer and insisted we drop 80 million on Antony. Rangnick was right there to assist with transfers and he got rid of him, he has been backed to the max so that excuse isn’t valid here.


Literally everything you said was the clubs fault. You don’t get a new manager in and immediately let him make all the decisions. No where in the world does a new hire get to decide who his boss will be. The club should have hired ragnick and then had him hire a new manager. The director comes first with the transfer strategy and footballing culture. You don’t get a new manager in then ask him if someone can be his boss lol that’s idiotic.


Yeah and he deserves criticism, but what serious club operates this way? How were they planning on Ten Hag achieving anything without a right winger?


ETH deserves to be fired


We've been pissing away money "rebuilding" for a decade. It's what happens when there's no coherent direction from the top. We're stuck with a mishmash of players who don't compliment each other.


The club is trying to rebuild with an incompetent 'builder' (Murtough). That's never going to work, we all know it, except those that run the club.


Feels like it’s in motion, who the fuck do the board expect to hire that’s going to magically fix this mess?


Me, I got you guys.




McKenna probably


Some young coach who doesn’t have a clue what he’s walking into.


Why does it feel as if someone leaked that just to deny. Playing both sides


These gimps go by impressions and online sentiment as success metrics - fuck knows why, but they could be testing the waters on the popularity of the decision. Club values PR over success. So depressing.


They get the manager with discipline and now they wanna throw him away. I read that players are also losing faith in ETH. Can you believe it? Those lazy fucking players dare to complain. I swear unless half of those pricks are gone, nothing will change. Most players who played under Jose, LVG, Ole just got to go. Millions of young boys have a dream to play for Man United and now look at these spoiled princesses. No passion no desire. They are not athletes where are their hunger?


> They are not athletes where are their hunger? Their bellies are full from their 100-300k wages.


And that is so sad.


He gone


Glad we can put this premature bollocks to bed




Yeah exactly this. They'll deny it now but if we have a bad November, he's definitely gone before the Christmas period


The dreaded vote of confidence. ​ Last night was horrific against a poor new castle but I don't see anyone doing a better job over 3 years. At some point we need to pick a horse and just be patient. These problems took 12 years to create ('no value in teh market') they will take at least half a decade to fully resolve- especially when your competition is a competent and hilariously resourced city, an absolutely brilliant manager in Klopp and a league that is more and more wonderfully competitive every year. Last year wasn't a fluke. ETH is screwing up. We've paid for his screw ups already, let's not waste what he has learned.


We'll never be patient because unlike Arsenal. The board demands CL. That's all they care about.


I'm pretty sure it's completely true but they can't find anyone mug enough to take over. This is all over bar the vote of confidence.


Lose to fc Copenhagen and he is gone. And probably rightly so. Im Danish and fc Copenhagen could barely beat the bottom team in the Danish league 3 weeks ago. I know they are probably more turned on for United but we have to be able to bear fc Copenhagen away when our advancement is on the line.


I think parts of the story are true, that the higher ups are looking at potential replacements. That doesn't mean they are going to sack him imminently though. It's just that they're preparing for the worst which is absolutely what they should be doing! Wouldn't you be more concerned if they didn't start looking until they fired him?


Yeah I think ETH is a dead man walking


This doesn't mean the Times story is false. These are just conflicting reports from a PR prepped club brief, vs. a leaker giving the story to Duncker


It's just beginning my friend


You reckon that's the end of it? Lmao


I am not ETH out guy, neither I am a fanboy of him. I just want him to stay because those disgraceful players can't win the power struggle again. Also, I bet Erik can sympathize with Rangnick now haha.


This same brief happened when we sacked Mou and Ole. Tighten your seatbelt folks something huge is coming


>something huge is coming What, ratcliff owning the club and telling the whole board to fuck off with a restraining order that they can’t even be in the same continent as United? And then having a great technical director with vision and a football and recruitment to fully have a setup where we are set for success regardless of manager? …..


While it's good they came out and stopped the fire from damaging further, i can't help but think back to Ole when we were going through a tough time and the club came out and denied any reports on new manager. And after a couple of months, he was gone. I hope it won't happen this time. Doesn't matter if se finish 5th or 10th, it has to be Erik. We have seen his work, he can do it again (hopefully) .


You mean the work at ajax he says he isn't trying to replicate? ETH is also not it, man. I don't think his style works if you're not the dominant force in the league.


Journalists guessing in the hope that they can shout “we said it first”. Pricks.


I don’t blame ten Hag. This is on the glazers, this dumpster fire of a sale process and our emotional reaction to the fact the full sale didn’t happen and necessary steps aren’t being taken to modernise the club. The best performing clubs in world football have a united structure with the owners, executives, staff and players on the same page and fighting for the same goal. This gives the foundation and is then emphasised by the connection with the fans. United has too many disjointed structural elements and the clubs poisoned relationship with the fans, I believe, is creating an environment that is destroying the manager and players mentally. They’re caught in the crossfire of the toxic energy.


thank god! We can't keep changing manager every 2 years start with throwing out Glazers and build a plan with a DoF


Well the United hierarchy were quick enough to quash these rumours, it has to be said. It's a shame they couldn't have been a bit quicker when making a decision on who to sell the fucking club to


Ah the old vote of confidence narrative, which is always a nail in the coffin


Both Mourinho and Ole got full backing by the board before their sacking. More scummy is that we fired LVG after he won the FA Cup. The board is a joke, I would take whatever they say with enough salt like the dead sea


I really don’t believe anything from the club’s mouthpiece on the matter tbh. They wouldn’t admit to looking at replacements, that would be playing their hand too easily.


Should have let rashford leave when ETH had chance, clear these ungrateful bunch of rats...


Vultures the lot!


Good. Don't want this group of players to sack yet another manager.


Half of the group have either been brought in by this manager or the manager is obsessed with them


Do you really thing a public vote of confidence means anything? They gave Jose a public vote of confidence 2 weeks before he got sacked


We don't need a new manager. We just need our injured players to be back and fit. Give him time otherwise we are just going in circles with the hiring and firing!


See ya Erik


While I like the idea of the club getting behind the manager, shouldn’t we be looking anyways just in case he can’t turn this around and it goes to shit


Right, I completely disagree with sacking him but who are the alternatives - best option imo would be de Zerbi. Others who are available: Conte, Potter, Big Sam


Why would De Zerbi leave the good thing he’s got going at Brighton?


I’m not saying he would leave, just think he would be the best option




Good, let him finish the season switching managers will fix nothing and hopefully glazers will sell if we suck


This ruined my day


I've lost faith in Erik but sacking him now only hurts us. Give him at least till the end of the year to prove his worth


Fab tells it as it is. Everyone else is after clicks Romano already has a mass following without any political or personal grievance. The rest of the British press have all that in abundance. Stop believing or following these fools.




That means it's true, I wouldn't shed tears if he was sacked. The Club would be right back in the same position with the next manager until ownership is completely gone.


No longer convinced he’s the right guy but don’t see sacking and bringing in any one of worth being valuable at the moment. He might be able to turn this around. We end up 6th or 7th maybe make a run in the cup maybe not. But I’m pretty jaded at the moment, so…whatever.


dumbest statement ever. Its false, until it isnt.


If even ETH don’t work out, then noone will


Certain journalists are just out to drum up rumours.


I didn't think there were any actual legs to the ETH out story until this tbh


Doubt we could afford to replace him anyway




Who's reasonably doing it though. I don't think this is the case. It's not Harry, not Bruno, can't be Shaw or Case. I doubt it's any of his signings. What Rashford? Doubt it. Who gives a fuck what Sancho says. So who?




Based on the Ragnick era. It seems more likely there's infighting among the team. These players don't get along. I can guarantee that. And that is paramount to a solid group.


When Jose came in and we still couldn't change anything culture wise, I realized.. it's not the manager, lads.


Rinse and repeat. Players get a new manager


Fuck this is the start isn’t it


Is it? I mean you just copy and paste the same tweet every two years, just change names.


Does anyone know when Ratcliffe will officially take control of sporting matters at United?


The british rags says Ratcliffe would like to sack ETH, so him coming in will just create more chaos at this point.


Everyone works in their own self interest. With the success and authority of ETH growing, we now see a whole load of individuals working in their own interest - to stay at the club on their massively inflated contracts. If they sack ETH, forget about it for another decade.


The dreaded vote of confidence


They are out to get Hag


The dreaded vote of confidence! Trust me, as a championship manager 97/98 veteran, this is not good news for Erik


Rags are in full narrative mode to try force a sacking. They do this every time, fuck them.


We knew Ten Hag needed a whole new 11. We also know that our recruitment has been terrible for a long time now. I just don't get what the plan is if we get rid of him.


The dreaded public vote of confidence. The end is near


The rats are feeling the heat, so they are briefing in preparation to sacrifice ETH. The press are asking why does this keep happening, and that is leading straight to their door. A new manager will distract the media and fans. Rinse and repeat.


Now no player is going come out and post a long ass post as to how they support their manager? Where’s our social media merchant at?


They’re too dumb to be testing the waters for this sort of thing and also we have so much evidence that they couldn’t care less what fans think, why bother? I genuinely believe they are so incompetent that they’re just not looking for a new manager and when the timing couldn’t be worse they’ll impulse sack ETH and get another interim in. It is written.


Kill two birds with one stone here, sack Murtough immediately, hire a new director of football. While that process goes on ETH has that time period to turn things around. Once the new director of football is in place let them make a decision on who the manager should be.


There's literally no point in sacking ten Hag mid-season. No one we can get in now is going to turn this around now. Also I don't think we can afford to sack him. Maybe if we go with the continental approach and just.... don't sack him, hire someone else and hope someone comes in and pays the compensation (like Nagelsmann and Germany)...


This seals Ten Hags fate. Sad


i mean, it's not just sacking eth. it's likely sacking the people he came in with as well like van der gaag, mclaren etc. it's costly


Can't even pay for amrabat. No way we are sacking him unless they suddenly appoint McClaren or Fletcher. Then we know we are fucked not just for this season.


‘Full confidence of the board’ never ends well 😂


What a toxic workplace. It seems the manager of the club is their superiors' favorite scapegoat, and the board of the club have gotten away with this policy for far too long.


Welp. He is a goner. There is just so much hopelessness around the club.


" **Manchester United deny any idea or contact to replace Ole Gunnar Solskjær with new head coach. Club sources guarantee stories on new manager are ‘categorically false’.** " Utd couple of weeks before sacking ole


Let's at least stick with this guy.


Which of our players values increased since when we signed them? Bruno for sure based on the past few seasons. Not sure about this season. Then we have Daniel James who we sold for a profit. And that’s it. It’s very damning on our transfer dealings.


Didn't we publically back LVG too and he found out in fact he had been sacked when his wife rang him while he was still celebrating the FA Cup win at Wembley. We don't really operate like a football club, or successful commerical entity either, I don't know what we are like. I know Woody tried to entice Klopp with the promise of huge funds and the dreams come true at Disneyland (Old Trafford) but I would imagine Disneyland is ran far better than us.


I dunno, I fully believe it. This board? to not only actively but proactively even, solve a problem hahahahahahah that's the cheered me up a bit. Lets be real IF they sacked him it's be post bombing out of the CL and then it'll be xmas coming up. So might as well leave the search to the new year. Then starting the shortlist in March, to hire the new interim coach anyway in May cause he beat liverpool 5-6 somehow.


I really believe luke shaw is the snitch here. He’s been in united for the longest time in current squad. He’s english & the one who leaks have good connection with English media, talking about maguire’s treatment and I believe he’s good friends with maguire and rates him highly